Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 12, 2003, Image 18
AlB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Winchester Weekly Feeder Cattle Richmond, Va. July 8,2003 Report Supplied by USDA WEEKLY AUCTION at Winchester, July 7 FEEDER CATTLE: 420 head (87 steers, 7 Holstein steers, 168 heifers, 158 bulls). Prices based on in weights. FEEDER STEERS; Med./Lge. 1: 300-400 lb 014.50; 500-600 lb 83.00-85.00; 600-700 lb 79.00-81.50; 700-800 lb 75.00; 800-900 lb 76.75; 900-1000 lb 74.00. Med./Lge. 2: 300-400 lb 81.00-89.50; 400-500 lb 81.00-87.00; 500-600 lb 75.00-79.50; 600-700 lb 77.00-79.00; 700-800 lb 66.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: Med./Lge. 2; 300-500 lb 72.00; 500-700 lb 55.00-63.00. FFEDER HEIFERS: Med./Lge. I: 300-400 lb 85.50-99.50: 400-500 lb 79.00- 500-600 lb 77.00-81.50; 600-700 lb 70.25-73.50: 700-800 lb 71.00; 800-900 lb 69.50. Med./Lge. 2: 300-400 lb 80.00- 400-500 lb 74.00-80.00; 500-600 lb 71.00-79.75; 600-700 lb 72.00; 700-800 lb 68.00; 800-900 lb 64.50-66.00. FEEDER BULLS: Med./Lge. 1: 300-400 lb 90.00-104.75; 400-500 lb 83.00- SOO-600 lb 81.00; 600-700 lb 70.00- 700-900 lb 61.00-64.50. Med./Lge. 2: 300-400 lb 76.00-84.50; 400-500 lb 72.00-84.50; 500-600 lb 67.00- 600-700 lb 65.00-70.50; 700-900 lb 55.50. Small 1: 300-400 lb 69.00- Roanoke-Holllns Feeder Cattle Sale Richmond, Va. July 8,2003 Report Supplied By USDA WEEKLY AUCTION for July 7 FEEDER CATTLE: 149 head (36 steers, 2 Holstein steers; 62 heifers, 49 bulls). Prices based on in weights. FEEDER STEERS: Med./Lge. 1: 400-500 lb 92.00; 500-600 lb 90.00-91.00. Med./Lge. 2; 400-500 lb 92.00-92.50; 500-600 lb 85.00-92.00; 600-700 lb 85.00; 700-800 lb 76.00; 800-900 lb 65.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: Med./Lge. 2: 300-500 lb 70.50. FEEDER HEIFERS: Med./Lge. 1: 400-500 lb 83.00-84.50; 500-600 lb 83.50-85.00; 600-700 lb- 82.25-83.00; 700-800 lb 66.50; 800-900 lb 72.50-75.25. Med./Lge. 2: 300-400 lb 85.00; 400-500 lb 78.50; 500-600 lb 80.50; 600-700 lb 82.50. FEEDER BULLS: Med./Lge. 1: 400-500 lb 82.00-90.00; 500-600 lb 78.00-85.50; 600-700 lb 79.50-85.00. Med./Lge. 2- 400-500 lb 70.00-82.00; 500-600 lb 87.00; 600-700 lb 70.00-78.00. Make Your Fencing Last! Choose Galvanized. July 12, 2003 Virginia Livestock Auction Summary Richmond, Va. July 8,2003 Report Supplied By USDA NORTHERN VIRGINIA LIVE STOCK Front Royal, Marshall, Shen andoah, and Winchester for June 30 thru July 5. All prices per hundred pounds liveweight, except where noted. FEEDER CATTLE: 608 head (194 steers, 231 heifers, 183 bulls). FEEDER STEERS: Med./Lge. 1: 300-400 lb 85.00-100.00; 400-500 lb 80.50- 500-600 lb 83.00-91.50; 600-700’ lb 80.00-83.00; 700-800 lb 82.00-82.75; 800-900 lb 74.00. Med./Lge. 2: 200-300 lb 92.00; 300-400 lb 73.00; 400-500 lb 79.50-85.50; 500-600 lb 76.50- 600-700 lb 69.50-79.50; 800-900 lb 71.00. Small 1: 300-400 lb 68.00; 400-500 lb 82.50-84.50; 500-600 lb 71.00; 600-700 lb 74.00-78.