Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 05, 2003, Image 1

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    Vol. 48 No. 36
IH Enthusiasts Gather At Fairgrounds For Red Power Roundup
Jonathan Dinterman of Bunker hill, W.Va., left, shows his 1939 model F-20 to open
ing ceremony speakers at the Red Power Roundup in Bloomsburg last week. From left
are Dennis Wolff, Pennsylvania secretary of agriculture; Ben Trapani, president, Chap
ter 17 International Harvester Collectors of Pennsylvania; Fred Trump, Bloomsburg Fair
director; and Bill Swope, president of the national IH Collectors Club.
Photo by Dave Lofover
Campaign Promotes Locally Grown Food
Centre Co. Correspondent
come increasingly clear in recent
years that, if family farms are to
flourish once again across the
American countryside, farmers
must reconnect in a meaningful
way with their closest neighbors
and with the rural communities
in their region.
Fortunately, at the same time
that many farmers are rediscov
ering the enduring value of their
neighbors, average consumers are
expressing a preference to buy
food that is grown on nearby
farms, by farmers who they can
know and visit, using methods
that assure accountability and
high quality.
Farmers and consumers, it
(Turn to Page A 26)
Most Commodities Represented At COOL Session
Market Staff
LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.)
The session began with a New
York State senator and ended
with a Virginia cattleman. Dur
ing a last-chance effort late last
week, speakers were given three
minutes to voice their opinions
on the controversial Country of
Origin Labeling (COOL) law at
the USDA’s find listening ses
sion here at the Lancaster Farm
and Home Center.
Written testimony was also ac
cepted. Of the 45 who had signed
up to speak, many also submitted
written information which they
could not present in the allotted
three minutes.
E.S. Yates, administrator of
the USDA’s Agricultural Market
ing Service (AMS), opened the
listening and education session
with a brief statement welcoming
the approximately 150 people
scattered throughout the room
for their interest in contributing
information. USDA/AMS has the
job of implementing the COOL
legislation as mandated by Con
The Farmer
✓ Somerset County Pro
Show page A 36.
✓ Farming On The
Edge page A2B.
✓ CWT Update page
A 34.
✓ 4-H Capitol Days
page 812.
826 P 3 18072 OSO
Four Sections
gress in the 2002 Farm Bill.
William Sessions, AMS deputy
administrator, provided a brief
review of the current thinking on
the regulations and the labeling
of imported commodities. He
said AMS must establish a com
pliance review process which
would involve a recordkeeping
trail of origin claims. A fine of
$lO,OOO per offense for willful vi
olations is already mandated in
the law, he noted.
Sessions made no mention of
the tempest stirred up at the Lan
caster Cattle Feeder’s Day Feb. 4
in the same room when he pres
ented a run through of the label
ing law. Area cattle feeders were
aghast at the possible record
keeping involved to, wm..
quired, provide traceback on all
Saturday, July 5, 2003
(Turn to Page A3O)
Lancaster Farming Staff
Co.) Folks who love red trac
tors found what they were look
ing for in Bloomsburg last week.
It was the 14th Annual Red
Power Roundup, hosted in Penn
sylvania for the first time since
1994. Collectors from across the
Editor’s note: This issue we
introduce a new monthly col
umn, Plans For Pennsylvania,
by the Hon. Dennis C, Wolff,
Pennsylvania secretary of agri
culture. Wolff, owner of Pen-
Col Farms, operates a
700-acre, 500-head dairy farm
specializing in purebred Hol
stein genetics. He has served on
various national and interna
tional marketing ventures, is a
member of the Penn State
Board of Trustees, and serves
as board member on various
Holstein USA Calls National
Convention A Success
Holstein Association USA, Inc.
gathered in Winston-Salem, N.C.
last week to conduct its official
business and recognize award
winners for their leadership in
the Holstein Association and the
dairy industry.
The annual meeting included
award presentations to Holstein
Northern Bedford High School FFA’s dairy judging team
took first place during FFA Activities Week recently at
Penn State. Team members are, from left, Andrew Ritch
ey, Carissa Ebersole, Jennifer Cogan, and Kenny Stanton.
Ritchey and Ebersole are students at Northern Bedford
and Jennifer Cogan is a 2003 graduate. Kenny Stanton is
an Everett area student who attends agricultural classes
at Northern Bedford. Ritchey finished third individually in
the state. Stanton was sixth in dairy judging. See story
page A2O. Photo by Linda Williams, Bedford Co. correspondent
$37.00 Per Year
country and Canada brought
more than 800 tractors to the
three-day show, according to Ben
Trapani, president of Interna
tional Harvester (IH) Collectors
Chapter 17 in Pennsylvania.
Tractors on display included
the earliest McCormick Deering
(Turn to Page Aid)
I Pennsylvania Secretary *
o f Agriculture i
agriculture, lending, and insur
ance companies. The president
of the Nicholas Wolff Founda
tion, Inc., Wolff is a Master
Agriculture, Pennsylvania’s
top industry, has had its share of
challenges. Despite the droughts
~~0( a year ago, the seemingly end
less rains of this planting season,
low milk prices, animal health,
and environmental issues, Penn
sylvania’s agriculture industry re-
enthusiasts across the country as
well as the world. The Jeffrey
and Gayle Benedict family was
honored as the 2003 Distin
guished Young Holstein Breeder.
The Benedicts own and operate
Lake Effect Holsteins in Pulaski,
$l.OO Per Copy
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