846-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 14 SUN SEPT 28 - 11 33AM Breeder’s Sale, King's Auc tions, Burrows Road, West Winfield. NY. 315-822-5221 IER WED OCT 1 - Lumbe „ bldg supplies by Wolgemi,' Auct Dennis Wolgemuth #2357, 717-656-2947, fax 717-656-601 1, http // www wolgemuth-auc tion com, email wolgemuth— auct@)uno com THURS OCT 2 - Fed Cattle Sales Carlisle Livestock Mar ket, Inc 548 Alexander Spring Rd, Carlisle Market phone 717-249-4511, Buy er's phone 717-249-0396, Fax 717-249-5507, Jim De- Gaetano - Home 717-249-2359 AUCTIONEER'S DIRECTORY 717-626-2191 to list your auction serv| ce^j^ Mfrcd'e Auctions Inc Alfred J. Finocchiaro-auctioneer PO Box 861, Hightstown, NJ 08520 Ph: 609-448-SOLD (7653) // Fax: 609-448-0951 alsauction@aol.com IXA VV HORNING 11/ I JTM FARM AGENCY, INC. Alvin & Elton Horning • Merle Eberly AU-2417-L C Ivan Stoltzfus 3920-L Morgantown, PA (610) 286-5183 > > Courteous Real Estate Services > > Professional Auctioneers > > State Certified Appraisers > > Specializing in Farms and Land COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL AUCTION SERVICE REAL ESTATE - FARMS & RESIDENTIAL LIQUIDATIONS - ANTIQUES - FARM MACHINERY - LIVESTOCK RANDAL V. KUNE AUCTIONEER-REALTOR 717-733-1006 AU #499 www.klinekreidergood.com Aucn Real Estate • Farm Equipment • Antiques • Household Goods It doesn't cost to use our Auction Serrice...lt Pays. CALL TODAY!! SAT OCT 4 - 9AM Mel's Stables Horse Sales - Auc tioneer, 834 Wallace Rd, New Holland, PA 17557; Home 717-354-8397, Bam 717-354-6431 TUES OCT 7 - 7 45PM Feeder Cattle Sales Carlisle ivestock Market, Inc. 548 Al exander Spnng Rd, Carlisle Market Phone 717-249-4511, Buyer's Phone 717-249-0396, Fax 717-249-5507, Jim DeGaeta no - Home 717-249-2359 FRI OCT 10 - Equipment at 100 W Jackson St, New Hol land, PA by Diffenbach Auct AHOOOI4SL, 717-355-7253. FRI OCT 10 - IPM State Graded Feeder Pig Sales Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spnng Rd., Carlisle Market phone 717-249-4511, Buyer's phone 717-249-0396; Fax ROY E. GOOD, JR. AUCTIONEER (717) 445-4309 AU #2116 Prsfssslsnal auctioneering 370 Hlllcrest Dr. Ephrata, PA 17522 (717)733-3511 2003 717-249-5507; Jim DeGaeta no - Home: 717-249-2359 er Sale, New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., 61L, 717-354-4342 SUN. OCT. 12-11 33AM Breeder's Sale, King's Auc tions, Burrows Road, West Winfield, NY, 315-822-5221. FRI OCT. 17 - 7PM Graded Feeder Sale Belleville Live stock Market 717-935-2146. FRI OCT 17 - 6 00 PM Horse Sale, New Holland Sales Stables, Inc , 61 L, 717-354-4342 SAT OCT 18-83 acre farm, tractors, farm machinery, HH goods, at 782 Hartman Sta tion Rd, Lancaster, PA for Mary B Landis by Snyder's Auct. Serv AU003489-L, 717-291 -5747 or 733-7052 SAT OCT 18 - Vehicles & automobtlia time to be an nounced at 100 W. Jackson St, New Holland, PA by Oif fenbach Auct AHOOOI4SL, 717-355-7253 TUES OCT 21 - 7 45PM Feeder Cattle Sales Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Al exander Spnng Rd, Carlisle Market Phone 717-249-4511, Buyer's Phone 717-249-0396, Fax 717-249-5507, Jim DeGaeta no-Home 717-249-2359 WED OCT 22 - Farm equip by Wolgemuth Auct Dennis Wolgemuth #2357 FRI, OCT. 24 -11 AM Falls- View Holstems, Little Falls, NY, for Matt Surawski by Cattle Exchange 607-746-2226 FRI OCT. 24 - IPM State TUES NOV 25 - 9AM Quilt, Graded Feeder Pig Sales craft & buggy at 100 W. Jack- Carlisle Livestock Market, son St, New Holland, PA by Inc 548 Alexander Spnng Diffenbach Auction Rd , Carlisle Market phone AHOOOI4SL, 717-355-7253 717-249-4511, Buyer's THURS NOV 27 - Happy phone' 717-249-0396; Fax Thanksgiving - No Sales 717-249-5507; Jim DeGaeta- New Holland Sales Stables, no-Home 717-249-2359. Inc., 61L, 717-354-4342 SAT. OCT 25 -10 AM Fall Heifer Sale. Belleville Live stockMaiket7l7^3s^l46. SUN. OCT. 26 - 11:33AM Breeder's Sale, King's Auc tions, Burrows Road, West Winfield, NY. 315-822-5221 WED. OCT. 29-11 AM Dairy Show and Sale (Judging will start at 9 AM), New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., 61L, 717-354-4341. FRI. OCT 31 - 6 PM Feeder Sale, New Holland Sales Stables, 717-354-43' nc., SAT. NOV. 1 -. 