Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 12, 2003, Image 20
A2O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 12, 2003 Weaverland Hay New Holland, Pa Report Supplied By Auction Thursday, July 10,2003 Hay—Straw—Grain TOTAL LOADS: 29. ALFALFA: 100.00-135.00. TIMOTHY HAY: 110.00. ORCHARDGRASS: 130.00. MIXED HAY: 55.00-135.00. GRASS: 70.00-75.00. STRAW: 100.00-167.00. FIREWOOD: 57.00. National Direct Feeder Pig Report Week Ending July 3, 2003 USDA Market News, Des Moines, lowa Weekly Summary of prices on a farm to farm per head basis FOB is the price picked up at the seller's farm. DELIVERED is the price unloaded at the buyer's farm, including trucking and broker's fees. RECEIPTS- This Week 98,748; Last Week 102,007 VOLUME BY STATE OR PROVINCE OF ORIGIN- Oklahoma 18.0% lowa 14.0% North Carolina 13.9% Manitoba 106% l% Missouri 6.8% Indiana 6 5% Nebraska 4 7% Minnesota 3.3% ' Illinois 3.2% Wisconsin 29% 'A?kanSs 1 6% Michigan 1 1% Tennessee 10% Colorado 05% Kansas 0.5% VOLUME BY STATE OF DESTINATION. lowa 53 4% Illinois 12 0% Nebraska 10 7% Minnesota 8 3% Indiana 5 1% Missouri 3 2% Ohio 29% Wisconsin 2.6% Pennsylvania 07% Kentucky 05% Washington 05% TREND. Compared to last week. Early weaned pigs steady to 1 00 lower. All feeder pigs steady to 3.00 per head lower. Demand light to moderate for mod erate offerings. Receipts include 43% formulated prices Lot Size Total Head Price Range Wtd Avg Price Range Wtd Avg Per Trade Per Category FOB Seller FOB Delvrd Buyer Delvrd EARLY WEANED PIGS 10 POUNDS BASIS; EsUmated 40-54% Lean Value 250 head or less 1,669 23.00-29.60 27.07. i 24.00-31 00 28 45 250-750 10,091 20.00-31 00 26.49 j 22.00-32.00 28 34 750 or more -33,200 17.00-31 50 28.25 | 19.00-33.25 29.75 Total Composite 44,960 17.00-31.50 27.81 i 19.00-33.25 29.38 FEEDER PIGS 40 POUNDS BASIS: Estimated 40-54% Lean Value 250 head or less 375 30.00-37.00 34.20 i 35.00-38 00 36.80 250-750 4,950 30.00-43.00 34.24 i 35.00-45.00 37.93 750 or more 18,868 32.50-41 00 35.00 I 36 50-44.91 39.53 Total Composite JILOO-43.00 34.83 = 35.00-45.00 39.16 FEEDERP4GS 45-POUNDB BASIS Estimated 40-54% Lean Value 250-750 180 45.00 45 00 j 46 40 46.40 750 or more 14,000 39.00-46 54 41.59 i 41.25-48.63 43 78 Total Composite 14,180 39.00-46.54 41.63 i 41.25-48.63 43.81 FEEDER PIGS SO POUNDS BASIS: Estimated 40-54% Lean Value 250 head or less 725 42.00-47.00 44 09 j 44.00-47.50 45.67 250-750 1,960 34.50-42.00 39.60 i 36.50-44.00 41.55 750 or more 6,580 40.00-49.50 44.06 I 4150-51.02 45.75 Total Composite 9,265 34.50-49.50 43.11 ; 36.50-51.02 44.84 FEEDER PIGS 55 POUNDS BASIS: Estimated 40-54% Lean Value 250-750 5,100 38 50-46.11 42.56 j 42.50-50.11 46.56 750 or more 1,050 39.50 39.50 i 43.50 43.50 Total Composite 6,150 38.50-46.11 42.04 j 42.50-50.11 46.04 Most lots of 40-60 weight pigs have a sliding value from the negotiated weight basis which is calculated on the actual average weight of the load plus or minus .30-.40 per pound Some early weaned lots have a slide of 50- 1 00 per pound. Early weaned pigs are under 19 days old. EsUmated lean value is projected to use slaughter weights with normal confinement feeding conditions Vaccination and health program values are not included but health status should be disclosed. THE GRAIN OF OUR ECONOMY* Shippensburg Hay Auction Shippensburg, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction July 5 and 8,2003 Hay—Straw—Grain 38 LOADS. ALFALFA: 44.00-92.00. MIXED HAY: 44.00-180.00. TIMOTHY: 58.00-180.00. BROMEGRASS. 