Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 05, 2003, Image 5
Eastern Region Frozen Eggs ATLANTA, GA. June 27,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Trade sentiment was generally fully steady to firm with majority prices irregu lar on whites but unchanged to higher on balance of items when compared to previ ous week's trading. Demand was unag gressive but mostly fair to moderately good as values continue to trend higher. Offerings ranged from short to about ade quate for trade needs. Liquid and frozen eggs (ingredients included) processed under federal inspection in the Eastern region for the week ending 21 Jun 2003 were 2% less the previous week, and 7% less than a year ago. WHOLESALE SELLING PRICES (CENTS PER POUND IN 30 LB. CON TAINERS; TRUCKLOTS: Whole: 48-58, mostly 54-57. Blends(/): too few to report. Whites: 42-48, mostly 45-47. Sugared Yolks (min. 43% solids): 69-80, mostly 77-80. Salted Yolks (min. 43% solids); 70-75, mostly 72-75. LESS THAN TRUCKLOT: (MIN. 25 CONT.): Whole: 64-68. Blends(/) 73-94. Whites: 51-59. Sugared Yolks (min. 43% solids): 82-89. Salted Yolks (min. 43% so lids): 78-89. (/) - Whole plus yolk plus sweetener, generally 28-32% egg solids. 255 Plane Tree Drive, Lancaster, PA 17603 1-80043^-0988 Visit Our Web Site; www.hequipcom Stek Chick-Eze Pullet Cages With over 35 Years ofExperience, we are your neighborhood company. We offa the finest quality products to your specifications. Our crews are here to build, install and service. What can we do foryoa? Ctspias (ffJalitySjstansfrPajfay jffid Gram IWfeg Summer Specials: Our Service Department Is Stocked with All Your Needs! Call About Our Eastern Redon Whole Young Turkeys Des Moines, lowa July 1,2003 Report Supplied By USDA WHOLE YOUNG TURKEYS, FRO ZEN, Consumer Sizes, Commodity Pack or Equivalent, US Grade A, cents per lb, delivered (minimum of 10,000 lb lots) for July 1 CURRENT SHIPMENTS: Eastern Re gion; HENS, 8-16 lb FROZEN: Offers 58-62; Sales none. TOMS, 16-24 lb FRO ZEN: Offers 58-59; Sales none. TURKEYS, FRESH with timers or equivalent, US Grade A delivered first re ceivers, Eastern Region, cents per lb, week of June 30. SALES (Promotions Included): HENS (8-16 lb): 67.03; 132,000 lbs. TOMS (16-24 lb) 64.00; 20,000 lbs. Report Supplied By USDA Prices were unchanged. The market tone was steady. Retail demand ranged moderate to occasionally good. The New York shell egg inventory increased 4% when compared to last week. Supplies were adequate for current trade needs. Prices to Retailers, Sales to Volume Buyers, USDA Grade A and Grade A, White Eggs in Cartons, delivered store door, cents per dozen: Extra Large 79-83; Large 77-81; Medium 65-69. ERSiiEY equipment co.. me Distributors of: Fan Sale! New York Eggs ATLANTA, GA. July 1,2003 Eurovent EU The manure belt battery for layers that can be upgraded Virginia Broilers And Fryers Harrisonburg, Va- July 1,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Movement of ready-to-cook whole birds was moderate. Demand was moderate. Live supplies were moderate for plant needs with an estimated slaughter of 1,350,000 compared to 1,285,000 last Tuesday. Weights were desirable. Pro cessing schedules were moderate. Negotiated F. 0.8. dock prices, 2 pounds and heavier ice-packed broilers and fryers, truckiot sales of US Grade A or equivalent were steady at .56 - .68 per pound; less than truckiot sales .54 - .71 per pound Virginia Eggs Harrisonburg, Va. July 1,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Prices were unchanged on all three sizes today. Supplies are moderate for plant needs. Prices to retailers, in small lots, USDA Grade A and Grade A, dozen cases, white eggs in carton, delivered store door, cents per dozen: Large 93; Medium 77; Small 57. Trucklot prices to retailers, sales to vol ume buyers, USDA Grade A and Grade A, dozen cases, white eggs in carton, de livered store