Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 14, 2003, Image 39
International (Continued from Page A 26) thusiasm for red tractors and re lated memorabilia. The club’s origin has roots to the early 19905, when two Indiana men, a former IH dealer and a farmer, started the first IH Club. Today there are 32 chapters in the U.S., Canada, and Sweden. The clubs conduct semi-annual shows at different sites throughout the U.S. Pennsylvania has three Red Power clubs with more than- 500 members. In addition to admiring the tractors and equipment, one of the focuses of the club is to offer expertise in restoring old tractors and equipment to its original showroom condition. “But some guys like the stuff just the way they found it rusty,” Trapani said. Club membership costs only Network Preserves History PARK RIDGE, 111. Interna tiona) Harvester Collectors pro vides a worldwide collector’s net work for the preservation of history, products, literature, and memorbUia of the International Harvester Company. The IH Collectors Club was or ganized in July 1990. There are more than 4600 members from 49 states and several other countries. There are 27 active chapters sanctioned to promote local in volvement, with interest in chap ters continually expanding. The purpose of the club is to establish the International Har vester Collectors as an identity to which collectors of IH products can relate: promote IH collecting, restoration, and shoyv displays through commimicatipn amoung members; help preservfc, research, and complete the history of the IH company; aid shows who fea ture IH with a file of member’s show pieces; and hold a large an nual show (Red Power Roundup) in conjuntion with an IH feature at a different host show each year. Club member benefits: Mem bers receive a quarterly publica tion, Harvester Highlights, which We offer the following services for the most complete pest control possible. Whether your need is to control pests, eliminate harmful bacteria, or encourage beneficial insects , we have the tools to help you. flSjk FLY control Water-based liquid 3% Pyrethrins FLY PARASITES 15 # 000 Colony $15.00 25/000 Colony $20.00 Shipping is Additional ‘Red Power’ $lO annually. Members meet monthly and also publish a news letter. Trapani and Bartlow are mem bers of Chapter 17 in charge of hosting the convention. They selected the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds as the site because it is the largest in the state, accord ing to Trapani. “You don’t need to be a club member to attend the convention or to display things,” Trapani said. Neither do you need to prereg ister, although it will save time if you do. For general information about the show, call Trapani at (570) 275-5847. For tractor pull in formation, call Brian Shively at (570) 922-4841. For vendor space, call Marvin Walter, (570) 837-3386. For memorabilia dis plays, call Helen Barto at (570) 547-0851. provides information on club business; reports from various committees; upcoming show list ings; news from chapters; feature stories, restoration information; and limited free publication of wanted and for-sale ads. Insur ance is provided for members at club-sanctioned shows. Besides the annual summer show, there is a winter conven tion with banquet for members. All IH auction supported by chapters in a different state each year. The club also supports dis plays at local farm shows. , Purpose and benefit of chap ters; The' chapters organize local interest, hold annual state shows, work together to provide locac * tions for the roundup, winter conventions and auction, provide' local newsletters, hold meetings ' with family envolvement, promote IH collecting, restora tion and show displays, and sup port the national organization. Dues for the yearly national membership are $lO. Chapter dues vary by state. The club membership address is on the ap plication. &M "Unique Farm Services” CLARK • Licensed & Insured 717.361.6065 • Fax: 717.361.0867 cnoflies@paonliae.coai Flies and beetles are susceptible to many naturally occurring diseases. Applied twice a week, BALANCE (a naturally occurring fungus) works to reduce the adult tly & beetle population. BALANCE Controls adult Hies \ Call for pricing KWIK BAIT $l2O/40 lb. pail PLUS complete supplies for the do-it-yourselfer SAVE TIME ..... we can do it for you! $B7/gallon General IH related sites: • A brief history of the Inter national Harvester Company: ihc!4/, click on International Harvester Company link. • IHC Web Ring: http:// ihc&id= l&hub. • McCormick-International Harvester Company Collection (Archives): usefull-links.htm. (Foreign) general IH related sites: • The unofficial Website of IHC-Neuss on Rhine/Germany: Farmall related sites; • The Antique Farmall Intern et Discussion Board: • • Case IH: • I H C World: Garage/9399/Tractorindex.html. • The Red Fritz Farm: Fields/5890/. • Mark’s Farmall H Restora tion page: MarksHomePage/Farm allH.htm. • Brian’s Farmall Tractor Page: Yosemite/Geyser/2544/. Shows and events featuring IH: • Red Power Roundup 2003: HistoricFarmDays2oo3.html. • 14th Annual IH Scout and Light Truck Nationals 2003: • IHCC Chapter/State Red Power Roundups: http:// stateshows.htm. Stationary engine related sites: • Stationary Engine Mailing List: ine_sub_form.shtml. • The Antique Small Engine Collectors Club: Cub Cadet related sites: • Cub Cadet Garden Tractor by International Harvester Unof- Farm Services S Elizabethtown • Pennsylvania International Harvester Related Links ficial Home Page: • International Cub Cadet Forum: forum. Memorabilia, toys, and collecti ble related sites: • The Toy Farmer: • National Farm Toy Muse um: museum.htm. • Cub Cadet Toys: cubtoys.htm. • Ertl Farm Toys International motor truck, sout, and light truck related sites: • The Binder Bulletin: • Old IHC Truck Special In terest Group: • The Scout and International Motor Truck Association: ht a/ihsimta/ IHSIMTA.htmI. • International Harvester Di gest (Truck): Medium and heavy truck relat ed sites: • Navistar International Trucks: www.navistarintema 2003 IHCC National Officers, Directors • President; Bill Swope, 4731 Liberty Hi Rd., Cygnet, OH 43413,(419)655-2945. • Vice President: (Harvester Highlights Editor), Darrell Darst,, 1857 W Outer Highway 61, Mos-- cow Hills, MO 63362, (314) 356-4764. E-mail: • Secretary: Johnny Mitchell, ISO Center Hill Rd., Lebanon, TN 37087-9535, (615) 444-6944. • Treasurer: Glen Mlnarik, 124 Marion, Howells, NE 68641-3308, (402) 986-1352. E mail: • Director; James Gall, 3027 Kestral Rd., Reserve, KS Your Grain Equipment Headquarters IH and Navistar, Powerstroke diesel engine sites: • The IH Diesel Engine Page: EldonMcf/. • The Power Stroke Registry; All makes tractor and old iron related Webrings and sites; • Northern Indiana Power from the Past: • Vintage Farm Tractor Ring: navcgi?ring=tractors;list. • Antique Tractor Resource Page: • Fort Allen Antique Farm Equipment Association: rotigel/. • OLFS (foreign): www.olfs Magazines: • Red Power Magazine: • Antique Power & This Old Truck Magazines: http:// • Gas Engine Magazine: • Yesterday’s Tractors 66434-8152, (785) 742-2657. • Director: Larry Meservey, 380 SE Daisy Ln., Trenton MO 64683-8320, (816) 359-2467. E mail: • Director: David Garber, 66495 County Road 33, Goshen, IN 46528-9343, (219) 642-3132. • Director (IHCC Webmas ter): John Glancy, 1318 W Main St., Springfield, OH 45504, (937) 525-0000, EXT 201. E-mail: supr • Director: Jim Nielsen, 1960 V Ave., Woodford, IA 50276-8039, (515) 999-9072. E mail: