Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 14, 2003, Image 6
Ate : Lancaster Fa'rming,' Q&turday,' 4'/ 2008 Eastern Combelt Direct Feeder Pig Weekly Springfield, IIL June 6,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Eastern Com Belt Direct Feeder Pig Weekly Summary (includes pig prices on negotiated, contract and formula basis) FEEDER PIGS: Total receipts this week 16,103; last week 21,237. SEW 10 lb pigs and feeder pigs traded on a light test. Trading activity was moderate for light to moderate offerings. FOB EASTERN CORNBELT - Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan. Receipts; 11,053; last week 11,887. EARLY WEANED PIGS: 10 LB BASIS, estimated 50-54% lean value: Lot size 2SO-7SO: 1,773 head, 27.59-33.00, wtd. avg. price 29.84; lot size 750 or more: 5,600 head, 26.20-28.00, wtd. avg. 27.36. Total Composite: 7,373 head, 26.20-33.00, wtd. avg. price 27.95. PIGS, 40 LB BASIS, estimated 50-54% lean value: Lot size 250 head or lessL 210 head, 40.00; lot size 250-750; 2,070 head, 37.00-41.50, wtd. avg. 39.73; lot size 750 or more: 1,000 head, 38.50. Total Com posite; 3,280 head, 37.00-41.50, wtd. avg. 39.37. PIGS, SO LB BASIS, estimated 50- 54% lean value: Lot size 250-750: 400 head, 43.00. NOTE; FOB prices quoted on per head basis “picked up” at sellers farm; prices do not include freight DELIVERED EASTERN CORN BELT BASIS: Receipts: 5,050; last week 9,350. Volume by state or province of ori gin: Oklahoma 57.4%; Manitoba 13%; Ontario 11%; Missouri 10%; Missouri 10%; North Carolina 8%. EARLY WEANED PIGS; 10 LB BASIS, estimated 50-54% lean value: Lot size 250-750 lb: 510 head, 30.00; 750 or more: 2,900 head, 30.21. Total Composite: 3,410 head, 30.00-30.25, wtd. avg. 30.21. PIGS, 45 LB BASIS, estimated 50- 54% lean value: Lot size 250-750; 1,065 head, 37.00-46.43, wtd. avg. 42.76. PIGS, 55 LB BASIS, estimated 50- 54% lean value: Lot size 250-750: 575 head, 46.00. Delivered Eastern Cornbelt prices in clude freight. Most lots of 40-60 weight pigs have a sliding value from the negotiated weight basis which is calculated on the actual av erage weight of the lot plus or minus .35-.40 cents per pound. Some lots of early weaned pigs are discounted 1.00-10.00 per head on pigs weighing under 10 pounds. Early weaned pigs are under 19 days old. Estimated lean value is projected to base slaughter weights with normal con finement feeding conditions. Vaccination and health program values are not included but health status should be disclosed. New Wilmington Livestock ' Feeder Pig Sale New Wilmington, Pa. Report Supplied by PDA Friday, June 6,2003 248 FEEDER PIGS. 49.0 LBS. PER PIG, 63.38 PER HUNDREDWEIGHT, 31.30 PER HEAD. FEEDER PIG SALE NO LONGER GRADED. 50 HEAD 20-30 LBS. 60.00-80.00, ONE LOT 90.00; 48 HEAD 30-40 LBS. 60.00-77.50; 30 HEAD 40-50 LBS. 75.00-80.00; 63 HEAD 50-60 LBS. 65.00-80.00; 32 HEAD 60-90 LBS. 57.50-75.00; 14 HEAD 100-150 LBS 42.50-47.50. FREON REPLACEMENT R-12 12 Can Case-$l5O 36 Pound Canister - $275 C/air R-22 Canister - $l5O Pro-seal stops all leaks, oil, etc No Retro Fitting - Simple Installation 800-807-9612 Graystone Small Animal Sale LLC (Root’s Market Manhcim, PA) Every Tuesday 4:30 pm Rceenmg 6 am till sale time All kinds ot Poultrv, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Pigeons 717-898-0755 Young Turkey Parts Ana Bulk Meat Des Moines, lowa June 10,2003 Report Supplied By USDA NATIONAL YOUNG TURKEY PARTS AND BULK MEAT, Frozen, un less specified, cents per lb, delivered first receivers, part and foil trucklots, as of June 10. The undertone on fresh white meat was steady at best, frozen barely steady to instances weak. Demand on fresh white meat was light at best, frozen sluggish. Offerings