Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 04, 2003, Image 9

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    L&ncdster Farming, Saturday, October 4,2003-A9
GrCCDCHStIC LlyCStOCk Beef cross bulls and heifers 70-115 lbs FEEDER CATTLE; STEERS; one lot Large TVflHHlphlirg SHEEP 32... SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice
Gieencastle Pa. 90.00-155.00. I 490 lbs 88.00, one lot Medium 1 500 lbs 90.00, . , . 70-85 lbs 83.00-98.00, 105-120 lbs 90.00-95.00,
Report Supplied By PDA HOGS 24...8ARR0WS AND GILTS; few one lot Medium 2 570 lbs 72.00; HEIFERS: one LIVCStOCk AUCtIOU fcw and lbs
September 29 2003 45-50% lean 240-250 lbs 37.00. lot Large 1 480 lbs 80.00, Medium and Large 2 Middleburg, Pa.
CATTLE 483...(PDA)..(Supply 77 SOWS: few 1-3 335-455 lbs 20.00-33.00, few 450-570 lbs 70.00-79.00, Small 1-2 285-380 lbs Tuesday, September 30,2003 SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 20.00-45.00, Year
slaughter steers and heifers, 263 cows, 21 bulls 505-545 lbs 31.00-31.50. 59.00-63.50; BULLS: one lot Medium 1 425 lbs Report Supplied By PDA lings to 50.00.
and 122 feeder cattle)...Compared with last BOARS: 395-660 lbs 6.00-9.50. 89.00, Medium and Small 2 375-535 lbs CATTLE 308...(PDA)...(Supply included 108 GOATS 38...(AU goats sold by the head with
Monday’s sale.steers 1.00 to 2.00 lower, cows FEEDER PIGS 0...N0 MARKET TEST! 54.0062.00, Large 3 270-390 lbs Holsteins steers and heifers, 123 cows, 19 bulls and 58 estimate<i) Kids . Selection 1 20-40 lbs
3.00 to 5.00 lower, bulls 3.00 to 4.00 lower. SHEEP 46... Slaughter lambs were 2.00 to 73.00-75.00,635-755 lbs Holsteins 44.50-52.00. feeder cattle)..Compared with last week’s * ,
STEERS: few High Choice and Prime 2-3 4.00 lower. CALVES 135...VEALERS: Standard and steers unevenly steady, si. cows were 15-00-32.00, 40-60 lbs 52.0067.00 Selection
rsic'/awP nJoi ?' 95-75 ’ J' 3 SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 55-75 lbs Good 70-110 lbs 50.00-62.50, Utility 50-90 lbs 1.00 to 1.50 lower, bulls 1.00 to 2.00 lower. 20-40 lbs 20.00-27.00, 40-60 lbs 25.00-37.00. Se
-1-2 67 MeCt 990(M0500 ’ lbs 80.00-93.00,110-145 lbs 25.00-45.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls STEERS; few High Choice and Prime 2-3 lection 3 few 40-60 lbs 10.00-30.00 Nannies-
HOISTEiN' STEERS- few Choice 2 3 80.00-91.00. steady to 10.00 higher...No 1 Holstein bulls 1150-1265 lbs 92.00-94.75, Choice 1-3 50-70 lbs 30.0065.00, 70-100 lbs 40.00-70.00
1395-1580 lbs 68.00-75.00, Select 1-2 SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 24.00-45.00, few 95-125 lbs 135.00-165.00,80-90 lbs 82.50-95.00, 1100-1405 lbs 84.00-91.00, average 88.20, Select Blllles . 50.70 lbs 35.00-5700, 70-100 lbs
58.0064.50, Standard 1-2 47.00-53.75. Rams 56.00-87.50. No 2 80-120 lbs 70.00-105.00; few No 1 Holstein 1-2 70.00-79.75, few up to 85.25, Standard 1-2 77 OO
HEIFERS: few Choice 1-3 1120-1315 lbs GOATS 170...(AH sold by the head with heifers 95-100 lbs 320.00-440.00. 50.00-67.75.
86.50- Select 1-2 66.50-78.00, Standard 1 “" d * r 3® Few beef cross bulls and heifers 95-120 lbs HOLSTEIN STEERS; few High Choice and „
1-2 51.50-65.25. 125.00-150.00. Prime 2-3 1240-1375 lbs 77.00-83.00, Choice 2-3 Belknap Livestock
COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 37.5045.00, ' Q 00-1200 20-40 lbs 14 00-2500 HOGS 9... BARROWS AND GILTS: 45-50% 1120-1500 lbs 68.00-74.75, average 71.10, Select Belknap, Pa.
