Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 12, 2003, Image 45

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    Well Preserved
The Well Preserved news
column is prepared by Lan
caster County Cooperative
Extension. It includes food
preservation information and
The Spoilers
Microorganisms and en
zymes are the principle causes
of spoilage in home food pres
ervation. Because molds,
yeasts, and bacteria are found
everywhere in the air and soil,
on people and animals, and on
many surfaces, proper food
preservation methods must be
used to prevent them from
causing food spoilage.
The effects of these microor
ganisms can range from soft,
slimy textures and unpleasant
odors to food poisoning that
can be deadly.
Molds can be recognized by
their fuzzy masses that can be
nearly any color. Molds need
air and moisture to grow. They
thrive in the acid conditions
provided by food. Molds can
easily be destroyed by the high
temperatures used in process
ing. Some molds produce invis
ible mycotoxins, which are
harmful to eat. This is why it is
important to process all canned
foods including pickles, jams,
and jellies.
Yeast masses in or on food
appear as slime, scum, or mur
kiness. Yeasts may cause foods
to ferment and can be recog
nized by gas bubbles, froth, or
foam. These are easily de
stroyed at temperatures be
tween 140 F and 180 F.
Some bacteria can be benefl-
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• •
cial as in making sauerkraut.
Others can be extremely dan
gerous as in botulism poison
ing. Each type of bacteria dif
fers as to the temperature and
environment in which it
thrives. Some need oxygen to
grow while others thrive in the
lack of oxygen in a sealed jar.
Most bacteria grow on low acid
foods including vegetables and
meats. While most bacteria are
destroyed by heat, others form
spores that can only be killed
by temperatures higher than
the boiling point of water. It is
because of the Clostridium bot
ulinum bacteria that low-acid
vegetables and meats must be
processed in a pressure canner
where the temperature can
reach at least 240 F.
Bacteria can multiply rapid
ly with millions growing on a
gram of food in just a few
hours. At this concentration
they can spoil food or cause a
food-borne illness. Freezing
food slows the growth of most
bacteria. Care must be taken to
prevent the growth of bacteria
in food before it is frozen and
after it is thawed.
Enzymes are naturally oc
curring substances in foods that
promote the normal ripening
process. If they continue to
work after the fruit or vegetable
reaches its ideal maturity, they
will cause undesirable changes
in color, texture, flavor, and
nutrition. Flavor changes are
sometimes described as hay
like, bitter, oxidized, or old. En
zymes can be inactivated by
heating foods to 170 F to 190 F.
* •
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Processing foods when can
ning or blanching vegetables
for freezing stops enzyme react
ions. Adding ascorbic or citric
acid to fruits for freezing slows
enzymatic action.
The following methods will
prevent microorganisms and
enzymes from causing spoilage.
Use top-quality produce that is
free of disease and mold. Can
foods immediately after har
vest. Wash produce thoroughly.
Discard over-ripe produce. Use
proper canning methods and
equipment. Always pressure
can low acid vegetables and
meats. Acidly tomatoes with
lemon juice or citric acid. Ster
ilize jars that will be processed
for less than 10 minutes. Use
clean equipment and work sur
faces. Follow a USDA tested
recipe and process the food for
the specified time. Adjust can
ning times and pressure for
higher altitudes. Never taste a
food you suspect of being spoil
ed. If in doubt, throw it out.
If you have food preservation
questions, a home economist is
available to answer questions
on Wednesdays 10:00 a.m.1:00
p.m., call (717) 394-6851 or
write Penn State Cooperative
Extension, Lancaster County,
1383 Arcadia Rd., Rm.l, Lan
caster, PA, 17601.
Safe Play Areas On Farms
dren are curious and perceive the
farm as a giant playground. But
children are not always able to
recognize hazards.
If off-farm childcare is not an
option, then it is important to
have the safest place possible for
children to play.
A new booklet from the Na
tional Children’s Center for
Rural and Agricultural Health
and Safety (NCCRAHS) pro
vides the first comprehensive
guidelines for designing and
building a safe play area on a
farm. NCCRAHS is a core unit
of the National Farm Medicine
Center, Marshfield Clinic and
strives to enhance the health and
safety of all children exposed to
hazards associated with agricul
tural work and rural environ
“Creating Safe Play Areas on
Farms” is a 32-page illustrated
document intended for safety
professionals; rural and farm
community leaders; and farm
owners. Its focus is on children
ages 2-10 who live on or visit
farms and other agricultural set
Each year an estimated 33,000
children are seriously injured on
U.S. farms. More than half the
injuries are incurred by children
Seeds Needed For Albania
George and Julie Holmes are col
lecting vegetable and flower
seeds for Albania.
The Holmes put together
“Family Seed Packets” for poor
rural village families. The only
seeds Holmes’ can’t use are on
ions, cabbage, lettuce, radishes,
herbs, and sweet com. Bulk
m •
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 12, 2003-B5
not participating in farm work.
With effective adult supervi
sion, safe play activities allow
children to experience physical,
emotional, social, and intellectu
al development.
The booklet defines a safe play
area as a carefully planned, des
ignated location with limited ex
posure to hazards such as traffic,
agricultural production, and en
vironmental concerns.
“Creating Safe Play Areas on
Farms” is a unique resource that
blends playground safety, farm
safety, child development, envi
ronmental health, and adult su
pervision. Experts in these areas
served as primary and secondary
reviewers of content. Additional
feedback was gathered at farm
parent focus groups held in New
York, lowa, and Wisconsin.
Since the booklet’s release,
feedback from safety profession
als and the farm community has
been positive.
“Creating Safe Play Areas on
Farms” is available for down
loading in .pdf format at http://
children/. For information or to
order free paper copies, contact
the National Children’s Center,
(888) 924-7233.
seeds are welcome also. Some of
the seeds will be transported to
Albania this summer and the re
maining this winter.
For any information, contact
the Holmes’ at (607) 387-6538.
Seeds can be mailed to them at
3220 Jacksonville Road, Tru
mansburg, NY 14886.