Eastern Com Belt Direct Hogs Des Moines, lowa June 3,2003 Report Supplied By USDA EASTERN CORN BELT DIRECT DAILY HOGS, for Tuesday, June 3, as of 1:30 p.m. CURRENT VOLUME TODAY, AC TUAL: PRODUCER SOLD: Negotiated 18,676; Other Market Formula 8,371; Swine or Pork Market Formula: 30,313; Other Purchase Arrangement: 14,495. PACKER SOLD (All purchase types): 850. NEGOTIATED PURCHASES (includ ing packer sold): BARROWS AND GILTS (Carcass Basis): 12,240 head. Compared to prior day’s close, 2.00 high er. Base Market Hog, 185 lb Carcass Basis, Plant Delivered (-0.9-1.1 inch back fat, 6 sq. in. loin/2.0 depth): Base Price Range: $52.00 - 64.66, wtd. avg. $60.79. S-Day Rolling Average Market Hog: 192.73 lb carcass, plant delivered (0.78 inch backfat, 6.53 sq.in. loin/2.18 inch loin depth). FELL 50.56%; price range $56.00 - 68.16. Purchase Volume by State of Origin: Alabama 191; Delaware 165; Georgia 1,189; Illinois 22,931; Indiana 19,073; Kentucky 1,308; Maryland 268; Michigan 4,853; Mississippi 1,634; New York 554; North Carolina 3,013; Ohio 6,646; Penn sylvania 3,084; South Carolina 570; Ten nessee 1,152; Virginia 78; Wisconsin 2,249. Eastern Combelt Direct Feeder Pig Weekly Springfield, 111. May 30,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Eastern Corn Belt Direct Feeder Pig Weekly Summary (includes pig prices on negotiated, contract and formula basis) PIT POWER Farmers and composters - Here is a breakdown for compost and manure pits and manure piles! Pit Power is bacteria and bacteria feeders that break down solids in manure pits and septic tanks and breakdown compost faster. Clean out your pit with ease, use Pit Power 1 One gallon of Pit Power per 10,000 to 20,000 gal of pit volume. Should be repeated approx. 2 times a year! If aeration of the pit is possible, it will help the bacteria to grow and work faster to break down solids. Pit Power’s pur pose is to add life (bacteria) in the manure, which then is returned to the soil where a bacteria is working. The smell of pit manure is not so strong. Pit Power is a non toxic product - Life to Feed Life! Price is $58.00 per gallon (6 gal or more - $55 per gallon) Full UPS fee will be charged if payment is not with order Send orders to ' Pleasant Valley Country Store 429 Sproul Rd. Kirkwood, PA 17536 FEEDER PIGS: Total receipts this week 21,237, negotiated 8,800; last week 20,674. SEW 10 lb pigs firm and feeder pigs trad ed 1.00 lower. Trading activity was light to moderate for moderate offerings. FOB EASTERN CORNBELT - Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan. Receipts: 11,887; last week 12,694. EARLY WEANED PIGS: 10 LB BASIS, estimated 50-54% lean value: Lot size Under 250: 500 head, 29.00-30.82, wtd. avg. price 29.82; lot size 250-750: 5,194 head, 26.35-33.00, wtd. avg. price 30.17; lot size 750 or more: 2,000 head, 25.87. Total Composite; 7,694 head, 25.87-33.00, wtd. avg. price 29.03. PIGS, 40 LB BASIS, estimated 50- 54% lean value: Lot size 250-750: 1,100 head, 40.50-41.50, wtd. avg. 40.95; lot size 750 or more: 1,000 head, 39.50. Total Com posite: 2,100 head, 39.50-41.50, wtd. avg. 40.26. PIGS, 50 LB BASIS, estimated 50- 54% lean value: Lot size 250-750: 2,093 head, 41.50-50.00, wtd. avg. 44.75. NOTE: FOB prices quoted on per head basis “picked