i32-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 19, b; SAT AUG 2 - 9AM Real es tate at 1 PM, 2 5 stry, 11 rm L- shaped mtn stone house on 12 5 acres, built 1749, at in tersection of Limeport Pk and Kings Hwy S , Lower Milford Twp, Lehigh Co in village of Hosensack, by Deibler Auct AU001213-L, 362-2942 SAT AUG 2 - 9AM Tractors, 2 & 3 Pt Equipment, Sate, Near Klmgerstown, PA, Auct Jeff Dunkelberger, AU3043-L, 570-286-0052 SAT, AUG 2 - 9AM Personal property, tractor, tools at 475 W Rt 897, Remholds, PA, by Art Pannebecker AU001476-L 717-336-6983 SAT AUG 2 -12 Noon Horse Sale, Middleburg, PA, Mid dleburg Livestock Auction 570-837-2222 WED AUG. 3 - 6.30 PM Toys ABSOLUTE AUCTION Friday, July 18, 12:30 PM Harrisonburg, VA. 168 ACRE DAIRY FARM Offered in 4 Tracts - Owner Retiring - Beautiful 3rd generation dairy & poultry farm in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. 9(K/ C open productive farm land, lots of water, 2 large homes 4 miles from City of Harrisonburg Facilities include double-8 milking parlor 2,000 gal milk tank, 100-stall loafing shed, (2) Harvestores, 30’ x 60' machinery shed, modern 30 x 30’ shop, (3) 300’ x 70’ chicken houses w/46" x 96' litter building and other misc build ings 90 adjoining acres available for lease. Foi additional information CALL MIKE TORRENCE, AARE OR Visit our website www.trfauctions.com SIStF^iUGnOMS (434) 847-7741 VAAFSOI PUBLIC AUCTION TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 AT 4:00 PM (preview begins at 2:00 pm) Liquidation of shop & welding equipment, & machinery for Waynesboro School District To be held at Waynesboro High School at 220 E. 2nd St, Waynesboro, PA Directions. Fiom 1-81 - Exit 5 (Greencastle) go East on RT 16 to Waynesboro, turn right onto Virginia Ave. High School is straight ahead, watch Auction signs. Enco Turret Milling Machine; (2) Boxford 500 VSL metal lathes; Henger & Delta wood lathes; Emerson 4'A & Sears 7” metal cutting band saws; Keller 'A hp metal hack saw; Pexto metal radius shaper; J-hne table saw; 10” table saw w/jomter; welding supplies; welding table; anvils; Linde mig welder, gas forges & soldering forges; forge pit & tools, blast skat sand blaster; belt/disc sander; (2) drill presses, Dewalt radial arm saw; Yates HD shaper; pipe bender; metal forming table & tools, shear, brake, Misc. lumber & metal, misc small engines & parts; misc tables, desks & chairs, folding chair carts portable security gates And many items too numerous to mention Teims - Cash, Visa, Discover & Master Card No out-of-state checks without prior approval Announcements day of sale take precedence ovci all printed material Call (717) 597-9100 or e-mail mshauct@cvn net MATTHEW S HURLEY AUCTION CO , INC MATTHEW S HURLEY - PA License AU-0034H-L R EUGENE HURLEY - PA License AU-00379VL www.hurleyauclions.com & Collectibles at 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, by Diffenbach Auct AHOOOI4SL, 717-355-7253. TUES AUG 5 - Fed Cattle Sales Carlisle Livestock Mar ket, Inc 548 Alexander Spnng Rd, Carlisle Market phone 717-249-4511, Buy er's phone 717-249-0396, Fax 717-249-5507, Jim De- Gaetano - Home 717-249-2359 TUES AUG 5 - The Mark of Murana, 75 of Muranda's Fin est, Waterloo, NY, Tom & Nancy Murray, Auct Cattle Exchange. TUES. AUG. 5 -11 AM East Coast Livestock Auctioneers Contest & Beef