Kentucky Feeder Cattle Sales Lexington, Ky. July 9,2003 Report Supplied By USDA BLUE GRASS STOCKYARDS Daily Auction Report; Receipts; 2,239. Steer and heifer calves fully steady. Yearling steers and heifers 1.00 to 3.00 higher. STEERS: Medium and Large 1: 300-350 ind 104.00, 350-400 lbs 101.00- 400-450 lbs 101.00-109.00, 450-500 lbs 98.50-107.50; 500-550 lbs 95.00- 550-600 lbs 92.00-98.50; 600-700 lb calves 84.50-91.00, 600-700 lb yearlings 88.00-91.75, including 38 headfblk-Charx) 693 lbs 88.90 & 21 head(mixed) 695 lbs 88.10; 700-800 lbs 81.00- 800-900 lbs 81.00-87.80, in cluding 54 head(blk-Charx) 811 lbs 87.80 & 66 head(blk-Charx) 887 lbs 82.95; 900-1000 lbs 75.00-80.60, including 26 head(Charx) 903 lbs 80.60. Holsteins: Large 3: Few 500-600 lbs 65.00-73.75; 700-800 lbs 65.00-69.95, including 64 head 757 lbs 69.95; 49 head 998 lbs 66.70. BULL CALVES; Medium and Large 1: 300-400 lbs 95.00-110.00; 400-500 lbs 92.00- 500-600 lbs 85.00-93.50; 600-700 lbs 77.00-81.00; 700-800 lbs 73.00- 800-900 lbs 68.00-70.00; 900-1000 lbs 59.00-67.25. Medium and Urge 2 300-400 lbs 90.00-101.00; 400-500 lbs 86.00-93.50; 500-600 lbs 80.00-84.00; MAR K E T LEESPORT, BERKS COUNTY, PA 19533 (610) 926-1307 LIVESTOCK AUCTION EVERY WEDNESDAY ■ 1:OOP.M. LEESPORT •v' ' jay-"" y JL Farmers Market 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM Flea Market 7:00 AM to ?? visit our website: •iMJII (SCI# Scteno® 600-700 lbs 74.00-77.00; 700-800 lbs 67.00-72.00; 800-900 lbs 64.00-70.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Urge 1; 300-400 lbs 88.00-96.00; 400-500 lbs 85.00-93.00; 500-600 lbs 84.00-89.50; 600-700 lbs 81.00-87.00; 700-800 lbs 78.00-82.95, including 63 head(mixed) 772 lbs 80.75 & 69 head(Charx-blk) 776 lbs 82.95; 800-900 lbs 77.50-82.60, includ ing 56 head(blk) 811 lbs 82.60; 900-1000 lbs 76.00-77.00. BABY CALVES: Beef 110.00-140.00; Dairybred 35.00-50.00. Eastern Combelt Direct Feeder Cattle Weekly Springfield, 111. July 3,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Eastern Combelt Direct Feeder Cattle Summary Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio; Compared to last week, feeder cattle were steady to weak in a very light market test. Demand was very light. Trading was slow ahead of the holiday. Reported sales consisted of about 0% beef steers, 100% heifers and 0% Holstein steers. Approximately 100% of the cattle marketed this week weighed over 600 lbs. Confirmed sales 200 this week, 400 last week and 600 last year. FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Urge 1-2: no test HOLSTEIN STEERS: no test FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Urge 1-2: 675-750 lbs 81.50-82.00; load lot 850 lbs 73.75. Prices are based FOB the farm unless otherwise indicated. Delivered prices in clude freight, commis- sions, and other ex- penses. Tl» BdtMfor T6i* News •Mil twIUT HmNo(? Find out more at or call Dr. Dan Fritton at (814) 865-1143 East Coast and North Central Veal Report Des Moines, lowa July 9,2003 Supplied By USDA CARLOT VEAL CARCASS REPORT, July 7: Compared to trading last week: Northeast special fed veal trading 235.00-265.00, few small sales at higher levels on very good demand and very light offerings. North