A6-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 19, 2003 Eastern Region Miscellaneous Poultry Atlanta, GA. July 11,2003 Report Supplied By USDA EASTERN REGION MISCELLANE OUS POULTRY FOR CURRENT DE LIVERY for week of June 30. DUCKLINGS: Prices negotiated by first receivers, US Grade A, 4-5 pounds, delivered in trucklot and pool trucklot quantities: LONG ISLAND—Frozen 140; Fresh 146. MIDWEST—Frozen 124-128; Fresh—l2s-130. ROASTERS: Prices negotiated by first receivers, US Grade A and Plant Grade, 5 pounds and up, delivered: ICE PACKED (12 per box) 57-63 mostly 61-63. VACU UM PACKED (6-9 per box) 55-86 mostly 68-70. SQUABS: New York Wholesale Prices, Frozen, Plant Grade, dollars per dozen, 1 to 10 boxes: 12 oz. 60.48-69.66; 14 oz. 66.96-76.14; 16 oz. 73.44-83.43. The eastern region includes: CT, DE, EL, GA, MA, MD, ME, NC, NH, NJ, NY, PA. Young Turkey Parts And Bulk Meat Des Moines, lowa July 15,2003 Report Supplied By USDA NATIONAL YOUNG TURKEY PARTS AND BULK MEAT, Frozen, un less specified, cents per lb, delivered first receivers, part and full trucklots, as of July 15. The trade sentiment on tom bulk parts was mostly steady on drums and 2-joint wings, balance steady to barely steady. Demand was moderate on drums, light to fair on 2-joint wings, balance of tom parts slow. Offerings of tom drums and tom 2-joint wings were light to ade quate, balance adequate to fully adequate. The undertone on mechanically separated turkey was mostly steady. Domestic trad ing was slow on all items. Fresh breast trim traded at 63 cents delivered domes tic. Export trading centered on a moder ate volume of tom 2-joint wings, balance light. Tom necks traded at 16-19 mostly 16 cents delivered export. DOMESTIC TRADING; BREASTS, 4-8 lbs: Grade A -avg. 88.00. Plant Grade - avg. 79.00. DRUMSTICKS: TOM - avg. 25.37; HEN - avg. 24.00. WINGS, FULL CUT: TOM - avg. 19.00; HEN - avg. 20.00. WINGS, V-TYPE: TOM - avg. 25.00; HEN - 54.00. NECKS: TOM - avg. 17.00; HEN - avg. 17.00. BREASTS, B/S: TOM - avg. 108.00; Fresh - avg. 118.00. THIGH MEAT: avg. 52.00. BREAST TRIM MEAT: avg. 62.00. SCAPULA MEAT; avg. 53.00. TENDERLOINS: none. DESTRAPPED TENDERS: avg. 89.08; Fresh - avg. 111.29. WING MEAT WITH SKIN: avg. 38.00. MECHANI CALLY SEPARATED: avg. 16.00; Fresh - avg. 19.50. EXPORT TRADING; DRUM STICKS: TOMS: avg. 22.00. WINGS, FULL-CUT: TOMS - none. WINGS, V TYPE, TOMS: avg. 23.05. TAILS: avg. 21.00. MECHANICALLY SEPARATED: avg. 17.85. THIGH MEAT: avg. 54.00. New York Eggs ATLANTA, GA. July 15,2003 Report Supplied By LISDA Prices remained unchanged. The mar ket tone was steady. Demand ranged light to instances good. The New York shell egg inventory was 10 percent less when compared to last Monday. Supplies were sufficient for present requirements. Prices to Retailers, Sales to Volume Buyers, USDA Grade A and Grade A, White Eggs in Cartons, delivered store door, cents per dozen: Extra Large 80-84; Large 78-82; Medium 63-67. New York Broilers/Fryers ATLANTA, GA. July 15,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Trucklot buying activity on ready-to cook whole broiler/fryers was generally fair at best as dealers maintained bal anced floor stocks and worked hand-to mouth. Offerings of the 3.5 pound birds were adequate and the smaller sizes were available. Retail and distributive move ment was fair at