Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 14, 2003, Image 148
D24-Lannaster Farminq. Saturday. June 14, CARNEY CATTLE & FENCE CO. ‘Quality design & installation of horse & livestock fence ‘Hot-dipped galvanized gates and round pens ‘Fence line clearing and site preparation ‘Fence painting Daniel Carney 710 Back Road 1 •800*498*0777 Gallitzln, PA 16641 Aaron's Welding ~ t HI I* Round Pens 'I Tube Gates Mesh Gates 778AB»rtyilleR<t; c Christiana, V t Galvanized Gates & Round Pens Galv. Mesh Round Pens Standard Gates In Stock 4’ 6’ 8’ 10’ 12’ 14’ 16’ 18’ • Custom Sizes Made To Order • • Color Brochure Available • • Delivery & Setup Available For Round Pens • • Dealers Wanted • Custom Mfg. • STRONG The Top Choice In Cattle Handling Equipment Since 1965 Specialists in Game Fence Beaver Fence Systems ‘Specializing in High Tensile Win Installation Rail Fence Board Fence v IPaHIpA nppr 145 Jacks Mountain Rd Horse y™, Free McVeytown pa 1705 t Fences c Sheep on,ral Estimates 717-899-7617 Fences Fences S AY«i» I L E E M 1 E K FENCE & FARM SYSTEMS 2285 OLD PHILADELPHIA PIKE ■MBS LANCASTER, PA 17602 ■■ FENCING • INSTALLATION • SERVICE • ACCIDENT REPAIR • DO-IT-YOURSELF MATERIALS • Hi-Tensile • Split Rail • Woven Wire • Cham Link • PVC • Board • Picket • Pool Enclosures • Vinyl Coated Horse Fence • Epoch Material For Decks 717*396*8987 Parmak, Gallagher & Twin Mountain Fencers Quality Fence Dealer QF S- FACTORY iuuuiuiuiuiuuiUlf -OX TTT PT ininnvnnnninnnn v/ v-/ A A QUALITY Our First Desire In Serving You! Specializing In Vinyl Fencing Vinyl Products Plastic Lumber Chain Link Kennels Visit Our Show Room 2407 Old Gettysburg Rd., Camp Hill, PA 17011 717*737*9377 LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT (38) 4X4 mats wean to finish, w/np, $lO ea. (2) 24“ Zimmerman fans, (1) 15“ & (1) 18“ fan, variable speed w/fhermosfafic control, $35 ea. 717-789-3094 CATTLE Simmental bulls, polled purebred yearlings, solid red, white face, approx. 1000 lbs, each $950. 717-243-5532 Miniature Hereford Cattle for sale. Top quality, proven by genetics 8< in show, inspect now! Weaning in Sept. Call to vislt-Southside Farm, Trappe MD, 410-476-5430 Angus Bulls 4 sale. Ex ge netics, service age, 814-237-3770 Holstein cows & heifers- WIII sell as they freshen, June to Nov, $l,BOO. 717-354-0038 KATE ANN FARMS. York Co., Herd for sole, 45 milk cows, over 24,000# herd ovg. 20 freshening in Aug. con pick 40 out of 45, herd incl. posstole Bth & 9th generation exc. cow fam ily, also selling Art Acres Herald Kay, her dam has 12 sons in Al and em bryos world wide, $1,600/ea. Seller retains all heifer calves. 717-432-7732. Complete herd of young 68 Holstein dairy cows, milking well. 814-629-9197 10-12 short bred Jersey heifers from my own herd, nice, healthy 8< pas- 814-652-2900 2 Piedmontese bulls tor sale, run In shed for pas ture. 717/656-8688 4-15 mo. purebred slmen tal heifers, with At or ET $3,400; (2) heifers w/steer calves $2,100. 717-507-8342. 6 Al sired & bred heifers, due June, July & Aug. 717-677-7700 Holstein feeder steers, 400 to 550 lbs, 6 to 12 head, choose from 15, $75. Lebanon Co, 717-949-2868. 21 Broodcow-cal $845.717369-4764 25 Holstein heifers, short bred, $975.717-369-4764 4 Reg Holstein heifers, Semex sired & bred, DHIA records, due soon, $1,500/ea. Franklin Co, 717-597-8654. Dexter weanling bul by Hlyu Adora (mostly Bed ford bloodlines), out of Old Orchard cow. Sire on premises. 410/922-5495 Wanted to buy high quali ty Holstein herd and/or bred Holstein heifers. 412/736-0551 2 Holstein & Jersey cross cows due to freshen soon w/2nd calf, good size. Will deliver. 717-328-2235 Small herd of Holstein cows w/springing heifers, 9-1 shots. 