Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 08, 2003, Image 132
:40-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 8, 2003 O Carlisle. PA R&W EQUIPMENT CO. 800-848-7900 New Holland. PA riSS.. ABC GROFF, INC. FORRESTER FARM 717-354-4191 EQUIPMENT LTD. 717-263-0705 Dushore. PA FITZPATRICK & LAMBERT, INC. 717-928-8183 ibethtown MESSICK'S INC. 800-222-3373 LANCASTER TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT, INC. 717-569-7063 SCHREFFLER EQUIPMENT 570-648-1120 Tamaqua. PA CHARLES S. SNYDER, INC. 570-386-5945 Abbottstown MESSICK’S 888-285-0225 [jSfciKWHOOAHJ You’ll save with 0% financing for 12 months on any New Holland IN tractor. And. this special low-rate financing is available on New Holland TC, TL and TS tractors, too. These great finance rates are available through November 30, 2003, so hurry in to see us - your tractor specialist - and save! NEWHOLLAN) *tn the U S See your New Holland dealer for details Financing is available (or credit qualilitd custom#™ through N#w Holland Credit Company UC to acquire goody (or commercial use only The interest rate will be 0 00% lor 12 montns Offer good only until November 30 2003 at participating New Holland dealers m the United States The amount of the scheduled payments due during the term of (he contract will be $B3 33 monthly tor every $1 000 00 financed A down payment pursuant to standard New Holland Credit Company UC terms a required and some transaction tees apply Standard New Holland Credit Company UC terms and conditions apply New Holland Credit Company UC reserves the right to cancel any program without notice 02003 New Holland North America Inc All rights reserved New Holland and is a registered trademark of New Holland North America Inc New Holland Credit H a tredemerk of New Holland North America, Inc MARYLAND ANTIETAM TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT, INC 301-791-1200 Washington. N., A _ SMITH TRACTOR & AG NC ' EQUIPMENT, INC. 410-658-5568 908-689-7900 Frederick. MD CERESViLLE NEW HOLLAND INC. 301-662-4197 800-331-9122 NEW JERSEY Woodstown. NJ FARM RITE, INC. 800-752-6373 MD }* v *•* N V. * ' * n Bridgeton. NJ LESLIE G. FOGG, INC. 856-451-2727