best. The market tone was about steady. Belleville Hay Belleville, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Wednesday, July 16,2003 Hay—Straw—Grain ALFALFA HAY: 60.00. MIXED HAY: 60.00-102.50. STRAW: 87.50-135.00. Pa. Grain Report July 14,2003 Report Supplied By PDA Compared with last Monday’s market for Eastern and Central Pennsylvania: Com steady to .05 spots .08 lower. Wheat .10 to .25 higher with new crop entering the market. Barley steady to .10 higher as harvest nears an end. Oats mostly steady. Soybeans .04 to .10 lower. Ear Com steady to 4.00 lower. All prices paid deliv ered to dealers dock. All prices per bushel, except Ear Com per ton. SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA Com No. 2-y: 2.90-2.90 few to 3.00, avg. 2.87; contract for harvest 2.20-2.30. Wheat No. 2: 3.20-3.62, avg. 3.35. Barley No. 3: 1.70-2.00, avg. 1.76. Oats No. 2: 2.00- avg. 2.10; contract for harvest 2.00. Soybeans: 5.81-6.00, avg. 5.90; con tract for harvest 4.88-5.08. Gr. Sorghum: 2.57; contract for harvest 2.10. Ear Com: 80.00- avg. 89.00. SOUTH CENTRAL PENNSYLVA NIA Com No. 2-y: 2.75-2.90, avg. 2.84. Wheat No. 2: 2.85-3.00 few to 3.31, avg. 2.93. Barley No. 3: 1.50-1.90 few to 2.20, avg. 1.82. Oats No. 2:1.80-2.00, avg. 1.82. Soybeans No. 1: 5.70-5.85, avg. 5.72. Ear Com: 80.00-100.00, avg. 92.17. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA Com No. 2: 2.38-2.90, avg. 2.70. Wheat No. 2; 2.87-3.00, avg. 2.93. Barley No. 3: 1.90. Oats No. 2:1.70-2.00, avg. 1.90. Soy beans No. 1: 5.73-6.00, avg. 5.87. Ear Com: 80.00. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA Com No. 2-y: 2.78-2.90 few to 3.00, avg. 2.92. Wheat No. 2: 2.75-2.90, avg. 2.85. Barley No 3:1.70-1.95, avg. 1.83. Oats No. 2: 180-2.10, avg. 1.94. Soybeans: 5.75-6.05, avg. 5.96. Gr. Sorghum: none. Ear Com: 86.00-100.00, avg. 91.00. LEHGH VALLEY AREA Com No. 2-y: 2.85-3.00, avg. 2.91. Wheat: No. 2: 3.20-3.62, avg. 3.33. Barley No. 3: 1.75-2.05, avg. 1.93. Oats No. 2: 2.10-2.30, avg. 2.19. Soybeans No. 1; 5.80-6.00, avg. 5.89. Gr. Sorghum: 3.20. Ear Corn: 80.00-95.00, avg. 86.00. EASTERN AND CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA SUMMARY Corn No. 2-y: 2.73-3.00, avg. 2.89, month ago 2.99, year ago 2.72. Wheat No. 2; 2.85-3.62, avg. 3.12, month ago 3.22, year ago 3.09. Barley No. 3; 1.70-2.00, avg. 1.84; month ago 2.03, year ago 1.47. Oats No. 2: 1.70-2.00, avg. 1.84; month ago 23)3; year ago 1.47. Soybeans No. 1: 5.75-6.00, avg. 5.87, month ago 5.89, year ago 5.30. Ear Com: 80.00-100.00, avg. 89.54; month ago 97.53; year ago 72.50. NORTH CENTRAL OHIO Prices FOB Truck: Com 2.25-2.28. Wheat 3.03-3.11. Soybeans 5.87-6.o3.,Soy bean Meal: Bulk 44% 194.20-197.50; 48% 202.20-206.50. Daily National Gram Market Summary St Joseph, MO July 16,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Grain and soybean bids were mostly lower, except wheat which saw modest gains due to harvest delays in the eastern belt. Good weather in the corn-belt con tinues to be the main factor for the lower market today. Wheat mostly 3-8 cents higher, except Portland which was steady. Com 1 cent lower. Sorghum was steady to 1 cent lower. Soybeans mostly 3-7 cents lower. EXPORT SALES: PURCHASER COMMODITY TONNAGE DELIVERY DATE , Nothing new to report. THESE MAY NOT BE THE ONLY EXPORT SALES THAT HAVE TRAN SPIRED, BUT