Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 12, 2003, Image 8
■Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 12, 2003 AB-I 'N Hl» Where Were You? Where were you on July 20, 1969 7 Two men, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrm Jr., were walking cm the surface of the Moon President Richard M iment of national pride, proclaimed moment since Creation The Apollo had answered President John F earlier State of the Union chal -1961, to safely send a person to the and back before the end of the le. In the next Apollo landing ivember 1969), Charles “Pete” ,'onrad Jr referred to Neil Armstrong’s statement, “That’s one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind,” by say ing, “Man, that may have been a small step for Neil, but that’s a long one for me ” We came in peace for all mankind. -•polio 11 plaque left on Moon ■3- Keep clothing sizes and other statistics in your wallet or address book for quick access. Sweet Coleslaw 4cups shredded cabbage dients and t medium carrot, shredded pour over 1 tablespoon prepared the cab bage 4 teaspoons sweet carrot; pickle stir 1/4 cup mayonnaise Refrigerate 1 to 2 tablespoons sugar until ready Mix together cabbage 10 serve - Good with barbe and carrot Combine cued meats the remaining ingre- Makes 5 servings. Morrison’s Cove Livestock Martinsburg, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction July 7,2003 CATTLE: 77 HEAD. STEERS: CHOICE 72.50-76.00. GOOD 64.00-68.00. HEIFERS: CHOICE 71.00-74.00, GOOD 61.00-66.00. COWS: UTILITY AND COMMER CIAL 41.00-49.00, CANNER AND LOW CUTTER 25.00-40.00. BULLOCKS: GOOD & CHOICE 52.00- BULLS: YG+NI,4B.OO-55.00. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS 61.00- BULLS 55.00-70.00; HEIF ERS 55.00-75.00. CALVES: 135 HEAD. CHOICE AND GOOD 85.00-105.00, GOOD 75.00-85.00, STANDARD 22.00-50.00; HOLSTEIN BEAT THE HEAT Due To Low Milk Prices Special Financing Available 52” Coolair Poultry Fan 26,000 CFM 52” Coolair Dairy Fan 29,000 CFM 54” Coolair Greenhouse Fan 30,000 CFM 52” and 36” 6-Paddle Fans Lots of Other Fans Available - Portable or Stationary 52” Fan: 26,396 CFM @ 401 RPM Very Quiet Because of its Bearing Design, Electric & Hydraulic Motors In Stock Lineshaft Kits Available „ 343 Christiana Pike rgetown Christiana, PA 17509 I" “if* * * * * YDRAUUCS piliii^eo: Bastille Day, July 14 BULLS 90-130 LBS. 80.00-120.00, HOL STEIN HEIFERS 90-130 LBS. 75.00-275.00. HOGS: 97. US+NI-2, 44.00-45.50; US +N 1-3,40.00-42.00. SOWS: US +NI-3 15.00-32.00. BOARS: 7.50-26.50. FEEDER PIGS: 40 HEAD. US +NI-3 20-50 LBS. 10.00-23.00. SHEEP: 41 HEAD. CHOICE LAMBS 100.00- GOOD LAMBS 90.00- SL. EWES 25.00-40.00 GOATS: 45.00-80.00 EACH. Lebanon Valley Livestock Fredericksburg, Pa. Report Supplied By PDA July 1,2003 SALE NOT REPORTED JULY 8, 2003! Excellent For Tunnel Ventilation OLD FARMER’S WEATHER PROVERBS 4m> Beware of an oak, it draws the stroke (lightning); avoid an ash, it counts the flash. Corn fodder dry and crisp indicates fair weather; hut damp and limp, rain. Outwit Garden Pests! For our Guide to Besting Bugs and Combating Critters in the Garden chart send $3 to The Old Farmer's Almanac Dept BB P 0 Box 520, Dublin NH 03444, call 800 R 95 9265 ext 220, or visit com/go/wufo3o7b. Answering Service 1-610-593-2753 Carlisle Livestock Carlisle, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, July 8,2003 SLAUGHTER CATTLE: STEERS HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 79.50-81.50, CHOICE 1080-1550 LBS. 76.75-79.25, SELECT AND LOW CHOICE 975-1485 LBS. 67.75-76.25, HOLSTEINS 1100-1575 LBS. CHOICE 65.00-68.25, SELECT AND LOW CHOICE 56.75-64.50. HEIFERS; CHOICE 1100-1405 LBS. 76.50-77.75, SELECT AND LOW CHOICE 975-1385 LBS. 72.00-76.25, COUPLE RETURNED TO FEED 62.00-71.00. COWS: BREAKERS, NONE OF FERED, LEAN 36.00-44.75, BIG MID DLE, LOW DRESSING. LIGHTS 33.00- SHELLY 32.00 AND DOWN. BULLS: HEREFORD 2180 LBS. 47.25, JERSEY 1085 LBS. 52.25. FEEDER CATTLE: FEEDER STEERS, HOLSTEINS, DAIRY TYPES 