52.00-210.00. ORCHARDGRASS: 50.00-100.00. STRAW; 57.50-85.00. CORN: 110.00. OATS: 3.00 BU. MULCH: 15.00-30.00. Oklahoma Feeder Cattle Weekly Oklahoma City, OK July 9,2003 Report Supplied By USDA OKLAHOMA NATIONAL STOCK- YARDS, Weekly Cattle Summary Compared to last week: Feeder steers and heifers 1.00-3.00 higher. Steer calves over 550 lbs and ail heifer calves steady. Steer calves under 550 lbs 2.00-5.00 higher. De mand continues very good for all classes. Feedlot buyers aggressive for light sup plies of cattle to fill pen space. Farmers with spring and summer grazing pro grams have made strong profits on year ling sales and are aggressive for light yearlings and weaned calves to replace the feeders they have sold. Calf sales were highlighted by 3 large strings of reputa tion bred calves. Cattle industry is think ing on a positive plane with much opti mism floating around about August slaughter cattle. Receipts this week 7430; last week 8032; last year 9244. Supply consisted of 72% over 600 lbs; 23% calves; 5% cows and bulls. Heifers comprised 33% of feed er & calf supply. Prices follow with weighted average The first week of July not only means weight and price in parenthesis. fireworks but also that it’s time for the FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Annual Bar ' B -Q ue Yearling Special at I , Ann .. .. . the livestock auction in the small north- Large 1: CALVES: 400-SOO lbs (450 lbs) w . , _ em Missouri town of Green City, popula -106.0- (114.12); 500-550 lbs (514 6gg Around 4000 head of(op quality lbs) 98.00-110.00 (106.20), load Fancy 550 700.900 lb yearling steers and heifers lbs 108.50; 550-600 lbs (569 lbs) were offered, including 40 truckload lots. 97.00- (100.80); 600-650 lbs (622 There were nearly 1200 head of 800-900 lbs) 91.00-96.00 (93.66), 3 loads Fancy lb steers sold with an average price of 101.00- 650-700 lbs (675 lbs) 91 - 47 - The j UI T >s still out on whether 92.00- (94.48); 700-750 lbs (738 lbs) these P rices were P rovoked b y the free 86.75- 88.00, 2 loads Fancy 5&2M5.75,- by *** sj. x"crdtfTWd WorTd Champion Livestock YEARLINGS: 600-700 lbs (650 lbs) . . , . . . Auctioneer, or simply demand for these 94.00- (95.53); 700-750 lbs (726 lbs) „ f lowa Nebraska „ uyers 92.00- (93.89); 750- 800 lbs (773 lbs) dominated the bidding, which barely 87.50- (89.79); 800-850 lbs (830 lbs) slowed down enough for the local buyers 85.50- (87.62); 850-900 lbs (883 lbs) to nip at their heels. Premiums were being 84.00- (84.21); 900-975 lbs (950 lbs) paid for home-raised cattle or those that 80.75- had a verifiable origin. The Midwestern FEEDS? HEIFERS: Medium and C feeders ,hat payUlg through the nose Large 1: CALVES: 400-500 lbs (450 lbs) ** *° 9 caught with their heads in the sand, 93.50-97.50 (96.00), load Fancy COOL (Country of origin Label -102.00-103.50; 500-600 lbs (550 lbs) ( n g) come to fruition.. 88.50-95.25 (92.50), 2 loads Fancy 96.00- 600-650 lbs (621 lbs) 84.00- (88.72), load Fancy 89.75-91.50; 650-700 lbs 83.50-85.75 (85.64). YEARLINGS: 550-600 lbs (576 lbs) 92.75-94.00 (93.10); 600-650 lbs (622 lbs) 88.50-93.25 (90.14); 650-700 lbs (672 lbs) 87.00- 89.50 (88.47); 700-750 lbs (725 lbs) 85.00-89.25 (86.80); 750-800 lbs (779 lbs) 84.00-86.00 (85.38); 800-850 lbs (814 lbs) 81.25-85.85 (84.08); 880 lbs 81.00; 930 lbs 78.75. National Feeder Cattle Weekly Review St. Joseph, Mo. July 3,2003 Report Supplied By USDA NATIONAL FEEDER & STOCKER CATTLE SUMMARY - Week Ending July 3 NATIONAL FEEDER & STOCKER CATTLE SUMMARY Total Receipts: 249,400; last week 255,400; last year 251,200. Direct: 60,500; last week 78,800; last year 34,800. Video/Internef: 128,000; last week 3,300; last year 152,800. Auctions: 60,900, last week 173,300; last year 63,600. This week’s re ported auction volume included 52 per cent over 600 lbs (with the absence of the Southeastern markets) and 