™« slb s 34.00-41.00, one 40-45% lean ReporiSupp.i«. B^USDA
lean 32.00-39.50, average 34.20. Shells 31.50 34.00-63.00, 70-100 lbs 55.00-70.00. Billies: 225 lbs 30.00. HEIFERS, few Choice 1-3 1045-1350 lbs CATTLE 162 (PDA)
and down. 50-70 >•» 53.0065.00, 70-100 lbs 74.00-95.00, SOWS: 1-3 340-480 lbs 22.00-25.00, Medium 82.00-86.25, Standard 1-2 54.75-63.50. STEERS; High Choice and Prime 2-3
BULLS; few Yield Grade 1 1555-1810 lbs 100-150 lbs 122.50-135.00. Wethers: 50-80 lbs 420-580 lbs 12.50-19.00. COWS; Breakers 75-80% lean 42.7547.00 nso-1395 lbs 95.00-97 25, Choice 1-3
49.50- Yield Grade 2 945-2275 lbs 59.00-77.00, over 100 lbs 109.00. FEEDER PIGS 16... 1-3 20-25 lbs 80.00-90.00 with one 52.00, low dressing down to 38.75, av- 1180-1350 lbs 91.00-91.75, one Select 1-2 77.50,
41.00- par cw t erage 44.15, Boners 80-85% lean 35.25-45.25, Standard 1-2 63 00-73.00.
FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: Medium and T . sheep tn si iiir.HTcn 1 a vine- rhnir, average 38.70, Lean 85-90% lean 32.00-39.00, HOLSTEIN STEERS; High Choice and
Large 1 410-520 lbs 80.00-88.00, 550-750 lbs LCCSpOrt one 35 lb, 'lO5 M M 100 Ita 87 S(WM M average 34.40. Shells 31.50 and down. Prime 2-3 1128 & 1308 lbs 76.25 & 79.50,
Livestock Auction Z-m BULLS: Yield Grade 1 980-1790 lbs Chou* 2.3 1140-1260 lbs 72.75-74.75, Select 1-2
ZSSX Medium SLAUGHTER SHEEP: one 24.00. 49.25.55 m o« 63.75, Yield Grade 2 955-2465 6 ™ E “ S; choice ~3 1085 . 1295 )bs
lbs 60.0061.00, 870-960 lbs 52.0060.00; HEIF- Renort ° 1; - J Bv PDA GOATS 4...(AU goats sold by the head with IDS 42U U-4«.A5. 92.25-95.00, few Select 1-2 86.00-87. m couple
ERS: Medium and Large 1 260-300 lbs CATTLE 179 (PDA) (Sunnlv included 58 weights estimated). Wethers: Selection 1 one 40 FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS; Medium and Standard 1-2 66.00 & 67.50.
84.00- 405-565 lbs 81.00-87.00,660-785 lbs steers and heifers! cows? 2 buUs and 45 feeder lbs 63.00. Selection 2 one 50 lbs 50.00. Nannies; L * r B e 1 270470 lbs 84.00-95.00, 500695 lbs COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 46.0047.00,
67.00- few 895 lbs 70.50, Medium and cattle)...Compared with the last week’s sale; si. one 50 lbs 53.00. Billies: one 100 lbs 90.00. 74.00-84.00, Medium and Large 2 460650 lbs one 54.50, Boners 80-85% lean 39.0044.25,
Large 2 365425 lbs 74.00-84.00, 680-870 lbs Itrrf . n|||) hr^“n flrm 2 00 Motur com 64.50-75.00, Medium and Large 3 315-400 lbs Lean 85-90% lean 33.2541.00. Shells 33.00 and
55.0065.00, Medium and Large 3 240440 lbs ac H V e and sharnlv hirfier ’ 52.0061.00,545-740 lbs 48.00-57.00,795-850 lbs down.
