Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 14, 2003, Image 139
BUY, SELL, TRADE OR RENT THROUGH THE CLASSIFIED ADS IN Lancaster Farming ■ BUILDINGS AND SUPPLIES Steel Bldgs. Anxious to deal on const. Big Factory Discounts on 24X36 to 150X300.717-732-8000 Free For Removal-Wind damaged 45X72 steel arch bldg, 717-776-3819 after 7pm 1800's barn, stone foun dation, 40WX60L, great shape. You dismantle and remove. Best offer. S/E York Co. 717-993-2538. Walnut Lumber, l"x6" & 8"x10ft rough, dried 3 yrs. Lots from 300 min to 1000 bdft, $2/bdft. 300 bdft dried & planed, $3/bdft. Walnut mantel pcs 3"x12", 4"x12” to 10ft, SIS/lin ft. Beautiful Birch, I"x6’' & 8"xl2 to 16ft, planed to 1", Sl/bdft, 500 ft total. Perry Co. 717-589-7570 Ted Old barn boards-chest nut hand-hewn logs piled 8i ready to go, highest bidder takes all by July 2, 2003. Perry Co, 717-834-4498. 25 pieces treated 6X6 20ft long, 14 pieces treat ed 4X6 12ft lona 27ft X29ft floor system from old house, hand hewn oak 8“X15“ beams, 3 floors w/nofchecf 4X6 floor joist, 35 pieces fir 4X4 12ftlong. 610-273-9628 Our barn becomes your wood for the removal, 36'x26'. 717-656-6339, 717-898-5864 Old Chester County build ing stone. Call for pricing. 610/273-9705 45x50 bank barn, FREE for removal down to barn floor. 717-567-6394. Free standing non-assem bled steei structure 30x50 3 bay garage includes blueprints, insulation & aU materials except doors. Asking $7,500 obo. 302-834-6959 Iv mess. ItiKAGLEia BUILDERS (1) 10x10 Slider Special Price $6,695-,^*" Post Frame Specialists 'in him Built p ole Buildings - Oarages -Horse Barns -Machine Sheds 4lso Specializing In: Reroojing Barns - Garages - Siding Barns ~ . , Satisfaction Guaranteed! P H T er R „ a w (717) 656-0138 516 Wmdv Tor Road _ )-+-( „ -n* A Bird-In-Hand, PA 17505 Fax (717) 656-7914 toB trass'/i-fB Prime, secondary, structure pipe Farmers, Manufacturers, Fabrication Will Cut To Your Size Needs STEEL TUBING 3W Sq. 2”x2” Sq. 4”x4” Sq. 3”x3” Sq. 20’ to 24' Lengths/ 3 /™” to '//Thick IVs’Sq, 2'A” Sq. BRICKER'S PIPE YARD 717.9R1 .nnoc 1970 Frank Road • I I I •WjO Chambersburq. PA 17201 You Buy The Kit And We'll 28x30 Canterbury 24x30* Windsor $l5B/Mo $l4l/Mo 6,99% Financing some restrictions apply rffip .aTiqlyegWilWat Any Style 20x22 Oxford 2 Story $lOl/Mo 800-722-0466 Oustom Call for FREE brochure! Garages Visit us on Cabins the web at Homes Some buildings shown with options BuiLTrr^. P O BOX t«7 . EAST FREEDOM. PA 16837 New Holland Supply 201-A Commerce Dr. New Holland, PA 17557 Office (717) 354-4794 Fax (717) 355-9418 Distributors of: Metal Siding & Roofing Cannon Ball, Door Track, Trolleys & Hardware (In Stock) Wood & Metal, Dutch Doors & Slider Doors (Custom Made) Horse Stall Grills & Hardware (Custom Made) 2xB T.&G. w/V-Grove SYP or PT (In Stock) IxB T &G. w/Center Bead Grove EWP (In Stock) Single or Double Hung Windows, Slider Windows, Awning Windows The Ultimate G-100 Process Heat Formed Warranty Recommended ‘ 00 Zinc (Seating By All Paint : i Corrosion Resistant ■*- strongest Paijel Known Mi I Roofing. Inc. ÜbSI com Web Page ,; *~y, .H Eberlyß EBERLY BARNS Shed Row Bams / Run-in-Sheds Quality Custom Built Sales & Delivery • Fully Licensed and Insured 717-391-7808 9E 2010 Horseshoe Rd. 717-391-7806 Fax $£ Lancaster, PA 17602 2”x4” Rect. 3”x2” Rect. YOUR BUILDING PROJECT HEADQUARTERS Christiana 44 E Gay Si (6101 59^-5104 f TnkM “Serving The Area's Building Needs Since 1872" WVwJITER&JACKSON, INC. Building & Barn Sale Large Enough To Serve You - Small Enough To Know You Hinklctown 622 T Fannersville Rd (717) 7M-491 1 Wakefield 740 Nottmuham Road Peach bottom, PA 17563 (7 I -7 ) 548-4117 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 14, 2003- (Material Kits) Offer Good Till June 30, 2003 Car Garage x 24' , $2499,00 Car Garage x 24' $3199.00 Dallastown 2755 S Queen St (717) 741-4KV? Visit us online at »«« walterandjdekson com Some artwork not exactly as shown BATHROOM PACKAGE Big Ugly Warehouse Does It Again Bathroom Package Consisting of 5’ Whirlpool. Italian StyleJToilet and $649.“ WHILE SUPPLIES LAST BUYUtE BIG UGLY WAY AND SAVE. HARRISBURG 717-233*5T0, ¥0RK717*849*2424 * «J* NSW EXTENDED HOURS MON., WED., FRI. SAT. 9-5, TOES., THURS. 9-8, SUNDAY 11-5. GLENWOOD METALS LLC 800-804-0402 Manufacturer of Metal Roofing & Siding Producti - Custom Cut - Buy Direct & Save - Delivery Available - • 29 ga. Painted Steel 14 Colors • 29 ga. Galvanize & Galvalume • 29 & 26 ga. Stainless Steel - Secondary - .024 Mill Finish Alum Standing Seam Roofing • 12 colors painted & galvalume Trims - Screws - Nails • In all colors 265 E. Meadow Valley R< TBT Lititz, PA 17543 717-626-9674 “ 99 Fax 717-627-6892 H I Quarryvillc I 8 N Hess St (717)756 -2171 Lancaster i 294 Millcismllo Pike Manor Shopping C enlei (717))94-7200 D Faucets and All prices are cash & carry 4 tax Storage Shed 8' x 8' Econo $199.00 Basic & Deluxe Packages available Parktsburg 116 W Hp 4 A\e (6iO)SS -SVI