Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 14, 2003, Image 65

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    ;AT JUNE 14 - 9:3OAM Real tools, guns, fum, HH goods,
.state (rancher), antiques, nusc at 588 Old School-
SAT. JUNE 28th, 2003
9:00 AM
Miller’s Auction Ctr., Bethel, PA
Exit #l3, of 1-78 Berks Co.
We are looking to sell things like, riding mowers,
push mowers, rototillers, weedwackers, genera
tors, chain saws, snow blowers, wheel barrows,
garden tractors, plows, disks, small tractors,
sheds, water fountains, statuary, rail fence, patio
brick & stone, wrought iron, plant holders, patio
sets, shrubs, trees, garden tools, plus anything to
do with lawn & garden. Call us, let us know what
you are bringing in.
Receiving days will be Thurs., June 26, &
Friday, June 27th
From 9 AM till 5 PM
For more information, call Dwight %fe
Dwight D Miller Auctioneer
Bethel, PA (717) 933-5736 AU-2414-L
June 25, 2003 9:00 am
Tractors ~ Farm Equipment ~
Truck Lots
LOCATION: 109 N. Maple
Avenue, Leola, PA 17540
***For Free Advertising Call
by Noon Tuesday June 17***
New 3 pt. Mowers, Blades, Stone rakes. Post
hole diggers. Disc harrows sold daily l
For More Information Call or
Check Our Web Site
Call Dennis
(717) 656-2947 FAX (717) 656-6011
Next Farm Equipment
July 23,2003
house Rd., Landenoerg, kh
by John J’ McGrellis 111,
Auct., 302-239-7244.
SAT. JUNE 14 - 9:3OAM
Const. Equip., Forklifts, Aenal
Lifts, Trucks A Trailers,
Grantville, PA, Auctioneer
Alex Lyon & Son,
SAT., JUNE 14 - 9:3OAM Bth
Annual Public Consign. Auct
of farm machinery, antiques,
farm equip & tractors in
Marydel, DE, by Sam Walters
111 (302)284-4619.
SAT., JUNE 14 - 9 30AM Real
Estate on 22 ac, 15 ac
woodland, commer. bldg on
4.72 ac , h h., C&R Archery
Center, Woodward, Pa., by
Ron Gilligan *AU339-L
SAT JUN. 14 -9.30 AM Cars,
trailers, equip., etc. Leetoma,
Ohio. Russ Kiko Associates
Inc. Auct. 330-455-9357
.AT. JUNE 14-10 AM & SUN
lUNE 15 -11 AM Home im
irovement auction, lumber,
Comprehensive Auction Marketing “Since 1987”
Real Estate & Contents
W. Whiteland Township Rancher
W. Chester Schools
2 bdrms, 1.5 bath, family room, 2 large decks
1 car garage, patio, green house, 3 room
w/o basement, situated on .68 acre +/- lot
4:00 PM WEDS. 7-09-03
(Real Estate Offered at 6:00 PM)
627 Overlook Dr. Downingtown, PA 19335
From Dgtn, take Boot Rd. through tunnel to L on
Burgoyne and follow signs From Rt 100 take
Boot Rd W. 2 mi. to R on Burgoyne Or go to and click Mapquest
link for directions from where you are.
Complete details, RE terms, buyer/broker fees,
showing dates, personal property listing and pho
tos can be viewed at or
request listing via fax. Eat before you come.
Auctioneer • Appraiser • Consultant
Downingtown, PA 610.873.8860
Member PAA, NAA, AMI • AU2SI6L
Building Sold! New Tennant Coming!
Grocery Store, Bakery, Meat, Deli &
Restaurant Equipment & More!
Tuesday, June 24th @ 10:00 A.M.
Formally: Lantz’s Market, Corner of Water &
Washington Streets, Muncy, Pa
Directions: Interstate 80 to 1-180 North, to Exit
13, to Downtown Muncy,
Right on Water Street to the Corner of Washing
ton. Auction site the on Left.
INSPECTION: Two (2) hours prior to Auction
TERMS OF SALE: Payment in Full on Day of
Sale Via Cash or Good Check accompanied by a
Bank Letter of Guaiantee.
The N.E & Mid Atlantic’s Foremost
Auctioneer of-
Food Service Equipment & Facilities!
Col. Steve Sitar & Co.
P.O. Box 779 - Waverly, PA 18471
(570) 586-1397 Pa.Lic.AU2l24-L
Auction Notice
Saturday, June 21 st at 9AM
Auction on site
21504 Mt. Aetna Rd - Hagerstown, MD
Directions: From Hagerstown, Dual Hwy to
Robmwood Dr. Left onto Mt Aetna, straight thru
circle at Rt 66. From 1-70 East Exit 35, Left oft of
exit (Rt 66 North) a circle turn right ono Mt Aetna.
From 1-70 West Exit 35-Right off of exit (Rt 66
North) at cicrle turn right onto Mt Aetna
Terms: Cash - Approved Check - Credit Cards
Just a sampling of what you will find & It’s All
Brand New: window shutters; doors; colums;
posts; vanities; shower stalls, shower doors, sinks;
water heaters, tohets, furnace pipe; many types of
fasteners, thousnds of them, nails, screws, nuts,
bolts, etc; pulleys; belts; cables, blades; many
types of pvc; power tools; power equipment;
appliances; storage buildings; breaker load cen
ters; tools and accesones; pet and livestock itmes;
lawn mower weed eaters; landscaping products;
hundreds of tres, shrubs, plants and flowers.
Much, much more l Too numerous to list 1 16 trac
tor trailer loads of brand new mechandise .. you’re
sure to find what you are looking for Lunch avail
able on site. Not responsible for accidents.
Auctioneer Floyd Davis
E&E Investments
Todd Easterday Phone 301-432-8828
doors, Jacuzzi, tools, 2151 N.
Main St., Washington, PA,
Auct. Tom Paranzino
SAT. JUNE 14 -10 AM Farm
house & real estate (12 noon),
tools, lumber, boat, glass
ware, beds, stoneware,
trains, HH items, etc. at 5011
Graveßun Rd,, Millers, Balti
more Co., MD 21102 by
O'Neill's Auct. Serv.
SAT. JUN. 14 -10 AM Restau
rant Equip. Auction 11 Miller
fld. Gettysburg/Littlestown.
Tables, chairs, appliances,
etc. Mark Baranowski Au
2570. 717-657-2317
SAT. JUNE 14 -10 AM Trac
tors, Machinery, Guns, HH,
Misc., Beach's Auction Bam,
437 Curryville Rd., Martms
burg, PA, Auct. Larry S Mi
chael Beach, AU001221,
AA02834, 814-766-3551.
SUN. JUNE 15 - 10:30AM
Light Construction & Support
Equipment, Baltimore (An
napolis), MD, Auct Jack
Lyon, A 301,301 -787-6372.
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 14, 2003-833
Collector Tractors, Compact Tractor w/Loader
Gas & Steam Model Engines, Machine Shop Equip.
Fri. June 27,2003 4:00 pm
Rentzels Auction Gallery
DIR: North of York in Manchester, Pa. 1-83 to Emigsville Exit 24, Proceed
East on Rt. 238 for 3/4 mile to Rt. 181 (N. George St., Extd.). Lett onto Rt.
181 N for 3 1/2 miles. Turn right at Rentzel’s Auction Sign & white rock.
Collector Tractors: 1971 JD 3020 D WF, 3pt, dual
hyd., side console, 1959 Farmall 560 Gas, NF,
r fasthitch & 3pt conv., 1952 JD 60 NF, after market 3pt,
HI 946 JD B w/ starter & lights, longhood
Compact Tractor: Ford 1215 4wd, w/ NH loader, &
5’ Ford belly mower, 555hr5., Ford 48” 3pt rototiller
Model Steam Locomotive: working Locomotive w/ 4
drive wheels, 1 car and lots of track, aprox. 10” x 12”
x 30”, very nice custom built model
M Model Steam Engines: working model steam engine,
20”xl2” w/ flyball governor, great detail, Rider Encon
hot air ( 9 ) upright engine, 12” xl4” walking beam
steam engine, 10+ model steam engines from 3” to
12” of different design & style, parts for model
y —■ -■ engines, mm anvils, bag truck, saw buck etc
Model Gas Engines: model New Holland engine.
Machine Shop Equip.: Clausing Vertical milling
HH9 WSjSrmzjm machine single phase 220 v, 6”x 26” table, small divid
mg head w/ center, 6” rotary table, Gershner Oak tool
box, oak tool box, Amorx metal cutting band saw.
3’xls’ Burke horizontal Mill, Drill press w/ 9” throat & moise taper, 1/2 hp
air compressor, 2001 b anvil, Starret adj. parallels, depth mic, bevel protrac
tor, mics, height gauge, scales & other machinist tools & accessories, metal
& granite surface plates, Tool craft wood band saw, wood chisels & wood
carving chisels, bench vise, misc. hand tools, & hardware, tool steel & steel,
old steam books & magazines & more
Compact Tractor sold for gentlemen moving to Florida
Collector Tractors are from one collection, ready to Show or Farm
and to be sold to the highest bidder
Outstanding collection of Steam & Gas Engine Models
made by the late Lester Lehman of York, Pa
Starting with machine shop & tools. Engines & tractors aprox 6.00 PM
Auction held inside plenty of parking Terms' cash or good check
Send S.A.S.E. or check web site for pics
All announcements day of auction take precedence over printed material.
.... Auction Conducted by: Rentzel’s Auction Service
Hflfl Blaine N. Rentzel AU 761-L Dave Conley AU 3269-L . rj*)
SSS Emigsville, Pa 717-764-6412
Public Auction
7:00 PM.
Valuable 1 Acre Real Estate
in Chester County
Thursday June 26, 2003
Directions: From
Honeybrook take
10 south to
Beaverdam Road turn
left to sale on left!
2/ Story Stone & Frame Dwelling
• 3 bedrooms • 3 bath • Kitchen
• Living room • Dining room with fireplace
• Master bedroom with fire place
• Basement has office or bedroom
* 2 car attached garage & *Pool in backyard! *Also separate
part for retirement or in law quarters with small kitchen &
Open House: Saturday June 14th -
Terms: 10% down day of sale, balance due on or before
July 29, 2003!
Attorney: Samuel Goodly
Terms by: Samuel S. & Ada Mae Kauffman
House Located at: 1689 Beaverdam Road
Honeybrook, PA 19344
Cash or Honorable PA Check Only
All Announcements Sale Day Take Precedence Over All Advertising.
Bjs Not Responsible for Accidents
Food on Premises
717-354-8397 Home
-- x*'
Erected thereoi
Also erected thereon
Auctioneer: Mel Hoover
AU-003111 -L Bam 71 7-354-6431
7:00 PM.
1:00 to 4:00