44 percent heifers. Compared to last week, feeder and Stocker cattle sold firm to 3.00 higher on light pre-holiday receipts. Price advances were quoted on both auction and direct sales, after several weeks of country buy ers resisting the higher market for current delivery cattle. Southeastern calf markets were not well tested as most auction mar kets were closed. However, several sale barns in the Plains and the Midwest had decent receipts and demand was very good as reported by the USDA’s Live stock Market News Service. Timely precipitation across most of the United States has both crops and pastures looking good, which always turns into de mand for feeders and Stockers. The fed cattle market rebounded a bit this week, with live sales quoted 1.00 higher at 75.00 and 2.00-3.00 higher in-the-beef at 120.00 dressed. The weather outlook for the met ropolitan areas is very good for the long Fourth of July weekend to include beef on the grill. Whether its hot dogs or steaks; have a great Independence Day from all of us at Market News. Tennessee Feeder Cattle Sales Nashville, Tenn. July 9,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Tennessee Weighted Average report for Tuesday, July 8, at Dickson, Huntingdon, Somerville and Cookeville. Receipts 1,992 calves and feeders (18 pet over 600 lbs). Compared to two weeks ago, feeder 1.00-3.00 higher. Feeder heifers steady to 3.00 higher. Average weights and average prices in parentheses. FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large 1-2: 63 head, 300-400 lb (355) 97.00- 19.00 (108.15); 96 head, 400-500 lb (453) 87.00-104.00 (96.00); 113 head, 500-600 lb (548) 82.00-98.00 (91.47); 8 head, 500-600 lb (519) 98.00-101.00 (100.13); 59 head, 600-700 lb (634) 80.00- (86.22); 9 head, 700-800 lb (744) 74.00-84.00. MedTLge. 3: 16 head, 300-400 lb (354) 85.00-114.00 (99.48); 30 head. 400-500 lb (447) 78.00-99.50 (89.57); 38 head, 500-600 lb (547) 74.00-92.00 (81.31); 11 head, 600-700 lb (629) 75.0089.00(84.79). FEEDER HEIFERS: Med. ge. 1-2; 65 head, 300-400 lb (357) 85.00-99.00 (91.24); 158 head, 400-500 lb (455) 78.00-96.00 (86.10); 151 head, 500-600 lb (545) 75.00-87.00 (82.19); part load 46 head, 500-600 lb (582) 84.00; 53 head, 600-700 lb (635) 71.00-83.00 (78.62); 12 head, 70-800 lb (732) 63.50-77.50 (73.15). Med./Lge. 3: 28 head, 300-400 lb (352) 78.50-93.00 (84.98); 68 head 400-500 lb (449) 65.00-90.00 (81.45); 30 head, 500-600 lb (536) 68.00-87.50 (76.912); 30 head, 600-700 lb (668) 59.50-78.50(67.79). FEEDER BULLS: MedTLge. 1-2: 12 head, 300-400 lb (338) 104.00-115.00 (109.64); 70 head. 400-500 lb (455) 86.50-105.00 (92.34); 74 head, 500-600 lb (550) 77.00-95.00 (86.85); 32 head, 600-700 lb (634) 63.00-88.00 (Sail); 11 head, 700-800 lb (751) 68.00-79.00 (73.10). Northeast Eggs Atlanta, Georgia Report Supplied by USDA July 10,2003 Prices were unchanged; however, medi ums were trending lower. The market tone was steady to instances barely steady with mediums in the weakest position. Demand into all channels ranged moder ate to fairly good, best where features were at factor. Large 18 pack eggs were advertised at 2 for 3.00. Supplies were adequate to available for current trade needs. Breaking stock offerings were suf ficient to fully sufficient for the moderate demand. Light type fowl were adequate to fully adequate for slaughter schedules. PRICES TO RETAILERS, SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A, WHITE EGGS IN CARTONS, WAREHOUSE, CENTS PER DOZEN. RANGE MOSTLY EXTRA LARGE 71-84 74-77 LARGE 66-8171-73 MEDIUM 53-68 58-60 NORTHEAST AREA: CT, DC, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, eastern NJ, eastern NY, PA, RI, Northern VA, and VT.