Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 01, 2003, Image 1
••«»mm*w»*»S-D i6IT *»»«»*»«»»»• ,030 831 PI 296288 SERIOUS RECORDS pat tee library APT W^o9 UNIVERSITY PARK PA 16802 Vol. 49 No. 1 Pa. State Grange Session Culminates With All-Granger Banquet CHARLENE M. SHUPP ESPENSHADE Lancaster Farming Staff EXTON (Chester Co.) In spite of heavy rains and a power outage, more than 330 Grange members gathered here at the Inn at Chester Springs Monday night for the Pennsylvania State Grange’s All-Granger Banquet. The damp weather did not dampen the Grange members’ spirits as state master Betsy Huber announced the selection of the 2003 Granger of the Year. Margaret Tau of Hayfield Grange, Crawford County, was selected this year’s winner. Be fore calling Tau to the podium, Huber reviewed several high lights about Tau’s Grange activi ties. “This Granger is always one of the first to arrive at a Grange function, and one of the last to leave,” said Huber. Huber also said that besides being a Grange secretary and a community service chairperson, Tau is always recruiting other members of her Grange to help out with service projects. J 'djmcaster Farming a 8° - NdHs 4, Farming appeared iliffarm producer ; mailboxes in southeast Pennsyl vania. "' Every since, has provided news, market columns, sptojs' features *olf farm spe cial producer sections, aim 1 ad vertising to our faithful reapers. Lancaster Farming has ex panded its circulation to more than subscribers - the largest in llptpry - throughout the Mid-Afulnc and Northeast 'Wk Farmers am agri-industries rely on tfataj||ekly farm news paper. F|Mpt, we simply say to all our* loyal Office Closed Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 27, Lancaster Farming of fice is closed. The office wifi re open Friday, Nov. 28. For the Nov. 29 issue, there are some deadline changes: Public Sale and Mailbox ads, 5 p.m., Friday, Nov. 21. Classified, Section D ads 4 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 25. Classified, Section C, Farm Equipment ads, 4 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 25. Section A ad deadline 4 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 25. General News . noon, Wednesday, Nov. 26. Some of the projects Tau par ticipates in are a holiday card program to the local nursing home, food drives for the local food pantry, holiday candy and cookie boxes for shut-ins, and a Bible drive for the local women’s prison. Tau, a 60-year Grange mem ber, said, “I’m shocked. I’m hon ored. If you don’t belong to the Grange, I don’t know why you don’t.” Tau also noted her Grange ca reer began with an unusual start with a special dispensation from the state master allowing her to join her Grange at a young age since there was not a junior pro gram at the time. “It’s been a long journey and I have loved every minute of it,” said Tau in reflection of her 60 years in Grange. The Granger of the Year is se lected through a nomination pro cess and panel of judges. In addition to Tau’s selection as Granger of the Year, Agricul ture Secretary Dennis C. Wolff (Turn to Page A 27) Fair Association Prepares For State Convention LaPLATA, Md. ~ “Take a Gamble on a Shore Thing” is the theme for the 2004 Maryland As sociation of Agricultural Fairs and Shows Convention Nov. 14-15 at the Delaware State Fair in Harrington, Del. Despite Some Traffic, Getting The Harvest In TALMAGE (Lancaster Co.) It’s tough enough to harvest corn, and then you have to deal with traffic. This is a view looking south on Rt. 772 near Talmage late last week, as the harvest season begins to draw to a close. According to the Pennsylvania Agricultur al Statistics Service, for the week ending Oct. 26, it was a good week for fieldwork. Soil moisture was rated as 65 percent adequate and 35 percent surplus. Corn acres har vested for grain advanced to 38 percent complete, 26 percent behind last year and still 13 percent behind the five-year average. The corn crop condition was rated as 5 per cent very poor, 7 percent poor, 22 percent fair, 43 percent good, and 23 percent excel lent, a slight decrease as compared to the previous week because tfie recent wind dam age became more apparent. Ninety-five percent of the corn acreage has reached the dent stage and 83 percent has reached maturity. Corn silage harvest was 92 percent complete, 7 and 6 percent behind 2002 and the five-year average, respectively. Photo by Andy Andrews, editor “TaIX Four Sections Margaret Tau of Hayfieid Grange, Crawford County, center, was selected 2003 Granger of the Year. She is congratulated by Ken Mennit, 2002 Granger of the Year and State Master Betsy Huber. Photo by Charlene Shupp Espenshade The Delaware State Fair is hosting this year’s annual con vention, which will attract fair managers, board members, na tionally acclaimed speakers, trade show exhibitors, and enter Saturday, November 1,2003 tainers from across the region. The entire convention will be on the fairgrounds complex. “The officers, board of direc tors, and staff of the Delaware $37.00 Per Year (Turn to Page A 29) $l.OO Per Copy Inside The Farmer ✓ Dairy One Annual Reports page C3,D2. ✓ Christmas Tree Growers meeting A 37. ✓ Lebanon Holstein meeting page A 22. ✓ New Holland Sales Stables Dairy Show page A2l. ✓ Chester Holstein meeting page A4O. Ag Directory To Feature Experts Mail Or Fax Changes To Us EPHRATA (Lancaster Co.) The year 2004 marks the fourth annual Lancaster Farming Ag Directory. For 2004, Lancaster Farming plans a new portion of the annual phonebook-like reference source; “Call On The Experts.” Leaders and decision-makers in North east and Mid-Atlantic agriculture and related industries will be list ed, along with addresses, phone numbers, and Websites. For agencies, universities, and others who want their informa tion updated, please mail in changes to 2004 Ag Directory, Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. You may also fax in on company let terhead to (717) 733-6058. In 2003, the Ag Directory to- (Turn to Page A 29)