EVENING PUBLIC AUCTION THURS. JULY 17, 2003 @ 6 pm Mansfield Fire Hall - South Main St. (Bus. Rte. 15) Mansfield, (Tioga Co.), PA GUNS - GAME MOUNTS - FURNITURE GRANDFATHER CLOCK 4013 TSW 40 cal ’ Thompson ‘Pitbull' 2651 auto 45; Colt MK-4 380 auto, Rossi MZ-20 stainless .44 S&W spl 5 shot revolver, American derringer .357 mag o/u stainless; Colt Trooper Mark 111 357 mag 6 shot revolver, Colt official police .38 6 shot revolver, S&W 34-1 6 shot 22 revolver, Iver Johnsons 38 5 shot revolver, Taurus 44 mag. 6 shot icvolver, S&W 22 6 shot revolver, Colt 38 spl. Detective (nickel'’) Long Guns: Winchester mod 70 carbine 30-06 sprg , Remington Fieldmaster 572 22 pump w/swift 3-9 x scope, A Hoycr 6.5-300 custom taiget rifle w/Unerll scope & Harris bi-pod, Winchester 94AE 30-30 w/sad dle ring, Ruger #1 6 5-55 McGowen barrel w/pcep sight, Rugcr #1 30-06 w/Manhcher stock, Rugei #1 .416 Rigby (never fired!); Ruger M 77 Mark II 30-06 w/Redfield 3-9 x scope. Remington mod 788 .308 Win left hand w/T/C 3-9 x scope. Remington 788 6mm lelt hand w/Manhcher stock & Nikon scope, Rossi .22 pump; British Enfield 303C’), Winchester 77 22 semi, Lamber 82 12 ga. o/u w/vent rib, ElFaison 20 ga. double barrel, Stoeger 12 ga. double barrel; Winchester pre-1964 mod 94 30 wc f Misc.: Winchester gun safe (holds 40 +/- guns), Tasco Accu-Dot scope. Several hunting knives (Buck, Case, Ka-Bar), Some assorted ammo Beautiful Seth Thomas Grandfather clock. Modern oak paw foot pedestal table w/6 chairs, Oak hutch, etc Game Mounts: (will be sold pending issuance of permit from PGC) Whitetail: 8 pt. full body; (5) 8 pt. heads, (2) 7 pt heads, (3) 6 pt. heads, 5 pt head, 6 pt head on hide. Black Bear: Full body; (2) heads, seveial beat skins; Misc.: Several red & giay fox, raccoons, squirrel, raven, ring necked pheasant, grouse, largemouth bass, brook trout, etc NOTE: This is a very nice collection from a single owner who has enjoyed gun collecting for many years Some clean interesting pieces’ Preview: Wed. 7/16 5-7 PM TERMS: Cash oi honorable check - I D. required - Note - All handgun buyeis must pass FFL background check No Refunds! Professional Auction Management and Appraisals By RANDY M "r /Auction Service Jelliff Tioga, PA 1548-L 570-835-4214 The Area's FOREMOST Real Estate Auctioneers! www.jelliffauctions.com SHAMROCK AUCTION CALENDAR July 11, Fn. 2:00 pm - Ellen Calkins Estate - Located: Rt. 267, Meshoppen - Antique household and tools July 15, Tues. 3:00 pm: Ed Yucas Estate - Located; 407 Foote Street, Duryea, across from the Geremama Fire Company - Tools, antiques and house hold July 17, Thurs. 2:00 pm. Estate Auction with canoe, riding mowers, tools, antiques and household - Located Shamrock Auction Factory building, Rt 6, Black Walnut, PA July 19, Sat. 9:30 am; Getaway Country Home - Owners Daniel and Kathy Swackhammer - Real Estate. Tractors, Household - Located: Marcy Hill Road, Liberty Corners, 4 miles from Towanda Airport, Bradford County July 24, Thur. 4 pm: John E. and Mary Jo Miller Auction - Located 4 Ward Street, Towanda, PA - Real Estate and Personal Property July 26, Sat 9:00 am Lill Maiyott Estate - Located Rt 414, Moneroeton, PA - Real Estate. Antiques. Personal property, guns and 1999 Buick LeSabre July 31 and August 1, 9.30 am TWO DAY AUCTION, contents