up” at sellers farm; prices do not include freight. DELIVERED EASTERN CORN BELT BASIS: Receipts; 9,350; last week 7,980. Volume by state or province of ori gin; Oklahoma 74%; North Carolina 18%; Missouri 5%; Ontario 3%. EARLY WEANED PIGS: 10 LB BASIS, estimated 50-54% lean value; Lot size 250-750 lb; 500 head, 30.00; 750 or more; 5,850 head, 30.00-30.03, wtd. avg. 30.02. Total Composite 6,350 head, 30.00-30.03, wtd. avg. 30.02. PIGS, 45 LB BASIS, estimated 50- 54% lean value: Lot size 750 or more: 2,700 head, 44.50. PIGS, 55 LB BASIS, estimated 50- 54% lean value: Lot size 250-750: 300 head, 46.50. Delivered Eastern Combelt prices in clude freight. Most lots of 40-60 weight pigs have a sliding value from the negotiated weight basis which is calculated on the actual av erage weight of the lot plus or minus .35-.40 cents per pound. Some lots of early weaned pigs are discounted 1.00-10.00 per head on pigs weighing under 10 pounds. Early weaned pigs are under 19 days old. Estimated lean value is projected to base slaughter weights with normal con finement feeding conditions. Vaccination and health program values are not included but health status should be disclosed. Eastern Cornbelt Direct Feeder Pig Weekly Springfield, 111. May 30,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Eastern Corn Belt Direct Feeder Pig Weekly Summary (includes pig prices on negotiated, contract and formula basis) FEEDER PIGS: Total receipts this week 21,237, negotiated 8,800; last week 20,674. SEW 10 lb pigs firm and feeder pigs trad ed 1.00 lower. Trading activity was light to moderate for moderate offerings. FOB EASTERN CORNBELT - Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan. Receipts: 11,887; last week 12,694. EARLY WEANED PIGS: 10 LB BASIS, estimated 50-54% lean value: Lot size Under 250: 500 head, 29.00-30.82, wtd. avg. price 29.82; lot size 250-750: 5,194 head, 26.35-33.00, wtd. avg. price 30.17; lot size 750 or more: 2,000 head. 25.87. Total Composite: 7,694 head, 25.87-33.00, wtd. avg. price 29.03. PIGS, 40 LB BASIS, estimated 50- 54% lean value: Lot size 250-750; 1,100 head, 40.50-41.50, wtd. avg. 40.95; lot size 750 or more; 1,000 head, 39.50. Total Com posite: 2,100 head, 39.50-41.50, wtd. avg. 40.26. PIGS, 50 LB BASIS, estimated 50- 54% lean value; Lot size 250-750: 2,093 head, 41.50-50.00, wtd. avg. 44.75. NOTE: FOB prices quoted on per head basis “picked up” at sellers farm; prices do not include freight. DELIVERED EASTERN CORN BELT BASIS: Receipts: 9,350; last week 7,980. Volume by state or province of ori gin: Oklahoma 74%; North Carolina 18%; Missouri 5%; Ontario 3%. EARLY WEANED PIGS: 10 LB BASIS, estimated 50-54% lean value; Lot size 250-750 lb; 500 head, 30.00; 750 or more: 5,850 head, 30.00-30.03, wtd. avg. 30.02. Total Composite 6,350 head, 30.00-30.03, wtd. avg. 30.02. PIGS, 45 LB BASIS, estimated 50- 54% lean value; Lot size 750 or more: 2,700 head, 44.50. PIGS, 55 LB BASIS, estimated 50- 54% lean value: Lot size 250-750: 300 head, 46.50. Delivered Eastern Combclt prices in clude freight. Most lots of 40-60 weight pigs have a sliding value from the negotiated weight basis which is calculated on the actual av erage weight of the lot plus or minus .35-.40 cents per pound. Some lots of early weaned pigs