Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 07, 2003, Image 174
Saturday, June 7, 2003 FEED AND SEED Good quality corn silage $3O per ton @ silo, 717-426-4010 Loads of quality Western hay-RFV 160-170 $lBO/T, smaller loads avail. 717-653-6528 Wheat Straw, sm bales, 30-35 lbs. Also, Holstein Heifer due in December. 610-488-6816. Certified organic corn for sale, approx 900 bu. 609-953-0372. Haylage for sale out of field. Southern Lebanon Co. 717-821-1377. Shavings for sale, 2.8 cu at 53.10/bag. No delivery. LanCO, 717-354-7862. Timothy 8< grass hay mixed, Ist & 2nd cutting, 3x3x6 sq bales. Stored in side, 304-263-4572. WESTERN ALFALFA, 240 + RV. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. 570-398-5948 Good quality grass mixed hay, 3x4 bales & small square bales. Guaranteed no dust or mold. Can del. 570-398-5948. High Test Dairy Alfalfa & Grass Hay. Deliv Avail, 866-388-2770 Toll Free Green Haven Open polli nated Corn Seed. Early varieties. Avail cert or ganic. FREE catalog. 1-800-582-0952 WANTED: 40 ton good new mixed alfalfa hay for 2003 season. Mixed cut tings. Delivered to Bucks Co. Will pay cash/now. 215-766-0242. WANTED-New Crop Or ganic Barley, 100 ton, voice mail @717-786-3378 Wheat Straw, small square bales. 610-588-7986 Barley 8< rye straw out of field, $4B/ton, you bale, 30 acres, Ephrata. 717-733-8528. WESTERN ALFALFA for sole, 3x4 sq. dairy quality. Delivery avail. Bernard Wrede, 800/786-9794, mobil 402/649-0661, email: Dry shelled corn & roasted soy beans. Stump Acres, York Co, 717-792-3216. Rye straw, small sq bales ® barn $BO/ton. 717-438-3205 Clean Wheat Straw, 5100/ton ® barn. 610-845-7686 Provider of top quality al falfa hay. Western or Red River Volley, DHIA tested, sm sq or 3x3xB, 8< semi loads, 800-303-9755 or Oats & barley. Lg round bales grass hay. Ist cut ting Alfalfa, sm bales. Will deliver 610-488-1965 3x3xB lg sq bales Ontario alfalfa or grass or mixed hay, well saved. Ist 8< 2nd cuts, can deliver in 24 ton loads. Starting @ $ll5/ ton delivered. 800-465-5764. Wheat Straw, 3'x3'x6' large sq bales, bedding and mulch grade. 304-725-2465. WANT: damaged or moldy corn and barley, hauling available. 800-433-6236. WANTED: damaged or moldy corn, grain or soy beans. 717-733-4516. Hay suppliers, Timothy, Alfalfa. Mixed, 700 bale loads delivered. Ellyson's Inc. 330-223-1594 R.K.I lOGT 7\jA- R 1225 Colebrook Rd.^ x S Celebrating 37 Marietta, PA years Serving 17547 \r Agriculture BUYING BAR CORN. SHELLED CORN & WHEAT (717) 653-2510, (800) 654-2510 Wheat Straw, 401 b bales ' for sale. Stump Acres, York 717-792-3216 Western alfalfa: 2003 new crop. High testing dairy alfalfa. 4x4xB & 3x3xB bales. 1-800-874-2814. Timothy Horse Hay Small Bales $l5O/Ton Round Bales $135/Ton Delivery Available 610/857-0355 | Fancy Western Hay [] , Small or Big Loads ij Pine Shavings ! ; 717/529-1195 Bam ij 7T//Z7h fstraw | Sale Si ■ 4x4xB Bales ii [6lO-255-521 lj! Rolled Corn Silage Delivered in your silo (717) 786-1458 Pine Shavings In Bales Parkesburg 610/857-9116 8-B:3oam Nice Horse Ha Pine Shavings Straw & Horse Feed 717-529-6853 8-8:30 a.m. mmmm ■./ Squareß&lqs Ca| ,eVe. ; , ‘ >610*503*7317, i Large sq. bales < of hay & straw. ? 