Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 05, 2003, Image 13
(Continued from Page Al 2) STEADY. 20 lb ctns WA WAOne Bing 10 row sz & Igr 28.00-30.00 10 V 4 row sz & Igr 26.00-28.00 mostly 26.00-27.00 some 24.00 fair cond 20.00 11 row sz & Igr 26.00 12 row sz & Igr 22.00-24.00 some 25.00 -FRUITS OTHER: ctns 1 lyr FL Carambola - Star Fruit 25s few 30.00 fits 1 lyr CA Figs Black Mission 40s 8.00-9.00 Brown Turkey 24s 6.00-7.00 28s 6.00-7.00 10 lb ctns FL Guava few 32.00 ctns 12 1-pt bkts CA Figs Black Mission 14.00 25 lb ctns per lb FL Lychee Nuts 3.50-4.00 mostly 3.50 -GRAPES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY. 18 lb lugs bgd CA Thompson Seedless exlge 25.00 Ige 18.00- mostly 19.00 med-lge 16.00- Flame Seedless Ige 22.00- one label 25.00 med-lge 16.00- some 19.00 Black Seedless med-lge 17.00-18.00 MX Flame Seedless med-lge 15.00 White Seedless Type med lge 14.00-16.00 mostly 14.00 Red Globe med-lge 18.00-20.00 mostly 18.00 -KI WIFRUIT: MARKET STEADY, fits 1 lyr NZ Hayward 36s 7.00 -MANGOES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY, ctns 1 lyr HT Francis 9s fair cond 5.00-8.00 MX Kent 7s 5.50-6.00 8s 5.00-6.00 mostly 5.00- 9s 5.00-6.00 mostly 5.00-5.50 10s 4.50-5.00 Tommy Atkins 8s 4.50-5.50 mostly 5.00 fair cond 3.00-4.00 9s Opportunity for Additional Farm Income Broiler and Broiler Breeder Contracts Contracts for new and existing housing are available now! Broiler Breeder Contracts are available from Longenecker's Hatchery, Inc. for Mifflin and Juniata Counties. Broiler Contracts are available from Farmers Pride, Inc. for Lebanon, Schuylkill, and Berks Counties. Services Provided: ©Guidance and support to begin the project ©Regular flock service to help ensure good production ©Wenger Quality Feeds To further explore this opportunity, please contact; Bob Sydell, 1-800-692-6008, x 217 iimm 4.50-5.50 fair cond 3.00-4.00 10s 5.00 fair cond 3.00-4.00 12s fair cond 3.00-4.00 At aulfo 14s 8.50-9.00 18s 8.00 few 7.50 20s 8.00 few 7.50 50 lb ctns FL Green Cook ing Type 36.00-38.00 -NECTARINES: MARKET STEADY, ctns 2 lyr trypk CA California Well Matured Various Yellow Flesh Varieties 42s 19.00 48s 17.00 Vari ous White Flesh Varieties S6s 12.00 25 lb ctns Ise CA California Well Matured Var ious Yellow Flesh Varieties 56 sz fair cond 7.00- 64 sz 14.00 fair cond 6.00-7.00 48-50 sz fair cond 8.00-9.00 Various White Flesh Varieties 64 sz 12.00 Red Di amond 56 sz 11.00-12.00 one lot 10.00 48-50 sz 14.00 Spring Bright 50 sz 14.00- 56 sz 12.00-15.00 some 11.00 one lot 10.00 one label 16.00 11.00-13.00 one lot 10.00 one label 16.00 64 sz 12.00- mostly 12.00-13.00 Zeegrand 50 sz 16.00 California Utility Red Dia mond 56 sz 9.00-10.00 Spring Bright 56 sz 9.00- -PAPAYA: MARKET STEADY. 40 lb ctns DR Green Cooking Type 20.00 4 kg containers BR Golden 9s 10.00 10s 10.50-11.00 BZ Sunrise 8s 9.00 35-40 lb ctns MX Maradol 17.00-18.00 mostly 18.00 ord cond 5.00-10.00 -PEACHES: MARKET STEADY, ctns 2 lyr trypk CA California Well Matured Various Yellow Flesh Varieties 36s 13.00- 40-42 s fair cond 9.00-10.00 48-SOs fair cond S.OO-6.00 Fancy Lady 42s mENGER Orbeseal Dry Cow Teat Sealant 16% Supplement Block Vitamins, Protein, Minerals Roughage Converter DANIELS FARM STORE 324 Glenbrook Rd., Leola, PA 717-656-6982 inn im Sweetlix mmm 16.00 'A buctns GA No Grade Marks Var ious Yellow Flesh Varieties 2 'A‘up 10.00-12.00 SC U.S. ExOne Harvester 2 Wup 14.00-15.00 2 '/Vup 12.00-13.00 25 lb ctns Ise CA California Well Matured Fancy Lady 56 sz 14.00 -PEARS: MAR KET STEADY. 