Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 05, 2003, Image 2
:?^®®®®®^®®SSSSiSSS3SS^^^SgSSSESSSBSiSSg3S3BBSBSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSBSSSSOBBSSSS^SSSS! I I C I *3 ome markets not I available because I of the holiday I Zkmmm&mmmmmmmmmi New Holland Livestock Auction New Holland, Pa. Report Supplied By USDA Monday, June 30,2003 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Goats MONDAY 281 287 761 1016 1155 TWO WEEKS AGO 334 258 734 867 1073 LAST YEAR 306 257 1017 984 1179 Compared to Thursday's higher cow market. Lean slaughter cows sold mostly 2.00-3 00 high er. Breaking and Boning cows sold mostly a full 1 00 higher, instances 2.00 higher. Slaughter bulls sold sharply higher. The cattle supply in cluded 56 percent slaughter cows, with 14 per cent slaughter bulls All cattle and sheep quotes are by the hundred weight Slaughter Cows: Percent Lean Weight Bulk Low Dressing Premium White 65-70 over 1600 lbs up to 58 75 Breakers 70-75 Over 1400 lbs 51 25-56 25 Boners 75-80 Over 1200 lbs 48 00-5175 43 50-47.75 Lean (Hi-Yield) 80-85 Over 1200 lbs 46 75-48 50 Lean 85-90 Over 1000 lbs 41.00-4600. 38 50-4100 up to 47 75 Lean (Light-Wt) 85-90 750-1000 lbs Slaughter Bulls* Yield Grade 1 930-1780 lbs 58 00-66 50. high dressing 1225-1630 lbs 67 50-69 50 Yield Grade 2 990-1245 lbs 55 50-56 00 Calves Compared to Thursday, a light test of veal calves sold 3 00-7 00 lower Early sales of Holstein bulls suitable for special-fed veal bams sold 2 00-3 00 lower. Plainer-type bulls sold steady to 500 lower There were not enough Holstein heifers to test the market Veal Calves Good and Choice 115-225 lbs 93 00-130 00, 400-450 lbs 89.00-94 00 Standard and Utility 65-100 lbs 20.00-45 00, weaker down to 11.00. Going Into Special-fed Veal Barns Holstein Bulls 90-125 lbs 120 00-162 00. Plainer Holstein Bulls 90-125 lbs 100 00-130 00 Weaker Holstein Bulls 90-125 lbs 65 00-80 00 Few Holstein Heifers 95-110 lbs 220 00-41000 HOGS Barrows and gilts sold mostly steady on the bulk of the run, sows were steady to I 00 lower, boars were 1.50 to 200 lower BAR ROWS AND GILTS; 49-54% lean 220-270 lbs 46 00-50 50 mostly 48.00-50.00, few 270-300 lbs 46 50, 45-50% lean 220-270 lbs 45.00-47.75, few 48 00-48 75, 270-300 lbs 4150-43 00, 40-45% B & R CATTLE CO RD 1, Marietta PA 17547 Office Phone: 717*653*8164 Specializing in Stockers & Feeders JOHN BOWMAN 717*653*5728 RON RANCK 717*656*9849 lean 220-270 lbs 40.00-42.50, 270-300 lbs 37.00-40.75,300-400 lbs 31.00-35.00. SOWS 1-3 300-500 lbs 32.00-35 00, 500-700 lbs 35.00-38 00. BOARS. 300-700 lbs 10.00-12.00. Sheep and Lambs; Compared to last Monday, slaughter lambs sold uneven, from 10.00 lower to mostly 10.00 higher. Quality of the supply was very mixed, although bidding was very ac tive on the higher quality lambs within each weight group; with fancier lambs as much as 20.00 higher Slaughter Lambs. Choice and Prime 2-3 40-50 lbs 104 00-124.00, fancy 13400-144 00, package 9400; 50-60 lbs 112.00-124.00, fancy 126.00-146.00, 60- 70 lbs 104.00-122.00, 70-80 lbs 108.00-122 00, few fancy 122 00-126.00; 80-90 lbs 112 00-120.00; light test 90-100 lbs 114 00-116 00; 100-125 lbs 110 00- 126.00; 125-150 lbs 108 00-120.00. Slaughter Sheep: Utility and