of fresh white meat were adequate to folly adequate, frozen adequate to instances burdensome. The undertone on tom full-cut wings was frilly steady with trading noted at higher price levels for domestic and export shipments, tom drums and necks traded at mostly steady price levels, tom 2-joint wings are barely steady. The undertone on hen parts was steady. Domestic and export trading centered on light volumes of tom parts, balance slow. DOMESTIC TRADING: BREASTS, 4-8 lbs: Grade A - avg. 87.00; Grade A Fresh - avg. 110.00; Plant Grade - 83.50. DRUMSTICKS; TOM - avg. 21.00; HEN - avg. 20.00. WINGS, FULL CUT: TOM - avg. 15.31; HEN - avg. 19.00. WINGS, V TYPE: TOM - avg. 25.00; HEN - avg. 54.00. NECKS: TOM- avg. 18.27; HEN - avg. 17.00. BREASTS, B/S: TOM - none; Fresh - avg. 118.57. THIGH MEAT; avg. 52.00; fresh - avg. 52.00. BREAST TRIM MEAT: none. SCAPULA MEAT: avg. 55.00. TENDERLOINS: none. DE STRAPPED TENDERS: none; Fresh - avg. 118.57. WING MEAT WITH SKIN: none. MECHANICALLY SEPARATED: avg. 19.00; Fresh - avg. 19.00. EXPORT TRADING: DRUM STICKS: TOMS: avg. 20.25. WINGS, FULL-CUT: TOMS - avg. 16.00. WINGS, V-TYPE, TOMS: avg. 21.00. TAILS: 17.50. MECHANICALLY SEPARATED: avg. 13.50. THIGH MEAT: avg. 46.20. Pa. Grain Report June 9,2003 Report Supplied By PDA Compared with last Monday’s market for Eastern and Central Pennsylvania: Com steady to .05 lower. Wheat weak to .10 lower. Barley and Oats steady to weak. Soybeans firm to .05 spots .07 high er. Ear Com mostly steady. All prices paid delivered to dealers dock. All prices per bushel, except Ear Com per ton. SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA Com No. 2-y: 2.89-3.05, avg. 2.97; con tract for harvest 2.31-2.54. Wheat No. 2: 3.20-3.36, avg. 3.31; contract for harvest 3.16-3.36. Barley No. 3: 2.00-2.30, avg. 2.18; contract for harvest 1.60-1.65. Oats No. 2: 2.00-2.35, avg. 2.15. Soybeans: 5.91-6.15 few to 6.25, avg. 6.06; contract for harvest 5.34-5.56. Gr. Sorghum; 2.69; contract for harvest 2.28. Ear Corn: 81.00-105.00, avg. 94.83. GOLD & S DOES THE CL DOWN? HAVE VOL INVESTMENTS? YOL W*’" OPPORTUNITY TO DIV, 3 NOT MANY COMN GLOBAL APPEAL AND NATIONS THROUGHOUT AS A STORE OF WEALTH HAS THE KNOWLEDGE AND EX. THESE INVESTMENTS IN ADDITIC LEHIGH VALLEY FUTURES, INC.THK ON ALL MAJOR FUTURES EXCHAN BEEN OUR ONLY BUSINESS FOR 30 Yl FOR INFORMATION CONTRACT DETAILS AND FUTURES AND OPTIONS STRATEGIES PHONE (610) 577-0002 OR 800-543-8939 111 LEHIGH VALLEY FUTURE 410 Bridge Street Weissport, PA 18235 e-mail: bryen @ The risk of loss in trading futures and options can be substanti Futures and options trading may not be suitable for everyone. You should carefully consider the risks in light of your financial condition in deciding whether to trade SOUTH CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA Corn No. 2-y: 2.85-3.04, avg. 2.96. Wheat No. 2: 3.00-3.35, avg. 3.09. Barley No. 3: 1.85-2.20, avg. 2.01. Oats No. 2: 1.80-2.00, avg. 1.93. Soybeans No. 1: 5.77-6.02, avg. 5.86. Ear Corn: 88.00-110.00, avg. 96.60. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA Com No. 2; 2.54-2.90, avg. 2.84. Wheat No. 2: 3.00-3.15, avg. 3.07. Barley No. 3: 1.90. Oats No. 2:1.80-2.30, avg. 2.01. Soy beans No. 1: 6.00-6.01, avg. 6.01. Ear Com; 80.00-83.00, avg. 81.50. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA Com No. 2-y: 2.98-3.10, avg. 3.04. Wheat No. 2: 3.00-3.20, avg. 3.10. Barley No 3: 2.20-2.25, avg. 2.23. Oats No. 2: 1.90-2.20, avg. 2.07. Soybeans: 5.75-6.00, avg. 5.93. Gr. Sorghum: none. Ear Corn: 86.00-90.00, avg. 87.50. LEHIGH VALLEY AREA Com No. 2-y: 3.00-3.10, avg. 3.05. Wheat No. 2: 3.30-3.36, avg. 3.34. Barley No. 3: 2.10-2.20, avg. 2.17. Oats No. 2: 2.30-2.40, avg. 2.35. Soybeans No. 1: 6.00- avg. 6.02. Gr. Sorghum: 3.20-3.25, avg 3.21. Ear Corn: 86.00- avg. 90.67. EASTERN AND CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA SUMMARY Com No. 2-y: 2.89-3.05, avg. 3.01, month ago 3.03, year ago 2.39. Wheat No. 2: 3.10-3.36, avg. 3.20, month ago 3.22, year ago 2.79. Barley No. 3: 2.00-2.25, avg. 2.11; month ago 2.27, year ago 1.53. Oats No. 2: 1.90-2.35, avg. 2.08; month ago 2.16, year ago 1.95. Soybeans No. 1: 5.77-6.10, avg. 5.97, month ago 6.02, year ago 4.79. Ear Com: 86.00-105.00, avg. 98.47; month ago 91.27; year ago 67.94. NORTH CENTRAL OHIO Prices FOB Truck: Com 2.42-2.50. Wheat 3.07-3.24. Soybeans 6.16-6.23. Soy bean Meal; Bulk 44% 193.80-198.00; 48% 201.50-207.00. Com Belt Feedstuff St Joseph, Mo. June 10,2003 Report Supplied By USDA CORN BELT FEEDSTUFF: Feedstuff prices were steady to weak except for soy- bean meal which was supported by good export demand and strong oil trade. Mills are back-in business after the holiday and in ventories- are rebuilding. Cattle have been put out to pasture leav ing feed usage slow. New hay bales ate lined up along fences and newly planted com and bean crops are emerging. Com is near completion and beans are around 80 percent complete. Beneficial rains fell nearly everyday last week and this week’s forecasts call for warmer temperatures. SOYBEAN MEAL: 48 percent rail was 8.00 higher at 194.50-196.50. 48 percent track was 8.00 higher from 194.50-206.50 per ton. CORN BY-PRODUCTS: Gluten Feed 21 percent, Interior Points was steady to 2.00 Lower from 60.00-65.00; Chicago was steady to 4.00 lower from 62.00- 60 percent Gluten Meal, Inte rior Points was 3.00 to 10.00 lower from 225.00- Chicago 3.00 to 5.00 lower from 225.00-240.00 per ton. Rail Hominy Feed, Central Illinois Points was 2.00 lower from 68.00-73.00; track 2.00 lower from 70.00-80.00. Crude Com Oil was 25 points higher from 29.50-30.50 cents per pound. MILLFEEDS; Northwest was steady to 2.00 lower from 52.00-60.00; Buffalo 2.00 lower from 56.00-59.00 per ton. ALFALFA PELLETS: Toledo, Ohio 17 percent dehydrated was steady from 148.00- 171.00; meal steady from 151.50-174.50. 15 percent pellets were steady from 145.50-164.00 per ton; meal was steady from 149.00-167.50. DISTILLER’S DRIED GRAINS; Cen tral Illinois was steady to 1.00 lower from 80.00-87.00; Chicago 1.00 lower to 1.00 higher from 82.00-92.00; Lawrenceburg, 11, steady at 81.00; Kansas was 15.00 lower at 85.00; Nebraska 5.00 lower at 80.00; Minnesota was steady at 85.00 per ton. BREWER’S DRIED GRAINS: New ark, NJ was steady at 94.00; Williams burg, VA was steady at 84.00 per ton. Morrison’s Cove Livestock Hay Martinsburg, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Monday, June 9,2003 Hay—Straw—Grain ALFALFA: 210.00-290.00. GRASS: 175.00-245.00. ROUND BALES: 87.50-142.50. STRAW: 100.00-117.50. NEW HAY: 127.50-230.00. HAY AUCTIONS MONDAYS AT 12:30 P.M. CALL KEN DOWNS, 814-793-3723. Robert Fulton Fire Co. Hay Market Wakefield, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Thursday, June 12,2003 11 LOADS. ALFALFA AND GRASS MIX: 90.00-199.00, AVG. 167.00. TIMOTHY: 200.00. EAR CORN: 105.00. RYE STRAW: 87.00-94.00, AVG. 90.00. SALE EVERY THURS., 10 A.M. Lebanon Produce Hay Auction Reistville, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Tuesday, June 10,2003 Hay—Straw—Grain ALFALFA: 140.00. TIMOTHY: SMALL BALE 2.80. ORCHARDGRASS: 170.00. MIXED HAY: 29.00 BIG BALE, 2.90 SM. BALE. GRASS HAY: 60.00-165.00. STRAW: 110.00. HAY AUCTION EVERY TUBS., 10 A.M. Vintage Hay Vintage, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Thursday, June 12,2003 Hay—Straw—Grain MIXED HAY; 80.00-120.00. TIMOTHY: 130.00, NEW CROP 147.00.