Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 12, 2003, Image 7
Pa. Grain Report July 7,2003 Report Supplied By PDA Compared with last Monday’s market for Eastern and Central Pennsylvania: Corn .04 to .06 lower. Wheat .03 to .05 higher. Barley steady. Oats .05 higher. Soybeans mostly steady. Ear Com 1.00 lower. All prices paid delivered to dealers dock, All prices per bushel, except Ear Corn per ton. SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA Corn No. 2-y: 2.80-3.00, avg. 2.89; con tract for harvest 2.25-2.37. Wheat No. 2- 3.08-3.35, avg. 3.18. Barley No. 3: 1.60-1.80 few 2.00, avg. 1.70. Oats No. 2: 2.10-2.25, avg. 2.18; contract for barest 2.00. Soybeans: 5.90-6.05 few to 6.20, avg. 5.99; contract for harvest 5.08-5.28. Gr. Sorghum: 2.62; contract for harvest 2.30. Ear Com: 84.00-100.00, avg. 91.00. SOUTH CENTRAL PENNSYLVA NIA Com No. 2-y: 2.81-2.95, avg. 2.89. Wheat No. 2: 2.85-3.20, avg. 2.98. Barley I HEDGE ■ I TRIMMER p ■gTSggi 24” 5 269“ /\| MAGNUM CHAIN SAW 714 S * v ~~ v^a»^£iißw>»MMiag»j^^|>* lw^pll|>,>> ' , * ll,t,l^,,,, » WJllJ,,lll< * ,,<l>l 1 ' Ul ' m *^ 76.5 cc, 6.03 bhp, 14.5 lbs. I)SIESi3!I Available at these servicing dealers Abbottstown Ephrata Ronks MESSICK’S WES STAUFFER A & B SALES 7481 Lincoln Hwy. Rto. 30E ENGINES & EQUIPMENT & SERVICE Abbottstown, PA17301 23 Pleasant Valley Rd. 370 Newport Road 717-259-6617 888-265-0225 717-738-4215 2 Miles South of Rt. 23 Along 772 Thru Monterey Allentown LEHIGH AG EQ. INC. 6670 Ruppsville Rd. 610-398-2553 1-800-779-3616 Carlisle TRI-BORO CONSTRUCTION SUPPLIES 1490 RITNER HWY. 1-800-248-6590 Pall TRI-BORO CONSTRUCTION SUPPLIES 435 Locust St. 717-246-3095 1-800-632-9018 East Earl GOODS LAWN & GARDEN CENTER Route 23 717-445-4490 ;lizab( town MESSICK’S 187 Merts Drive (Rheems exit of Rt. 283) 717-367-1319,800-222-3373 VJII IWVnLUtIIUL I DISTRIBUTED BY NORTHEAST STIHL No. 3: 1.75-1.90, avg. 1.78. Oats No. 2 1 75-2.00, avg. 1.88. Soybeans No. 1 5.70-5.90, avg. 5.78. Ear Corn 80.00-100.00, avg. 92.60. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA Com No. 2: 2.44-2.90, avg. 2.80. Wheat No. 2: 2.77-3.00, avg. 2.92. Barley No. 3: 1.90. Oats No. 2: 1.70-2.00, avg. 1.90. Soy beans No. 1; 5.83-6.00, avg. 5.92. Ear Corn: 80.00-83.00, avg. 81.50. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA Corn No. 2-y: 2.84-3.00, avg. 2,96. Wheat No. 2: 2.70-2.90, avg. 2.80. Barley No 3: 1.70-1.80, avg. 1.74. Oats No. 2:1.90-2.20, avg. 2.04. Soybeans: 5.75-6.10, avg. 5.98. Gr. Sorghum; none. Ear Corn: 86.00-100.00, avg. 87.67. LEHGH VALLEY AREA Com No. 2-y: 2.90-3.00, avg. 2.95. Wheat: No. 2: 3.30-3.03, avg. 3.34. Barley No. 3: 1.75-2.00, avg. 1.87. Oats No. 2: 2.20-2.30, avg. 2.26. Soybeans No. 1: 5.90-6.10, avg. 5.98. Gr. Sorghum: 3.15-3.18, avg 3.17. Ear Corn: 80.00-95.00, avg. 86.67. EASTERN AND CENTRAL Gap/Quarrwille GAP POWER RENTALS » PLUS Gap: 717-442-8970 Quarryville: 717-786-2221 immels Whi HUMMEL’S TEXACO Rt. 11 815 570-743-7459 Palmyra HERR’S REPAIR SHOP RD 2, Box USA 717-838-1549 A.K. SAW SHOP 214 Peach Bottom Road Pequea DREXEL AUTO SUPPLY 333 Steinman Farm Road 717-284-2916 Reamstown EAGLE RENTAL CENTER Rt. 272, Reamstown