Good 1-3 year lings 150-170 lbs 72 00-94.00,140-200 lbs mostly 30.00-40 00 Slaughter Goats. Compared to last Monday, Kid goats sold steady to 11.00 higher, mostly 2 00-6.00 higher. Yearlings were very light last week, therefore a trend was not fully estab lished, although a higher undertone was noted. Nannies sold steady to 8.00 higher, mostly 2.00- 00 higher. Billies sold sharply higher, from mostly 5 00-15,00 higher. Light Wethers sold mostly steady, with Wethers weighing over 100 lbs trending with a lower undertone De mand was good for all classes as buyers filled last minute Fourth of July orders, with demand especially good for the heavier Nannies and Bil lies All goats are sold by the head, with estimat ed weights. Kids Selection 1 couple 20-40 lbs 43 00-44 00, 40-60 lbs 5600-72.00, 60-80 lbs 70 00-82.00, individual 86.00 Selection 2 20-40 lbs 32 00-50 00; 40-60 lbs 50 00-71.00; few 60-80 lbs 64.00-74 00. Selection 3 20-40 lbs 20.00- several weaker 12.00-20.00, 40-60 lbs 3800-4600. Yearlings. Selection 1 few 80-100 lbs 86 00-94.00. Selection 2 60-80 lbs 58 00-78 00, 80-100 lbs 64.00-78.00. Selection 3 60-80 lbs 38.00-48.00. Nannies Selection 1 70-100 lbs 77 00-78.00, few returning back to farm 90 00-92.00, light supply 100-ISO lbs 80 00-98 00. Selection 2 50-70 lbs 56.00-62.00, .few pigmies 43 00-50 00; 70-100 lbs 62.00-76.00, individual 8000, 100-150 lbs 72.00-85.00, few fancy 86.00-88.00. Selection 3 50-70 lbs 32.00- 00, weaker 24 00-3200; 70-100 lbs hlvUuctSn HAY, STRAW & CORN QUJUJTY FEEDER CATTLE M u e SMP Financing Available Grain Au'ctfon SALE ■ * Fixed Interest Rates • Interest Due when Cattle Are Sold EVERY TUESDAY Sale Starts wSi * No Monthly Payments 'l® - ®® Every Friday At 10 AM SCARFF BROS. INC. Located Rt 472 5 miles Cattle Dealers • Licensed & Bonded r, h h 0. o3l°er 6 oS s GREEN DRAGON MARKET & AUCTION 2300 Fallston Road • Fallston MD 21047 47? anri Nnhia Rnari 955 N. State St. Lance N. Scarff C. Howard Scarff, 11 w r«ni u 472 and Noble I Road Eohrata Pa (71 7) 738-1117 Farm (410) 877-0370 Home (717) 445-4355 Nn™ mm rir George Gibney, Epnrata, Pa. (717) 738 1117 Fax (410) 877-7802 Fax (717) 445-7237 mi Auctioneer 1 mile North Of Ephrata on N. State St. .(410) 459-4865 Mobile (410)459-4864 Mobile (410) 790-2650 NO olSecks "Contract Feeding of F.n.shed Cattle ■ Dairy HefeTs Competitive Prices Paid For ' GOOD'S LIVESTOCK. BIC Monday: 6:30 -10:30 A.M. Wednesday: 6:30 - 10:30 A.M. Friday: 6:30 -10:30 A.M. Route 897 • 1 Mile North of Fivepointville, Denver, Pa (717) 445-5776 • Fax (717) 445-6963 Market At A Glance Lancaster County Livestock Auction Averages (Price Per Hundredweight) Week Ending Thursday, July 3,2003 NOTE: Because of early presstime, averages are for sales Monday and Tuesday. Week-ago averages have been adjusted to include Thursday’s sales. Supplied By Market Staff This Wk 79.00 76.25 53.00 48.00 60.00 49.00 116.00 Steers, Choice 2-3 Heifers, Choice 2-3, few Prime Cows, Breakers, 75-80% lean Cows, Boners, 80-85% lean Bulls, YG 1, ltd. Hogs, 49-54% lean, Monday Lambs, Choice/Prime 80-110 lb. 50 00-62.00, few 68.00. Billies: Selection 1 70-100 lbs 90.00-108.00; 100-150 lbs 100 00-130 00; 150-250 lbs 127.00-150.00, couple fancy individuals 156.00-157.00 