Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 14, 2003, Image 14
Al4-Lancaster Farming, Saturd; Special Note Lancaster Farming re minds readers that market prices are the result of re ports sent to the newspaper by various auctions or USDA reporting services. It would be impossible to check the accuracy of the approximately 115 markets that appear weekly. Editors have always been aware that inflated or inaccurate prices are of no service to anyone and have no place in this publication. Such re ports are useless to our readers and take up vital editorial space. Readers, though, who employ the services of an auction house might recog nize incorrect reports from personal experience. When that occurs, please notify the auction house and send a copy, also, to our atten tion. We thank you for your input and to auction houses for their cooperation. Kutztown Produce Hay Auction Fleetwood, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Saturday, June 7,2003 Hay—Straw—Grain 28 LOTS ALFALFA HAY: 175.00-205.00. GRASSS HAY: 70.00-160.00. MIXED HAY: 95.00-130.00. TIMOTHY HAY: 135.00. WHEAT STRAW: 75.00-100.00. OAT STRAW: 80.00. SMALL STRAW BALES: 1.10-1.20, OATS- 2.30-3.00 BU. NEW HAY: WET 40.00. SALE EVERY SAT., 9 A.M. ly, June 14, 2003 Leola Produce Leola,Pa Report Supplied by Auction June 10,2003 ASPARAGUS: 1.00-1.40 BUNCH. BEANS: GREEN 12.00-16.00 Vi BU. CAULIFLOWER: 9.00-10.00 10 CT. BOX. LETTUCE: BUTTERCRUNCH, RED, ROMAINE, HEAD 11.00-14.00 12 CT. BOX. ONIONS: 8.00-10.00 20 CT. BOX. PEAS: SUGAR 22.00-26.00 10 LB. BOX, SNAP 24.00-27.00 10 LB. BOX. POTATOES: WHITE 14.00-18.00 BASKET. RADISHES: 6.00-9.00 12 CT. BOX. RED BEETS: 12.00-16.00 20 CT. BOX. RHUBARB: 10.00-14.00 IS LB. BOX. STRAWBERRIES; 21.00-25.00 8 QT. FLAT. TOMATOES: RED 28.00-49.00 25 LBS. ZUCCHINI: 12.00-20.00 W BU. FLOWERS: BEDDING ANNUALS 2.00- FLAT, .10-1.00 POT; HANG ING BASKETS 3.00-6.00; PLANTERS 3.00- PERENNIALS .50-1.75 POT. FOOD PLANTS: VEGETABLES 3.00-9.00 FLAT. SALE DAYS MON., 9:30 A.M., TUES., THURS., FRL, 9 A.M. Finger Lakes Produce Auction Penn Yan, NY Report Supplied by Auction June 4,2003 ASPARAGUS: 1.10-1.20 LB. BUNCH. EGGS: .50-80 DOZ. ONIONS; .S5-.70 BUNCH. POTATOES: 3.00-8.00 50 LBS. RHUBARB: .25-.50 BUNCH. TOMATOES: 4.00-26.00 25 LBS. FLOWERS: UKM3.OO FLAT, HANG ING BASKETS 2.00-10.50, PLANTERS 1.75-27.00, POTS .05-7.50. FOOD PLANTS: TOMATO PLANTS 2.00-6.75 POT. FLOWER AND PRODUCE AUC TION MON., WED., FRL, 9:30 A.M. SHARP! Kutztovm Produce Auction Kutztown, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction June 3,5,6,7,2003 APRICOTS: 7.50-8.00 FLAT, .60-1.65. EGGS: .60 .95 DOZ. LETTUCE: .30-.3S HEAD. ONIONS: SPRING .40-.7S BUNCH, YELLOW 2.00-3.25 20 LBS. POTATOES: WHITE AND RED 2.50-6.00 50 LBS., 2.00-3.00 FLAT. RED BEETS: 1.00-UO BUNCH. RHUBARB: .05-.70 LB. SPINACH: 3.00-6.00 'A BU. STRAWBERRIES; 27.00-31.00 8 QT. FLAT, 16.00-25.00 12 PINT FLAT. TOMATOES: 7.00-9.00 15 LB. FLAT, GREEN HOUSE 9.00-20.00 20 LBS. FLOWERS: HANGING BASKETS 1.50-9.00, LILIES 1.00-5.50, PLANTERS .40-12.50, SUNFLOWERS 1.00-1.50. FOOD PLANTS: VEGETABLE FLATS .25-9.00, POTTED TOMATOES .10-1.20. NURSERY STOCK: MISC. SHRUBS 2.00- ALBERTA SPRUCE 7.00- ARBORVITAE 3.00-30.00, AZALEA 1.75-6.00, BOXWOOD 9.50, BURNING BUSH 12.00-15.00, HOLLY 3.00- JUNIPERS 3.75-15.00, ROSES 2.00-6.00, TREES AND FLOW ERING TREES 6.00-190.00, EVER GREEN TREES 10.00-55.00, YEWS 4.00. NEXT WEEK’S SALE DSATES TUBS., THURS., ERL, SAT. Morrison Cove Produce Auction Roaring Spring, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction June 3 and 5,2003 APPLES: 4.50-5.50 Vi BU. ASPARAGUS: 7.50-11.50 10 LBS. STRAWBERRIES: 2.00-3.25 QT. FLOWERS: ANNUAL FLATS 1.00- BASKETS 1.00-16.00; PLANT ERS 4.00-18.00; ANNUAL POTS .10-2.25; PERENNIAL POTS .25-5.00; GERANIUMS .55-2.00; ROSES 3.00- SALE DAYS NEXT WEEK TUES, AND THURS. We Specialize in Building, Remodeling, and Automating Dairy Facilities... D-20 Herringbone Parlor, Basement Parlor and 3 Bay Milk Tanker Garage. We Are Builders/Equipment Dealers • We offer total systems design with parlor automation a specialty. • We build complete facilities and offer many years of experience. • We also do repairs and remodeling, offering plumbing and electrical services, • We are dealers for the following equipment: Norbco Bam Equipment, Alley Scrapers, & Curtain Systems Tlmnel Ventilation Systems Cow Mattress Bill Knisely 14 Cedar Ridge Drive Arnold Decke 814-692-41 10 Port Matilda. PA 16870 717-369-360 Kirkwood Produce Kirkwood, Pa Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, June 10,2003 ASPARAGUS: 1.50-1.60 BUNCH. LETTUCE: ROMAINE .2S-.35 HEAD. ONIONS: SPRING 8.00 20 CT. PEAS: SUGAR 13.00-18.00, HULL 6.00- 'A BU. RHUBARB: .25 BUNCH. SPINACH: 7.00 BU. STRAWBERRIES: 21.00-22.00 8 QT. FLAT. TOMATOES: 11.00-15.00 25 LBS. FLOWERS: ANNUAL FLATS 2.00- DAHLIAS 3.50 POT; ANNU AL POTS .25-.90 EACH; GERANIUMS .25-1.25 POT; HANGING BASKETS 2.00- CUT FLOWERS 2.50-3.00 BUNCH. FOOD PLANTS: TOMATO PLANTS 6.00 FLAT. NEXT WEEK’S SALE DAYS TUBS. AND THURS., 9 A.M. Lebanon Produce Auction Reistville, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction June 5-10,2003 ASPARAGUS: 1.40-1.80 BUNCH. ONIONS: SPRING .15-.65 BUNCH. PEAS: SUGAR 27.50-30.00 BOX. POTATOES: WHITE 2.25 20 LBS. RADISHES: .40-1.20 BUNCH. RHUBARB: 4.00-7.00 BOX. SPINACH: 1.10-4.00 BOX. STRAWBERRIES: 2.70-4.00 QT. TOMATOES: LG. 12.00 10 LB. BOX, MED. 30.00. FLOWERS: FLATS .25-6.00, .25-4.00 POT; BASKETS 1.00-5.25. SALE DAYS NEXT WEEK TUES., THURS., FRL, 9:30 A.M. Schrack Farms Loganton, PA Featuring instant cooling of milk, and tunnel ventilation by Empire Otv»4j| A Ring IT YouW A Pro}** Or . Or Anfcndl QveU«ATry Hive St Knisely We offer full service on our products 24 hours a day. Snyder County Produce Auction Port Trevorton, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction June 12,2003 APPLES: 4.00-6.00 Vi BU. ASPARAGUS: .60-.80 Vi LB. BUNCH. BROCCOLI: .75-1.20 HEAD. ONIONS: SPRING .20-.35 BUNCH; YELLOW 9.50-11.00 50 LBS. PEAS: SUGAR 1.90-2.85 LB.E. 4.00 BU. POTATOES: RED 6.00-7.00, WHITE 6.00- BOTH SO LBS. RADISHES: .20-.35 BUNCH. RED BEETS: 1.50-1.85 BUNCH. SPINACH: 4.00-6.00 'h BU. STRAWBERRIES: 2.30-3.00 QT. TOMATOES: RED SM. TO LRGE. 18.00- 25 LBS. FLOWERS: BEDDING ANNUALS 1.00- FLAT; HANGING BASKETS 2.00- PERENNIALS 1.00-2.50. NURSERY STOCK: SHRUBS 3.00-7.00; TREES 10.00-35.00. SALE DAYS MON. AND FRL, 10:30 A.M. Pa. Produce Summary Report Supplied by PDA June 6,2003 Wholesale Prices Only ASPARAGUS: 1.00-1.50 LB. BROCCOLI: .75-1.00 HEAD. CABBAGE: 9.00 50 LBS. CAULIFLOWER: .90-1.00 BU. LETTUCE: HEAD 7.00-9.00, LEAF 7.00- BOTH 12 CT„ ROMAINE 20.00- 18 CT. BOX. ONIONS: 7.00-12.00 10 LBS. PEAS: SUGAR 26.00-35.00, SNAP 30.00- BOTH 10 LBS. RADISHES: 3.00-6.00 BOX. RED BEETS: 5.00-8.00 Vi BU. RHUBARB; .4S-.6S LB. SPINACH: 6.00-10.00 BU. SQUASH: YELLOW 10.00-14.00 Vi BU. STRAWBERRIES: 18.00-28.00 8 QT. FLAT. TOMATOES: 17.00-37.00 25 LB. BOX. ZUCCHINI: 9.00-16.00 Vi BU. 'V’A* 1 ? X * V „