18 kg ctns AG CAT I Packham Triumph 60s 18.00 80s 18.00 90s 18.00 100 s 16.00 CONTROLLED AT MOSPHERE STORAGE 4/5 buctns wrpd OR U.S. One D’Anjou 80s 24.00 90s 24.00 100 s 23.00 -PERSIMMONS: OFFER INGS INSUFFICIENT TO QUOTE. -PINEAPPLES: MARKET 6 COUNT HIGHER, OTHERS LOWER, ctns 1 lyr CR golden ripe 4s 14.00-15.00 some 16.00 5s 14.00-15.00 some 16.00 6s 17.00 8s 10.00- 9s 10.00-12.00 ctns 2 lyr CR 12s 14.00 14s 14.00 fair cond 10.00 -PLANTAINS: MARKET ABOUT STEADY. 50 lb ctns CB Yellow 16.00 EC Green 16.00 few 12.00 -PLUMS: MAR KET ABOUT STEADY. 28 lb ctns Ise CA California Well Matured Blackamber 35 sz 27.00 45 sz 22.00 60 sz 21.00 Santa Rosa 60 sz 32.00 California Utility Black Beaut 45 sz 10.00-11.00 50 series 9.00- Santa Rosa 45 sz 14.00-15.00 50 series 13.00-14.00 California Well Ma tured Interspecific Type Dapple Dandy 45 sz fair cond 6.00-8.00 55 sz fair cond 6.00- Flavorosa 80 sz 8.00 -POME GRANATES: OFFERINGS NONE. -PRUNES: OFFERINGS NONE. Philadelphia Onions, Potatoes Philadelphia Terminal Market July 1,2003 Report Supplied By USDA ONIONS AND POTATOES -ONIONS DRY: MARKET ABOUT STEADY. US# 1 OR GENERALLY GOOD QUAL AND COND UNLESS OTHER WISE STATED. NEW CROP Yellow Granex GA 40 lb ctns jbo 26.00-28.00 Grano Type CA 50 lb sks col 12.00 jbo 10.00-12.00 NM 50 lb sks Super Col 12.00 jbo 10.00-12.00 mostly 11.00- TX 50 lb sks jbo 11.50-12.00 Hybrid WA 50 lb sks col 12.00 jbo 10.00- mostly 10.00 White CA 50 lb sks jbo 13.00- TX 50 lb sks jbo 13.00- Red Globe Type CA 25 lb sks jbo 8.00 fair qua) 6.00-7.50 med 5.00-6.50 mostly 6.00 NM 25 lb sks jbo 8.00 med 6.00 TX 25 lb sks jbo 8.50-9.00 -POTATOES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY. US# 1 SZ A WASHED OR BRUSHED UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. Russet Burbank ID bid 10 S-lb sks non sz A 9.00 50 lb ctns 40s 11.00 50s 11.00 60s 10.00-12.00 mostly 11.00- 70s 11.00-13.00 mostly 12.00-12.50 80s 11.00- mostly 12.00 90s 11.00- mostly 11.50 100 s 10.50-11.50 mostly 11.00 120 s 10.50 NEW CROP Round Red AZ 50 lb ctns 13.00 CA 50 lb ctns sz B 13.00 FL 50 lb sks 12.00 sz B 16.00 NC 50 lb sks 10.00- sz B 14.00-15.00 VA 50 lb sks fair cond 6.50-7.00 Round White NC 50 lb sks 7.00 fair cond 5.00 Ige 10.00-12.00 Bxlo Walk-in Cooler, 4" Walls, BxB Walk-in Cooler, 4" Walls. 610/593-1199 Mon-Fn 7-8, Sat 7-12 in m Philadelphia Herbs Philadelphia Terminal Prices as of July 1,2003 Report Supplied By USD A MISC HERBS -ANISE: OFFERINGS LIGHT. V ctns CA 24s 16.00 -ARRUGU LA: 4/5 bucrts bchd NJ 24s 12.00-14.00 -BASIL: ctns bchd NJ 15s 12.00-14.00 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 11.00-13.00 -CE LERIAC (CELERY ROOT): OFFER INGS INSUFFICIENT TO QUOTE. -CHIVES; 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 18.00 -CILANTRO: 4/5 bucrts bchd NJ 30s 9.00-10.00 