of oldest house in Waverly, PA - Estate of Elma C. Richardson - full of antiques, oriental rugs, automobile, and many collectibles Aug. 9, Sal 9-30 am Bessie B. Webster Estate - Located Rt. 187 oft Rt. 6 in Wysox - quality antiques, many crocks and personal property Aug. 12, Tues 9 - 30 am Catherine Bustin Estate - Located Red Rock Road off Route 6, Wysox - complete early estate quality of antiques and prim itives Aug 14, Thurs 12 00 Noon Victorian Historical Real Estate Auction Located Mam Street, Towanda Aug 14, Thurs. 4.00 pm Vehicle and equipment - Located Bradford County, Manor-Builington, PA, on Rt 6 - Vehicles, Furniture and computers 11 -00 am- Menel Gowm Estate - Located 8 miles from Aug 16, Sat Towanda, Biadford County, up Plank Road to Burlington turnpike - Spectacular View Home with house, barn and 51 acres, and tools Real Estate offered at noon 'kug 16, Sat. 3.00 pm Rudolph and Betty Bagley - Real Estate - Located: Foot of Stevensville mountain off Route 706 between Lawton and Camptown - Beautiful valley view from 3 bedroom home with wrap aiound deck. Overlooking 2 spring ted ponds slocked with bass and trout Aug 23, Sat. 9.30 am Irene and Glenn Plotts - Located Rt. 220 Dushore - guns, antiques, tools and household Aug 28, Thuis 9.00 am Original “Gntfith Homestead” since IBoo\ - tor mci James S Dittert Auction - Located Leona, Bradford County, acioss from Leona Methodist Church - Antiques and Primitives SHAMROCK AUCTION SERVICE AU-116 AUCTIONEERS: Jerry Burke & Assoc. Ph0ne:(570)833-5913 Fax: (570)833-2186 Members: PAA/NAA/CAI/NYSAA/AARE E-Mail; shamrod ©epix.net www.shamrockauctions.com m ' Antiques and Collectibles Auctims-. b^Mleir AUCTIMfCO. Items From he PENNSYLVANIA HISTORICAL MUSEUM COMMISSION @1550 Sand Hill Road, Hummelstown, PA ** CANNON, CORNER CABINET, FLAGS, CYBIS FIGURINES, ANTIQUES ** Corner Cupboard 1830-1840, Late 19th Cannon; USA Flags (38 star, 44 star, 37 star, 42 star, 39 star, 45 star, 48 star), CYBIS Porcelain - “Kwan Ym”(Buddhist Goddess of Mercy) 1973, “Ins" 1970, “Rose" artist proof 1964-69, “Great Homed Owl”, “Guinevere" artist proof, “Beatrice" artist proof, “Colonial Flower Basket" artist proof, “ Elephant” artist proof, “ Dahlia” artist proof. “Dutch Crocus" artist proof, “Clematis with Wren House"; Books; Iron Biacket, Tin Horn; Blue Sponge Teapot; Xylophone, Writing Slate, Kerosene Lamp, Minor. Tin Funnels, Rye Straw Mats, Wooden Bench; Graphaphone Case, Hitching Post, Rye Straw Baskets, Frames, Rake & Hay Folk Heads, Apothecary Set, Buckets, Scarborough Map ol PA 1904; Chest of Drawers (oi sewing cabinet). Cast Iron Chute, Wooden Boxes, Chandelier, Textiles; Gram Cradle, Pedestal Style Table Base, Lard Piess; Sausage Press, Game Board, Meat Grinder, Rope Rug; Coal Bucket, Gas Light Parts; Weaving Shuttle; Money Bags, Flax Wheel; Kettle Tripod, Stone Bedpan, Riding Crop; Bench, Chest ot Drawers; Fireplace Crane, Porcelain Sculpture - “ Yellow Billed Cuckoo" 1970 h\ Burgues, “Calla Lily" 1965, “Dutch Crocus, Blue Enchantress" 1970, artist proof “Basket of Flowers", “Great White Heron ” artist proof, “Nashua ” artists proof, "Christinas Rose " artist proof, "Blue Headed Vireo", Earthenware Figunne “The Pottery Seller”, Patrick Henry & Thomas Jefferson Metal Figurines, plus other