Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 14, 2003, Image 2

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    Lancaster County Livestock Market Auctions
New Holland
Livestock Auction
New Holland, Pa.
Report Supplied By USDA
Monday, June 9,2003
Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Goats
273 194 914 1089 1205
255 1168 950 775
172 102 929 426
Compared to Thursday, all classes of slaugh
ter cows sold fully 1.00-2.00 lower on a light
run. Slaughter bulls sold with a weaker under
tone. The cattle supply included 52 percent
slaughter cows, with 16 percent slaughter bulls.
Slaughter Cows: Percent Lean Weight Bulk
Low Dressing Breakers 70-75 Over 1400 lbs
44.25- 40.25-44.00 Boners 75-80 Over 1200
lbs 39.50-43.75 35.00-4125 Lean (Hi-Yield)
80-85 Over 1200 lbs 38.75-41.25 Lean 85-90
Over 1000 lbs 33.75-38.00 30.00-34.50 Lean
(Light-Wt) 85-90 750-1000 lbs
Slaughter Bulls; Yield Grade 1 1095-1730 lbs
SO.OO-59.00. Yield Grade 2 1130-1920 lbs
48.25- low dressing 45.75, several light
weights 630480 lbs 50.50-59.00.
Bullocks: Few Select and low Choice 1-2
1065-1265 lbs 65.00-70.50, individual 59.00.
Calves; Compared to Thursday, there were
not enough slaughter calves for a market test
Holstein bulls suitable for special-fed veal bams
sold with a lower undertone. There were not
enough Holstein heifers to test the market
Veal Calves; Good and Choice couple 185 lbs
93.00- 350-400 lbs 60.00-75.00, individu
al 94.00; 400-450 lbs 72.00-80.00.
Going Into Special-fed Veal Bams: Holstein
Bulb 90-125 lbs 150.00-172.00; 80-85 lbs
140.00- Plainer Holstein Bulb 90-125 lbs
Weaker Holstein Bulls 90-125 lbs
95.00-115.00. Cross-bred bull 100 lbs 140.00.
Few Hobtein Heifers 90 lbs 320.00; 75 lbs
210.00. Cross-bred heifer 80 lbs 180.00.
HOGS; Barrows and gilts sold fully 3.00 to
5.00 higher, sows mostly steady on a run that
included 181 head, boars supply was light only
31 head with prices mostly steady. BARROWS
AND GILTS; 49-54% lean 220-280 lbs
46.50-48.25, several fancy 48.00-50.25, 45-50%
lean 220-270 lbs 44.00-47.10, 280-310 lbs
42.00- 40-45% lean 220-270 lbs
42.00- 285-330 lbs 38.60-42.00.
SOWS: 1-3 300-500 lbs 28.00-30.00, 500-700
lbs 30.00-32.00.
BOARS; 300-700 lbs 11.00-12.00.
Sheep and Lambs; Compared to Thursday,
slaughter lambs sold fully 2.00-8.00 lower.
Slaughter sheep sold steady, with a firmer un
dertone noted at times. Slaughter Lambs:
Choice and Prime 2-3 35-50 lbs 9800-125.00;
50-60 lbs 110 00-112.00; 60-70 lbs 100.00-122.00;
70-80 lbs 110.00-118.00; 80-90 lbs 115.00-118.00,
90-105 lbs 113.00-117.00. Slaughter Sheep;
Yearlings 105-180 lbs 72.00-86.00. Utility and
Good 1-3 120-250 lbs mostly 29.00-42.00.
Goats: Compared with last week's lighter
run, the bulk of the Kid goats sold with a lower
Hay, Straw and
Grain Auction
Located Rt 472 5 miles
south of Quarryville or 6 miles
north of Oxford corner of Rt
472 and Noble Road
George Gibney,
No out of state checks
undertone. Demand remains very good for
Nannies, as prices were 2.00-10.00 higher. Se
lection One Billies sold steady, up to 12.00 high
er at times. However, lighter muscled Billies
fluctuated as they sold uneven, from 2.00 higher
to 8.00 lower. The runs in New Holland remain
very good even as we head into the summer
months. Buyer attendance was good, with bid
ding relatively good, although more active on
the older goats. All goals are sold by the head,
with estimated weights. Kids; Selection 1 20-40
lbs 37.00-56.00; 40-60 lbs 42.00-64.00. Selection
2 20-40 lbs 32.00-44.00; 40-60 lbs 40.00-60.00;
few 60-80 lbs 70.00-72.00. Selection 3 20-40 lbs
28.00- Yearlings: Selection 1 few 60-80 lbs
58.00- individual 88.00. Selection 2 60-80
lbs 54.00-68.00; 80-100 lbs 72.00-80.00. Selection
3 few 70-90 lbs 50.00-70.00. Nannies: Selection 1
70-100 lbs 76.00-90.00, going back into service
94.00- 100-150 lbs 98.00-106.00, going
back into service 102.00-108.00. Selection 2
70-100 lbs 64.00-78.00; 100-150 lbs 80.00-98.00.
Selection 3 50-70 lbs 48.00-50.00, couple 32.00;
70-100 lbs 44.00-68.00, mostly 50.00-60.00; few
100-150 lbs 72.00-78.00. Billies: Selection 1 cou
ple 70-100 lbs 96.00-98.00; 100-150 lbs
96.00- 150-250 lbs 130.00-170.00. Selec
tion 2 70-100 lbs 80.00-94.00; 100-150 lbs
92.00- 150-250 lbs 102.00-130.00. Selec
tion 3 70-100 lbs 46.00-62.00; 100-150 lbs
77.00- package 175 tbs 122.00. Wethers;
Few 50-70 lbs 60.00; 70-100 lbs 86.00-90.00;
100-175 lbs mostly 110.00-120.00, individual
Livestock Auction
Vintage, Pa.
June 9-10,2003
Report Supplied By USDA
Cattle Calves Sheep Goats
Compared to Thursday, slaughter steers sold
steady to Arm on Monday on a supply that in
cluded some higher quality stock. On Tuesday,
the majority of the ran was weighing up hill,
with several consigners bringing cattle to town
that weighed up extremely hill and were docked
from 2.00-5.00. Due to the very poor weigh-ups
on Tuesday, a trend was not hilly established,
with the few cattle that were comparable to
Tuesday trending about steady. Slaughter Hol
stein steers sold steady to weak, with not
enough slaughter heifers to test the market.
Slaughter cows continue to lose ground, as
prices were hilly 3.00-4.00 lower on very light
buyer attendance. Slaughter bulb sold with a
lower undertone on a light test. The two-day
run included 455 steers, 69 heifers, 380 cows, 16
bulb, with 34 head of feeder cattle.
Slaughter Steers. High Choice and Prime 2-4
1155-1420 lbs 82.50-85.50, few 86.00-88.50 on
mostly Monday. Choice 2-3 1095-1465 lbs
79.00-83.00, package 83.75, several full
76.75-79.35. Select and low Choice 2-3
Monday Market
We are
selling fat cattle
and butcher cows
Monday, 10 am
Private Treaty
954 684 1 13
863 639 0 0
795 0
- SALE - 2pfl
Sale Starts ilm#
Every Friday At 10 AM J ™
955 N. State St.
Ephrata, Pa. (717) 738-1117
1 mile North of Ephrata on N. State St.
Out of State Buyara -Cash or Certified Checks Only
Market At A Glance
Lancaster County Livestock Auction Averages
(Price Per Hundredweight)
Week Ending Friday, June 13,2003
Supplied By Market Staff
This Wk Wk Ago Yr Ago
Steers, Choice 2-3 79.85 82.35 67.25
Heifers, Choice 2-3, few Prime 78.00 79.00 66.00
Cows, Breakers, 75-80% lean 44.50 48.25 47.75
Cows, Boners, 80-85% lean 40.50 44.00 45.35
Bulls, YGI, ltd. 57.00 54.50 6US
Hogs, 49-54% lean, Monday 47.35 44.25 35.80
Lambe, Choice/Prime 80-110 lb. 115.00 120.00 80.00
1100-1440 lbs 77.00-80.50, several fuU
75.50-77.75. Select 1-2 1010-1465 lbs
72.00- few high dressing up to 77.75, re
turning to feed 70.00-75.25. Holstein Steers:
High Choice and Prime 2-3 1095-1480 lbs
72.00- Choice 2-3 1255-1570 lbs
67.00- heavy single 1705 lbs 65.00. Select
and low Choice 2-3 1280-1525 lbs 65.00-69.50.
Select 1-2 1080-1425 lbs 62.00-64.25.
Slaughter Heifers; Choice, few Prime 2-4
1095-1430 Dm 76.85-81.25. Few Select and low
Choice 2-3 1035-1075 Bm 73.75-74.75, couple
Charoiala-crosees 1215-1255 lbs 75.25-79.75.