ctns bchd OH 30s 8.00-10.00 -DILL: ctns bchd OH 24s 20.00 crts bchd NJ 24s 22.00 -DRY ESCHALLOT: 10 lb sks NL 7.00-8.00 -LEMON GRASS: 30 lb ctns FL 30.00 -MARJORAM: 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 13.00 -MINT: ctns bchd NJ 12s 8.00 few 9.00 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 10.00 -OREGANO: 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 13.00 -ROSEMARY: 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 13.00 -SAGE: 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 13.00 -TARRAGON: 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 17.00 -THYME: 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 13.00 -WATERCRESS: ctns bchd WV 12s 7.50 24s 12.00 Leola Produce Leola, Pa Report Supplied by Auction July 1,2003 BEANS: GREEN 15.00-18.00 'h BU., YELLOW 35.00-41.00 BU. CABBAGE: RED 4.00-6.00 BOX, GREEN 5.00-5.50 10 CT. CAULIFLOWER: .75-1.00 HEAD. CHERRIES: SWEET 16.00-21.00 15 LB. BOX, SOUR 12.00-15.00. CUCUMBERS: 8.00-12.00 Vi BU. ONIONS: SPRING 12.00-14.00 20 CT. BOX. 1 . ‘ 1 Models from 34 to 75 cu. ft. T/1 ffTSl m mixing capacity ... Jl ■ • • . PROVEN RUGGED I / • PROVEN EFFICIENT »S Hi jstlJ' • proven economical mixing Building T.M.R. Mixers carts Since 1981 - R/SSLER-S -MIXERS & FEEDERS-* Some Models Cut 800-436-5623 and Mix Hay 717-484-0551 Quickßayt Quickßayt is a ready-to-use dry scatter bait with 0.5% imidaclo prid, an exciting new active ingredient from Bayer with fast knockdown and no resistance problems. Quickßayt is the first fly bait to use this new class of active ingredients. Quickßayt contains a special combination of two powerful attractants. And, Quickßayt is readily available to flies because the unique granule allows the active ingredient to be released easily. For fast-acting, long-lasting fly control, don’t JSB, waste another minute. Call Beitzel’s Spraying today. For More Information Call: BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 or Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED Spraying Since 1961 INSURED TTTT^^vTTTT^ Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 5, 2003-Al3 PEAS: SUGAR 14.00-18.00, SNAP 12.00- BOTH 10 LBS., HULL 20.00- BU. PICKLES; 20.00-22.00 BOX. POTATOES: RED 5.00-10.00 BOX, WHITE 5.00-7.00. RASPBERRIES: RED 45.00-50.00 'h PINT FLAT, BLACK 48.00-55.00 PINT FLAT. RED BEETS: 12.00-16.00 15 CT. BOX. RHUBARB; 20.00-25.00 10 LBS. SPINACH: 4.00-6.00 BOX. SQUASH: SUMMER 4.00-6.00 'h BU. STRAWBERRIES: 8.00-21.00 8 QT. FLAT. TOMATOES: RED SM. TO LRGE. 38.00- YELLOW 50.00, BOTH 25 LBS. ZUCCHINI: 3.00-15.00'/: BU. FLOWERS: 1.00-3.00 ANNUAL FLATS, PERENNIALS .10-.50 POT, HANGING BASKETS 3.00-8.00, DAY LILLY 2.00-4.00 POT. SALE DAYS NEXT WEEK: MON., 9:30 A.M., TUBS., THURS., FRL, 9 A.M. Cumberland Valley Produce Auction Shippensburg, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction June 23,24,26,27,2003 ASPARAGUS: 1.90 BUNCH. BEANS: 15.00-19.00 BOX. CAULIFLOWER: 1.00-1.30 HEAD. PEAS: SNAP 1.10-1.30 PINT, HULL 15.00-20.00 BOX. PEPPERS: 10.00-15.00. RASPBERRIES; BLACK 3.60-8.40. STRAWBERRIES: 7.00-17.00 FLAT. ZUCCHINI: 10.00-15.00. SALE DAYS MON., TUES., THURS., FRL, 9 A.M. Fly Bait