Central hide on 6.75-10.00 higher and hide off not tested on very good demand and very light of ferings. VEAL CARCASS, SPECIAL FED, HOT BASIS, FOB PRODUCTION POINTS: North Central 260 head. Hide- On, 240-300 lbs: 190.00-195.00. Northeast 250 head. Hide-Off, 215-275 lbs: 230.00-265.00. CONTRACT INFORMATION: Hot Basis, Hide-Off (As of July 2, 2003) Contract calves slaughtered this week: 190.00-220.00. Packers base market 195.00-220.00. Future contracts of fered: Firm Bottom 195.00-199.00, Firm Top 212.00- 215.00. Firm Bot tom, 199.00, Split Half Top 209.00. Fixed 200.00. • North Central - OH, IN, 11, MI & Wl. • Northeast - MA, MD, PA, NY, NJ, DE, CT& VT. WEEKLY DISTRIBUTIVE, LESS THAN CARLOT, EAST COAST AREA VEAL CUTS TRADE, SPECIAL FED: Market for Tuesday, July 8 Compared to last week; Distributive special fed veal cuts unsettled, mostly firm to higher on very good demand and very light offerings of fresh and cold storage cuts, due to reduced veal slaughter numbers with the U.S./Canada bor- Do you know that soil controls the availability of nearly every life sustaining resource? Do you know that E-Soil Sci majors study soil-based processes that shape and protect our environment? Do you know that a degree in E-Soil Sci opens career options in fields related to environmental protection, sustainable management of natural resources, agriculture, and forestry? der being closed due to BSE. Prices per CWT: Carcass, hide off 200-250 lb 285.00-325.00; Foresaddles 85-110 lb 210.00-260.00; Kosher Foresad dles 90-110 lb 195.00-280.00; Hindsaddles 85-115 lb 390.00-450.00; Loins, regular 17-25 lb 390.00-450.00; Loins, 4x4 trmd 12-18 lb 750.00-800.00; Hotel Racks, 8 rib 15-21 lb 650.00-835.00, 7 rib 14-20 lb 725.00- 6 rib 13-17 lb 825.00- Chuck, square cut 36-47 lb 150-180.00; Shoulder, full 14-20 lb 185.00- Legs, double 70-90 lb 385-450.00, TBS 3-piece 24-32 lb 750-975.00, BHS heel-out 27-35 lb 695.00- Top Round, trmd, cap-off 8-10 lb 1050.00-1225.00; Breast 10-12 lb 90.00- Necks, bone-in 24-28 lb 150.00- Stew Meat, regular 210.00- Boneless Trimmings 75-80% lean 72.00-95.00; Heavy Nature Green Hides, per piece 40-41.50. Five-Area Weekly Average Direct Slaughter Cattle St. Joseph, Mo., July 7, 2003 - USDA Market News Service Sales in Texas/Oklahoma; Kansas; Nebraska; Colorado; and lowa/Minnesota Feedlots for Week Ending Sunday, July 6, 2003 Confirmed Sales; 217,691; Week Ago; 185,838; Year Ago: 118,938 live'FOß SLAUGHTER STEERS: ' Count Over 80% Choice 1,073 65-80% Choice 7,627 35-80% Choice 53,833 0-35% Choice 714 TOTAL all grades 63,247 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS' Over 80% Choice 588 65-80% Choice 5.967 35-65% Choice 43,161 0-35% Choice 709 TOTAL all grades 50,425 DRESSED DELIVra SLAUGHTER STEERS: Ovei 80% Choice 1,182 693-873 65-80% Choice 9,830 734-861 35-65% Choice 19,354 697-892 0-35% Choice TOTAL all grades 30,366 693-892 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS' Over 80% Choice 722 693-762 65-80% Choice 7,239 675-820 35-65% Choice 20,288 651-822 0-35% Choice 75 749 TOTAL all grades 28,324 651-822 ited Weekly W< Live Steer Dressed Heifer Dressed Steer Dressed Heifer Same Period Last Week Live Steer Live Heifer Dressed Steer Dressed Heifer Same Period Lasl Live Steer Live Heifer Dressed Steer Dressed Heifer 23rd Annual Ag Showcase at the Cecil County Fair Tuesday, July 22,2003,10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Rain Date: Thursday, July 24,2003 At the Fairgrounds on MD 273 near MD 213, Fair Hill, MD. Follow the signs. Special Features Demystifying Seeding Rates. Learn about optimum seeding rates for various crops. Do those ultra-high rates pay off? Precision Planting. Manufacturers will discuss how their equipment delivers proper seeding rate and placement. Staying Safe. Learn about keeping yourself and your loved ones safe on the farm. Multiflora Rose Control. Revisit last year’s demonstra tion of chemical, mechanical and biological control to see what worked and what didn’t. Classic/Antique Farm Equipment. Celebrate the Cecil County Fair’s 50th birthday by viewing vintage farm equipment. Tractors; skid loaders; forage equipment; and all types of farming equipment for full- or part-time farmers Available on site from Cecil County Farm Bureau Women Ag-Industrial, Inc.; W. N. Cooper & Son; Hoober, Inc. Cecil County Weed Control, Mid-Atlantic Farm Credit, Sam Orr Maryland Cooperative Extension-Cecil County Cecil County Fair Board Demonstrations Lunch Dealers Sponsors Organizers The Ag Showcase welcomes everyone interested in agriculture. Admission is free. For more information, contact participating dealers or Maryland Cooperative Extension - Cecil County, (410) 996-5280 It is the policy of Maryland Cooperative Extension that no person shall be subject to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, sex, disability, age or national ongin Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 12, 2003-Al9 Shippensburg Produce Auction Shippensburg, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction July 3,4,8,2003 APPLES: 5.00-6.50 Vi BU. APRICOTS: 9.00-18.00 8 QT. FLAT. BEANS: GREEN 9.50-16.00 'A BU. CABBAGE: .7.00-8.00 'A BU. CUCUMBERS: 7.50-10.50 Vi BU. LETTUCE; 5.50-7.00 A BU. PEAS: 3.00-7.00 8 QT. FLAT. POTATOES: +N2 2.50-4.00 BU. RASPBERRIES: 12.00 12 PINT FLAT. STRAWBERRIES: 8.00-18.00 8 QT. FLAT. SWEET CORN: 2.50-3.00 DOZ. TOMATOES: 8.00-15.00 10 LBS. ZUCCHINI: 3.50-8.00 Vi BU. NEXT WEEK'S SALE TUES., THURS., FRL, 9 A.M. Weight Range 1150-1325 1165-1400 1078-1475 1175-1335 1078-1475 Head 74 00-75 50 74 00-75.50 72.00- 72.00- 00 72.00- Beef Breeds: 1125-1230 1090-1300 1010-1325 1050-1260 1010-1325 lIS SALES Head Count 63,247 50,425 30,366 28,324 50,773 46,086 29,040 19,779 39,205 33,245 20,488 12,423 Price Range Avg. Weight 1,257 7,277 1,261 1,249 1,262 73.00- 50 74.00- 72.00- 50 72 00-75.00 72.00- 1,184 1,172 1,142 1.11 l 1,146 117 00-12000 \\i 00-\2\ oo 1)7.00-123.50 825 B\4 816 816 117.00-123.50 730 736 732 749 733 116 00-120 00 118.00-121.00 116.00-121 00 119.00 116.00-121.00 Avg. Price 74 90 74 89 119 55 119.63 Avg. Weight 1,262 1,146 816 733 73 98 73.91 117.11 117 14 1,256 1,151 817 739 63.62 63.77 99.15 99 01 1,286 1,157 838 767 Avg. Price 74.90 75 03 74 90 74 04 74.90 74.67 74 96 74 89 74 65 74.89 1)9 05 uq 56 11957 119.55 119 59 119 74 119.60 119 00 119.63
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