Slaughter Cows: Percent Lean Weight Bulk
Low Dressing Breakers 70-75 Over 1400 lbs
41.25-45.25,36.0CM1.00 few 46.25-47.75 Boners
75-80 Over 1200 lbs 37.00-41.25 33.00-36.75
Lean (Hi-YieM) 85-90 Over 1200 lbs up to 38.75
- Lean 85-90 Over 1000 lbs 32.00-37.00,
30.00- mostly 33.00-36.00 Lean (Llght
wgt) 85-90 Over 750 lbs 27.00-30.00 Slaughter
Bulls; Yield Grade 1-2 1080-1770 lbs
46.00- up to 65.00 on Monday for high
dressers. Calves; Compared to Thursday's grad
ed sale, veal calves sold steady to 3.00 higher.
Holstein bull calves suitable for special-fed veal
barns sold 7.00- 20.00 higher. Holstein heifers
sold with a higher undertone. The PA Depart
ment of Ag graded 571 head of bulls and heifers
for the graded sale, with around 92 percent of
the graded run going back on feed.
Veal Calves; Standard and Utility 60-130 lbs
20.00- weaker 15.00- 20.00.
Returning to Feed: Graded Number One Hol
stein Bulls 90-120 lbs 157.00- 185.00, few
150.00; package averaging 85 lbs 172.00. Grad
ed Number Two Holstein Bulls 90-115 lbs
152.00- two packages averaging 83 lbs
110.00- 135.00. Graded Utility Holstein Bulls
package averaging 106 lbs 65.00. Beef Bulls 95
lbs 170.00. Graded Number One Holstein Heif
ers 90-115 lbs 450.00- 490.00; package averag
ing 85 lbs 300.00. Graded Number Two Hol
stein Heifers 90- 105 lbs 410.00-450.00; package
averaging 83 lbs 250.00; package averaging 73
lbs 200.00. Few Beef Heifers 110 lbs
130.00- Cross-bred heifers 105 lbs 170.00.
New Holland
Livestock Auction
New Holland, Pa.
Thursday, June 12,2003
Report Supplied By USDA
Cattle Calves Sheep Goats
1342 561 388 376
1840 664 121 512
1236 625
CATTLE: Compared to Tuesday, high
Choice and Prime slaughter steers sold hilly
.50- 1.00 lower, instances up to 2.00 lower; with
Choice grades and lower trading 100-3.00
lower. Kosher demand remains relatively good
as higher quality steers are still bringing In the
mid-80‘s. However, the demand for Select and
Choice cattle was not near as good as it has
been over the past month. In fact, very few av
enge Choice steers were able to top 80.00.
Slaughter Holstein steers sold steady to weak.
There were not enough slaughter heifers to fully
compare the market Breaking and Boning
daughter cows sold 2.00 higher as the late week
demand was very good. Lean slaughter cows
sold steady, up to 2.00 higher early. The supply
included 686 head of slaughter steers, 414 cows,
56 heifers, 89 bulls, with 97 head of feeder cat
Prime 2-4,1125-1450 lbs 80.00-84.00, singles up
to 85.00, two packages mid-sale 85.00, early
sales 793)0-83.00. Choice 2-3, 1115-1480 lbs
76.75-80.00, few up to 80.50, few higher dress
ing 82.50-8415, Charolais-crosses 81.75-85.00,
few heavyweights 1495-1585 lbs 79.00-80.25.
Choice 4, few full 1200-1435 lbs 74.25-77.50. Se
lect and low Choice 13. 1135-1470 lbs
74.00- Select 1-2, 1070-1445 lbs
72.00- few heavier muscled up to 79.50.
Seven) -returning to feed: 1015-1160 lbs
HOLSTEIN STEERS: Few High Choice and
Prime 2-3, 1250-1535 lbs 70.75-75.00, beef
crosses up to 76.50. Mostly high Select, few low
Choice 2-3, 1320-1560 lbs 67.00-70.00. Select
1-2,1135-1315 lbs 62.50-64.00, couple packages
59.25. Standard 1-2,1115-1335 lbs 56.75-59.00.
and Prime 2-4, 1080-1290 lbs 78.85-79.75. Few
Choice 2-3, (140-1390 lbs 77.25-77.75, couple
full 73.25-74,75.
SLAUGHTER COWS: Breakers 70-75% lean
over 1400 lbs 43.75-48.00 up to 51.75, low
dressing39.oo-43.75. Lean (Hi-Yield) 80-85%
lean over 1200 lbs 38.00-40.00. Lean 85-90%
Financing Available
* Fixed Interest Rates • Interest Due when Cattle Are Sold
* No Monthly Payments
Cattle Dealers • Licensed & Bonded
2300 Fallston Road * Fallston MD 21047
Lance N. Scarff C. Howard Scarff, II w r . nh ,
Farm (410) 877-0370 Home (717) 445-4355 uAm* mi m boo cooo
Fax (410) 877-7802 Fax (717) 445-7237 mS 790 2650
(410) 459-4865 Mobile (410) 459-4864 MOD " e (41 /9U <ast>o
■ Contract Feeding Programs » Marketing of Finished Cattle ■ Dairy Heifers
Competitive Prices Paid For
Monday: 6:30 -10:30 A.M.