Selection 2 70-100 lbs 70.00-84.00, few packages of pigmies 44.00- 00; 100-150 lbs 92.00-114.00; 150-250 lbs 118.00-134.00. Selection 3 70-100 lbs 52.00- few 100-150 lbs 66 00-74.00; couple ISO-2SO lbs 80.00-86.00. Wethers: 50-70 lbs 54 00-74.00; 70-100 lbs 70.00-94.00; 100-175 lbs 88 00-110.00. Vintage Livestock Auction Vintage, Pa. June 30-July 1.2003 Report Supplied By USD A Cattle Calves Sheep Goats THIS WEEK 752 924 5 0 LAST WEEK 856 855 0 0 LAST YEAR Compared to Thursday, slaughter steers sold mostly LOO higher. The quality of the run was below average on Monday, although bidding was very active due to the light run. Tuesday's supply increased in quality, with demand re maining fairly good given the run only included ISO head. Slaughter Holstein steers sold steady to firm on Monday, with the Tuesday run not well tested. Slaughter heifers were scarce, and a trend was not established. Slaughter cows sold steady to firm with a very good supply of flesh ier cows on offer. Slaughter bulls sold near steady The two-day run included 308 steers, 51 heifers, 364 cows, 21 bulls, with 8 head of feeder cattle Slaughter Steers; High Choice and Prune 2-4 1235-1470 lbs 79.50-84.00, mostly 80.00-83.00. Choice 2-3 1075-1475 lbs 77.50-80.50, Chaio lais-crosses 79.00-83.50, couple heavyweights ISIS lbs 79.00-80.75. Few Choice 1-2 1280-1315 lbs 80.00-83.00. Select and low Choice 2-3 1045-1430 lbs 75.00-77.75. Select 1-2 1205-1480 lbs 7225-74.50, higher yielding 78.00-79.25. Holstein Steers; Choice 2-3 1255-1560 lbs 65 25-69.75. Select and low Choice 2-3 Wk Ago 77.00 75.00 50.00 45.00 56.00 48.50 113.00 1190-1435 lbs 64.85-68.00. Select 1-2 1215-1375 lbs 58.00-63.75. Slaughter Heifers: Choice 2-3 1020-1325 lbs 74 00-78.50. Select and low Choice 2-3 1025-1140 lbs 74.85-76.00. Slaughter Cows; Percent Lean Weight Bulk Low Dressing Premium White 65-70 over 1600 lbs 52.50-58.00 Breakers 70-75 over 1400 lbs 50.50- 46.00-50.00 Boners 75-80 over 1200 lbs 46.00-50.75 43.50-45.75 Lean (Hi-Yield) 85-90 over 1200 lbs 43.00-47.25 40.75-41.25 Lean 85-90 over 1000 lbs 39.75-44.50, 38.50- mostly 41.00-44.00 Lean (Light wgt) 85-90 over 750 lbs 35.50-39.50 30.00-34.75 Slaughter Bulls: Yield Grade 1 1110-1935 lbs 54.00-59.75, high dressing up to 70.50. Yield Grade 2 970-1020 lbs SI.SO-S4.SO. Calves; Compared to Thursday's graded sale, veal calves sold steady to 5.00 lower. Graded Number One Holstein bull calves suitable for special-fed veal bams sold 7,00-13.00 lower, with the graded Number Two bulls trading sharply lower as several packages sold in the 60.00- range. The calf run included nearly 925 head, with bidding very sporadic within each class. Holstein heifers sold with a lower undertone. The PA Department of Ag graded 760 head of bulls and heifers for the graded sale, with around 87 percent of the graded run going back on feed. Veal Calves: Standard and Utility 60-130 lbs 20.00- weaker 11.00-20.00. Returning to Feed: Graded Number One Holstein Bulls 120-125 lbs 115 00; 90-115 lbs 132.00-152.00; lot averaging 85 lbs 120.00; few averaging 80 lbs 80.00. Graded Number Two Holstein Bulls 100-115 lbs 100.00-128.00, two large lots 85.00; 90-95 lbs 60.00-70.00; few large lots 80-85 lbs 60.00. Graded Number One Holstein Heifers