B i44-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 14, 2-DAY PUBLIC AUCTION THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2003 TIME-S:3OPM SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 2003 TIME-B:3OAM Located in western Perry Co in Blam Boro behind the firehouse & UCC church. From New Bloomfield take Rt. 274 west to Blam. Thursday, June 19, Time-s:3opm FISHING-GUNS-KNIVES-COLLECTIBLES-TOOLS Rem 35, 14A w/3x9 Weaver scope; Ithaca 12ga dbl; Ithaca 300 12 ga semi; Win 1897 12ga (5n552903) mod; H&R “Topper” M4B 12ga pump (full); High Standard 12ga pump (mod); Westemfield MSSOAD 12ga pump (full); Sav Spgfld 951 410ga Series F; H&A XL Bull Dog 22cal rvlvr; US Revolver 32cal rvlvr; RTS 22 blank pistol; wooden & fiberglas recurve bows; 10-gun cabinet; approx 2-doz Victor spg traps; sheath knives mcl Victor (Lititz, Pa) w/case, Marbles, Schrade, Case, Western & German; Rem K 4300 butcher knife; approx 50 pocket knives mcl advertising, bone handled, Camillus Am Wildlife N0.17C “Wild Ttirkey” pocket knife; and others; 2-Ben Lee “Twin Hen” box calls to mcl one ltd ed 1944-1991 box call w/stand; Ben Lee “Yelper” box call; Rhodes turkey call w/box; duck call; Fishing-vanous rod & reel combos; 3pc “Golden Bamboo” fly rod; 2pc Shakespeare “Wonder Rod” fiberglas fly rod; Ted Williams 535- 2pc spin rod, canvass & wicker creels; tackle boxes; wooden lures; galvanized minnow buckets, early fish gigs; Ouachita 12ft alum jon boat; canofc pad dles; 2-carbide lights; 2-early camp stoves; early 1900 dog licenses; deer antlers (2-boxes); 8-outdoor & wildlife framed prints; 1960 s & ’7os Game News, Pa Angler & Fin & Fur books; Gun Digests; various farm, garden & lawn handtools, chains & binders, Dehomer’s; Power tools-Walker-Tumer commercial scroll saw; Craftsman band, scroll & radial arm saws; castiron nail caddy; early & modem (Craftsmans) handtools & wrenches; & much more SATURDAY, JUNE 21, TIME-B:3OAM EARLY TRACTORS-FARM PRIMITIVES Tractor (home made) w/4 cyl Wisconsin eng; 1958 Whl Horse 854 w/mower & plow, JD 212 garden tractor w/mower deck & snow blower; One cyl engines mcl IH Type LB (1/2-2-1/2 hp); 2-Maytags w/foot start; 4-Bnggs & Stratton (1 w/kickstart); Eclipse eng w/hand start; Bunton “Redwme” trimmer w/1 cyl eng: Gravely type garden tractor w/ disc & cul tivators, 2-early sickle bar moweis; early Jan snow blower, metal whls & pulleys, 2-lg metal implement whls, Syracuse No. 30 (1878) plow; 1-horse single bottom plow; 1-shovel plow; 1-horse cultivators; Columbia Streiwig 1- corn planter; grain cradles; wooden rakes & 3-prong fork; gram flails; all wooden flax swingle, 2-hokie cultivators, corn/straw trough chopper; 2- hay mow forks, Buch’s No. 3 1-hole com sheller; Black hawk com sheller; Red Chief corn gnnder, 2-Cyclone bag broadcasters; Atlas platform scales; 2- whl barrows; NY Plow Co. cider press (excel cond); hand whl juice press, sharpening grindstone w/seat, leather horse harness, collars, sin gle & dbl trees, blacksmith vise & forge blower, early handtools-bow & crosscut saws; Beatty broad ax; draw knives; wooden planes; straw knives; Butcher equipment-Enterpnse #l2 & #22 meat grinders w/stands, New Triumph meat gnnder, other early meat grinders; Enterprise