Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 14, 2003, Image 129

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    From left: Tim Hankinson, Sukup territory manager; and
Clint Martin of Automatic Farm System?, Lebanon, have
completed the 2003 Sukup Grain Drying and Handling
Sales and Service Seminar at Sheffield, lowa, March 18-
Two Area Men Attend
SHEFFIELD, lowa Semi- drying products, including cen
nar attendees lamed about the trifugal and axial fans and heat
latest developments in the ers p astir Stirring Machines,
Sukup line of grain handling bin unloading equipment, and
and drying equipment in order bin floors and supp orts. The Ser
to improve their Sukup product vice Sem i nar featured hands-on
knowledge. Information pre- installation and trouble
sented included the full line of shooting lessons.
Sukup .grain handling and
Sukup Seminar
PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047
FAX 717-733-6058
Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 8 AM to 5 PM; Thurs. 7 AM to 5 PM
KINZE’s giant 1050 Harvest
Commander™ Grain Auger
Wagon now has a companion: a
new 850 bushel capacity model,
designed similar to its bigger
brother, and also capable of un
loading its entire payload in just
over two minutes.
The new KINZE® 850 Har-
Dairyland Seed
Licenses Hybrid
Alfalfa For
HybriForce-400 T ", the world’s
first hybrid alfalfa, is now avail
able in Canada. Dairyland Seed
has announced that HybriForce
-400 has been registered in
Canada, and seed is now com
mercially available in Canada
exclusively through Brett-
Young Seeds.
“Dairyland Seed is excited to
have the opportunity to market
this revolutionary alfalfa in
Canada,” said Tom Strachota,
chief executive officer of Dairy
land Seed. “HybriForce-400 is
as revolutionary as the introduc
tion of Hybrid corn, and increas
ing its distribution network will
benefit Canadian producers.”
According to Harold Zibell,
portfolio manager for Brett-
Young Seeds, growers can look
forward to a significant increase
in yields.
For Brett-Young Seeds, the
launch of HybriForce-400 is an
other step in the company’s
commitment to Canadian farm
ers. Brett-Young Seeds, based in
Winnipeg, has served the needs
of Canadian farmers since 1934.
Today, the company researches,
develops, processes, and mar
kets the highest quality canola,
forage, and grass seed.
Jonestown Ag Repair & Supply Store
170 Old Rt 22 lonestown PA 17038
Darvin Weaver
717-865-0135 fax 717-865-0322
Mystik Lubricants * Roller chains
* Custom made hydraulic hoses
* Napa Belts & Filters
* Hardware Skid loader attachments available
* Galaxy Skid loader ties & other brands
Complete Skid Loader Repairs Our Specially
Our store replaces Skirksville Farm Supply
KINZE Rolls Out New Grain
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 14, 2003-D5
Auger Wagon
vest Commander™ holds up to
850 bushels (level-full, not
heaped) and unloads in 2.3 min
utes (375 bu/min). The 850 uses
no chains, no sprockets, requires
considerably less daily mainte
nance, and features an improved
dual auger unloading system
with “On-Demand” positive
drive for natural unrestricted
grain flow, greater efficiency,
and better horsepower utiliza
Undercarriage options in
clude: (a) 30.5”*32” 16-ply tires
(R-3 diamond-tread or R-l lug
type); (b) giant, floater-style
SOF-TREDS (66”x43”x25”); or
(c) SOF-TRAKS with 24”- or
New KINZE® 850 Harvest Commander Gram Auget Wagon
11 Tl
xx-s-aSii-i Used ' n ohn Deere Equipment
Komatsu Wheel Loaders
Takauchi Excavators^^^^
And many other types of equipment.
We offer replacement
jpjggA engines, parts and service. Also
generator sets and water pumps,
fpmf* and rebuilding other engines.
Southern End Mechanical Service
2443 Beaver Valley Pike
New Providence, PA 17560
(717) 786-6855
36”-wide rubber tracks for supe
rior flotation and reduced com
paction. Transport width: as
narrow as 12’ 0” (12’ 7” on 850
SOF-TRED); 850 WHEEL and
SOF-TRAK tire/track center-to
center spacings are also adjust
able (108” or 120”).
Also available on WHEEL
and SOF-TRED models: an op
tional Electronic Scale Package
with Digi-Star® EZ 2000 Indica
tor. The printer-ready console
can be equipped with a dot
matrix printer or a Data Down
Loader Kit for transferring load
data. Additional options include
a choice of hitch clevises, PTO
sizes, or a hydraulic flow gate.