Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 14, 2003, Image 174

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    i—l annaqtnr Farminn QatnrHaw I. mo 1/1 9QQ3 96 Freightliner FLD 120, 70" Midroof, 485 f ~~~
Elmers Garage HP Detroit Series 60. 61 9 K Miles Brand I. fH
East Berlin PA ■> New Michelin Fron: Tires on Alum Rims. I
717-292-3030 95% Matching Rear Caps. All 11x24.5 Hi | ■
ECIIIC IMF ITIKHIy i«2Si*fiin», I il 1 Rubber, Pintle Plate and Air Hookups to ||
(he original polished-aluminum and Part* 01 ** Pull Lowboy on Rear $12,500
le original direct-drive electee tarp system v/ i .. , „ ...
Automatic & Semi-Automatic i l||u .. ® Kaiser Army 6x6, 14 Bed All
Front-to-Back & Side-to-Side MUK New Exhaust, Heater. Soft Top, 18.000
* Farm Dump * Dump Trailers Original Miles $1,950 1995 Morgan BOX, 26 Overhead
j ughTimck p jiHopper Bottoms ULx ALTOONA ,- BLAIR COUNTY • Door, Good Condition, $995.
Landscapers ' Roll-Offs
* Silage Trucks * On-site Mixers
SH3E Call Now For More Info and Prices M-.
Meadowbrook Auto Sales
875 Abbottstown Pike, Hanover, PA
717-632-9600 717-633-5789
1995 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4 1999 D°{j9 e 9500
Cummins Diesel AT PS ,PB EXt C3D 4X4 Dually,
Air Cond Cruise Control, 160 K Cu " n l nin . s AT,PS ,
i *,n /-><->r. PB , Air Cond , Cruise
Only 0,900 Control, Tilt Wheel, PW,
P D L , 82,000 Miles,
I Super Nice Condition
Only $22,900
1999 Ford F-800
22 Ft. Box Truck
Cummins Diesel, Automatic, 1996 Dodge Ram 2500
PS PB Air Cond , 26,000 LB Ext Cab 4x4
GVWR 3T.000 Miles g cy| Cummins Diesel, A T,
Only $23,900 PS, PB, Air Cond , PW
PD L, Tilt Wheel Cruise
1997 Ford F-350 Utility
Truck Ext. Cab
7 3 Powerstroke Diesel, A T,
PS PB Air Cond , Dual
Rear Wheels 116,000 Miles
Only $14,900
1994 Ford F-250
Ext. Cab
7 3 Turbo Diesel, Automatic,
PS , PB, Air Cond , Cruise
Control, Tilt Wheel, PW,
PD 1,126,000 Miles
Only $9,900
l -*> ■ ** ' y>
1999 CMC Crew Cab
4x4, V-8, 350 AT, PS, PB,
A/C, Tilt, Cruise Control,
78,000 Miles
Only $17,900
, ... i
1998 Chev. 3500
Crew Cab
Dually 4x4, 454 V-8, A T,
PS , PB, Air Cond , PW,
PDL Tilt Wheel, Cruise
Control, Real Nice Condition
Only $17,900
■ - rjm.% ■ v vy
, -V.
1997 Ford F-250
Crew Cab 4x4
7 3 Powerstroke Diesel, A T,
PS , PB, Air Cond.PW,
PD L. , Tilt Wheel, Cruise
Control, 122,000 Miles, Well
Maintained, New Pa Sticker
Only $17,900
E 3
2002 Chevrolet G-15 1997 F orc | F. 250
Cargo Van 351 v-e, Automatic, PS.PB,
4 3 V-6, Automatic, Air Cond , Air Cond , E-Z Dump Bed,
PS.PB, 17,000 Miles 106,000 Miles
Only $15,900 Only $9,500
1986 Ford F-250
Ext Cab,
6 9 Diesel, AT.PS.PB,
Air Cond , Till Wheel, Cruise
Control, PW, PDL , 179 K,
Only $5,900
1998 Chevrolet
12 Ft. Dump Stakebody,
350 V-8, Automatic, PS, PB.,
Air Cond., Tilt Wheel, Cruise
Control, Dual Rear Wheels,
25,000 Miles
Only $19,900
MO 'jß
1997 Dodge Ram 2500
Ext. Cab 4x4,
6 Cyl Cummins Diesel, A T,
PS , PB. Air Cond Cruise
Control. Tilt Wheel, PW,
PDL, 157 k
Only $14,900
„ 4 TWb
;„ l „i>kii„fa«<iiinliiJti«< li'Wfli
1997 Ford F-250
Ext. Cab
4x4, 7 3 Powerstroke Diesel,
AT, PS, PB, Air Cond.