THEY ARE THE ONLY SALES THAT COULD BE CONFIRM ED BY USDA GRAIN MARKET NEWS. TRUCK BIDS: 07/16/03 07/15/03 07/17/02 Wheat: Kansas City (HRW ORD) 3.10-3.11 up 4 3.69-3.73 Minneapo lis (DNS) 3.78 up 3 'A 4.00 '/i Portland (SWW) 3.52-3.60 unch 3.74-3.77 St. Louis (SRW) 3.26-3.30 up 6-8 3.23 Com, US No 2 Yellow; Kansas City 2.10-2.12 dn 1 2.22-2.24 Minneapolis 2.00 dn 'h 2.13 Vi So. lowa 2.12-2.13 dn 1 2.23-2.24 Omaha 2.01 dn 1 2.10-211 Soybeans, US No 1 Yellow: Kansas City 6.07-6.09 dn 7-5 5.83 Minneapolis 5.72 dn 1 'A 5.71 ■’/< So. lowa 5.90 dn 3-4 5.89-5.91 Cent. II Processor 5.97-6.12 Vi dn 3 'A-3 3 A 5.90 ‘/i-6.02 3 A Minneapolis truck - to arrive 20 days FUTURES: Kansas City (Sep) Wheat 3.15 'A up 4 S A 3.61 ‘A Minneapolis (Sep) Wheat 3.40 up 3 ‘A 3.75 Vi Chicago (Sep) Wheat 3.20 'A up 5 'h 3.35 Chicago (Sept Com 2.08 dn Vi 2.31.‘/2 (Dec) Com 2.11 3 A dn Vi Chicago (Nov) Soybeans 5.22 Vi up 1 'A 5.77 EXPORT BIDS: Barge bids out of the Port of New Orleans, or Rail out of the North Texas Gulf. Bids per bushel, except sorghum per cwt. US 1 HRW Wheat, Ord Protein; Rail 3.50 >/«-3.53 'A up 4 3 A 4.11 ‘/4-4.15 V, US 2 Soft Red Winter Wheat: Barge 3.47 3 A up 4 Vi 3.43-3.45 US 2 Yellow Com Barge 2.42 Vi dn 1-1 Vi 2.49 '/2-2.50 US 2 Yellow HOT JULY SUMMER SAVINGS)! Bale Bose Hay Feeders Stein-way Bale Boss Hay Feeder Futures ❖ Formed steel trough (12 ga. Cor-ten steel) ❖ /" plastic feeding floor ❖ Gate on end(s) for easier loading or cleaning ❖ Hi-corrosion resistant steel ❖ Length from 8' to 24' O 1-888-605-2422 814-276-3304 {~S TEIN-WAY EQUIPMENT\ ~{| 175 North Imler Valley Rd. II Q Imler. PA 16655 || Sorghum Rail 3.92-3.% dn 1 4.49-4.63 Barge 4.13-4.29 unch 4.62-4.67 US 2 Yel low Soybeans Barge 6.24 dn 3 'AS ‘A 6.19 '/<-6.21 3 A Corn Belt Feedstuff St. Joseph, Mo. July 15,2003 Report Supplied By USDA CORN BELT FEEDSTUFF: Feedstuff prices were mix for the week. Demand light with most supplies readily available. Heavy rains reported in some parts of the corn-belt but warm and dry weather fore casted for the Midwest later in the week. In Lawrenceburg no price reported as processing plant closed till October. SOYBEAN MEAL: 48 percent rail was 2.00-3.00 higher from 190.00-194.00. 48 percent truck was 1.00 higher to 1.00 lower from 187.00-198.00 per ton. CORN BY-PRODUCTS: Gluten Feed 21 percent, Interior Points was steady from 56.00-62.00; Chicago was steady to 1.00 lower from 58.00-65.00. 60 percent Gluten Meal, Interior Points was steady from 220.00-225.00; Chicago was 5.00 higher to 5.00 lower from 225.00-230.00 per ton. Rail Hominy Feed, Central Illi nois Points was 2.00 lower from 66.00- truck 1.00-2.00 lower from 68.00- Crude Com Oil was steady to 50 points lower from 29.00-30.50 cents per pound. MILLFEEDS: Northwest were steady from 50.00-60.00; Buffalo 1.00 higher from 51.00-55.00 per ton. ALFALFA PELLETS: Toledo, Ohio 17 percent dehydrated was steady to 5.00 lower from 140.00-160.00; meal was steady to 5.00 lower from 143.50-163.50. 