Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 21, 2003, Image 2
New Holland Livestock Auction New Holland, Pa. Report Supplied By USDA Monday, June 16,2003 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Goats MONDAY 334 258 720 867 1073 TWO WEEKS AGO 273 194 914 1089 1205 LAST YEAR 275 238 972 979 1379 Compared to Thursday, Breaking and Bon ing slaughter cows sold 1.00 lower, with sales up to 2.00 lower at tunes. Lean slaughter cows sold steady to weak. Slaughter bulls sold 2.00-3.00 lower. The cattle supply included 44 percent slaughter cows, with 18 percent slaughter bulls. Slaughter Cows: Percent Lean Weight Bulk Low Dressing Breakers 70-75 Over 1400 lbs 42.75-45.00, 39.00-43.00 few higher yielding up to 47.75 Boners 75-80 Over 1200 lbs 38.00-42.00 35.00- Lean (Hi-Yield) 80-85 Over 1200 lbs 39.25-41,25 Lean 85-90 Over 1000 lbs 34.00- 30.00-33.75 Lean (Ught-Wt) 85-90 750-1000 lbs 30.50-35.50 28.00-32.25 Slaughter Bulls: Yield Grade 1 1020-2005 lbs 47.50-53.50. seven! high yielding Charolais and Limi-cross es 55,50-62.25. Yield Grade 2 1150-2305 lbs 47.50-51.75, low dressing 42.00-44.00. Holstein Feeder Steers: Large 3 package 475 lbs 67.00; package 560 lbs 63.00. Calves: Compared to Thursday, there were not enough slaughter calves for a market test Early sales of Holstein bulls suitable for special fed veal bams sold with a lower undertone. There were not enough Holstein heifers to teat the market Veal Calves: Good and Choice cou ple 225-2 SO lbs 100.00-104.00; 300-bs 60.00- individual 94.00; 400-450 lbs 72.00- Few Standard 50-100 lbs 11.00- Going Into Special-fed Veal Bams: Holstein Bulls 90-125 lbs 135.00-167.00. Plainer Holstein Bulls 90-125 lbs 100.00- Weaker Holstein Bulls 90-125 lbs 80.00- Few Holstein Heifers 90-110 lbs 200.00- single 70 lbs 170.00. HOGS: Barrows and gilts steady to mostly 1.00 higher, sows were 100 higher on a 145 head ran, boars were .50 to 1.00 higher. BAR ROWS AND GILTS: 49-54% lean 220-270 lbs 47.00- fancy 49.25-50.50, 45-50% lean 220-270 lbs 45.50-47.35, 40-45% lean 220-270 lbs 44.00-4515,375-445 lbs 28.50-34.25. SOWS: 1-3 300-500 lbs 30.00-32.00, 500-700 lbs 32.00-34.00, few 35.00. BOARS: 300-700 lbs 1100-1150. Sheep and Lambs: Compared to Thursday, slaughter lambs sold mostly 2.00-7.00 lower. Slaughter sheep sold mostly steady. Slaughter Lambs: Choice and Prime 2-3 50-60 lbs 104.00- 60-70 lbs 100.00-120.00, few plainer down to 90.00; 70-80 lbs 106.00-116.00; 80-90 lbs 100.00-112.00; 90-100 lbs 102.00- Slaughter Sheep: Utility and Good 1-3 120-250 lbs mostly 29.00-42.00. Slaughter Goats: Compared to last Monday, Kids sold steady to 4.00 higher; with 40-60 lb Kids in both the Selection One and Two catego ries trading with a sharply higher undertone due to the good demand. Kid receipts have not been real heavy over the past fc\y weeks; how ever, a very good run of Kids early Monday morning drew good buyer attention. Yearlings were not well tested. Nannies sold steady to 6.00 KIRKWOOD HAY AUCTION Hay, Straw and Grain Auction EVERY TUESDAY 10:00 Located Rt. 472 5 miles south of Quarryville or 6 miles north of Oxford corner of Rt. 472 and Noble Road. George Gfbney, Auctioneer AU-002534-E No