350-550 LBS. 40.00-56.00; FEEDER HEIFERS 750-975 LBS. 59.00-66.00. CALVES: RETURNING TO THE FARM, HOLSTEIN BULLS +NI 95-125 LBS. MOSTLY 125.00-134.00; HOL STEIN BULLS +NI 80-90 LBS. 100.00- HOLSTEIN HEIFERS +NI9O-125 LBS. 360.00-400.00. SWINE: HOGS US+NI-3 225-285 LBS. 40.00-42.50, 290-380 LBS. 34.50-35.50; SOWS US+NI-3 380-400 LBS. 28.00-30.00; FEEDER PIGS BY THE LB. 15-22 LBS. 95.00-160.00, 30-60 LBS. 75.00-105.00. GOATS: BY THE HEAD, LARGE NANNIES 47.00-85.00, FANCY KIDS 55.00- FLESHY KIDS 35.00-54.00, SMALL, THIN 12.00-34.00. Free Enterprise... PA LIVESTOCK AUCTION ASSOCIATION MEMBERS 'Belleville Livestock Market, Inc. 570-935-2146 Belleville Dewart Livestock Market, Inc. 570-538-9835 Dewart Eighty-Four Auction Sales, Inc. 412-222-9965 Eighty-Four Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc. 570-837-2222 Middleburg LAMBS: GOOD AND CHOICE 80-100 LBS. 104.00-110.00, 100-130 LBS. 89.00-106.00. SALE EVERY TUES. 5 P.M. FOR RABBITS, POULTRY, EGGS, 6 P.M. FOR LIVESTOCK, StARTING WITH CALVES; SPECIAL FED CATTLE SALE TUES., JULY 22; STATE GRAD ED FEEDER PIG SALE FRL, JULY 18, RECEIVING 7:30 A.M.-10:30 A.M., SALE 1 P.M.; RED CARPET HORSE AND TACK SALE SAT., JULY 18. Small Animal Sale July 8,2003 RABBITS AND BUNNIES .50-5.75, CHICKENS 1.35-4.30. BANTIES .50-1.25. PIGEONS 1.25-3.75. PHEASANTS 15.00. GUINEA PIGS 1.50-7.00. TURKEYS 6.00-10.00. ANIMALS SOLD BY THE HEAD, SALE STARTS 5 P.M. Dewart Livestock Dewart, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Monday, July 7,2003 STEERS: 50.00-69.50. HEIFERS: 50.00-74.25. GOOD COWS: 40.00-50.50. CANNERS AND CUTTERS 30.00-40.00. BULLS: 50.00-61.75. VEAL: 90-190 LBS. 100.00-440.00; 70-90 LBS. 60.00-100.00. HOGS: 43.00-45.00. SOWS: NONE. FEEDER PIGS: 1 AT 42.00. Two words that business people around the world take very seriously. Members of the Pennsylvania Livestock Auction Association take free enterprise Very seriously too. T|iey realizp that producers have a choice when it comes time to buy and sell livestock and they are dedicated to making sure that producers can take advantage of the free enterprise system in the best way possible... at the local auction market. Pennsylvania livestock markets strive to provide you with the kind of service you deserve as a business person and a friend. You can be assured that the honesty, integrity and solid marketing fundamentals found at your local market will ensure nothing less than the true market value for your livestock. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. 717-354-4341 New Holland Pennsylvania Livestock New Wilmington Livestock Auction, Inc. Auction, Inc. 412-627-9585 412-946-2921 Waynesburg New Wilmington Greencastle Livestock Market, Inc. 717-597-2171 Greencastle Kling’s Auctions 717-789-3883 Landisburg, PA Leesport Farmers Market, Inc. 610-926-1307 Leesport New Holland Dairy Sale New Holland Sales Stables Report Supplied by Auction Wednesday, July 9,2003 129 DAIRY COWS. 171 HEIFERS, 11 BULLS. MARKET STEADY. LOCAL FRESH 525.00- 1 AT 1675.00. LOCAL SPRINGERS 575.00-1450.00 BETTER FRESH COWS 1525.00- LARGE HEIFERS 1460.00-1525.00. SHORT BRED HEIFERS 600.00- OPEN BREDDING AGE HEIFERS 875.00- BULLS 435.00-660.00, PUREBREDS 510.00- UPSTATE LOADS FRESH 675.00- FRESH HEIFERS 585.00-1385.00. REGISTERED HEIFERS 1250.00- SMALL HEIFERS 835.00-1385.00. SMALL OPEN HEIFERS 710.00- SMALLER OPEN HEIFERS 285.00- New Holland Horses New Holland Sales Stables Report Supplied by Auction Monday, July 7,2003 223 HEAD, MARKET STEADY. WORK HORSES 585.00-1325.00. DRIVING HORSES 485.00-875.00, 1 AT 1675.00. RIDING HORSES 335.00-1325.00. REGISTERED RIDING 710.00- BETTER RIDING 1360.00-1435.00, 1 AT 2100.00. PONIES 135.00-410.00. LARGE PONIES 475.00-625.00, FEW 800.00- COLTS 150.00-235.00. REGISTERED COLTS 1 AT 535.00. Mercer Livestock Auction, Inc. 412-662-2910 Mercer Union City Livestock' Auction 814-438-3481 Union City Valley Stockyards, Inc. 570-888-9333 Athens Meadville Livestock Auction 814-763-2240 Conneautville COWS