items. • NOTE: This auction will be held in conjunction with our regular Wednesday auction (which starts at 3:00 PM). Doors open for preview at 1:00 PM. TERMS: 10% Buyers Premium & PA Sales tax will be applied to all pur chases. Cash, PA state Check, Visa/MasterCard accepted DIRECTIONS: Hershey, near Heishey Medical Center. Fiom Rt 322, turn South onto Bullfrog Valley Road. Tiavel approximately 2.5 miles to auction site. Watch for signs. Visit zieglerailCtion.com for photos & info on this and other upcoming auctions ZIEGLER AUCTION COMPANY LTD. LIC.#AHOBI-L BJSjI 1550 SAND HILL RD., HERSHEY, PA 17036 aBB 717 533 4267 OR PA TOLL FREE 1 877 833.4200 "AUCTION - the ultimate maikelplace " u it h ziegleiauttion tom PUBLIC AUCTION MILLER’S AUCTION CENTER BETHEL, PA - BERKS COUNTY MONDAY, JULY 21st, 2003 5:00 pm Doors open at 2:00 pm Located half way between Harrisburg and Allentown in Berks County, Penna From Allentown, take 1-78 west approx 35 miles to exit #l3 oft 1-78 From Harrisburg, take 1-81 north to 1-78 split Follow 1-78 east 18 miles to Bethel, exit 13. Follow Rt. 501 south into town ol Bethel to stop sign Proceed straight across square and turn right at the first alley Method of payment: cash or PA checks. No ciedit cards accepted No Buyer Premium, air-conditioned, food PARTIAL LISTING: Solid walnut blanket chest with key and carved paw feet; Demilune high-back settle seat, Sheraton walnut drop-leat dining table with dovetailed diawer. Step back dental cabinet 16 dovetailed drawcis + beveled mirror, PA Dutch paint decorated dovetailed dower chest with key (no feet and lid hinges not attached), Decorated step back server with carved heart. Mahogany serpentine ball & claw teet sideboard, Chestnut wel bar with copper sink and spigot box with cooling coils, Pennsylvania Dutch spice chest, Walnut Queen Anne dining table with 6 chairs, PA Dutch dovetailed blanket chest, Maple wash stand (marble top). Round oak pedestal dining table, 1947 dated folk paint decorated blanket chest, Tall oak chest of diaw ers, Mahogany dining table, Mission oak small hbraiy table with painted base, Chippendale Pennsylvania birch tall chest 2 over 5 (restorations includ ing new hardware). Gram paint PA Dutch decorated 4 diawer chest ol dtaw ers with back splash, PA Dutch dovetailed blanket chest on turned ball feet. Am ash & birch child’s bed signed w/dates & provenance. 1870 Signed and dated machinist’s tool chest with secret compartment (signed G.A. Haggerty), 1787 & 1784 dated Harrifon & Co. strange animals hand col ored book plates; Hand made red painted child's scooter, Speed Car wood en newsboy scooter with original paint, 3 Tom Mix & 1 Hoot Gibson movie preview slides 1918-1924; Cuna Indian embtoidered signed Mola sampler in fiame, 1918 WWI silk American flag sampler with 47 stars, 6’ Wooden one man rowboat; 3 Piece cast iron garden set; Misc table cloths and linens, Contempoiary hand woven Thunderbtrd design red Indian blanket. Gold Lustre stonewaie vase & pitcher. Black folk ait rag dolls c 19505, 1927 dated Oil on Boaid painting (signed Helen Cabe Lloyd), Gingerbtead mantle clock. 1950 s Betsy McCall 8” tall bnde’s doll, 1974 Shirley Temple sailor doll, Madame Alexanders Little Women (Beth), 2 Japanese Pachmko pinball machines. 