out of state checks II for pricing on bine assembled and delivered to your farm . ACCESS P( , KK| iploto Bln Size & Capacity Chart oaey clean out of the bln On Our Wab Page from the ground. higher as long as they had some meat on them. However, buyers remain fairly reluctant to pur chase the Selection Three Nannies. Billies sold weak to instances of sharply lower in mixed tnding. The top Billie sold for 148.00, which is well below the prices being paid over the last month. A good heavy (100-175 lbs) Wether sup ply sold with a higher undertone. All goats are sold by the head, with estimated weights. Kids; Selection 1 20-40 lbs 37.00-58.00; 40-60 lbs 58.00- Selection 2 20-40 lbs 32.00-48.00, package 54.00; 40-60 lbs 54.00-67.00. Selection 3 20-40 lbs 26.00-42.00; under 10 lbs 19.00-28.00. Yearlings: Selection 1 60-80 lbs 66.00-79.00. Se lection 2 60-80 lbs 56.00-66,00; 80-100 lbs 72.00- Selection 3 few 60-80 lbs 40.00- Nannies: Selection 1 70-100 lbs 76.00- 100-150 lbs 98.00-112.00. Selection 2 50-70 lbs 56.00-66.00; 70-100 lbs 68.00-76.00; 100-150 lbs 78.00-90.00. Selection 3 50-70 lbs 38.00- 70-100 lbs 49.00-70.00. Billies: Se lection 1 couple 70-100 lbs 94.00-100.00; 100-150 lbs 97.00-118.00; ISO-2SO lbs 126.00- Selection 2 70-100 lbs 66.00- 100-150 lbs 80.00-100.00; 150-250 lbs 106.00-116.00. Selection 3 70-100 lbs 48.00- 100-150 lbs 70.00-74.00. Wethers: Few 50-70 lbs 52.00-66.00; 70-100 lbs 78.00- 100-175 lbs 100.00-137.00. Vintage Livestock Auction Vintage, Ra. June 16-17,2*03 Report Supplied By USD A Cattle Calva Sheep Goati THIS WEEK LAST WEEK LAST YEAR Compared to Thursday, slaughter Steers sold mostly steady. The Monday ran included around 250 head of steers which provided for a good market test However, on Tuesday most area producers were busy in the Adds as the weather finally cooperated enough to allow them to roll up some hay; with Tuesday's re ceipts barely breaking 100 head, the market was not fully te*ed. The quality of the two-run was mixed, but did include some well-fed lots that continue to bring from 80.00-83.00 if they are high Choice or Prime. There were also quite a few under finished steers that were weighing from 1000-1150 lbs, and sold at a discount to the Choice supply; which comes to no surprise as there are several local producers that have ran very low on feed. The slaughter Holstein steer, and the slaughter heifer supplies were to light to test Breaking and Boning cows sold steady to 1.00 lower, with Lean slaughter cows trending steady to 1.00 higher as the cutter cow carcass cutout value was 2.26 higher on Tues day. Slaughter bulls sold 2.00-3.00 lower. The two day run included 346 steers, 12 heifers, 326 cows, 22 bulls, with 14 head of feeder cattle. Slaughter Steers: High Choice and Prime 2-4 1145-1430 lbs 81.50-83.50. Choice 2-3 1100-1480 lbs 77.00-80.25, few full 76.25-77.00. Select and low Choice 2-3 1005-1485 lbs B & R CATTLE CO RD 1, Marietta PA 17547 Office Phone: 717*653*6164 Specializing in Stockers & Feeders JOHN BOWMAN 717*653*5728 RON RANCK 717*656*9849 New Broiler Houeee needed In the tol, Berke, Cumberlend, Deuphln, Juniata, Ui Northumberland, Perry, Schuylkill, S Other Contracts available call for ■ Organlc/Natural Egg* ■ Breed) ‘New or Converted Houses ■ JraShlold® Woathnr, ird prnvnnts watnr im running down hoppi Authorized 720 796 3 8 954 684 1 13 HAY, STRAW & CORN r - SALE - X|f\ Sale Starts Every Friday At 10 AM GREEN DRAGON MARKET & AUCTION 955 N. State St. Ephrata, Pa. (717) 738-1117 1 mile North of Ephrata on N. State St. Out of State Buyer* -Cash or Certified Checks Only Visit our web site Spring Specials Fans, Cooing Systems, Chore- Troncs Computers, Complete Tunel Retro%forPaitry,Si/vreandDaky. Call today for a free esimate Weather, Info, Links, Specials Replacement Fluorescent U lubes, 5,7,9,13 Watts •*■Bo ea, caaa of 50 aa Complete Unite, Call for Prices Light Bulbs I 25to100WettBreeeBese, 1 ■ooo Mrs 35 • ea. Master Pi Northeast Agn Systems Inc Fiyway Business Park , 139 A West Airport Pood Deimar lititz PA 17543 305 Unlve Ph (717)569 ?702 Fpaerolsl 1-800-673-2580 1-800-7 Market At A Glance Lancaster County Livestock Auction Averages (Price Per Hundredweight) Week Ending Friday, June 20,2003 Supplied By Market Staff „ This Wk Wk Abo v r Aim Steers, Chrace 2-3 78.00 79.85 6XOO Heiters, Choice 2-3, few Prime 76.00 78.00 66 SO Cows, Breakers, 75-80% lean 47.00 44.50 4750 Cows, Boners, 80-85% lean 4175 40 cn akik Bulls, YGI, ltd. 52.00 5700 «nn Hogs, 49-54% lean, Monday 47.75 4-735 jj'jq Lambs, Choice/Prime 80-110 lb. 109.00 lisioo 8o!dO 75.00-77.75, lew higher yielding up to 79.25. Se lect 1-2 1060-1400 lbs 71.50-75.50, few returning to feed 70.50-75.50. Few Standard 1-2 1120-1415 lbs 68.00-71.50. Holstein Steen; Few Choice 2-3 1435-1450 Ihs 69.00-69,25. Select and low Choice 2-3 1150-1575 Ihs 64.75-68.25, Select 1-2 1195-1585 Ihs 58.50-63.25. Slaughter Heifers: Few Choice 2-3 1190-1440 Dm 74.00-78.25. Couple Select 1-2 1040-1365 Iba 70.00-74.75. Slaughter Cows: Percent Lean Weight Bulk Low Dressing Breakers 70-75 Over 1400 Dm 43.00-48.25,38.50-43.50 few 49.00-51.75 Boners 75-80 Over 1200 Dm 38.00-42.75 35.50-38.75 Lean (Hi-Yield) 85-90 Orer 1200 Dm 38.01M1.50 Lean 85-90 Over 1000 Iba 33.50-39.25, 29.75- mostly 34.00-38.00 Lean (Light wgt) 85-90 Over 750 lbs 30.00-33.00 28.50-30.75 Slaughter Bulls: Yield Grade 1-2 1380-1895 lbs 47.75- Calves: Compared to Thursday’s graded sale, veal calves sold 5.00 lower. Hobtein bull calves suitable for special-fed veal bams sold 15.00-25.00 higher In active trading and good buyer attendance. The PA Department of Ag graded 630 head of bulls and heifers for the graded sale, with around 95 percent of the grad ed run going back on feed. Veal Calves: Standard and Utility 60-110 lbs 20.00- weaker 11.00- 15.00. Retiming to Feed: Graded Number One Hobtein Bulb 110-125 lbs 150.00-165.00, three head 145,00; 95-105 lbs 170.00-185.00; one lot 90 Dm 167.00; 80-85 Dm 147.00-150*00. Graded Number Two Holstein Bulb 90-115 Iba 119.00-167.0fe two packages averaging 83 lbs 85.00. Graded Stan dard Holstein Bulb averaging 74 Dm 65.00. Graded Utility Holstein Bulb 80-110 lbs 30.00- Beef Bulb 85-95 Ibe 100.00-165.00. Graded Number One Holstein Heifera 90-115 Ibe 430.00-480.00; package avenging 83 Ibi 260.00; few averaging 73 lbs 150.00. Graded Number Two Holstein Heifera 90-105 lbs 350.00-390.00; large package averaging 83 lbs 200.00; package averaging 73 lbs 120.00; large package averaging 72 lbs 105.00. Few Beef-type Heifers 80-85 lbs 80.00-140.00. lowing count!**: incastor, Lebanon, •nyder, Union 4 York information era BHogs “ullets ■ Turkeys ’OULTRY UTTER TREATMENT m I LB. Bag *l 3°° >»er«I,OQOSQ. FI. Poultry Lifer Trtifmml ie Case of 1201 ince 1982 /a bforc ~ ■rsity Ave W )Ufg MD Ktra 15-6361 ■■ New Holland Livestock Auction New Holland, Pa, Thunday, June 19,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Cattle Calva Sheep Goati MONDAY 1452 594 368 146 LAST WEEK 1342 561 388 376 LAST YEAR 1296 Compared to the light Tuesday run, high Choice and Prime slaughter steers sold .50-1.00 lower, up to ZOO lower at times. Choice steers sold .50-1.00 lower. Average Choice and lower quaDty grades trended near steady at times, but the bulk of fee Select and low Choice run sold wife a weaker tone. The quality and the she of fee Thursday steer runs both remain good, as there were several sets of high Choice steers on offer, and fee run was comprised of over 650 head. Prices in New Holland remain'very good, eqredaOy when compared to fee Western trade and what local steers were bringing at thb time * y®*r ago. The Webern direct feed yards have moved fee bulk of their Choice steers from 74.00- thb week, which b 3.00 lower. Dressed sales were fully 5.00 lower at mostly 119.00. Prices for Choke and Prime steers ate 10.00- higher in New Holland when com pared to thb time last year; so many producers are keeping a positive outlook even prkesmay turn weaker over the next few weeks. The early week slaughter Hbbeein and heifer run was very Ught, therefore fee late week run was not tested. There was a very good supply of weß-flabhed heifers bn hand, which drew some prstty good Interest Shnghter cows said ZOO-4.00 higher, wife bids up to 5.00 higher at times. The quality of fee cow run was very good and included a gqpd supply of Breaking and nemhim White cows. Slaughter bulls sold wife a higher undertone when compared to the Ught Tuesday supply. The supply included 658 head of slaughter steers, 492 slaughter cows, 96 slaughter heifers, 99 slaughter bulls, wife 107 head of feeder cattle. Slaughter Steers: High Choice and Prime 2-4 1145-1460 lbs 78.00-83.85, mostly 79.50-83.00, fancy singles up to 84.25, full 77.00-77.50. Choice 2-3 1060-1480 lbs 75.75-79.75, mostly quality feeder cattle Financing Available * Fixed Interest Rates • Interest Due when Cattle Are Sold * No Monthly Payments SCARFF BROS. INC. Cattle Dealers • Licensed & Bonded 2300 Fallston Road • Fallston MD 21047 Lance N. Scarff C. Howard Scarff II Farm (410) 877-0370 Home (717) 445-4355 w - Conl V Scarff Fax (410) 877-7802 Fax (717) 445-7237 Home (410) 838-5883 (410)459-4865 Mobile (410) 459-4864 Mobile < 4l °) 790-2650 ■ Contract Feeding Programs ■ Marketing of Finished Cattle ■ Dairy Heifer; Competitive Prices Paid For • MARKET HOGS • BOARS - sows • pigs (MOD'S LIVESTOCK. INC. Monday: 6:30 -10:30 AM. Wednesday: 6:30 -10:30 A.M. Friday: 6:30 -10:30 A.M. mmmS’ VmW Route 897 • 1 Mile North of Fivepointville, Denver, Pa (717) 445-5776 • Fax (717) 445-6963 heavyweights 1500-1620 lbs 72.50-77.00. Couple Choice 1-2 1270-1415 lbs 79.75- 81.25, Choice 4 few full 1110-1450 lbs 70.50-75.50. Select and low Choice 2-3 1020-1460 lbs 74.00-77.00. Select 1-2 1000-1440 lbs 71.00-73.75, few heavier mus cled up to 76.00. Holstein Steers Small Supply of High Choice and Prime 2-3 1420-1550 Ibi 68.75-70.75, heavy single 1655 Ibe 63.75. Choice 2-3 1200-1570 lbs 65X0- 60.00. Select and low Choice 2-3 1285-1585 lbs 63.00-67.25. Select 1-2 1280- 1590 lbs 60.00-62.75. Standard 1-2 1210-1430 lbs 56.00-60.00. Slaughter Heifers; Choice 2-3 1010-1285 lbs 74.75-77.25, Individual 79.25. Choice 4 1025-1285 lbs 69.50-73.00. Select and low Choice 2-3 1150-1375 lbs 72.50-74.25, higher yielding up to 79.50. Slaughter Cows: Percent Lean, Weight, Bulk, Low Dressing. Premium White, 65-70, over 1600 lbs, 50.50-54.25. Breakers, 70-75, over 1400 lbs, 46.00- 43.00-46.25. Boners, 75-80, over 1200 lbs, 42.00-47.00, 37.0iM3.75. Lean (M- Yield), 80-85, over 1200 lbs, 39.00-43.75. Lean, 85-90, over 1000 lbs, 36.00-41.00, 33.00-36.50. Lean (Light-wgt), 85-90, 750-100 lbs, 33.00- 28.00-32.75. Slaughter Bulls: Yield Grade 1 1135-2010 lbs 48.75-54.00, high dressers 59.00-64.00, thin 955-1295 lbs 46.75-50.00. Yield Grade 2 1015-1935 lbs 44.50- 48.25, couple 2275-2505 lbs 46.00- Nine head of young. Mack 1050-1180 lb bulls suitable to put Into service 53.00- Calves: Compared to Tuesday, veal calves comparable to the early week runs sold steady. Holstein bull calves suitable for special-fed veal bams sold 10.00-30.00 lower. Holstein heifer calves sold with a lower undertone. The PA De partment of Ag graded 427 head of bulls for the graded sale, with an estimated 90 percent of the run going back on feed. <l5O 334 226 Veal Calves Standard and Utility 110-150 Ibt 40.00- 70-110 Iba 27.00- 40.00. Going Into Special-fed Veal Bams Graded Number One Holatein Bulla 105-125 lbs 148.00- 95-105 Iba 137.00-147.00; 90-95 Ibt 120.00; 80-90 lbs 110.00. Graded Number Two Holatein Bulla 95-125 Ibt 100.00-130.00; 85-90 Iba 80.00; 80- 85 Iba 60.00. Graded Utility Holatein Bulla 90-110 Ibt 40.00-47.00. HeUen 90-125 fta 2853)0-340.00; 85 Iba 200.00- Plainer-type Hdfai 90-125 Iba 190.00- 8085 Ibt 125.00-150.00; 75 Iba 140.00. Sheep and Lambs There was no comparison due to the light run. AD prices are carried over from Monday. Slaughter Lambs Choice and Prime 2-3 50-60 Iba 104.00-119.00; 60-70 Ibt 100.00-120.00, few ptotoer down to 90.00; 70-80 Iba 106.00-116.00; 80-90 Iba 100.00-112.00; 90-100 Iba 1023)0-112.00. Slaughter Sheep: Utility and Good 1-3 120-2501ba mostly 29.00-42.00, up to 46.00. Slaughter Goata; The run was extremely light, therefore there was no comparison. All prices are carried over from Monday. All goata are sold by the bead, with estimated weights. Kids Selection 1 20-40 Ibt 37.00-58.00; 40-60 Iba 58.00-7 ZOO, Selection 2 20-40 Iba 32.00-48.00, package 54.00; 40-60 Iba 54.00-67.00. Selection 3 20-40 Ibt 26.00-42.00; under 10 Ibt 19.00-2840. Yearlings Selection 1 60-80 lbs 66.00-79.00. Selection 2 60-80 Iba 56.00-66.00; 80-100 lbs 72.00- Selection 3 few 60-80 lbs 40.00- Nannies: Selection 1 70-100 lbs 76.00-94.00; (Turn to Page A3B) >O-1 16. 7( .00, ■BO. .51