Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 14, 2003, Image 31
Farm Show Plans (Continued from Page A 1) Nielsen said one of his career accomplishments he’s most proud of was his work in helping restore the viability of family doc tors in the state. From 1987 to 1998, he served with the Pennsyl vania Academy of Family Physi cians (PAFP) based in Harris burg, including acting as its CEO and executive vice president. “Family doctors were the Rod ney Dangerfield of 'the health care system,” Nielsen said, refer ring to the famous comedian and his trademark line, “I don’t get no respect.” Nielsen said he helped position PAFP as a leading public policy health advocate for patients and primary care health professionals in the state and in the U.S. Con gress. That “put primary care and family doctors on the map,” he said. Although he has no career ex perience in agriculture, Nielsen said that he recognizes agricul ture as the foundation of the Farm Show Complex. “I want to build on agricul ture,” he said. “Farmers are the heart and soul of our country.” Farmers are sometimes cast as Rodney Dangerfields of the agri culture system, according to Niel sen. He aims to change that per ception. Nielsen said he sees the Farm Show as an “icon” for Pennsylva nians and other visitors to promote agriculture’s good image. He wants farmers to have a sense of ownership in the Com plex. “I want this to be a place where, when you go by, you can say ‘this is the place that I built,’” Nielsen said. POND AERATORS & FOUNTAINS Add beauty to your pond and get rid of your algae problems with an aerator from Aquamaster. • Floats on water • Excellent warranty • Low maintenance • GFCi protection • Made in USA • Different nozzle patterns We are the only factory direct distributor for Aquamaster products in Central PA Free Shipping on Fountains. Mon. - Fri 7 30 AM to 5:00 PM Nielsen hopes to increase the list of exhibitors and associations that use the Farm Show Complex for events year-round. “The business we’re in here is exhibitions,” he said. “The challenge right now is to develop a world-class marketing campaign.” Since 2000, Nielsen has served as president of Global Strategic Services, an international con sulting service for associations and nonprofit organizations based in Harrisburg. For the past two years, he has also been CEO of the Pennsylvania Alliance for Association Advancement. His experience also includes serving from 1998-2000 as CEO and president of the Internation al Association of Convention and Visitor Bureaus in Washington, D.C. 2003 Farm Show exhibitors and potential exhibitors are in vited to a dinner and presenta tion at the Farm Show Complex on Wednesday, June 18 at 6 p.m. The meeting will provide an update on plans for the 2004 Farm Show. Dennis Wolff, Penn sylvania secretary of agriculture and the Commercial Ag Exhibit Committee will be on hand at the dinner. Exhibitors planning to attend should respond to Deborah Trump at (717) 787-5373 by Monday, June 16 at 4 p.m. (See attached invitation.) Nielsen noted that the door re mains open to all agricultural in dustries and promotion of their events through the Farm Show. He said the Farm Show will promote more agricultural events then it has in the past. The problem, he noted, is the WE WILL BEAT ANY COMPETITOR'S PRICE ON AQUAMASTER PRODUCTS 570/366-8776 cordially invites you to attend a dinner and presentation at the (Farm Show Complex - Cafeteria Area Harrisburg, (Pennsylvania on Wednesday, June 18, 2003 at 6:00 F.!M. Fhe Farm Show Commission invites ad 2003 Farm Show exhibitors and potential exhibitors to participate in the 2004 Farm Show. Fhe meeting wifi provide an update on plans for the 2004 'Farm Show and the opportunity for the Hon. (Dennis Wolff, FA Secretary ofAgriculture and the CommercialAg (Exhibit Committee to share their vision for the future. Tom Yohe - 717-768-8231 Glenn Wenger - 717-866-2130 Bob Oberheim - 814-692-5262 Don Hoover - 717-626-4705 Bill Burgess - 717-721-4417 success the Farm Show Complex renovations and additions have created, and living up to the ex pectations of the many people who use the show. Some critics were wary of the lack of dairy equipment suppliers and service providers at this year’s Farm Show. That will change for 2004’s show. Nielsen said he is trying to achieve a “balance” in terms of covering all agricultural indus tries. Dairy is critical, also, and the “door is going to be wide open” to improve the state’s number one ag industry dairy. A milking facility for the new Farm Show is in discussion. At the Farm Show exhibitor banquet scheduled Wednesday June 18, Nielsen will speak about how the Farm Show Complex will continue to undergo im We Specialize In The Sandblasting & Painting Of • Heavy Equipment • Machinery • Trucks • Trailers • Concrete Trucks (The CommercialAg (Exhibit Committee of the (Pennsylvania State (Farm Show Please RSVP by Monday, June 16, at 4p.m. by calling: Deborah A. Trump at 717-787-5373 provements. He noted three areas in which the Complex will con tinue to grow: • Continued overall improve ment of service. • Providing more global and international events at the com- Ohio Hosts 10th Annual Horse Progress Days MT. HOPE, Ohio - For the first time in five years, Horse Progress Days will return to Mt. Hope, Ohio, on July 4 and 5. This two-day event will showcase the latest in horse-drawn farming and logging equipment. Field demonstrations will range from one-horse implements for small truck farmers to larger equipment requiring multiple horses, including a 12-horse hitch. Manufacturers’ and vendors’ displays will offer a selection of horse-drawn equipment and equine supplies. Whether you have a small wood lot or acres of timberland, you won’t want to miss the log ging demonstrations. Discover the benefits of animal-powered logging for both the land and the Lancaster Farming's Classified Ads Get Results! Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 14, 2003-A3l plex, and “even more on the agri cultural side.” • More professional customer service, he said. Nielsen can be reached at (717) 787-5373. landowner. Virginia logger Jason Rutledge, a leader in sustainable forestry, will be presenter. Horse-drawn wagons will run to and from the Mt. Hope Auc tion, the parking lots and the nearby fields where the demon strations will take place. Clinics and seminars will ad dress equine health topics such as West Nile virus and will cover a variety of other subjects, includ ing horse conformation judging and learning to drive a team, plus a comparison of British vs. U.S. horse farming. Admission is $5 per person per day, and parking is free. For in formation, phone (330) 852-4603. On the web at Wl)e Mail? &Ecorb UncMtf IV> Milton Hershe; ■ JmwtT im Returns to Lancaster!