9AM Mel's Stables Horse Sales - Auc tioneer, 834 Wallace Rd., New Holland, PA 17557; Home 717-354-8397; Bam 717-354-6431. . TUES. NOV. 4 - Fed Cattle Sales Carlisle Livestock Mar ket, Inc. 548 Alexander Spnng Rd., Carlisle. Market phone: 717-249-4511; Buy er's phone' 717-249-0396; Fax 717-249-5507; Jim De- Gaetano - Home 717-249-2359 DAIRY CATTLE CONSIGNMENT Wed. Evening, 7:15 P.M. JUNE 18, 2003 FOUR STATES LIVESTOCK SALES Hagerstown, Md. 301-733-8120 MiddleburG LIVESTOCK AUCTION “Special Outdoor” Driving Horse Sale Thurs., June I9th @ 6:00 p.m. Horses Hitched @ 3:00 p.m. Limited To 100 Hand Selected Top Quality Saddlebred And Standardbreds To Be Sold Outdoors In Harness Consignments By: R&A Sales, Fresno, Ohio Eel Martin, Carson Martin, Freeman Yoder Noah Hostetler, Adam Hoover, Lamar Martin Plus Others! For Further Information Call: Earl Martin (Agent) 570-966-6219 Sale Barn 570-837-2222 Come Spend the Evening! Chicken BBQ - Compliments of Earl Martin' Located 3 mi. East of Middleburg, PA On Rt. 522 BILL WEIST, MGR. NOTE - Monthly Horse Sale Sat., June 28th Tack 8:30 a.m. Horses 11:00 a.m. SAT. NOV 1 - NY Holstein Harvest Sale, Cornell Umver- S'ty, Ithaca, NY, Auct. Cattle WED. NOV. 5 - Lumber & bldg supplies by Wolgemuth Auct Dennis Wolgemuth #2357, 717-656-2947, fax 71 7-656-6011, http // www wolgemuth-auc tion.com, email wogemuth auctQjuno com WED. NOV 5 - 6 30PM Toys & Collectibles at 100 W Jackson St., New Holland, PA by Diffenbach Auct AHOOOI4SL, 717-355-7253 FRI. NOV 14 - Equipment at 100 W Jackson St., New Hol- land, PA by Diffenbach Auct. AHOOOI4SL, 717-355-7253 FRI NOV 14 - IPM State Graded Feeder Pig Sales Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spnng Rd , Carlisle Market phone 717-249-4511, Buyer's phone 717-249-0396, Fax 717-249-5507; Jim DeGaeta no - Home 717-249-2359 SAT NOV 15 - 9AM Mel's Stables Horse Sales - Auc tioneer, 834 Wallace Rd, New Holland, PA 17557, Home 717-354-8397; Bam 717-354-6431 TUES NOV 18 - 7 45PM Feeder Cattle Sales Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Al exander Spnng Rd, Carlisle Market Phone 717-249-4511, Buyer's Phone 717-249-0396, Fax 717-249-5507, Jim DeGaeta no - Home - 717-249-2359 FRI NOV 21 - 6 PM Horse Sale, New Holland Sales Stables, Inc , 61 L, 717-354-4342 WED. NOV. 28 - Farm equip & antique tractors by Wolge muth Auct Dennis Wolge muth #2357, 717-656-2947, fax 717-656-6011, http// www.wolgemuth-auc tion com, email wogemuth— auctQiuno.com FRI. NOV. 28 - 6 PM Mule Sale, New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., 61L, 717-354-4342 TUES. DEC. 2 - Fed Cattle Sales. Carlisle Livestock Mar ket, Inc. 548 Alexander Spnng Rd., Carlisle. Market phone; 717-249-4511; Buy er's phone: 717-249-0396; Fax: 717-249-5507; Jim De- Gaetano - Home. 717-249-2359. WED. DEC. 3 - Lumber & bldg supplies by Wolgemuth Auct. Dennis Wolgemuth #2357, 717-656-2947, tax 717-656-6011, http;// www wolgemuth-auc tion com, email wogemuth— auct@juno.com V Lancaster Farming 4th of July \ DEADLINES Deadline Auction Section Friday, June 27th f 4 pm /-ifV*. • l « -:\ Dairy and Livestock Siales NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. I S| New Holland, Pa. '"'-I Located 12 Miles East of Lancaster, just off Rt. 23 ; >/aT«ly sale - we; nes; >ay, June i , 2 3 » r.' 10:00 AM BRED HEIFERS, SHORTBREDS & OPEN HEIFERS 11:45 AM BULLS 12:00 NOON FRESH COWS & SPRINGERS Fresh Cows and Springers, JgSf Several Cows Due July “nj Aug. toJSSilfll Several Service Age Bulls Sell With Pedigrees And Milk Records To 30,000 Of Milk Next Week We Will Have 15 Fresh Cows From A Grazing Herd All Fresh 4-6 Weeks NOTE TO CONSIGNORS! ' Please send all totormation.alQng .with.yjcuijfccattio.TuesL. .... Fresh Date, Breeding Dates, Milk Weights, with your trucker. Sale Managed By H llan 1 St~ii k,s, Inc. Barn 7 ! 7-354-434 1 Fax 355-070(i ] nvil K 1* . Mjr. niL M^pjune^p ★ ★ ★ Farmore Farms ★ ★ ★ Complete Milking Herd Dispersal Thursday ★ June 26, 2003 ★ 9:30 AM 13200 Claridon Troy Rd. • Burton (Claridon Twp), Ohio (35 milaa East of Cleveland) Directions Exit the 27t Cleveland by pass onto Rt 422 East 18 miles to 44N Q Auburn Center Take Rt 44 N 5 5 miles to the junction of Rt B 7 Turn east on Rt 87 to Burton and intersect Cheshire Rd at Burton Square Cheshire Rd turns into Clandon Troy Rd just before the farm Will be welt marked 445 Freestall / Parlor Holsteins Sell 445 293 Registered ★ 152 Grade * (40 are Tie Stall Housed) TMR Fed Herd Ave. 20.088 M 4.0% 800 F No BST 182 -1 “ t 2'* Lact * 154 Fresh / Due within 90 days of sale 69% of herd bred to Proven Al Sires ★ 21% bred to Ai Young Sires Mycoplasma Negative Tank Samples BVD Negative All Cattle Booster Vaccinated and Palpated within 21 days of sale The harmou herd npresents the net remit of < ombtntng some of the top herds lure in the Northeast Wmdemere Knapp Sthufm Bern ml & Others Cattle bred to produce with longe\tt\ & reproduce \aluable offtprtnft All Sell In One Day on June 26th - Join Us 1 * 15 Excallents-Milky Grades-Exciting Young Cows with Popular Sires * 3* Gea E* SeD w/Funllj Members Starricw Jolt Arlene (3023) Ex 90 2 11 365 30 661 37 1139 Fresh March Giving a * ScU*Mf VG Counselor w/ 32,000 M Mil Due July to Thunder* > < ll f o • Suu** Ex 01 Counselor w/ 25.800 M *£ r - - Fresh 5 12-03 ‘ fthA 4 St&Mf VG 88 Double Flay Proj 25.000 * ***** *j..f* >• © 3 yrs Due Oct to “Stormatic" Windemere Blackatar Uaette , suu*f VG Metro miking 95 lbs L.l.l.m.lodrt “ 535 M 10016 F « « V ra Du « "‘■'"l* l ' 6XW»deD.m Dam Ex 94 Gr oam Ex 94 • W Durham Lena (ioi»| Ei 90 3Y 1 11 363 22 703 4 7 1073 Milking U Hm 0 2yrs 11 mo Sir*d 6y "Durham" Due Dec "Outside" • W Latitba Marty (8611) VG 67 3T 3 4 302 27 389 4 2 1155 me By "flicecresl Marly" Bred to "Kile* Mf ... • VG 87 Dttfhim from 7 gen VG ft EX • VG-87 Patron Sella from 5 Gen VG/Ex Milking 92# 0 2 11 Due Dec to'Kite* 32 460 M 1222 F ®4V do* Oil 'Slormatic' The Farmore herd dispersal presents the serious dairy person with the rare opportunity to upgrade their herd at commercial u milk cow ” prices' Owners: Farmore Farms - LTD • Phone: (440) 635-5130 Terms of Sale SALE MANAGED BY Cash or Good Check . CT “r" P “ 9 ' r * * Concord yUdpc ★ ★ bank letter of credit 20281 Hammond Rd • Cony PA 16407 • (814)664-8040 • Fax 814 665-2332 • AY000244-L 1 r* 1 ± T I i T 7“ Qnintlon Ex SellslM Windemere CrUco Jed 15S Ex 01 4 5 345 25 215 3 6 893 Due Sept ‘Milan * ,/ / y. E T r- x v A te. lifetime to date 325 492 M 12 661 F 10 405 P Due 6/9/03 'Clcitus' Sired by Mark Dams 4E Ex 94 3E Ex 90 2E Ex 94 2E Ex 90 • Mark Cajre’a Fred daughter Sella w/22 760 M O 3Y Fresh Dec Milking 62# Her 12/02 "Roxton* dau also sells • Wlndemere Cbarlaea Jed Bi>92 Sella! 29 668 4 0 1149 0 3Y a'Jed'dtrOfCaye Due 8 21 to ‘Emerson’ • VG 88 Mascot jrock Sells! 4 gen EX dams Due 1 1 to "Morty* Made 25 634 M O 2 yrs T A T A Ex 94 SB E Stephen Denny Ohio Auction * 2001003792 Good Food Catalogs at ringside
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