PW, P.D L, Tilt Wheel, Cruise
Control, 99,000 Miles
Only $16,900
1999 Ford F-350
Crew Cab XLT 4x4
7 3 Powerstroke Diesel, A T,
PS , PB, Air Cond.PW,
P D L , Tilt, Cruise Control,
Real Nice Condition, 122 K
Only $22,900
or I***. Txic
• K .
2000 Ford F 650 10’ Dump,
comma, 5 9 I9shp, 6 Speed, 26K
Miles, While, AC 25,900 GVW
H\ draitlic Brakes, Steel Dump Body,
Bench Seal
$29,900 YMAOOB9
1994 KW T6OO Tandem Day
Cab, Cal 4406 C 450 HP 9 Spool
620 K Milos 4 11 Roars, 2 Alum
Stctrs Red
$13,900 rjmws
19891HC 1754 Crew Cab
10’ Dump, DT36O-185hp,
5/2 Speed. 156 K Miles.
3I.OOOGVW Air Brakes Red
$9,900 KH609195
1998 Kenworth W9OOL,
<996 Volvo WC64T n J 19981HC 4900 22 ’ R «* r - Vanßodies! „ 19961HC 9200 51 ” p ™ 12 Speed, 466 K Miles, VIT
SR& n. 350 *OwMOTWWO*(W 20-24'. Roll Up And, Intenor - Jake Brake - 3:55
Ride, 250 K Miles, White, Jake Transmission, 245 K Miles, Hydraulic g H Curbside Doors Speed ' 1 Mllllon Mlles ’ Jake Rears, 6 Alum Wheels
Brake. 410 Ratio, Approx 170" Brakes, AC, Whitts, Elec. Slaadby, mumvW' Brak '' 2 Alum Y h ' d^ A,r Rlde - onn
Wheel Base Carrier, Roll Up Door, Extruded Floor SORRY - NO 102 VANS White $8,500 S3“,"(KI
$15,000 TR851316 $19,500 WH520470 $650 68. 601001 TC014804 WJ762447
■ 'bji
a -mm
Transmissions, 660 K Miles, Black, Air
Ride, Jake Brake, Refrigerators,
Signature Interior, 10 Aluminum
Wheels, 11R22 5,3 90 rears. New Tires,
Brakes, Drums on Most
529,500 YLG70798
Bed, Cummins LIO-300 hp,
BLL Transmission, 20#/46#
axles, Hednxson suspension,
200 k miles, white
$12,500 KV504328
1995 8100 Modular Home
Totcr, Cummins Mll-330hp
9 specd Jake Brake 144
Wheel Base, Air Ride,
700's K Miles, White,
18141 696-3639
B£&w A *'
-%•» s>
1995 IHC 8100 Single Axle
Daycab, Detroit SRSO WHP
419 K Miles 9 Speed Cruise
Hid Mirrors White Air Ride
1995 GMC Top Kick 13’ Custom
Van, CAT V l6 185 hp Auio,2soK
Miles While 1 Swing Ro.idsidc
6l Curbside Doors Dnided in Middle
24.000 GVW
$7,900 5J52265T
PH 3
j. irSi
19971HC 4700 26’Van
DT444-I9ohp, 6 Speed. 267 K
Miles. .13,000 GVW, Air Brakes,
AC, Lift Gate
$12.900 VH402757
i/iuacao Sleeper, ,
12.7 430/470 Hp, 0 Speed, 390
Rear Ratio, 62»K Miles, Virgin
Tires, 10 Aluminum Wheels,
Tilt/Tele, Accent Interior, Jake
Brake, Black
$25,995 WN448801
1997 FTL FL7O 24’ Cab &
Chassis, 3126-190 hp, 6 Speed,
26,000 GVW, Air Brakes,
157 Miles, White, AC,
Came In On Trade
$16,500 VH696724
(2) 1999 1HC4700 IV C&C’s,
T444-190hp, Allison Automatic.
