Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 07, 2003, Image 175
2? Pressed Brewers Grain 25 JS Feed It Because: •m * High Protein-32% •m * High Energy - .83 NE *4 * High Fat -8% * Increase Palatability * Replacement of Forage * Low Cost - Call for Current Pricing * Loads To Fit Any Farm Commodity Specialists Company 800*443*8774 ** 877*893*9688 We Have a Market For SOYBEANS Call gs for Prices PACMA 800-722-6246 SBi World leader in silage film industry seeks distribution leader. AT Plastics, manufacturer of a leading line of technologically advanced silage films, is looking for a select number of new distnbutors m Pennsylvania. AT Plastics silage films provide supenor protection for the producer’s feed investment, making this an exceptional opportunity for those with a track record in agribusiness distnbution As a fully integrated manufacturer with a first-rate service program, AT Plastics has the tools you need to succeed To learn more about our full line of silage films visit the AT Plastics website at or to inquire about our distnbution opportunities call 1-800-661-3606. •\f AT Plastics Advanced Technology. Real People grow New Annual Legume S /vrv *-% 210 lbs N / acre possible nitrogen ■»«»<*»» ——— 80 WO lbs N/acre avg QC ■ irn p r ° v * Yi«idi / ■ Green Manure ■ Ground Cover ■ Drought Tolerant WWW.ACQHEENFIX.COM dakotafrontierseeds@westnv com DA KOTA o FRONT>ER Tel; 7QI-597-3919 KILN DRIED WOODSHAVINGS BUY DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER 2.8, 3.0, 3.25 Cu. Ft Paper/Plastic Bag 2.5 to 1 Compression Grade of Fine, Medium or Flaky Woodshavmgs Year-Round Supply for Year-Round Customers Distributors Welcomed APPALACHIAN SHAVINGS QUEBEC, CANADA Tel: 514*425»0835 For Delivered or FOB Plant prices Fax: 514 *425*8871 Office Phone (610) 593-2995 Fax (610) 593-2155 Complete feeds and concentrates for all poultry and livestock. Full line of pastured poultry and pastured livestock rations. Will custom mix certified organic feeds. Available in bags or bulk. Organic Unlimited Manufacturer of Organic Feed 120 Liberty Street Atglen, PA 19310 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 7, 2003-D27 Having purchased a large quantity of Propionic Acid we are passing the savings on to you. b Picked up in 49c a lb. Containers Available ATTENTION FARMERS S Paper Bedding More Absorbant - than Straw. Less Flies. sBo/ton + Delivery We Now Have 3x3x6 (800-1000 Lb.) Wrapped Bales at $7O/Ton F. 0.8. Prices Subject to Change Without Notice STOLTZFUS ENTERPRISES 291 White School Road, Honey Brook, PA 19344 Please Call 610/273-3602 7-8 am M-F or Contact our Sales Representative: BRETT HOLZHAUER DAVID ROHRER Quarryville Agway Store Mt Pleasant Mills, 570/539-8508 717/786-2126 800/872-7559 (Snyder Co &NY State) tefissss • Increases Energy • Excellent Palatability • Better Digestability • Removes molds • Lower Feed Costs • Maximize Your Own • Provides a faster turn-around on double-crop acres We can custom roast your barley at 20% moisture. (approximately 10% green heads). Schnupp’s Grain Roasting, Inc. 416 Union Rd., Lebanon, PA 17046 Telephone (717) 865-6611 1-800-452-4004 David N. Groff • 262 Pawling RD., Lewisburg, PA 17837 (570) 568-1420 • IB • Pure, top-quality ingredients. • Ingredients batch-tested both incoming and outgoing. • The exact flavor you want, when you want it. Species specific flavors available for. • dairy • horses • swine • sheep • deer • birds • pet foods • more! ZOOK MOLASSES CO. IjK^l 4960 Horseshoe Pike (Rt. 322) P.O. Box 160 Honey Brook, PA 19344 HOURS: Monday-Friday 7 AM - 5 PM Oocr 6b y/ea/vt (>/• fe/vt/ce CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-327-4406 Forage Saver Propionic Acid for Hay and Forages 65% Propionic Acid with Benzoic Acid, Acetic Acid, Citric Acid Tyrite 440 Knot Strength Plastic Twine, $14.99/ball We Now Have 2 Additional Pickup Locations Lowville, NY And Waterloo, NY Leon Ray Zimmerman 644 Stackstoun Rd , Marietta, PA 17347 ulk over 600 flavors available in dry or liquid formulas. 717/426-2058 WE U.P.S. Daily