package averaging 113 lbs 370.00; 90-105 lbs 430.00- lot averaging 82 lbs 395.00; pack age averaging 71 lbs 210.00. Graded Number Two Holstein Heifers 90-105 lbs 410.00-430.00; 80-85 lbs 160.00-200.00; 70-75 lbs 115.00-160.00; package averaging 63 lbs 140.00. Few Beef-type Heifets and Bulls 90-125 lbs 80.00-135.00; 80-85 lbs 50.00-65.00. MONDAY LAST WEEK LAST YEAR 1143 715 399 146 NOTE; This report is last week’s auction report which was not printed because of the early presstune. Compared to Tuesday, slaughter steers sold firm to mostly 1 00 higher The good run in cluded some well-fed steers with the bulk of the cattle weighing up very good due to the high temperatures The supply included nearly 600 head, although the crowd was pretty light as most producers are scrambling to get as much hay pul up as possible before the next round of rain showers sweep through the area. Demand picked up from both packer and kosher buyers as they work the chains a little harder to keep up with the grilling demand as the Fourth of July holiday comes at the end of next week. Compared to the good supply of Holstein steers on Monday, prices were steady to firm for the spotted stock; with the exception of the high Choice and Prime Holsteins which sold steady to 1.00 lower. A good run of heifers sold with a higher undertone. Slaughter cows sold 2.00-5.00 higher in very active trading. The boneless mar ket is sharply higher for the week as packers rush to get as much hamburger ground as possi ble in hopes of good weather for outdoor grillers for the upcoming holiday. Slaughter bulls sold with a firmer undertone. The supply included 559 head of slaughter steers, 403 slaughter cows, 53 slaughter heifers, 74 slaughter bulls, with 98 head of feeder cattle. Yr Ago 67.00 67.00 47.50 44.75 63.00 36.50 82.00 Slaughter Steers; High Choice and Prime 2-4 1155-1435 lbs 78.50-83.50, mostly 79.50-83.10. Choice 2-3 1120-1455 lbs 76.00-79.75, mostly 76.00-79.10, Charolais and Limi-crosses 77.50- with a fancy single at 82.75, heavy weights 1500-1560 lbs 77.00-81.75. Select and low Choice 2-3 1165-1470 lbs 74.25-77.00, high er yielding 77.75-78.25. Select 1-2 1060-1300 lbs 72.50- 75.50, few heavier muscled up to 77.75. Holstein Steers: High Choice and Prime 2-3 1330-1580 lbs 69.00-71.00. Choice 2-3 1260-1570 lbs 66.00-69.50. Select and low Choice 2-3 1210-1500 lbs 64.10-66.75. Select 1-2 1190-1500 lbs 60.25-64.50 Standard 1-2 1140-1300 lbs 58.00-62.00. Slaughter Heifers; Choice, few Prime 2-3 1010-1420 lbs 74.75-78 25, couple Limi-crosses 73.00-74.00. Slaughter Cows: Premium White, 65-70% lean, over 1600 lbs, 55.00-59.00. Breakers, 70-75% lean, over 1400 Ibc, SO.OO-SS 55, low dressing 45.75-50 25 Boners, 75-80% lean, over 1200 lbs, 46.75-50.00, 41.00-46.50. Lean (Hi- Yield), 80-85% lean, over 1200 lbs, 41.25-48.00. Lean, 85-90% lean, over 1000 lbs, 39.00-43.00, up to 44.75, low dressing 36.00-4025. Lean (Light-wgt), 85-90% lean, 750-100 lbs, 35 00-39.25, low dressing 30.00-35.25. Slaughter Bulls. Yield Grade 1 1020-2135 lbs 50.00-60.00, high dressers 63.00-68.00. Yield Grade 2 1000-1635 lbs 48 50-53.00,2645 lb indi vidual 57.50. Calves* Compared to Tuesday, veal calves (Turn to Page A 37) ‘P 1089 674 205 99 1452 594 368 146