Take it to the bank.... Pennfield Grain Bank Energy Blends; Hr shrink * Ercc hauling & storage Not locked-in on purchases • Market advantages for * > ‘ Superior precedes Pennfield Energy Blend $137.66 1 ton* ‘Price is for the week of 10/27 and includes early order, mid-week, 4-ton volume, and 4% cash discounts. Pennfleld has an Energy Blend to balance your high grain com silage. Get the right energy from Pennfleld Energy Blends—fiber pellets, E2-Flo cotton, citrus pulp, energy pellets, SuperFlake® com & barley! For more information about Pennfleld Grain Bank & the Energy Blend that’s right for your herd, contact your Pennfleld Dairy Consultant today. Extra Corn? -V \ (70384) 1-800-995-0333 'V'*- • 10% more digestible Compare! ONLY $20.91 difference www.pennfield.com your grain Dry shelled com (1-ton @ $2.71 /bushel + $2O/ton grinding) $116.75/ton Lancaster ,QqtQber_2s, 2Q03-; ■AS