1912 Zane Grey 9 volume book set. Box of eaily hand painted magic lantern coloi slides. Selection ol otigmal urcus postcis (Ringhng Bios & others), Large icveise painted farm painting m fiame. Oil painting ol taim scene m fiame. lion skimmei, 2 Staffordshue figuics. Wooden folk art monk wine bottle sate. Mounted bull skull and horns. I arge wooden an plane piopellct, 16 Inch diametei ycllowwaic mixing bowl Fnearms, Maihn Mod 36-32 cal nfle, Dan Wesson 44 * ... _ Auctioneer: ma S Dwight D. Miller AU002414-L h \L-e Bethel, PA 19507 "''jSi (717)933-5736 ilus 21 acres \ *4^ public AUCTION WED. JULY 30, 2003 at 5:00 PM Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 19, 2003-829 THURS. AUG 14-12 Noon Victorian Histoncal Real Es tate Auction, Towanda, PA, Auct Jerry Burke & Assoc, AU-116, 570-833-5913 f v * 4 SAT AUG. 16 - Antiques, col lectibles, furniture, coins, guns, personal property 2818 Roundtop Rd , Middle- www.zieglerauction.com town Blame Rentzel, Auct 717-867-1809 SAT AUG. 23 - 9AM Com sale Horst Auction Center Horst Auct 717-738-3080 SAT , AUG. 23 - 9AM Person al property, antiques, wood working tools at 135 Laurel Rd , East Eari, PA, by Roy E Good Jr #3433 717-445-4309 SAT AUG. 23 -9.30 AM Irene & Glenn Plotts estate of Guns, Antiques, Tools & H H Items, Rt. 220, Oushore, PA, Auct Jerry Burke & Assoc, AU-116, 570-833-5913. THURS AUG 28 - 9AM Origi nal Gnffith Homestead, An tiques and Pnmitives, Leona, Bradford Co., PA, Auct Jerry Burke S Assoc, AU-116, 570-833-5913. FRI & SAT. AUG. 29 4 30 - 1 PM 4 8.30 AM Horst Auction Center, Ephrata AU43BL Books 4 ephemera.7l7-859-1331 SAT, AUG. 30 - SAM Real Estate, antiques 4 collecti bles, coins, h h items, at Northumberland, PA, by Dockey Auction AU229L 570-758-6004 SAT. AUG. 30 - BAM 18th An nual Consignment Sale, by Eichelberger Auct 719-432-0006 SAT., AUG. 30 -10 AM Finger Lakes Produce Auct Inc Quilts and Crafts Auct, by Pirrung Auct. 585-728-2520 SAT. SEPT. 6 - 9AM 30 Year Collection of Glassware, Clocks, Tin, Lanterns, Wood en Items, Collectibles, Tools, Fum. 4 Misc, 380 Ham mertown Rd, Narvon, Lan caster Co , PA, Horning Farm Agency, Inc, AU-2417-L, 610-286-5183 FRI., SAT, SUN , SEPT 12-14 - Black Hills Cowboy antiques 4 Old West collect ables auct at the 24th Annu al Tom Mix Festival m Du bois, PA, by Craig Colflesh 717-469-2997 Antique '*jl Reports £ WILSON SALE A public sale was con ducted on Thursday, July 3 for Mrs. Joe (Mar jorie) Wilson in Pequea Towship. There were 221 regis tered bidders. Items sold included a Conestoga Wagon Harry Barley tool box, $500; a Hersh black and white Conestoga Wagon pho tograph, $175; an Empire chest of drawers, $140; a #0 Griswold skil let, $100; a Shultz dairy quart bottle, $100; a C.H. Harnish Dairy Vi pint, $7O; a Coca-Cola cooler, $9O; an iron dinner bell, $80; a Yo-Yo quilt, $7O; a John Deere Model A - 290 with cultivators, $62; a Farmall H Franklin Mint, $5O; Winross trucks included: Stras burg Fire Co., $34; Landis Brothers, $37; a Black Bear, $37; a St. Johnsbury, $37; a Pequea Fire Co., $32; and an Air Products, $27. Also, a Carnival glass bowl, $62; a McCoy vase, $6O; a pink glass basket, $6O; and two peanut butter glasses, $27 each. The sale was con ducted by the Probst Family Auction Service 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers