Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 14, 2003, Image 140
Dl6-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 14, 2003 ! . ■ buildings i m /\. iHhbHHHHIIHHHHh MID / X, 717*355*9813 ■ SUPPLIES y/f rvT Yv I trusses. m3 I i \ B pole x N. B Agwoy built. Steel roof & ’ B siding 30'x64' pole born. B T-111 siding. 3 ton Brock DL TRUSS LT f I groin bin w/elec auger & » motor. 42" Breezewy wall 155 Jalyn Drive B I shutter - New Holland, PA 17557 I 700 sq. ft Chestnut 4// Types of Quality Engineered Trusses I roofing boards, 120 pcs, 2xloxls' long, 60 pcs 2x12x12', various length aaaasa-——a——a——i —■———^— ■akjj ?Sfeg 75 3 B sar?4 ‘ISS; SOUP OAK mCMIM CABINETS PERCO TYPE LAMINATE FLOORING t '°” 3 - WM . 25 Year Click Lock and Glue S."Brra?SS; 2acSl?^hl?^nn^^ ne Laminate Flooring. Many colors American Woodwork, KltCnßn CsblllGtS, inCludillQ BBS 6 rr . r L nr . C o fmm Drlr-ac d—irt-lnrr -it Sink & Faucets. £IOQ Running Foot $1 r 2 uaf » foot > compare to Last. $2 ‘ 69 at the be dismantled, best offer HH »UY the big uclyway and save. 717 - 507 - 2776 -' ';■ Harrisburg *l7-233^73, Hours: fii, Sat. FLOORING, wide plank, chestnut, ash, pine, oak, maple, etc. Ready & cus tom made. Oak barn flooring, country furniture custom made. 610/529-0471 Barn for sale. U-dlsmantle & remove. Luzerne C 0.., PA 570-477-3475 FREE bonk barn & out building in exchange for taking down bam & foun dation in Chester Co., PA. Call Keystone 717-464-9060 X 137 Iv msg Mobile home material re covery facility, windows, doors, axles, tires, appli ances, etc 500 lb bales fi berglas Insulation, $5O. Leave message for Pe quea Salvage, 717-464-4461. Need price on tearing down (2) barns-30'x40' ea. We want to keep all materials. 570-251-8929 BARN FLOORING; new, kiln dried, T&G, Y-pine 2xB's for floors and stalls. Noah Shirk Sawmill, 717-354-0192. Wanted: Old barns, houses, log houses. Will dismantle 8< remove. The Barn Farm 215/766-0564 Chain Link Fence, new slightly imperfect, heavy 9-gauge galvanized. 3' 75C/ft; 3Vi' 85C/ft; 4' 95C/ ft; 5' $1.20/ft; 6' $1.45/ft; T J1.65/ft; 8' $1.85/ft. Lighter, 11'A gauge also avail. Best time 7-Bam, 570-822-7820. 2xB Yellow Pine T&G lum ber ideal for barn flooring, etc. Also, rough cut Pine & Hemlock. 570-726-6511 Yellow pine beams, 8”x8"xl0.5' lona medium grade, sawn, salvaged. Total 800 beams. 717-334-8805 Used railroad ties, over 1000. Firm $6/piece. 717-334-8805 (7) 40ft trusses, 2x6 with 2x4 braces. 1 round com crib for sale. Call 717-687-3931 Concrete pipes, 2nds, various sizes, 24", S7/ft. 717-436-5175. CONESTOGA CONCRETE WALLS ■NRCS Approved Manure Storage Pits "Cast in Place Foundation & Retaining Walls [1 ■ Pre Cast Bunker & 65 N. Harvest Rd. Retaining Walls Contact Elam Bird-n-Hand, PA 17505 717*278*7150 POLE BUILDINGS US' Horse Barns Riding Arena Equipment Storage Garages Commercial Buildings Unlimited Structures, Inc. 800*858*7297 fiStfTSSS I! Long Lasting Strength - Custom Built Pole Building A new pole building will withstand time - Mother nature - Regular uas. With engineered strength, time-tested materials, state-of-the-art innovations, and quality craftsmanship a custom built CONESTOGA Building is the choice of thousands qf satisfied custorners. in seven states - ranging from Virginia t 6 West Virginiato Maryland to Delaware to New Jersey to Pennsylvania to New York, CONESTOGA will build the most durable building to suit your dreams and needs. MC B Structures, Inc, producers of CONESTOGA Buildings 202 Orlan Road □ New Holland, PA 17557 1-800-544-9464 K BEAR TRUSS CORP. “OUR TRUSSES BEAR UP” 852 Upper Powys Road COGAN STATION, PA 17728 1-800-326-9689 EEIS3