Bonanza at Mercer Livestock Auct, Mer cer, PA 724-646-2882 IG 5 - Mase Estate at Intersection 2003 of Rte 414 & Old Rte 15, Liberty, PA, by Donald Roan, AU-000776-L 570-324-2813 WED AUG 6 - Lumber & bldg supplies, by Wolgemuth Auct Dennis Wolgemuth #2357, 717-656-2947, fax 717-656-6011, http // www wolgemuth-auc tion com, email wolgemuth— auct@juno com SUN , AUG 3 - 2PM Mosqui to Valley Farm, Lycoming Co , PA, by Roan Inc AU— -000777-L 570-494-0170 WED AUG 6 - The Holstein World Century Celebration Sale, Seneca Falls, NY, Auct Cattle Exchange WED, AUG 6-SPM Jacque line Mase Estate Auct, real estate 4 contents at Mase Rd , Liberty, PA, by Donald Roan AU-000776-L 570-324-2813 PUBLIC AUCTION 25 ACRES LAND ZONED RURAL RESIDENTIAL WITH SHOP/GARAGE & STORAGE BLDGS. - EARL TWP. PERSONAL PROP. - SHOP EQUIP. TOOLS TRACTORS FRL, JULY 18 10 A.M. - REAL ESTATE 1 P.M. LOCATIONS: W Redwell Rd , New Holland Rt 2T E to New Holland Turn right Brimmer Ave which becomes New Holland Rd approx T miles Turn left Lowry Rd 1/2 mile turn right Redwcll Rd 1/2 mile to property on lelt Vcrv unique 25 Acres ol land w/southcin exposure Approx 12 actcs tillable balance woodland & stream Approx 2070 frontage along Redwcll Rd Zoned Rural Residential Potential Subdivision Buildings include masonry A frame shop/garage 24 x 52 w/14 x2O extension Oil forced air heal electric A water Hvdiaulic car lilt NOTE Inspection bv appointment For picture biochure land plotting or financing call Auctioneers 717 7TT 1006 TRACTORS: F armall B w/Cutl Farmall H w/l oadei 2 Btm Trailer Flow Sm Disc & Harrow Sickle Mowei Potato Plow Row Marker PERSONAL PROP. & TOOLS: Ford Galaxy 500 Parts Lawn Mower Parts Gas Tank, Snow Plow. MFF 800 Lawn Mower, Oak Roll-top Desk, Wooden Store Display Counters, Metal Lathe, Valve Mach Spark Plug Cleaning Mach ,T HP Air Comp Lincoln AC 225 AMP Welder Batter> Charger & Booster, Snap On Allcrnator/Regulator Tester, Vacuum & Fuel Pump Tester, Tach-Dwell Tester, Tire Changer, I mcoln Air Grease Lng Stand, Anvil, Metal Band Saw, Floor Mod Drill Press Chain Hoist, Jacks A Presses Master Mechanic Polisher, Platform Scales. Welding Tables, Acetylene Tanks, Flooi Jacks Pennsylvania Pump Barov die PA File Cabinets Work Tables Cash Registers, Repair Manuals Pipe Vise, Bench Vise Table Saw, New V Belts & Spark Plugs, Cylinder Sleeves Bar Clamps Paint Sprayer, T & 4 Pipe Wrenches. 801 l Cutters Screw Jacks & Stands, Assort of Chains, Misc & Brake Tools, Grinder, Cast Iron Kettle, Texaco Metal Sign Wood Adv Box, 16 & 24* Wood Ext Ladders Wheelbarrow, Exp Wagon, Scrap Iron & Firewood, Guns NOTE: Terms cash or PA check Lunch available Auction starling w/small tools & personal prop going directly to tractors & equip Randal V Klme, FRANK L. PETERS Roy E Good, Jr F^TAT’I? Keith Snyder Auctioneers . , v tt j? Lie #499, #2116. #3422 K . Arle " c Kauffman, Exc. Savilla S. Lapp, Exc. 717-354-0136 STH ANNUAL BENEFIT AUCTION TO SUPPORT THE CLINIC FOR SPECIAL CHILDREN SATURDAY, JULY 19,2003 - 9:00 A.M. to be held at Shippensburg Auction Center (Leinbach’s) one mile north of Shippensburg, Rt. II) Auction featuring ail donated: Quilts. Crafts; Furniture; Lawn furniture; Bird feeders; Plants, Flowers; Shrubbery; Tools; One new aluminum body spring wagon with rubber tires; New all terrain tricycle QUILTS: Shaded Star, Dresten