door, cents per dozen: Large 74-85, mostly 85; Medium 61-71, mostly 71; Small 43-52 mostly 52. Eastern Region Miscellaneous Poultry Atlanta, GA. June 27,2003 Report Supplied By USDA EASTERN REGION MISCELLANE OUS POULTRY FOR CURRENT DE LIVERY for week of June 23. DUCKLINGS: Prices negotiated by first receivers, US Grade A, 4-5 pounds, delivered in truckiot and pool truckiot quantities: LONG ISLAND —Frozen 140; Fresh 146. MIDWEST—Frozen 124-128; Fresh—l2s-130. ROASTERS: Prices negotiated by first receivers, US Grade A and Plant Grade, 5 pounds and up, delivered: ICE PACKED (12 per box) 58-63 mostly 60-62. VACU UM PACKED (6-9 per box) 58-86 mostly 68-70. SQUABS: New York Wholesale Prices, Frozen, Plant Grade, dollars per dozen, 1 to 10 boxes; 12 oz. 60.48-69.66; 14 oz. 66.96-76.14; 16 oz. 73.44-83.43. The eastern region includes: CT, DE, FL, GA, MA, MD, ME, NC, NH, NJ, NY, PA. New York Broilers/Fryers ATLANTA, GA. July 1,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Trucklot buying activity on ready-to cook whole broiler/fryers ranged fair to fairly good overall. Offerings of the 3.5 pound and larger birds remained in good balance and the lighter weights were gen erally sufficient. Retail and distributive movement was fair to moderate. The market tone was steady to fully steady. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 5, 26&3-A5 Young Turkey Parts And Bulk Meat Dcs Moines, lowa July 1,2003 Report Supplied By USDA NATIONAL YOUNG TURKEY PARTS AND BULK MEAT, Frozen, un less specified, cents per lb, delivered first receivers, part and full trucklots, as of July 1. The market tone on tom parts was fully steady on drums and full-cut wings, thigh meat steady to fully steady, balance of items steady at best. Demand mixed from inactive to moderate with must in quiry tor tom drums, full-cut wings and thigh meat. Supplies were light on tom drums and full-cut wings, balance were adequate to fully adequate. Export de mand was good for Russia, Asis and Mex- DOMESTIC TRADING: BREASTS. 4-8 lbs: Grade A - avg. 85.23; Grade A Fresh - 140.00; Plant Grade - 81.00. DRUMSTICKS: TOM - avg. 27.00; HEN - avg. 21.00. WINGS, FULL CUT: TOM - avg. 24.00; HEN - avg. 21.00. WINGS, V TYPE: TOM - avg. 24.00; HEN - 54.00. NECKS: TOM- avg. 20.00; HEN - avg. 17.00. BREASTS, B : TOM - none; Fresh - avg. 118.00. THIGH MEAT: avg. 51.00. BREAST TRIM MEAT: avg. 63.00. SCAPULA MEAT: none. TENDERLOINS: avg. 98.00. DESTRAPPED TENDERS; avg. 97.00; Fresh - avg. 115.00. WING MEAT WITH SKIN; none. MECHANICALLY SEPARATED: none; Fresh - avg. 16.67. EXPORT TRADING: DRUM STICKS: TOMS: avg. 24.59. WINGS, FULL-CUT: TOMS - avg. 20.00. WINGS, V-TYPE, TOMS: avg. 24.00. TAILS: none. MECHANICALLY SEPARATED: avg. 16.50. THIGH MEAT: avg. 48.18. Dairy Products Prices Highlights Washington, D. C. June 27,2003 Report Supplied By NASS/ USDA DAIRY PRODUCTS PRICES HIGHLIGHTS: CHEDDAR CHEESE prices received for US 40 pound Blocks averaged $1.14 per pound for the week ending June 21. The price per pound decreased 0.4 cents from the previous week. The price for US 500 pound Barrels adjust ed to 38 percent moisture av eraged $1.13 per pound, up 1.0 cent from the previous week. BUTTER prices received for 25 kilogram and 68 pound boxes meeting USD A Grade AA standards averaged $1.09 per pound for the week ending June 21. The U.S. price per pound increased 1.3 cents from the previous week. NONFAT DRY MILK prices received for bag, tote and tanker sales meeting USDA Extra Grade or USPH Grade A standards averaged 80.4 cents per pound for the week ending June 21. The U.S. price per pound increased slightly from the previous week. DRY WHEY prices re ceived for bag, tote and tanker sales meeting USDA Extra Grade standards averaged 14.0 cents per pound for the week ending June 21. The U.S. price per pound increased 0.3 cents from the previous week. Lancaster Farming's Classified Ads Get' Results!