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Med./Lgc. 1: 200-300 lb 90.00-96.00; 300-400 lb 81.00- 400-500 lb 73.00-87.00; 500-600 lb 71.00-84.25; 600-700 lb 69.00- 700-800 lb 68.00-74.50; 800-900 lb 63.50-66.00. MedTLge. 2: 300-400 lb 76.00; 400-500 lb 63.00-77 75; 500-600 lb 70.00-73.50; 600-700 lb 61.00- 700-800 lb 60.00-62.00. Small 1: 400-SOO lb 50.00-56.00; 500-600 lb 57.00- BULLS: Med./Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 97.00- 300-400 lb 88.50-100.00; 400-500 lb 76.00-84.00; 500-600 lb 76.50- 600-700 lb 71.00-80.00; 700-900 lb 60.00-67.00. Med,/Lge, 2: 200-300 lb 85.00-94.00; 300-400 lb 72.00- 400-500 lb 76.00-77.00; 500-600 lb 70.50-71.50; 600-700 lb 59.00- 700-800 lb 62.00; 700-900 lb 56.50- Small 1: 300-400 lb 66.00; 400-500 lb 63.50-68.00; 600-700 lb 54.50. SLAUGHTER CATTLE: 247 head (4 heifers, 221 cows and 22 bulls). SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-3, 1100-1300 lb 77.75-78.50; Select 2-3, 1100-1300 lb 71.00. SLAUGHTER COWS: Breaking Utili ty and Commercial 2-4, 41.00-48.00; Cut ter and Boning Utility 1-3, 38.00-46.50; Canner and Low Cutter 1-2,26.00-40.25. SLAUGHTER BULLS: YG 1-2, 900-1300 lbs 48.50-55.50; 1300-1600 lbs 54.24-56.75; 1600 lbs and over 51.50-56.75. COWS RETURNED TO FARMS; 73 head. 780-1275 lbs: Med./Lge. 1 few 2, 4 years old to aged, bred 2-7 months, 310.00-740.00 per head. COWS WITH CALVES AT SIDE: 10 pairs. 835-1460 lbs; Med./Lge. 1 few 2, 4 years to aged with calves 100-360 lbs 400.00-900.00 per pair. BABY CALVES RETURNED TO FARMS; 52 head. Newborn to 4 Weeks 21.00- per head. Over 100 lbs 60.00- per cwt. SHEEP: 84 (52 slaughter lambs, 25 feeder lambs, 7 slaughter ewes). SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Spring Wooled: Choice and Prime 1-2, 80-110 lbs 90.00- 110-125 lbs 91.50. Good and Choice 1-2, 60-90 lbs 96.25. FEEDER LAMBS: Spring Wooled: Med./Lge. 1-2, 40-60 lbs 85.00-90.00; 600-90 lbs 81.00-93.00; Small/Med. 1-2, 40-60 lbs 94.25-96.00; 60-90 lb 94.25. SLAUGH- TER EWES: Choice 2-4, 25.00; Utility 1-3,34.50. Lynchburg Weekly Graded Feeder Cattle Richmond, Va. July 8,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Graded Feeder Cattle Sale at Lynch burg, July 7 FEEDER CATTLE: 679 head (352 steers; 327 heifers). Feeder steers steady to 1.00 higher; heifers steady. Average weights and average prices in parentheses. FEEDER STEERS: Med./Lge.l: 400-500 lb (467) 99.00-101.50 (100.91); 54 head, 500-600 lb (559) 96.00-98.70 (98.21); 47 head, 600-700 lb (643) 90.00-90.90 (90.67); 9 head, 700-800 lb (714) 88.50-90.00 (88.66). Med./Lge. 2: 14 head, 300-400 lb (458) 