570-539-8517 barnsp** 717-336-3621 V C Serving Lancaster, Berks, and Lebanon Counties '' \ f \ ■ vaaafiaa.aflrv-aaaivs Raised floor inside calf starting pens, 4XB floor space w/feeders, 18 @ $125 ea. 610-987-6136 54 head Holstein dairy herd, mostly reg, lo SCC, 63# avg, nothing older than 3rd calf, DHIA re cords, pick 40 or all. 570-253-6995. ARE YOU BUYING OR SELLING a herd, springing or open heifers and cows, contact Mart Gutman 443-677-3269. Reg Holstein bull, dam VGBB, 2 y/o, 31,030, 5.4, 1665, 3.4,1067. full brother in select sire line up. Moses King 610-932-6062 8-8:1 Sam Jersey bull, year old. 717-354-8305 Black Shoemaker Slm mental bull, outstanding EPD's, very docile, $1450 080. 814-632-8609 Holstein bulls by Manat,' Garter, Magna. Born March to Oct. 'O2, reg. 717-532-4551 56 Holstein Heifers 10-12 wks old, vet checked for freemorts, all shots given. 814-847-2402 Reg Angus bull. Weaver land Explorer 013, very good calving ease bull. Also other Reg bulls for sale. 570-945-5340 eves/ weekends; 570-587-3500 days Reg Angus bulls 8> year lings heifers, price rea sonable. 717-292-3053 Custom Heifer raising, 40 years experience. By the pound, not by the day. Death loss guaranteed. Trucking provided. Large number preferred. 570-398-2688. BLACK ANGUS BULL Sired by Bando $l/400. 814-692-8368. Fresh Holstein heifers, good milkers, very nice. 717-933-4071. Purebred Hereford yearling bulls & heifers, 973-853-7973. Highlands heifers, bred heifers, grass fed steers, bulls. Call to arrange a visit. 215-679-5753.' Reg Polled Hereford, bred yearling heifers & cow/ ccdf prs, exc qualify. 717-899-7787. (2) Jersey cows due w/ 2nd calf to freshen soon, good size. Will deliver 717-328-2235 (5) A-l Holstein heifers due to freshen soon, good size, out of good here Deliver. 717-328-2235 (10) Holstein cows due w/2nd & 3rd calf, to freshen soon, out of good herd, good size. Will Deliv er 717-328-2235 Angus bulls ready for service, starting @ $1,200.814-466-7074 Out of State and Mexican buyers, looking for open & bred holsfeln heifers & cows, NO TESTS RE QUIRED. 410-585-0145. (3) Holstein bulls, ET's from high producing dams & (2) good Jersey hulls. 814-623-8871 Reg. Holstein bulls. All sizes and ages, from Pre mier cow families of the Holstein breed. Arien H. Keener 717-285-7426. Wijth fly spray. Ask about our fly control program Dry cleaning or pressure washing also available. Quality dairy cattle for sale, springing & fresh. 315-769-1024 FOR SALE OR LEASE: Registered Holstein Bulls by popular sires; dams records to over 30.000 M. Many to choose from Berks Co. Stumpland Farms 610-488-1965. Angus Bulls & Cows abo- Jersey Bulls, ready for service. Stump Acres, York, 717-792-3216. Reg Holstein Bulls, any age. Dams records up to 30,000 milk, 1,200 fat. STUMP ACRES 717-792-3216. York Co. Texas Longhorns, nice selection of bred cows & Ist calf heifers. No rop ers. 717/642-8716 house, 717/642-0079 farm Polled Hereford Bull, Dun walk breeding, 6 yr old, throws exc calfs. 908-534-4644. Charolais bulb, open & bred heifers. Top genet ics at reasonable prices. Cameo Farm Frederick Co. MD 301-831-9243 Black Simmental Bulls. Call 814-542-4960. Reg. Holstein bulls, milk records to 45.000 M, 5%F, 3.4 P, out of top Franklin Co. herd. 717-485-5250 No Sunday calls Registered Texas Long horns: bulls, heifers, cows. Reasonable prices. 717-637-3090 Complete Dairy Herds for sale Also groups of open & bred Heifers 717-789-3003 y. Small herd of 4 purel cows w/calves, $ 5,000 (610) 562-6599 [(] HOLSTEIN BULLS Bulls ready for heifers or cows out of proven good cow families with proven bulls in Al lineup Moses King 610-932-6062 8-B:lsam or leave message 717-529-9007 TED Dairy Cows o. Heifers, all ages, registered or grades (717) 656-8420 Leroy Smucker No Sunday Calls