15 percent pellets were steady to 5.00 lower from 125.00-154.00 per ton; meal was steady to 5.00 lower from 128.50-157.50. DISTILLER’S DRIED GRAINS: Cen tral Illinois were steady from 75.00-89.00; Chicago was steady from 80.00-90.00; Lawrenceburg, 11., closed til October; Kansas was steady at 90.00; Nebraska was 5.00 higher to 1.00 lower from 80.00- 84.00; Minnesota was 10.00 lower at 75.00 per ton. BREWER’S DRIED GRAINS: New ark, NJ was steady at 94.00; Williams burg, VA was steady at 84.00 per ton. Eastern Combelt Direct Feeder Pig Weekly Springfield, 111. July 11,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Eastern Com Belt Direct Feeder Pig Weekly Summary (includes pig prices on negotiated, contract and formula basis) FEEDER PIGS: Total receipts this week 13,018; last week 19,781. SEW 10 lb pigs sold steady to firm. No test on feeder pigs this week. Trading activity was light to moderate for moderate offerings. FOB EASTERN CORNBELT - Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan. Receipts: 7,148; last week 8,746. EARLY WEANED PIGS: 10 LB BASIS, estimated 50-54% lean value: Lot size 250: head or less; 350 head, 28.93-32.52, wtd. avg. price 30.21; lot size 250-750: 4,548 head, 28.39-34.64, wtd. avg. price 32.06; lot size 750 or more: 2,000 head, 27.87. Total Composite: 6,898 head, 27.87-34.64, wtd. avg. price 30.75. PIGS, 40 LB BASIS, estimated 50-54% lean value: Lot size 250-750: 250 head 35.00. NOTE: FOB prices quoted on per head basis “picked up” at sellers farm; prices do not include freight. DELIVERED EASTERN CORN BELT BASIS: Receipts: 5,870; last week 11,035. Volume by state or province of origin: Ontario 47%; Texas 34%; Manito ba 19% EARLY WEANED PIGS: 10 LB BASIS, estimated 50-54% lean value: Lot size 750 or more: 2,000 head, 17.00. PIGS, 40 LB BASIS, estimated 50- 54% lean value: Lot size 750 or more; 1,100 head, 35.00. PIGS, 55 LB BASIS, estimated 50- 54% lean value: Lot size 250-750: 1,000 head, 39.50-44.00, wtd. avg. price 41.64; lot size 750 or more: 1,770 head, 43.50. Total Composite: 2,770 head, 39.50-44.00, wtd. avg. 42.83. Delivered Eastern Combelt prices in clude freight. Most lots of 40-60 weight pigs have a sliding value from the negotiated weight basis which is calculated on the actual av erage weight of the lot plus or minus .35-.40 cents per pound. Some lots of early weaned pigs are discounted 1.00-10.00 per head on pigs weighing under 10 pounds. Early weaned pigs are under 19 days old. Estimated lean value is projected to base slaughter weights with normal con finement feeding conditions. Vaccination and health program values are not included but health status should be disclosed. 4.9$ Long Distance Service 4.90 per minute, first minute, every minute, in your state, and in all 48 states. 6 second billing Call JDS Telecom 1-888-315-1179 HAY. STRAW & GRAIN SALE Every Thursday at 12 NOON Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. (Rt. 30, Paradise, PA) For more information (717) 442-4181 (717) 768-8204 Roof Systems/ Painting • Coating All Types Interior/Exterior Painting & Coating Specializing in: • Spray Painting 'Hand Painting • Water Blasting 'Water Proofing • Deck Restoration & Coating • Stone & Brick Restoration •Roof Restoration & Coating Liquid Applied Roof Systems * Seamless -Cure-in-place - Cold Process, No Flame - Renewable - Leak Proof * No Need to Tear Off Old Roof Systems * Coating to Cool Roof - (Save up to 20% on Cooling Cost) * Metal - Flat-Asphalt - EPDM - Modified We have the right Product & Solution to Solve your Roofing Problems Ten year manufacturers Warranties Available Capital Painting /W 717«768*0979
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