Trsflic Light SUBURBAN SALES 717-336-3945 10757 York Rd. 410-785-2277 Schaefferstown MARTIN’S EQUIPMENT CO. Rt. 501 1 1/2 Miles South of Schaefferstown, PA 717-949-6817 Shippensbura CEDAR GROVE FARM STORE 1120 Rltner Hwy. 717-532-7571 Waynesboro QUINCY HARDWARE & RENTAL CENTER 7421 Anthony Hwy. 717-749-3653 Hagerstown. MD EBY'S LAWN & GARDEN 16409 Fairview Road 301-733-4158 :ockevsville PENNSYLVANIA SUMMARY Com No. 2-y: 2.80-3.00, avg. 2.92, month ago 3.01, year ago 2.55. Wheat No. 2: 2.70-3.40, avg. 3.07, month ago 3.20, year ago 2.99. Barley No. 3: 1.60-2.00. avg. 1.76; month ago 2.11, year ago 1.44. Oats No. 2: 1.90-2.25, avg. 2.05; month ago 2.08; year ago 1.83. Soybeans No. 1: 5.70-6.10, avg. 5.93, month ago 5.97, year ago 5.11. Ear Corn: 80.00-100.00, avg. 89.50; month ago 98.47; year ago 70.60. NORTH CENTRAL OHIO Prices FOB Truck: Com 2.33-2.34. Wheat 2.91-2.99. Soybeans 5.99-6.18. Soy bean Meal: Bulk 44% 189.60-193.50; 48% 197.60-202.50. Daily National Gram Market Summary St Joseph, MO July 8,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Wheat bids were mix for the day as good crop yields are limiting gains. Win ter Wheat harvest is 64 percent complete. Soybeans bids were mod erately lower, while com and sorg hum traded higher. Soybean ratings were at 70 percent which was good to excellent. Crop ratings for com yesterday were friendly, along with weather concerns for mid July was noted sparkling the market. Wheat was uneven, from I cent lower to 6 cents higher. Com 3-4 cents higher. Sorghum 7-8 cents higher. Soybeans mostly 3-8 cents lower for the excep tion of Kansas City which was 6 cents higher. EXPORT SALES: PURCHASER COMMODITY TONNAGE DE- LIVERY DATE Nothing new to re port. THESE MAY NOT BE THE ONLY EXPORT SALES THAT HAVE TRANSPIRED, BUT THEY ARE THE ONLY SALES THAT COULD BE CONFIRMED BY USDA GRAIN MARKET NEWS. TRUCK BIDS: 07/08/03 07/07/03 07/09/02 Wheat: Kansas City (HRW ORD) 2.94-2.97 dn 1-unch 3.54-3.56 Mitroi For The Control Of • Starlings • Pigeons • Sparrows • Crows S lbs. for *29s°° +6.00 S*H These Pesticides have restricted use. MUST HAVE Currant Applicator's License. Minneapolis (DNS) 3.68 J /i (In 1 3.77 Vz Portland (SWW) 3.40-3.45 unch-dn 1 3.68- St. Louis (SRW) 3.12-3.14 up 4 3.06 Com, US No 2 Yellow; Kansas City 2.23-2.27 up 3 2.22 Minneapolis 2.20 Vt up 3 Vt 2.13 Vz So. lowa 2.31-2.33 up 3-4 2.22 Vz-2.24 Omaha 2.16-2.17 up 4-3 2.10 Soy beans, US No 1 Yellow: Kansas City 6,32 up 6 5.69 Minneapolis 6.01 'A dn 3 ’/< 5.64 So. lowa 6.11-6.13 dn 7-6 5.77-5.82 Cent. II Processor 6.16 '/i-6.24 'A dn 4-'A 5.68- Minneapolis truck - to arrive 20 days FUTURES: Kansas City (Sep) Wheat 3.01 [ A dn Vt 3.43 'A Minneapolis (Sep) Wheat 3.30 A dn 1 3.47 Vz Chicago (Sep) Wheat 3.08 up 1 'A 3.20 Vz Chicago (Sept Com 2.23 Vt up 3 Vt 2.32 Vi (Dec) Com 2.24 up 4 Chicago (Nov) Soybeans 5.38 Vz up 1 Vz 5.53 EXPORT BIDS: Barge bids out of the Port of New Orleans, or Rail out of the North Texas Gulf. Bids per bushel, except sorghum per cwt. US 1 HRW Wheat, Ord Protein: Rail N/A N/A 3.93 3 /4-3.96 Vt US 2 Soft Red Winter Wheat: Barge 3.32-3.33 up 6 Vt 3.25 Vz US 2 Yellow Com Barge 2.61 Vt -2.62 Vt up 4 Vt-4 Vt 2.50 US 2 Yellow Sorg hum Rail N/A N/A 4.24-4.37 Barge 4.32-4.45 up 7-8 4.62-4.63 US 2 Yellow Soybeans Barge 6.43 Vt dn 5 3 A-8 Vt 6.08-6.11 Corn Belt Feedstuff St. Joseph, Mo. July 8,2003 Report Supplied By USDA CORN BELT FEEDSTUFF: Feedstuff prices were mostly lower for the week. Demand light to moderate with com products and soybean meal taking light to Penn State's annual showcase event, Ag Progress Days, is scheduled Aug. 19-21 this year at the research farm in Rockspring. We have exclusive photos and information about the event scheduled in our annual Ag Progress Issue, one of our largest issues, on Aug. 16. Look for special schedules, maps, and a photo review of the year's major agriculture showcase! SSSV.V.V.SV. SVI^ Makf TTmm ftofont Ttackt END! % DHvae* Tracking Powder* j Kills Rats & Mica f Cl p&? 6 lb. Buckst w *39.95+u0.5.h $ Rat I Mouse Belt Available £ . A _ ■.V.V.’.V.'.V.V.’.W' Blai RRI, Box 81 717*536*386 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 12, 2003-A7 heavy losses due to lower futures. Pas tures are looking good and producers arc relying less on feed. SOYBEAN MEAL: 48 percent rail was 1.00- lower from 188.00-191.00. 48 percent truck was 3.00-4.50 lower from 186.00- per ton. CORN BY-PRODUCTS; Gluten Feed 21 percent, Interior Points was 3.00-4.00 lower from 56.00-62.00; Chicago was 2 00 lower from 58.00-66.00.60 percent Gluten Meal, Interior Points was 5.00 lower from 220.00- Chicago was steady from 220.00- per ton. Rail Hominy Feed, Central Illinois Points was 3.00-4.00 lower from 68.00-74.00; truck 2.00-4.00 lower from 70.00-80.00. Crude Corn Oil was 25-50 points lower from 29.50-30.50 cents per pound. MILLFEEDS: Northwest were steady from 50.00-60.00; Buffalo steady to 1.00 higher from 50.00-54.00 per ton. ALFALFA PELLETS: Toledo, Ohio 17 percent dehydrated was steady from 140.00- 165.00; meal was steady from 143.50-168.50. IS percent pellets were steady to 18.00 lower from 125.00-159.00 per ton; meal was steady to 18.00 lower from 128.50-162.50. DISTILLER’S DRIED GRAINS: Cen tral Illinois were steady to 6.00 lower from 75.00-89.00; Chicago was 2.00 high er to 2.00 lower from 80.00-90.00; Law renceburg, 11., steady at 81.00; Kansas was steady at 90.00; Nebraska was steady to 10.00 lower from 75.00-85.00: Minneso ta was steady at 85.00 per ton. BREWER’S DRIED GRAINS: New ark, NJ was steady at 94.00; Williams burg, VA was steady at 84.00 per ton. Starllcide For the Control of Starlings & Blackbirds Less Diseases Saves Feed 33 Lb. Pail 589.00 in Supply 37, Blaln, PA 17006 I or 717*536*3933 Lancaster Farming Cheep. Website www.lancastarlirmlna.coiT Bxlo Walk-in Cooler, 4" Walls, BxB Walk-in Cooler, 4" Walls. 610/593-1199 Robert Fulton Fire Co Hay, Straw & Grain Auction Every Thursday 10 am Located on the corner of RT 272 & 222 at Wakefield, PA 717-548-2492 717-548-2371 Randall Ranck Auctioneer 003117-L Consignments Wanted No Out uf State Checks Graystone Small Animal Sale LLC (Root’s Market Manheim, PA I Every Tuesday 4:30 pm Reten mg 6 am till sale time All kinds ot Poultry, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Pigeons 717-898-0755