are discounted 1.00-10.00 per head on pigs weighing under 10 pounds. Early weaned pigs are under 19 days old. Estimated lean value is projected to base slaughter weights with normal con finement feeding conditions. Vaccination and health program values are not included hut health status should be disclosed. Pa. Grain Report June 2,2003 Report Supplied By PDA Compared with last Monday’s market for Eastern and Central Pennsylvania: Com, Barley and Oats steady to weak Wheat steady to firm. Soybeans very un even, mostly steady to .05 lower. Ear Corn mostly steady. All prices paid deliv ered to dealers dock, All prices per bushel, except Ear Corn per ton. SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA Corn No. 2-y: 2.90-3.08, avg. 3.01; con tract for harvest 2.38-2.59. Wheat No. 2; 3.39-3.54, avg. 3.42; contract for harvest 3.02-3.39. Barley No. 3: 2.00-2.40, avg. 2.22; contract for harvest 1.60-1.65. Oats No. 2: 2.00-2.25, avg. 2.15. Soybeans: 5.81-6.10 few to 6.20, avg. 6.02; contract for harvest 5.19-5.40. Gr. Sorghum: 2.75; contract for harvest 2.35. Ear Corn: 86.00-105.00, avg. 92.33. SOUTH CEN TRAL PENN SYLVANIA Com No. 2-y: 2.95-3.05 few to 3.10, avg. 3.01. Wheat No. 2: 3.00-3.20 few to 3.44, avg. 3.09. Barley No. 3: 1.80-2.00, avg. 2.01. Oats No. 2: 1.80-2.00, avg. 1.93. Soybeans No. 1: 5.80-5.99 few to 6.10, avg. 5.88. Ear Corn: 88.00-110.00, avg. 96.60. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA Com No. 2: 2.90-3.00 few to 2.64, avg 2.91. Wheat No. 2: 3.00-3.15, avg. 3.07. Barley No. 3; 1.90. Oats No. 2: 1.80-2.30, avg. 2.05. Soybeans No. I; 5.94-6.00, avg 5.97. Ear Corn: 80.00-83.00, avg. 81.50. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA Corn No. 2-y: 3.00-3.20, avg. 3.06. Wheat No. 2: 3.00-3.20, avg. 3.10. Barley No 3. 2.20-2.25, avg. 2.23 Oats No. 2: 2.00-2.20, avg. 2.14. Soybeans: 5.75-6.00, avg. 5.89. Gr, Sorghum; none. Ear Corn 86.00-90.00, avg. 87.50. LEHGH VALLEY AREA Corn No. 2-y. 3.00-3.10, avg. 3.05. Wheat: No. 2: 3.40-3.50, avg. 3.46. Barley No. 3: 2.10-2.20, avg. 2.15. Oats No. 2: 2.20-2.35, avg. 2.30. Soybeans No. 1 6.00-6.05, avg. 6.02. Gr. Sorghum 3.20-3.22, avg 3.21. Ear Corn 86.00-100.00, avg. 90.67. EASTERN AND CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA SUMMARY Corn No. 2-y: 2.95-3.10, avg. 3.01, month ago 2 96, year ago 2 39. Wheat No 2. 3.00-3.50, avg. 3.25, month ago 3.04, year ago 2.79. Barley No. 3: 2.00-2.25, avg. 2.11; month ago 2.25, year ago 1.53, Oats No. 2: 1.90-2.25, avg. 2.11; month ago 2.24, year ago 1.95. Soybeans No. 1 5.80-6 10, avg. 5.95, month ago 5.94, year ago 4.79. Fai Corn; 86.00-105.00, avg 92.17; month ago 91.27; year ago 67.94. NORTH CENTRAL OHIO Prices FOB Truck: Corn 2.48-2.50. Wheat 3.10-3.24. Soybeans 6.10-6.16. Soy- bean Meal- Bulk 44% 190.20-192 50, 48% 198.20-201.50. Livestock Cooperative Auction Market Of North Jersey Hackettstown, N.J. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, June 3,2003 Hay —Straw—Grain 37 LOTS TOTAL. ALFALFA: 1 LOT 3.90 BALE. MIXED HAY: 20 LOTS, 1.30-4.60 BALE. TIMOTHY: 3 LOTS, 3.60-3.90 BALE. GRASS: 62 LOTS, 3.00-4.20. MULCH: 1.10. WHEAT STRAW: 2 LOTS, .75. BARLEY STRAW: 1.30. EAR CORN: 3.00. FIREWOOD; 2 LOTS, 20.00 AND 28.00.
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