97.00-106.50 (103.73); 31 head, 400-500 lb (458) 90.50-102.50 (99.46); 68 head, 500-600 lb (548) 94.00- (94.77); 26 head. 600-700 lb (627) 90.00-90.50 (90.27); 7 head, 700-800 lb (729) 85.00-85.25 (85.18). Med./Lge. 3: 6 head, 300-400 lb (370) 81.00-85.00 (83.63); 13 head, 400-500 lb (446) 88.00- (88.85); 17 head, 500-600 lb (543) 80.00; 10 head, 600-700 lb (623) 75.00- (78.52). Small 1; 10 head, 400-500 lb (462) 88.75; 8 head, 500-600 lb (534)80.50-84.00(83.14). FEEDER HEIFERS: Med./Lge. 1: 15 head, 400-500 lb (462) 88.00-90.00 (89.33); 54 head, 500-600 lb (551) 85.75-88.80 (06); 21 head, 600-700 lb (635) 85.75-86.50 (86.29). Med./Lge. 2: 20 head, 300-400 lb (360) 93.00-95.00 (94.41); 45 head, 400-500 lb (454) 87.75-89.00 (88.63); 65 head, 500-600 lb (545) 86.50-87.50 (87.30); 17 head, 600-700 lb (646) 85.75-86.25 (86.07). Med./Lge. 3: 9 head, 300-400 lb (383) 94.25; 48 head, 400-500 lb (449) 84.25-89.00 (87.61); 30 head, 500-600 lb (533) 84.25-86.00 (84.48); 9 head, 600-700 lb (624) 70.00-75.00 (73.31). Small 1: 17 head, 400-500 lb (449) 85.50; 14 head, 500-600 lb (545) 84.75. LYNCHBURG REGULAR WEEKLY AUCTION, July 8 FEEDER CAT TLE: 677 head (98 steers, 195 heifers, 384 bulls). Feeder bulls mostly steady. Prices per hundredweight, based on in weights. FEEDER BULLS: Med./Lge. 1: 300-400 lb 90.00-95.00; 400-500 lb 91.50; 500-600 lb 86.50-93.25; 600-700 lb 82.00- Med./Lge. 2: 200-300 lb 91.00- 300-400 lb 97.00; 400-500 lb 86.00- 500-600 lb 70.50-87.00; 600-700 lb 72.00-80.50. Small 1: 300-400 lb 92.00; 400-500 lb 82.00-91.75; 500-600 lb 75.00-83.00. 0% FINANCING FOR 36 MONTHS Or Choose A FREE Bonus Package! Now there’s no reason to settle for anything less than a GRASSHOPPER Zero- Turning Radius mower! Offer applies to most models including: or Diesel • True Zero Turn Mid Mount and True Zero Turn Front Mount mowers • and liquid-cooled models Better hurry! 0% Financing For 36 Months ends August 29, 2003. ACF MANCHESTER lllDPftrxLP HARDWARE & AUTO PARTS Hardware your hometown hardware place! ** «&=> 4335 N George Street Extd • Manchester, PA 17345 *717-266-3664 1-800-311-1517 MON - FRI 7 30AM-8 00PM, SATURDAY 7 30AM-6 00PM if) 0% Financing for 36 Months is available with approved credit through Sunflower Bank, N A Minimum 10% down payment required Offer not available on government, nonprofit entities or nabonal account sales Other interest rate programs may be offered to non-qualifiers of 0% interest Payment of documentation and UCC filing fees required at signing of loan contract Bonus Packages are available in place of 0% Financing Value of Bonus Package depends on model Bonus package may be applied to the retail value of a PowerVac™ Collection System or other implement Minimum amount financed with this program is $5,000 Models 218 & 220 are excluded from 0% Financing Program is available at participating dealers only Program is offered LIVESTOCK FUTURES MARKET Chicago Mercantile Exchange Wednesday, July 9,2003 Live Hogs Frozen Choice Steers Choice Feeders Lean Value Pork Bellies Today 7/01/03 Today 7/01/03 Today 7/01/03 Today 7/01/03 JlO3 72 550 72 200 63.800 64 075 96 950 97 900 Auo3 71.075 69.925 87.025 86 350 65 125 64 300 93 750 92.225 SO3 71.700 70.750 87.425 86.600 - - 003 72.025 71.075 87.375 86 775 58.375 57.175 - NO3 87.350 86 775 - - DO3 73 925 73.550 - 55 625 54.950 - JO4 - 84.975 83.700 82.500 82 600 FO4 75 000 75 125 - 58 050 57.900 - Mr 04 84.000 ,83 900 - 83 000 82 900 Apo4 74.975 75 500 84.100 83.900 59.750 59.100 My 04 - - 62.350 61.800 84.600 84.100 Jno4 69.375 69.475 - 63 875 63 100 - JlO4 62 350 62.475 Weekly Meat Production Under Federal Inspection WASHINGTON, D.C., July 7- (USDA-NASS) - Total red meat pro duction under federal inspection for the week ending Saturday, July 5, was estimated at 762.3 million lbs, according to the USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service. This was 16.7 percent lower than a week ago and 0.6 percent lower than a year ago. Cumulative meat production for the year to date was 0.3 percent lower compared to the previous year. MEAT PRODUCTION (million pounds) (excludes condemned) CaK/Veal Pork (2) 3.0 292.6 3.5 354.3 -14.3% -17.4% 2 9 283 9 Week Ending (1) Beef 05- 463.7 28-Jun-03 553.7 Change: -16.3% 06- 477.0 Change. -2.8% 3.4% 3.1% 7.1% 2003 YTD: 13,415.0 96.4 9,762 7. 97.6 2002 YTD 13,501.1 92.6 9,745.4 109.4 Change; -0.6% 4 1% 0.2% -10 8% 1- Previous week estimates may be revised. Year ago data are actuals 2- Excludes lard. 3- Totals may not add due to rounding. 2003 totals are subject to revision Cattle Calves/Vealers Hogs Sheep/Lambs 628.000 15,000 1,476,000 44,000 753.000 17,000 1,786,000 53,000 -16.6% -11.8% -17.4% -17.0% 624.000 16,000 1,470,000 43,000 0.6% -6.3% 0.4% 2 3% 17.988.000 500,000 49,038,000 1,442,000 17.888.000 479.000 49,254,000 1,587,000 0.6% 4.4% -0.4% -9.2% AVERAGE'WEIGHTS'Gbs.) Cattle Calves/Vealers Hogs 1221 333 267 1217 339 268 1248 296 260 Week Ending 05-July-03 28-Jun-03 Change 06-July-02 Change -2003 YTD 2002 YTD: Change: Week Ending: LIVE 05- Estimate 28-Jun-03 Estimate 06- Actual DRESSED: 05- Estimate 742 28-Jun-03 Estimate 739 06- Actual 768 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL SLAUGHTERED BY CLASS CATTLE HOGS Wk Ending Steers Heifers Cows Bulls/Stags Barrows/Gilts Sows Boars/Stags 21- 53.5% 30.8% 14.1% 1.7% 96.2% 3.5% 0.3% 22- 53.0% 30.2% 15.0% 1.8% 96.0% 3.7% 0.3% Lamb/Mutton Totals (3) 3.0 762.3 3.6 915.1 -16 7% -16.7% 2 8 766 6 Sheep/Lamb 135 135 129 204 209 181 199 199 194 Jr-cooled YOUR NEXT MOWER -0.6% 23,371.7 23.448.5 -0.3% 68 68 65