Plate; Log Cabin Basket; Broken Star Log Cabin; and more. Encourage individuals, farmers and businesses to donate for this worthy cause anything they can spare and as much as they can spare. We encour age businesses to donate gift certificates of any of their product to be read off and sold at the auc tion that day. Also - food all day starting with breakfast at 7:00 a.m., Bar-B-Q chicken, soft ice cream, many types of home baked goods to eat and take home, lemonade, etc. BRING YOUR CHAIR AND SPEND THE DAY. NOTICE: Items brought before Friday the 18th, please call Paul Lembach for delivery schedule No junk please! Also everything is to be removed the day of the auction Also any used appliances will be unloaded only with a $2O 00 deposit until sold, or any “illy” lurmture will only be unloaded with $2O 00 per item deposit Refundable only it sold at a lair price SALE COMMITTEE CONTACT PERSONS David Zimmerman 532-5221 Martin's Daniel Flaud 423-5495 . . c Elvin Oberholzer 532-9088 Auction Service Jacob Flaud 423-6438 Andrew Adam Martin 776-6160 717-532-5383 Paul Lembach 532-5511 AU 1078 L WED AUG 6 - BPM Ag Expo Cumberland Valley Tractor Pullers' Association Newville Fairgrounds 717-776-5762 THURS AUG 7 - 6 +/- acres w/frontage on Rt 15 4 visi bility from future 1-99, munici pal sewer, great location, by Randy Jelhff, AU1548-L, 570-835-4214 FRI AUG 8 - 9AM Equip ment at 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, PA by Diffen bach Auct 717-355-7253, AHOOOI4SL FRI AUG 8 - IPM State Graded Feeder Pig Sales Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spring Rd , Carlisle Market phone 717-249-4511, Buyer's phone 717-249-0396, Fax 717-249-5507, Jim DeGaeta no - Home 717-249-2359 FRI. AUG 8 - IPM Engines. Tools 4 Machinery, York Fair grounds, York, PA, Auct Cur vin Horning, 3956 L, 1-800-789-5068 DUTCH WONDERLAND “RENOVATION AUCTION” Mon., July 28 at 9 A.M. 2249 Rte. 30 East, Lane., PA This auction has something for everyone! (Collectors, contractors, retailers, restaurateurs & curiosity seekers) Monorail; Park Signs; Select-O-Matic 200LU3; Memorabilia, Costume Characters, Games, Restaurant Equip-misc . 20Qt Hobart Mixer; 2 Berkel Slicers; Gold Medal “Corn Treat” Center, MaintVConst. Equip. & materials, 2 Air Comp , Welder, Excel 4300 Mower (needs work); PVC & asst Wire Fencing. Plymold picnic tables; Patio & Pool furniture , Retail dis plays and counters, 30ft Marshall Belt Conveyor, Onan 18KW gas gen./multi-volt For complete listing call for flyer or see website. Terms; pmt m full day of sale by Cash, PA Check, MC/Visa 10% Buyer's Premium Park specialty items selling at 11 30 a m Food available. Announcements sale day take precedence over advertising JENNINGS AUCTION GROUP, LLC 717-268-0020 B.J Jennings AU-3910-L wwwjennmgsauction com 9H PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION Every MON. & WED. at 6:30 PM NEXT DONATION SALE MON. JULY 14th, 6:30 PM YORK SPRINGS AUTO AUCTION 10 Auction Drive, York Springs, PA Located on Rte 15 between Harrisburg & Gettysburg 1-800-222-2038 Rodger L. Myers - 000653-L • www york.spnngsduloauction com W PUBLIC AUCTION AUCTION NO. 1 Saturday, August 2, 2003 DIRECTIONS: Fiom Klmgeistown. PA, proceed East I 1/2 miles toward Pitman, then at Agi(cultural Research Centei sign turn North, go 1/4 mile, turn lett on Corners Rd to sale site Approx 25 miles S E of Sunbury, PA. 5 miles N E ot Giatz & Rt 25, Western Schuylkill Co 3 TRACTORS 2 PT. & 3 PT. EQUIP. 