85K miles, white, AC, 25500 GVW.
hydraulic brakes
XH675099 & 097
1995 FL7O 20’ Van, Cummins
5 9-21 Ohp, 6 Speed, 154 K
Miles, 33,000 GVW, Air
Brakes, Rail Liftgate,
Red in Color
Reefer, Cummins 8 1 210 HP
Allison MT64I Amo.
86K Miles AC Litigate
( amcr Snpn 722 Reefer SOO Hours
No Elutnc Standby, W GVW
516,000 ivAoom
1996 IHC 4700 LP, 18 Van
T 444 1 7*Shp, 1 speed 198 K
Miles 21000 GVW
hydraulic brakes
' ' t
. 1
19941HC4700LP 14’ Cold
Plate, DT4OB 190 hp (Jasper Re Man) 6
speed, 202 K miles AC 25500# GVW,
Hydraulic brakes While & Green
$11,500 RH590140
/ ♦
AC, White, 14250 GVW,
Lift Gate, 335 K Miles
1999 Pete 379 EXH, 63”
Hi Rise Sleeper, CAT 3406-
475 hp, 13 Speed, 342 K Miles,
3 Way PTO/Wet Line,
American Class Interior, 3 58
Rears, Approx 250” Wheel
Base, 6 Alum Wheels
CAT 3406-‘i‘ihp, 18 Speed, S92K
Miles, Dual Chrome Stack,
Maroon, 10 Alum Wheels. 40%
Virgin Tires, New Clutch
529,900 VK99412V
131 Kline Rd., Bethel, PA 19507
We’re Located Right On 178 @ Exit 17
Fax 933-9782
Daycab, Cummins Nl4
V7O/410 lOC Transmission
4M)K miles Air Ride 10 Alum
Wheels 2SO’ Wheel Base
Ttlt/Tclc 1 90 Ratio Full Gauges
VIF Interior. 10 New Tires’
529,000 WR776770
(2) 1997 Freightliner
FLDI2O42ST, 48” Flat lop,
Detroit 11 1 HOhp 9 Speed Air
Ride, White. 658K/738K Miles AC
512,500 ea. VH660209
1998 Kenworth W9OOL, 72’
AcroCab, Detroit 12 7-500 hp. 18 Speed, 3 55
Eaton Rears Approx 260 ’ Wheel Base,
Dual Hi-Back Seals. VIT Interior, Dual
Polished Fuel Tanks, 2 Alum Wheels, Red
539,900 WR768120
Base, 3 90 Rears, LP24 5. Hardwood
Root. Neon Lights, Straight Pipes,
Too Many Extras To List 1
Cummins 8 3-250 hp, 6 Speed.
167 K Miles, 33000 GVW, Air
Brakes. AC, 24’ Covered Wagon,
Railgate, Green Spring Suspension
$15,500 TL638633
-oonp, .
Speed, 460KjYliles, White,
52,000 GVW, AC, Lift Gate,
Tandem Axle, Spring Suspension
$19,900 wm2SM7
717/ 532-6707
(3) 1998 Freightliner FLD
120645 T 70” Condo’s, Cat
12-4lohp 10 Speed An Ride A\c
S7OK Miles Grav Double Bunk
Alum Steers, AC lake Brake
$22,900 xi'wsni
1996 KW T3OO w/36 Removable
Slecpci 22 Reefer MDII w/bleunc
Stndby 7800 Homs Roadside &
Curbside Doors Quad Rear Door
8 1-250 HP 9 Speed AC, 160 K Miles
$lB,OOO TM68442^
1999 GMC 3500HDUO Dump.
Gas, Automatic, 21K Miles, White, AC.
15000 GVW Mason
Sides, Bench Seat
$19,500 XF019199
\ iilmn.i I u
v • ' ‘0
Brake. 3 90 Rear Ratio. Headache Rack.
Cruise, Htd Mirror, 94” C to A,
154” Wheel Base.
. j-«oo-435hp, . ipcCv
333 K Miles, 4 56 rears, 52.000 lb
Hcndnxson Rears, Double Frame,
PTO single wcl-hne, VIT Interior,
2 Alum Wheels.
$29,500 VJ753981
* t