Wednesday: 6:30 -10:30 A.M. SkfWm'
Friday: 6:30 -10:30 A.M.
Route 897 • 1 Mile North of Fivepointville, Denver, Pa
(717) 445-5776 « Fax (717) 445-6963
30.00- low dressing 28.00-31.00.
1230-1855 lbs 49.50-56.75, fancy high dressers
59.00- Yield Grade 2, 1020-2335 lbs
43.50-48.25. Few Bullocks: Select and low
Choice 1-21190-1305 lbs 58.50-60.00.
CALVES; Compared to Tuesday, veal calves
comparable to the early week runs sold steady.
However, demand picked up on the heavier
slaughter calves. Holstein bun calves suitable
for special-fed veal barns sold 20.00-40.00 lower
due to the very light demand. Holstein heifer
calves sold with a lower undertone. The PA De
partment of Ag graded 428 head of bulls for the
graded sale, with an estimated 85 percent of the
run going back on feed.
VEAL CALVES; Standard and Utility
110-150 lbs 50.00-75.00; 60-110 lbs 25.00-45.00.
BARNS: Graded Number One Holstein Bulls
90-125 lbs 135J10-158.00; 80-90 lbs
100.00- Graded Number Two Holstein
Bulls 90-125 lbs 115.00-142.00; 80-90 lbs 100.00.
Few 120-135 lb Holstein bulls sold In the un
graded sale 100.00-115.00. Few beef bulls
105-115 lbs 95.00-135.00. Holstein Heifers
90-125 lbs 280.00-440.00. Plainer-type Heifers
90-125 lbs .160.00-280.00; 65-75 lbs
135.00- Few beef heifers 95 lbs
SHEEP AND LAMBS; Compared to Mon
day, daughter lambi (old near iteady on a light
teat Prices quoted below are carried over ftom
Monday. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice and
Prime 2-3 35-50 lbs 98X10-125.00; 50-60 lbs
110.00- 60-70 lbs 100.00-122.00; 70-80 lbs
110.00- 80-90 lbs 115.00-118.00; 90-105
lbs 113.00-117.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP;
Yearlings 105-180 Hu 72.00-86.00. Utility and
Good 1-3,120-250 Du mostly 29.00-42.00.
GOATS; Compared to Monday, the supply
was too light to teat However, a lower under
tone was noted. Prices quoted below are carried
over from Monday. All goats are sold by the
bead, with estimated weights.
KIDS: Selection 1: 20-40 lbs 37.00-56.00;
40-60 lbs 42.00-64.00. Selection 2: 20-40 lbs
32.00- 40-60 lbs 40.00-60.00; few 60-80 lbs
70.00- Selection 3; 20-40 lbs 28.00-36.00.
YEARLINGS: Selection 1: few 6040 lbs
58.00- individual 88.00. Selection 2:60-80
lbs 54,00-68.00; 80-100 Du 72.00-80.00. Selection
3: few 70-90 lbs 50.00-70.00.
334 226
NANNIES; Selection 1: 70-100 lbs
76.00- going back into service
94.00- 100-150 lbs 98.00-106.00, going
back into service 102.00-108.00. Selection 2;
70-100 lbs 64.00-78.00; 100-150 lbs 80.00-98.00.
Selection 3; 50-70 lbs 48.00-50.00, couple 32.00;
70-100 lbs 44.00-68.00, mostly 50.00-60.00; few
100-150 Hu 72.00-78.00.
BILLIES Selection 1: couple 70-100 Hu
96.00- 100-150 lbs 96.00-130.00; 150-250
lbs 130.00-170.00. Selection 2: 70-100 lbs
80.00- 100-150 lbs 92.00-112.00; 150-250
lbs 102.00-130.00. Selection 3; 70-100 lbs
46.00- 100-150 lbs 77.00-92.00; package
175 lbs 122.00.
WETHERS: Few 50-70 Hu 60.00; 70-100 lbs
86.00-90.00; 100-175 lbs mostly 110.00-120.00,
individual 86.00.
Lancaster County
Weekly Cattle
New Holland, Pa.
Report Supplied By USD A
Friday, June 13,2003
(Turn to Page A4l)