95% tim, 50/50 j alfa & tim, 2nd cut 5 milk hay 85% alfalfa < w/some grass £ Low Pot. 1.3 , < We deliver. 519/323-8683 home 519/323-1945 after 6 PM AIN BUYING Soy Beans, Com & Wheat Larry E. Myers Trucking & Grain (717) 369*4568 • C 717) *6l-7353 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a 2 Have Forages To Sell? ■ a Need Forages? a ■ Please call g a Churchtown Custom Cutters LLC a Siiaiiiimmimmiaiii ■ Fine Ground Straw Sold by Bag or Bulk Ex. for all types livestock Very Nice in Dairy Barns Better than shavings or peanut hulls Grade #2 Western Hay Del. avail. - 20 mile radius TiiiTi'lHin li H( | I||IPIBIi I i S■« k IMRIT WmmSmtßmmm $9B/Bag - vns Alfalfa Seed • Fall dormancy - 4 • Disease resistance index - 25 or better • Inoculated • Can be used on certified farms • Will ship UPS HOMESTEAD NUTRITION (717) 354-4398 (888) 336-7878 Your Supplier For Dairyland Alfalfa and'Corn Seed - Featuring HybriForce 400 Hybrid Alfalfa WET BREWERS GRAIN From: Schuylkill Co. Brewery Deliver 14 Ton Loads Trailer Loads Available FELTY FARMS 570 - 668 * 4027 Mulch IW (717)738-1312 s Ephrata Shaving & Sawdust Mix 3.4 cu. ft. bag Picked up at barn: $3.00 Delivered: 40 bags = $156 60 bags = $222 80 bags = $2BO Call for price Bark Mulch Top Soil, Mushroom Soil A 1 BARLEY STRAW For Sale Baled Out Of The Field (717) 786-1458 Wood Shavings Pine Bales 3.25 cu. ft. 717-299-1412 Haylage Green Chopped Barlage For Sale Taking Orders Now $25/Ton York Co., Will Deliver 717/792-3267 Southern Ontario Hoy Call Us for Your Hay Needs Wind Mill Farms Liverpool, PA 717-444-2046 Buying Ear Corn Delivered to Manheim Paying Cash at Scales Also buying/selling soybeans & shelled corn 717-653-9580, fhay For Sale] ■ Timothy/Alfalfa Mixed J ■ rotocut square bales > J (B’x4’x2’3”) | j Hunt-Lo Farms ■ | Emlenton, PA ■ • BlUTtoyer » ■ 724-659-0094 or » 724-312-0237 J Custom Built TARPS & COVERS For Grain Carts, Farm f || Trucks, Semi-Trailer Tarps, yHI Boat Covers or anything that Call Today For Prices UNLIMITED WALKING FLOOR'TRAILERS VliUlTlllbV 877-858-5656 or 717-933-9950 FT ' HAY Local and Western For Dairy and Horsfes In Square and Round Alfalfa various cuttings available Grass hays Timothy or Orchard STRAW in Large & Small Square or Round Large Inventory • We Deliver • WEAVER FARMS 717/258-5224 717/512-6711 j gonoaODOnononoaoaonoQoaonoi g Good Quality g 8 Western 8 o Alfalfa Hay g o o <g Small, Mjd or Large Size g g Sq. Bales g g Hay in Inventory g 8 Will Deliver 8 o Call for Price & Hay testing 152 RFV to 205 RFV 8 § J & L Hay § 5 (814) 443-6228 a nononononononoaonoaonaigflnaS Shelled Corn • Soybeans Delivered or Pick-up • Citrus Pulp - Delivered or Off Rail Car • Wheat Drying & Storing • Corn Silage Delivered For Sale! • Roasted Soybeans WEBB’S PRODUCTS, Inc. v Mill Hall. PA17751 (570) 726-4525 s