“L BU STEERS: Choice 1-3 1170-1410 lbs DeWUlt LIVCStOCk 54.00-70.00; HEIFERS: one Medium and Large Yield Grade 2 1185-2540 lbs
72.00- 610-710 ibs 68.m79m Medium 93,5(F94 7 5 SelecU.2 few to 79.50, Dewart, Pa. 3225 n™ CATrLE: HEIFERS: few Large 1
and Large 2 295-385 Ibs 82.00-90.00, Medium St " utard 1-2 70.50-76.50. Report Supplied By Auction d "* m 23 ™ 7000 ’“ 3 600665 Ibs 70.00-77. m Medium and Large 2
and Large 3 220-340 Ibs 64.00-72.00,385-540 Ibs HOLSTEIN STEERS: Choice 2-3 1295-1560 Monday, September 29,2003 260 Ibs 87.00, few Medium 2 700-810 Ibs 345-490 lbs 61 .00. 7 0.00,510-930 Ibs 53.00-68 00;
44 00-58 00 lbs 76.10-81.75, Select 1-2 69.25-75.00, Standard STEERS: 60.00-85.50. 50.00-59.00, few Medium and Large 3 350-560 BULLS- few Large 2 660-850 Ibs 55 00-64 00
CALVES 441...VEALERS: Standard and 1-2 56.0062.00. HEIFERS: TOO FEW TO QUOTE. Ibs 42.00-55.00,775-910 Ibs 50.00-54.00. CALVES 70...VEALERS: Standard and
Good 70-110 Ibs 45.00-70.00, Utility 65-100 lbs HEIFERS: Choice 1-3 1040-1260 Ibs GOOD COWS: 40.00-50.75. CALVES ISS...VEALERS: Standard and Good 70-120 lbs 32.00-52.50, Utility 65-80 Ibs
10.00- FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls 86.25-88.50, few Select 83.25-83.75, one Stan- CANNERS AND CUTTERS: 25.00-40.00. Good 70-110 Ibs 55.00-80 00, Utility 55-90 Ibs 24.00-30.00 FARM CALVES- No 1 Holstein
7.00 to 10.00 higher, Holstein heifers 30.00 to dard 1-267.00. BULLS: 45.0046.25. 22.0045.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls bulls 90-125 lbs 120,00-150.00, No 2 85-100 Ibs
50.00 higher..No 1 Holstein bulls 90-120 Ibs COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 49.00-56.50, VEAL- 90-190 LBS 100 00625 00- 70-90 20.00 to 40.00 higher, Holstein heifers were 100.00-115.00; No 1 Holstein heifers 88-116 Ibs
120.00- mostly 135.00-155.00, average few to 57.75, Boners 80-85% lean 37.7546.00 LBS 5000-10000 steady No 1 Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 450.00-525.00, one No 2 84 Ibs 175.00.
146.30,80-90 Ibs 110.00-142.50, No 2 80-120 Ibs mostly 41.00-44.00, Lean 85-90% lean HOGS-42 004 550 130.00487.00, average 158.95, No 2 80-125 Ibs era® bulls and heifers 86 & 104 lbs
70.00- No 1 Holstein heifers 85-110 Ibs 35.0040.25. Shells 34.00 and down. «nw<s-13 in 80 00-135 00-No 1 Holstein heifers 90-105 Ibs 152 00 - 160 00 -
350.00630.00, No 2 70-95 Ibs 100.00-330.00. RIIII*!- w void Grad* 7 1015 1900 Ihs SOWS. 33.50. 80.00 135.00, No 1 Holstein betters 90-105 Ibs HOGS 11.. Barrows and Gilts; 45-50% lean
’ iuu.uu-aau.uu. BULLS few Yield Grade 2 1035-1900 Ibs fe EDER PIGS: 2 PENS AT 29.50. 385.00620.00, No 2 65-130 Ibs 100.00-260.00. 2 68-287 Ibs 47.00-49 00
Few beef cross bulls and heifers 100-110 lbs SOWS; 1-3 360-435 Ibs 28 50-35.00, 515 &
127.00- 616 Ibs 24.00 & 28.00.
HOGS 77...8arr0ws and gilts 1 00 to 1 50 BOARS one 374 Ibs 15.50
lower BARROWS AND GILTS- 45-50% lean FEEDER PIGS 53.. 2-3 30-40 Ibs 11.00-19 0(
235-240 Ibs 4175-42 75, 40-45% lean 220-240 amrc h
It* B 35 Choice a|)d ]O4 & , 20 )bs 75 oo &86 go
SOWS- 1-3 305-480 Ibs 20.00-30.00, 500-730 „ne Choice 62 Ibs 91 00, 80-85 Ibs 74.00-80 00
Ibs 30.00-33 25, one lot 35 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP. 32 00-34 00
BOARS 430-640 Ibs 3.00-6 50. GOATS 10. (All goats sold by the head with
FEEDER PIGS 68 ..1-3 Ibs 15-40 Ibs we, B hts “t"™ted) Kids Selection 1 couple
, cnn CA nn . . 40-60 Ibs 73 00 Nannies* 70-100 Ibs 32 00-45 00
7.00- 50-80 Ibs 30.00-52.00 per head.
Billies couple 100 lbs and over 70 00-87 50
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