sm & Ig sausage staffers, primitive wood fruit press; iron kettle & 2-3fts, 2-wooden & 2-metal kettle stirrers, dippers & ladles, meat saws; knives; 2-meat benches, scalding trough; Kitchen collectibles-C.S Bell #3 coffee gnnder; elect cabbage cutter, Sterling sheer N 0.20 (castiron); Alaska ice crusher; apple peeler; cherry stoner; slaw boards; wooden cyl butter chum; wooden kitchen utensil & rolling pins; cookie cutters; tin & granite funnels; 2-lap coffee gnnders; egg scales; wire egg baskets; spring scales & family scales; tin match safes; castiron mushpots, dutch ovens, skillets, tea pots & griddle; Lg qty of stoneware bottles, crocks, jars & jugs of vaious sizes (some signed Cowden); 6gal wtr cooler; White Mtn 4qt ice cream freezer; 2-wicker clothes baskets; Myers pitcher pumps & 2-deep well hand pumps; galvanize & granite wash tubs; wooden measurers; Brighton wooden clothes wringer; old alarm clocks; RCA Victor 27K console radio; castiron dinner bell; washboards & wooden iron boards; mg beaters; glass oil lamps; buttons; music intruments incl 1-man band (washboard, cymbals, bell) & unusual 6- stnng guitar; milk cans w/spigots; galvanize sprinkling can; 2-steel lube oil cans; 2-l/2gal copper fire exting; Mod T Ford kero light; various styles of kerosene lanterns; bubble gum mach; 6-peanut butter glasses; Advertising (2) sct Tiger Chew Tobacco tins; printed feed bags; local calendars & sm local advert pcs; wooden boxes; Toys-castiron, tin & friction toys; numer ous metal cars & trucks; Schyllmg tractor & trailer (new); pinball type game, “All 15” Super DX; metal top; Hubley cap gun; spring horses; Guider sleds; Sno-Bee bebsled;bikes to inc Rollfast tandem bike (for 2); Lincoln logs; croquet set; games & puzzles; WWI collectibles-(belong to vet Nathaniel Mease of the Ambulance Co. #3 Penna), group photo, coat & pants, helmet, mess kit, canteen, gas mask, pay record, campaign medal, Murphy combat knife & orig foot looker (Mr. Mease served in France); Books & paper-1918 Ed Witte “Kero, Gas, Distillate, Oil Engines”; 1918- Dykes Auto & Gas Eng; other books me Elvis, Dolly Parton, Bar. Mandrell & WWI 1; Deadly Pursuit, “Kidnapping at Shade Gap”; antique oak furni ture mcl 4-sided spool cabinet, hall stand, high chair w/tray, library table, sq table & 3-oak cabinet treadle sew machines; early nightstand w/hand dovetailed dwr; early cupboards & stands; 2-carpet seat & back platform rockers; beveled wall mirror w/oak framed; 3-one room school desks; school desk & sm chair; 3-early glass & oak framed counter candy cases; Keystone 4-dwr cash register (elect); MISC- Yamaha Special (no title) cycle, runs; Garelli “Rally Sport” moped cycle; furnace blower; lg roll of canvass; Kerogas 3-bumer stove; 3-stave barrels; bushel fruit baskets; lg qty of wooden fruit crates; haywagon; lg wine making bottles; Maytag wnnger washer; multiple dwr metal file cabinet (5”x7”); stainless steel table (24” x 7’); 6-stamless swivel stools; reel mowers & edges; brass air hand pump; 36’ wood extent ladder. AUCTIONEER NOTES-This auction has plenty for both days! Saturday’s auction has enough farm primitives to fill a museum. See www.fahnestocksauction.com for lots of photos. Terms for both