1 H 544 Utility Diesel w/2000 Loader, 2 Pt Hitch, IH 424 Utility Gas w/1501 Loadei, 5 Pt Tint Tnes, Faimall Supei C w/Cultivatois, Does Not Have Fast Hitch, Following 2Pt Equip Sickle Bai Mowei, Belt Dnvc - Plattonn -7’ Angle Blade - 8' Off Set Disk - I & 1 Bot Plows - Hyd Log Sphttei - 2 Pt To 5 Pt Conveision - Cult Bai. Following 5 Pt Equip Sickle Bai Mowei, Belt Dnve - Plalfoim - 7' Hanow - 8' Angle Blade - Boom Sprayer, Viel 7’ Rock Rake - Int’l 7’ Landscape Rake w/Gauge Wheels - Baltic Feit Spieadei - Cult Bar - Boom, Woods 6 1/2’ Rotaiy Mowei. Pull Type, Pull Type 5 Blade Rotaiy Mowei 7 1/2’ Side Dchveiy Rake On Rubbci, 7’ Rollei 7 l/2'xl4‘ Wagon Ventilated Flooi w/Fan. McCoimick PT O Giain Secdei, (2) 2-Wheel Tiaileis, 20’ Trailei Tandem Bumpei Hitch w/Title. 400 Gal Fibeiglass Tank. Metal Tank, Wue Winders, T Forks Mount On Loadei, Hyd Cylmdeis, Roller Pumps. Forney Aic Weldci, 5 Hp An Compiessoi, Anvil w/Cuttei. 25" L, Oxyacetylene Toich Outfit w/Cait. Metal Cutting Band Saw Pedestal 1/2 Hp Bench Grinder, Small Steam Jenny, Homemade Press, Solai Pak Elec Fencei, Craftsman 5/4" Dnve Sockets & Breakei Bar, Combination Wrenches Bolt Cutteis. Seats Pneumatic Chisel, Paint Sprayeis, Watei Pumps, I w/Gas Engine Small Cutting Torch Outfit. Log Chains, Chain Binders, Seals Sand Blastei Selection Mechanic & Caipenter Hand Tools, 1000 Lb Cham Hoist, Following Craftsman Tools - Equip 10” Radial Arm Saw - 12” Planei - Wood Lathe - Router, Delta 6” Jointer, Ohio Forge 10” Table Saw, Toolkraft Floor Drill Press, Milwaukee 1/2" Magnum Hole Shooter Elec Drill, Craftsman 3/8” Elec Dull - Disc Gnndei - Portable Belt Sander; Makita Portable Driver, C & Bar Clamps, Orgamzeis, 1 1/2 & 2 Ton Floor Jacks, Grease Guns, Pipe Vise, Pipe Cuttei, Car Ramps, Lawn/Garden Troybilt 7 Hp Rototiller; New Idea E GT 100 Elec Tractor w/Mower Deck, Rough, Snapper 4 Hp. Rotary Mower, Toro Reel Mower; T Lawn Roller, Stihl F S 80 Gas Weedeater, Stihl 032 AV Cham Saw; Stihl 010 AV Cham Saw, Pioneer Cham Saw; Kent Hook; Hand Lawn/Garden Tools, Alum. Step Ladders, 30’ Alum Ext. Ladder, Ladder Jacks; 2 Sections Alum Scaffolding 2’ W x 10’ L, Used Lumber; Misc Pipe, Bricks, Wheelbarrows; Elec. Motors, Piles Of Scrap Metal, Masonry Hand Tools, Plus Many Other Items Of Interest TERMS: Cash or PA check. Lunch By Salem Church www.markjonesauct.com 1975 Ford F 350 Dually, Stake Body Dump, VB, 4 Spd Trans., 48,400 Miles, 1 Owner, Inspected, Shed Kept, Nice Truck owner: Bobby Hoffman .... MARK J. JONES, AUCTIONEER SSfi Ph0ne(570)2864)052• Lie.#AU 1595-L , “•"* Jeff Dunkelberger • Lie. #AU 3043-L ' NOTE: AUCTION NO. 2 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2003 Selling Personal Property And Offering A 160 Acre Farm In 2 Parcels And In Its Entirety. Parcel #1: 21 80 acres (as pei Schuylkill Co tax assessment lecords) having theieon a log home, garage and beautiful stocked pond Gorgeous setting Parcel #2: 137 50 acres (as per Schuylkill Co tax assessment lecords) Jo be sui veyed pnoi to the Oct auction Subject to subdivision apptoval 9:00 A.M. Floor Safe, 2’x2’x34” H owners: Afton V. Schadel Pearl E. Schadel SELLING FOR NEIGHBOR
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