A6-Lancaster farming, Saturday, July 12, 2003 National Broiler Market At A Glance Atlanta, Ga. July 9,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Trade sentiment was mixed, but mostly steady. Demand into all channels ranged light to moderate, instances fairly good for retail ads, fast food and restaurants. Supplies were overall sufficient to handle trade requirements. In the parts structure, mid-week movement was light to moder ate with regular commitments at times satisfying needs. Wings were adequate to ample, dark meat was balanced to tight, and breast items were mixed, but avail able. In production areas, live supplies were moderate at irregular, but mostly de sirable weights. Young Turkey Parts Ana Bulk Meat Des Moines, lowa July 8,2003 Report Supplied By USDA NATIONAL YOUNG TURKEY PARTS AND BULK MEAT, Frozen, un less specified, cents per lb, delivered first receivers, part and full trucklots, as of July 8. The undertone on white meat was steady at best. Demand was slow to in stances moderate with instances of in creased activity being noted on frozen white meat. Some increased activity was noted on further processed items with in terest noted for the December holidays. Trading centered on a moderate volume of frozen destrapped tenderloins and on a light volume of frozen wing meat with -4 months age. Offerings were generally available. DOMESTIC TRADING: BREASTS, 4-8 lbs: Grade A - none. Plant Grade - none. DRUMSTICKS: TOM - avg. 26.00; HEN - avg. 24.00. WINGS, FULL CUT: TOM - avg. 22.00; HEN - avg. 21.00. WINGS, V-TYPE: TOM - avg. 25.00; HEN - 54.00. NECKS: TOM - avg. 18.00; HEN - avg. 17.00. BREASTS, B/S: TOM - none; Fresh - avg. 117.80. THIGH MEAT: avg. 52.00. BREAST TRIM MEAT: none. SCAPULA MEAT: none. TENDERLOINS: none. DESTRAPPED TENDERS: avg. 95.08; Fresh - avg. 112.00. WING MEAT WITH SKIN: avg. 32.00. MECHANICALLY SEPARATED: none; Fresh - avg. 16.75. EXPORT TRADING: DRUM STICKS: TOMS: avg. 24.59. WINGS, FULL-CUT: TOMS - avg. 20.00. WINGS, V-TYPE, TOMS: avg. 25.00. TAILS: none. MECHANICALLY SEPARATED: avg. 14.50. THIGH MEAT: avg. 50.50. • Virginia Eggs Harrisonburg, Va. July 8,2003 Report Supplied by USDA Prices were unchanged on all three sizes today. Supplier are moderate for plant needs. Prices to retailers, in small lots, USDA Grade A and Grade A, dozen cases, white eggs in carton, delivered store door, cents per dozen: Large 93; Medium 77; Small 57. Trucklot prices to retailers, sales to vol ume buyers, USDA Grade A and Grade A, dozen cases, white eggs in carton, de livered store door, cents per dozen: Large 74-85, mostly 85; Medium 61-71, mostly 71; Small 43-52 mostly 52. SOUTHEASTERN PA PROJECT GRASS MEETING (Berks, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Lehigh, Montgomery, Northampton, Philadelphia, and Schuylkill Counties WEDNESDAY, JULY 30th 10:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M. GRAZERS, FORAGE PRODUCERS, & HORSEOWNERS Take a break and come hear: Tim Fritz - “Why Grazing Works and How to Put the Pieces Together” Karen Sullivan - “Balancing Animal Nutritional Needs in Grazing Operations” Milford Township Building 2100 Krammes Road, Route 663 Spinneistown, Bucks County 0.5 Miles south of PA Turnpike (476) Exit 32 (Quakertown) For more information call SEPA RC&D Council 215/541-7930 chairman@separcd.org Virginia Broilers And Fryers Harrisonburg, Va. July 8,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Movement of ready-to-cook whole birds was moderate. Demand was moderate. Live supplies were moderate for plant needs with an estimated slaughter of 1,339,000 compared to 1,337,000 last Tuesday. Weights were desirable. Pro cessing schedules were moderate. Supply and demand of leg quarters was moder ate. Negotiated F. 0.8. dock prices, 2 pounds and heavier ice-packed broilers and fryers, trucklot sales of US Grade A or equivalent were steady to lower at .56 - .68 per pound; less than trucklot sales .54 - .70 per pound. State’s Hogs & Pigs Down 20,000 Head Harrisburg, Pa. July 1,2003 Report Supplied By PASS HARRISBURG (Dauphin co.) There were 1,050,000 hogs and pigs on Pennsyl vania farms on June 1,2003, according to the Pennsylvania Agricultural Statistics Service (PASS). This estimated inventory was 20,000 head fewer than the previous year’s inventory, and 20,000 head fewer than the previous quarter. Market hog inventory, at 930,000 head, decreased 20,000 head since March 2003 and down 10,000 head from June 2002; while breeding stock inventory, at 120,000 head was unchanged from March of 2003 but down 10,000 head from one year ago. The March-May 2003 pig crop totaled 456,000 head, down 14,000 head from June a year earlier. There were 49,000 sows farrowed during the quarter, 5,000 fewer than the previous year. The average litter rate was 9.30 pigs per litter, un changed from the previous quarter, but 0.60 pigs per litter more than the previous year. Pennsylvania hog farmers intend to have 51,000 sows farrow during the June- August 2003 period and 51,000 for the September-November 2003 quarter, 2,000 less than actually farrowed in June-Au gust and the September-November peri ods one year ago. A lesson welllesmed. Lancaster Farming's classified ads get results! DYNA 602 East Evergreen Road Lebanon, PA 17042 email: service@dynagen.com www.dynagen.com Eastern Cambell Direct Feeder Pig Weekly Eastern Com Belt Direct Feeder Pig Weekly Summary (includes pig prices on negotiated, contract and formula basis) FEEDER PIGS: Total receipts this week 19.781, negotiated 12,100; last week 15,640. SEW 10 lb pigs sold steady to weak. Feeder pigs sold 1.00-2.00 lower. Trading activity was moderate for moder ate offerings. FOB EASTERN CORNBELT - Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan. Receipts: 8,746; last week 6,913. EARLY WEANED PIGS: 10 LB BASIS, estimated 50-54% lean,value: Lot size under 250: 200 head, 25.50; lot size 250-750: 2,791 head, 27.36-31.00, wtd. avg. 29.42; lot size 750 or more: 2,000 head, 26.27. Total Composite; 4,991 head, 25.50-31.00, wtd. avg. price 28.00. PIGS, 40 LB BASIS, estimated 50-54% lean value: Lot size under 250: 225 head 38.00. PIGS, 50 LB BASIS, estimated 50-54% lean value: Lot size under 250; 220 head, 42.00; lot size 250-750 lb; 960 head, 41.61-42.00, wtd. avg. $42.00’ lot size 250-750; 960 head, 41.61-42.00, wtd. avg. 41.76; lot 750 or more: 2,350 head, 40.06. Total Composite: 3,530 head, 40.00-42.00, wtd.avg. 40.60. NOTE; FOB prices quoted on per head basis “picked up” at sellers farm; prices do not include freight. DELIVERED EASTERN CORN BELT BASIS: Receipts: 11,035; last week 8,727. Volume by state or province of ori- Tour power and your generator DIDN’T start. Now your 40,000 Birds or 2,000 Pigs Top 5 reasons why your generator may overheat and fail this summer... Low Coolant level - engine will not cool properly if coolant is below the core. Dirty radiator fins - must be free of dirt, dust, feathers, paper, or debris. Sufficient air intake - motorized shutters are strongly recommended. Improper coolant mix - 50/50 antifreeze and water will ensure max cooling from coolant, Faulty exhaust shutters - must open freely with no flow obstructions. Here are the 5 things we’ll do to help you prevent this disaster... • We’ll perform our “Generator Readiness Evaluation ” worth $175 for FREE. • We’ll detect your potential problems quickly with our trained technician team. • We’ll dispatch our technician with a service van stocked with the most popular service parts • We’ll recommend a “Preventative Maintenance Program” that best suits your needs. • We’ll respond to emergences you have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. TECHL 800-779-8809 Springfield, 01. July 3,2003 Report Supplied By USDA HAY, STRAW & GRAIN SALE Every Thursday at 12 NOON Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. (Rt. 30, Paradise, PA) For more information (717) 442-4181 (717) 768-8204 gin: Oklahoma 52%; Ontario 34%; Onta rio 14%. EARLY WEANED PIGS: 10 LB BASIS, estimated 50-54% lean value; Lot size 750 or more; 5,510 head, 28.93-31.69, wtd. avg. 30.83. PIGS, 40 LB BASIS, estimated 50- 54% lean value; Lot size 750 or more: 4,000 head, 38.00. PIGS, 55 LB BASIS, estimated 50- 54% lean value; Lot size 250-750: 475 head, 44.00; lot size 750 or more; 1,050 head, 43.50. Total Composite: 1,525 head, 43.50-44.00, wtd. avg. 43.66. Delivered Eastern Combelt prices in clude freight. Most lots of 40-60 weight pigs have a sliding value from the negotiated weight basis which is calculated on the actual av erage weight of the lot plus or minus .35-.40 cents per pound. Some lots of early weaned pigs are discounted 1.00-10.00 per head on pigs weighing under 10 pounds. Early weaned pigs are under 19 days old. Estimated lean value is projected to base slaughter weights with normal con finement feeding conditions. Vaccination and health program values are not included but health status should be disclosed. Eastern Com Belt Direct Hogs Des Moines, lowa July 8,2003 Report Supplied By USDA EASTERN CORN BELT DIRECT DAILY HOGS, for Tuesday, July 8, as of 1:30 p.m. CURRENT VOLUME TODAY, AC TUAL: PRODUCER SOLD: Negotiated 18,901; Other Market Formula 5,748; are DEAD. HI-MAG Agriculture Lime Spreading HI-CAL Baa Cash Discount Savings on Delivery Call Toll Free day and evening l*800«724-3277 Serving PA, MD, Delmarva, NJ, NY & (LI) is OFF... i FREE* in July i & August ! Radiator pressure wash or | • cooling system refill within • | one hour driving radius. | ! Y Offers not for existing customers \ Swine or Pork Market Formula; 30,894; Other Purchase Arrangement: 18,661. PACKER SOLD (All purchase types): 563. NEGOTIATED PURCHASES (includ ing packer sold); BARROWS AND GILTS (Carcass Basis): 13,279 head. Compared to prior day’s close, .50 to .75 higher. Base Market Hog, 185 lb Carcass Basis, Plant Delivered (-0.9-1.1 inch back fat, 6 sq. in. loin/2.0 depth): Base Price Range: $53.50 - 63.30, wtd. avg. $61.02. S-Day Rolling Average Market Hog: 190.37 lb carcass, plant delivered (0.76 inch backfat, 6.44 sq.in. loin/2.15 inch loin depth). FFLI: 50.82%; price range $57.50 - 68.38. Purchase Volume by State of Origin: Alabama 675; Georgia 877; Illinois 28,334; Indiana 19,315; Kentucky 1,919; Maryland 63; Michigan 4,817; Mississippi 559; New York SSI; North Carolina 5,873; Ohio 8,758; Pennsylvania 2,531; South Carolina 436; Tennessee 935; Vir ginia 76; Wisconsin 1,700.
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