days are cash or Pa check only. Fahnestock’s Auction Svc AU-2553-L 582-8565 23 -8.30 AM 35th annual benefit consignment auct: tractors, farm equip, law/garden, HH goods, locat ed Leesport Farmers Market Grounds, Leesport, PA, Berks Co Sale for Berks Co. Pomona Grange. SAT AUG. 23 - 9AM Mel's Stables Horse Sales - Auc tioneer, 834 Wallace Rd., New Holland, PA 17557; Home 717-354-8397, Bam 717-354-6431. SAT. AUG. 23 - 9AM 19 acre farm auction w/farmhouse & outbuildings at 311 Dad Burnham's Rd, Schuylkill Haven, PA, by Stump Dick Yohn, owner Sellers are not responsible for accidents AU3132-L & Barhrach AU3132-L, 717-647-2740. SUN. AUG 24 - 11'33AM Breeder's Sale, King's Auc tions, Burrows Road, West Winfield, NY. 315-822-5221 WED AUG. 27 - Farm equip by Wolgemuth Auct. Dennis Wolgemuth #2357, 717-656-2947, fax 717-656-6011, http.// www wolgemuth-auc tion.com, email wolgemuth— auctQ|uno.com. , SUN. AUG 31 -12 PM Wil liams Grove Cumberland Val ley Tractor Pullers' Associa tion Newville Fairgrounds. 717-776-5762. PUBLIC AUCTION MON, JUNE 23, 2003 @ 9:30 am (Inspect: Thurs, June 19 @ 9:30 AM -12:30 PM & Auction Day from 7:30 AM) Tractors, John Deere crawler dozer, combine, farm machinery, other equipment, refrigerated trucks, greenhouses, etc. For Mr. Albert Buehrer and Indian Rock Corporation located at Chestnut Springs Farm, 1155 California Rd., Quakertown, Richland Twp., Bucks Co., PA Directions: From Rt. 313 @ Quakertown, PA.: proceed North on Rt. 309 1 & 1/10th mi. to West Pumping Station Rd., turn right & proceed 1 mi. to light @ California Rd., turn left & go 1 1/10th mi. to auction site on right, From 1-78 East or West, take the Quakertown PA exit-Rt. 309 South approx. 8 - 8M mi. to West Pumping Station Rd., turn left & follow above; From Quakertown Exit #32-Northeast Extension of PA Turnpike: From toll booth, turn left on Rt 663 North (towards Quakertown), proceed approx. 2'A mi to Rt. 309, turn left on Rt. 309 North to West Pumping Station Rd. & follow above. Watch for signs - field parking. TRACTORS: John Deere 5020: showing 3.421 hrs ; Agco-AHis 5650: 2293 hrs; Ford SU 4000 showing 1,459 hrs. w/front end loader & attachs.; Farmall Cub w/culti vators, 5N#36341; John Deere M-70 5N#7002776 HAY & FORAGE EQUIP.: New Holland: 575 hay baler; 1411 discbme; 1037 stackhner hay wagon, 790 forage har vester; Miller-Pro: 5200 & John Deere Model 70 4jqo forage wagons, 1100 hay Mrake, Pequea Machine Co. HARVESTING & GRAIN HANDLING EQUIP.: John Deere 6600 combine: 2756 hrs; New Idea 324 & 310 corn Pr-t t m Agco-Allis 5650 Tractor J," Farmall Cub »/Cultivators pickers; Gehl 95 XD PTO feed grinder; 4 GRAVITY WAGONS: Unverferth 230 w/auger unload; Unverferth 235; McCurdy & Farm & WESTFIELD; W-60 ITfv-SO John Deere 550 GLT grain augers; 12 ft. 4 in. grain Crawler Dozer - auger; Zimmerman elevator; SOLD SUBJECT TO GSIISOO BU grain bin; Farm Fans i rain “O'er; Snowco CONFIRMATION g rain c i eaner; one-1500 bu. & two-1000 bu. round metal corn cribs, MFS 800 bu. port, grain bin, etc. TILLAGE & PLANTING EQUIP,; Deutz-Allis 1500 Chisel Plow; International: 4500 Vibra Shank cultivator; Brillion: SCPSI subsoiler; WPIO3I cultipacker; Tuffline 1 shank subsoiler; John Deere 230 disk harrow; John Deere 450 grain drill; International 56 4 row corn planter, etc. VEGETABLE & GREENHOUSE: Rain-Flo model 2600 plastic layer; 1400 Waterwheel trans planter; 2 Hard! boom sprayers; 500 ga.