Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 14, 2003, Image 133

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89 Link-Bait LS2BOOC 11, 9900 Hrs,
32" Shoes, Thumb
87 Hitachi EX2OO
87 Mid Yutanl MD3OO,
88 Fiat Allis FRI2B, Cab, 7840 Hrs $lB,OOO
90 Fiat Allis 6458, 6730 Hrs $14,000
78 Fiat Allis 5458, Cab. Good Tires $13,000
81 Clark 35C, 4237 Hrs $ll,OOO
97 Minting 2050,1000 Hrs, New Tires, . .$9,500
98 Qihl 5635,1105 Hrs, 40% tires $ll,OOO
94 Hitachi EXI2O-3, Cab, 5560 Hrs, 26"
Shoes, Plumbed
92 Hitachi EXI2O-2, 5660 Hrs .
20" Shoes $24,500
93 Hitachi EXI2O-2, 5950 Hrs , 20" Shoes,
Plumbed $24,500
99 Cast 580 Supar L, Cab, 2650 Hrs, 4x4,
Exlendahoe, Plumbed To Front $32,000
88 Bomig BW 2130,5664 Hrs
82 Drum Drive
Bomag 8W212D, 1900 Hrs, Canopy,
84" Drum Drive $29,000]
97 Terex 55636,1855 Hrs, 6000 lb
Lift $27,000
94 Traverse 6035,2835 Hrs, Good Tires Cell
94 Komatsu PC7SUU, 4900 Hrs $19,000
93 Komatsu PC7SUU, Canopy, 3600 Hrs,
Rubber Tracks w/Blade $16,500
94 Komatsu PC7SUU, 3800 Hrs , Rubber
Tracks w/Blade $17,000
92 Cat 307SSR, Cab, 4850 Hrs, Rubber
Tracks, w/Blade .. . .$15,500
98 Komatsu PC4OMR, 3790 Mrs , Steel
Tracks, New Paint
96 Komatsu PC4OR, 3200 Hrs $15,000
92 Komatsu PC40,4400 Mrs $13,000
Volvo 8258 Articulated Truck, 6x6 $36,000
JCB 1550, Cab, 2WD, Sid Hoe $8,500
79 JD 850, DROPS, Angle Blade $17,000
2000 Hitachi EX2OO-5, 2900 Hrs
ViV*-, Li'm *»»i
97 Komatsu PC3SR-8, Canopy, 1890 Hrs.,
Rubber Tracks w/Blade $14,500
96 Komatsu PC27R-8, Canopy, 2990 Hrs ,
Rubber Tracks w/Blade $13,000
96 Komatsu PC2O-7E, Canopy, 2644 Hrs ,
Rubber Tracks w/Blade $12,500
94 JD 5708, Cab, 6900 Hrs,
12' Moldboard, 50% Tires
88 JD 7708 H, 7710 Hrs,
14' Moldboard
35% Tires
85 JD 450 E, Canopy. 4000 Hrs,
6-way Blade
86 Fiat Allis FDS, CROPS, 5000 Mrs.
6-way Blade $15,500
m ■■
98 Cat 416 C IT Tool Carrier, Cab, 4x4,
Ext Hoe $32,500
1998 Cat 416 C, Cab, 2275 Hrs. 2WD,
Standard Hoe, 80% UC
94 Cat 3221
91 Cat 953 Cab, 50% UC. New Paint $38,500
86 Cat 953, Canopy, 6470 Hrs $18,500
97 Cat 41 SC, Cab, 4600 Hrs. 4x4,
Ext Hoe
91 Cat E7OB, Cab, 4380 Hrs, Steel Tracks
w/Rubber Pads, Backfill Blade,
Offset Boom
91 Komatsu PC2S, Canopy, 4900 Hrs
Rubber Tracks. w/Blade
96 Komatsu PC3SR-8, Canopy, 2760 Hrs,
Rubber Tracks w/Blade, Plumbed $14,500
98 Komatsu PC4OR-8, Canopy, 2520 Hrs ,
Steel Tracks w/Blade, Plumbed $16,500
91 Komatsu PC4S, Cab, 1680 Hrs, Rubber
Tracks w/Blade
99 Bobcat 763,1490 Hrs, 70% Tires $9,700
81 Dresser TDI2, Canopy, 80% UC. Straight
Blade w/Tilt $24,000
: : 1—
93 Komatsu PC2BUU, 3028 Hrs,
Rubber Tracks, w/Blade
95 Chevy 3500 Service Truck,
6 5 Dsl
88 Font F 350 Dually, Mechanics
Body, Crane, Electric Lift Gate,
New Motor. New Tires
90 Cat 963, Cab, 4400 Hrs, New UC, New
Cutting Edge & Teeth $42,500
90 CAT 953, Cab, 50*/° UC $37,000
■94 CAT 9538, Cab, 8360 Hrs, 90% VIC,
New Paint
82 Cat 953, DROPS,
8,990 Hrs , 50% UC
1986 Cat 943, Cab. 10,600 Hrs
80% UC
79 Int’l 125 E, Canopy, 5368 Hrs $11,500
88 JD 45SG, Cab $19,500
Cat 9518, Very Good UC, No Pops $9,500
95 Mac 1948 HT Electric Manlift $2,900
Komatsu 30 Forklift, 6,600 lb Lift,
Gas Ei
97 Komatsu PC4OR-8, Canopy, 2810 Hrs ,
Road Liner Shoes w/Blade $15,500
97 Komatsu PC4OFR, Canopy, 3290 Hrs ,
Rubber Tracks w/Blade $15,500
97 Bobcat 325, Canopy 1675 Hrs, Rubber
Tracks, w/Blade $12,750
90 Kubota KH4I, Canopy. 4250 Hrs ,
Rubber Tracks w/Blade, 2 Buckets $5,500
94 Hitachi EX22, Canopy, 2030 Hrs
Rubber Tracks w/Blade
1988 C»t 973, Cab, 7080 Hrs,
New Paint $39,500
1986 Cat 973, New UC. CROPS,
New Paint
- tn
U Cat D4H, Canopy, 7320 Hrs ,
80% UC, New Paint $29,000
96 Ford 575 D, Cab, 4450 Hrs, 4x4,
Kit, Mechanical Thumb
89 Dresser A4SOE Motor Grsder, Cab,
Scarifier, 14'Moldboard $24,000
90 Champion 720 A 6x6, 14' Moldboard
Cab $29,000
77 Champion 716 Motor Grader, 12'
Moldboard, Scarifier, 10' Snowplow,
Good Tires
93 Komatsu PCSOUU, 3900 Hrs $ll,OOO
93 Komatsu PCSOUU, 3700 Hrs $12.500
93 Komatsu PC3BUU, 2600 Hrs
Rubber Tracks
.. ■
97 Cat 3128, Cab, 4580 Hrs, 20" Shoes, New
Paint $39,500
96 Cat 312, AC, 5230 Hrs,
New Paint
93 C»t 312, 5670 Mrs
92 Cat 31 2, Cab, AC, 6200 Mrs,
2-53 Detroit pwr. unit w/
Rockford clutch, $3BOO.
Bomog AAPHIOO grinder
reclaimer, 350 hp, 3200
hrs, grind trees stones
stumps asphalt, $45,000
080. 570/356-7166
89 Ford 555 C 4x4, cab,
extendahoe, 2 buckets,
owner operator, strong
mach. 7800 hrs, $16,900.
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 14, 2003-D9