-40 ft., 50 TERMS: 10% BUYERS PREMIUM * .Absolute auction VALID ID for registration to obtain buyer’s number * co. approval. * Call for illus/detailed flyer * Traiman Auction Co. is handling the Auction of the Real Estate to be sold Thurs., June 19. 2003 @ I 30 PM 180+/- Acres as 3 Properties Oflered Individually & Combinations 88+/ Acres Organic Farm & Home for Interior Completion Fine Convened Barn Residence on 52+/- Acres 38+/- Acres Guaranteed Funds Needed to Bid on Real Estate For More Information www.traiman com & download Or call 215-545-4503 ROBERT H. CLINTON & COMPANY, INC. 610-847-5432 * AY-000093-L ‘ , » ' i V'”' AUCTIONEERS! Effective NOW you can contact Shelley Ashcroft tit 717-626-2191 (press 5), fax: 717-626-1210 or email: smhcroft.eph@lnpnews.com to place your s . Public Soles advertising in Lancaster Farming! *i. Real Estate Mg) r m (m / ga-13 ft., 3 Point hitch attachments; Maschio rotavator, Mech., Transplanter, Kennco plastic lifter, MT model 90 plastic layer. Meyers 100 ga. air blast sprayei, raised bed maker; Approx. 8 Greenhouses - various sizes w/both elec. & gas heaters, approx. 1700 ft 3” PVC irrigation pipe, etc OTHER EQUIPMENT & MISC. ITEMS: New Idea 3618 PTO manure spreader; 3 point hitch; Ford: 3 bottom plow & cultivator, Schaper Bros, spreader, Herd 1200 spinner spreader, concrete mixer. York rake. Bush Hog & Woods mower; Shaver HD 8 post driven Ford sickle bar mower, 2 Richie 4 bowl auto, waterers. Rocky salt block feeder, 15 Zimmerman & Fry Bros, cattle gates, appiox. 5000 high tensile fence w/locust wood posts, quantity of other misc. items; PLUS: approx 20-30 tons of Ear Corn, approx. 9,000 lbs Winter Rye Seed, approx. 600 bu Mixed Barley & Oats. ih C- ■”•0 . 1994 Mack CH-612 w/Reefer TRUCKS: 1994 MACK CH-612 Series: 448,457 mi., EM7 300 diesel eng., 5 spd. Maxitorque trans. 20 ft. Reefer body; 3 International: 1994 Model 4700: 435,012 mi., 466 diesel eng., 6 spd. trans., 16’ Morgan Reefer body; 1993 model 4700; 528,765 mi., 6 cyl. diesel eng., 6 spd. trans., 18’ Morgan Reefer Body; 1992 Model 4700: 541,631 mi., 6 cyl. diesel, 5 spd. trans., 18 ft. Morgan Reefer Body; 3 MIT SUBISHI FUSO: 1993 Model FH Intercooler: 306,882 mi., 6 cyl. diesel long, 4 spd. Allison auto, trans., 14’ Morgan box; 1993 Model FH Intercooler: 325,352 mi., 6 cyl. diesel eng., 4 spd. Allison auto, trans., 14” Morgan box; 1991: 184,146 mi., 4 cyl. diesel eng., ELC 4 spd. auto trans., Hackney 9’ Reefer Box; Plus: 1960 s Vintage GMC Army 6x6; 292 Chev. eng., 24 volt. (except for 4 items listed above) Must have Cash or checks accepted w/prior auction Special Note: There will be only 4 Items offered SUBJECT TO OWNER’S IMMEDIATE CONFIRMATION & NOT SOLD AT ABSOLUTE AUCTION. These items include: 1997 JOHN DEERE 550 GLT SERIES IV CRAWLER DOZER: 1424 ong. hours, 85 h.p. diesel eng., 4 spd. power shift trans., 5N#T0550GH833505; GOOSEN BALE CHOPPER w/18 h.p. Honda engine; LYCO Green bean snipper, 1988 Honda CRX, 93,000 mi. • v’A S' >. *3l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers