Al4-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 7, 2003 Weaverland Produce Auction New Holland, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction June 3,2003 ASPARAGUS: 1.40-1.95 LB. LETTUCE: ICEBERG 7.00 12 CT„ 12.00 24 CT„ ROMAINE 20.00-22.00 18 CT. BOX. ONIONS: SPRING 7.00-10.00 20 CT. BOX. PEAS: SUGAR 26.00-38.00 10 LB, BOX. RADISHES: 3.00 16 CT. BOX. RED BEETS: 9.00-1.18 BUNCH BOX. RHUBARB: 12.00 12 LB. BOX. SPINACH: 8.00-11.00 BU. BOX. STRAWBERRIES: 3800-54.00 8 QT. FLAT. TOMATOES; RED 17.00-37.00 25 LBS. ZUCCHINI: GREEN 14.00-16.00, YELLOW 14.00, BOTH Vi BU. FLOWERS: POTS .75-2.00; BED DING ANNUALS 2.00-6.00 FLAT; PER ENNIALS .50-4.00 POT; PLANTERS 5.00- HANGING BASKETS 2.00- CROP PLANTS: PEPPERS 2.00-3.00 FLAT; TOMATO .45-. BS POT; CANTA LOPES 2.00, WATERMELONS 15.00, BOTH FLAT. SALE DAYS NEXT WEEK MON., TUES., THUR., FRL, 9 A.M. Leola Produce Leola, Pa Report Supplied by Auction June 3,2003 ASPARAGUS: 1.00-1.50 BUNCH. LETTUCE: BUTTERCRUNCH, GREENLEAF, ROMAINE, HEAD 9.00-20.00 24 CT. BOX. ONIONS: 12.00-14.00 20 CT. BOX. PEAS: SUGAR 25.00-35.00 10 LB. BOX, SNAP 30.00-35.00 10 LB. BOX. RADISHES: 6.00-10.00 15 CT. BOX. RED BEETS: 15.00-20.00. RHUBARB: 8.00-12.00 15 LB. BOX. SPINACH: 5.00-10.00 BOX. STRAWBERRIES: 30.00-40.00 8 QT. FLAT. TOMATOES: RED 27.00-40.00 25 LBS. ZUCCHINI: 14.00-20.00 Vi BU. FLOWERS; BEDDING ANNUALS 2.00- FLAT, .10-.90 POT; PERENNI ALS .50-1.00; HANGING BASKETS 3.00- PLANTERS 3.00-5.00. VEGETABLE PLANTS: 3.00-6.00 FLAT. SALE DAYS MON., 9:30 A.M., TUES., THURS., ERL, 9 A.M. Cumberland Valley Produce Auction Shippensburg, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction May 26-30,2003 ASPARAGUS: .80-2.00 BUNCH. ONIONS; SPRING .35-.70 BUNCH. STRAWBERRIES: 23.00-28.00 FLAT. SALE DAYS TUES. AND THURS., 9 A.M. 717-656-4166 BARLEY OR CORN Grind & Bag Wet or Dry Grinder Blower MARTIN BAGGERS (717) 626-4915 Morrison Cove Produce Auction Roaring Spring, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction May 23,27,30,2003 APPLES: 7.00 Vi BU. ASPARAGUS; 8.00-13.00 10 LBS. ONIONS: .50-.80 BUNCH. TOMATOES: HYDROPONIC 7.50-14.00 10 LBS. FLOWERS: ANNUALS 2.50-10.00, BASKETS 2.75-17.00, PLANTERS 3.00-20.00, POTS .25-3.50, PERENNI ALS 1.00-9.00, ROSES 5.00-15.00. SALE DAYS NEXT WEEK TUES. AND THURS. Finger Lakes Produce Auction Penn Van, NY Report Supplied by Auction May 28,2003 ASPARAGUS: 1.30-1.40 LB. BUNCH. EGGS: .35-90 DOZ. POTATOES: 4.50-7.75 50 LBS. RHUBARB: .25-.70 BUNCH. FLOWERS; .50-9.75 FLAT; HANG ING BASKETS 1.00-10.50; PLANTERS 2.50-32.00; POTS .05-6.50. TOMATO PLANTS: S.OO-7.00. FLOWER AND PRODUCE AUC TION MON., WED. AND FRL, 9:30 A.M. SHARP! Kirkwood Produce Kirkwood, Pa Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, June 3,2003 ASPARAGUS: 1.30 BUNCH. LETTUCE: ROMAINE 7.00 12 CT„ 1.00 HEAD. RADISHES: 3.00 15 CT. SPINACH: 6.50-7.50 BU. STRAWBERRIES: 20.00-21.00 8 QT. FLAT. FLOWERS: ANNUAL FLATS 3.00- .50-2.00 POT; GERANIUMS .50-3.00 POT; HANGING BASKETS 3.00- PLANTERS 6.50-8.50; CUT 2.50-3.50 BUNCH, PERENNIALS; VEG E - .50-4.00 POT. TABLE We Salute Our Many Fine Dairy Farm Customers Mte Appreciate Ycmi Business PLANTS PARSLEY 4.50 FLAT; TOMATOES .30 POT; WA- TERMELONS O Ui l Q tuvlHy SKow's l3ui!i C\\i‘ OnOV. 3.00 FLAT. NEXT Personalized Construction Solutions on schedule, within budget, providing unsurpassed service and superior value. WEEK’S Use Our Experience SALE DAYS TUES. AND THURS., 9 A.M. ■ m - ■ In in & Frma Brubaker Family - Complete Dairy Complex - 250 Cow Tnit - Lebanon, FA To Completion We at TRIPLE H Construction believe our experience with agricultural projects ensures our fulfillment of your needs. In an agricultural application, we are the one company you can absolutely trust to handle every step of construction. 1 A - Kutztown Produce Auction Kutztown, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction May 27,29,30,31,2003 APPLES; 3.50-5.00 Vi BU. ASPARAGUS: .60-1.60 LB. CAULIFLOWER: .90-1.10 HEAD. EGGS: .55-75 DOZ. ONIONS: SPRING .35-70 BUNCH, YELLOW 3.00 20 LBS. POTATOES: RED AND WHITE 2.75-6.50 50 LBS. RADISHES: .35-.40. RHUBARB: .10-.25 LB. SPINACH; 3.50-5.50 Vi BU. STRAWBERRIES: 16.00 8 QT. FLAT. TOMATOES: GREENHOUSE 6.50- 10 LBS. FLOWERS: BEDDING ANNUALS 1.00- POTS .10-1.90, PERENNI ALS .25-10.00; GERANIUMS .50-2.50; HANGING BASKETS 1.00-12.00; PLANTERS 1.00-26.00. CROP PLANTS: POTTED TOMA TOES .10-1.25; VEGETABLE FLATS 2.00- NURSERY STOCK: SHRUBS 2.50- TREES 5.00-50.00. SALE DAYS NEXT WEEK TUBS., THURS., FRL, SAT. Lebanon Produce Auction Reistville, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction May 28-June 3,2003 ASPARAGUS: 1.00-1.60 BUNCH. BROCCOLI: 1.00. ONIONS: SPRING .35-.40 BUNCH. PEAS: SUGAR 30.00-37.00 10 LBS. POTATOES: WHITE 1.45-5.00. RADISHES: .15-.35 BUNCH. RHUBARB: 2.30-5.00 BUNCH. SPINACH: .50-1.00. STRAWBERRIES: 3.30-3.90 QT. TOMATOES: SM. 8.00-15.00. FLOWERS: FLATS .50-7.50, .75-5.25 POT; BASKETS 2.00-7.75. SALE DAYS NEXT WEEK TUES., THURS., FRL, 9:30 A.M. V * TRIPLE H Construction Design-Build • General Contractor 430 Springviile Road, Ephrata, PA 17522 717-738-2142 • 1-(800)-874-7531 • Pa. Produce Summary Report Supplied by PDA May 30,2003 Wholesale Prices Only ASPARAGUS: 1.00-1.80 LB. LETTUCE: HEAD 9.00-15.00 18 CT. BOX. ONIONS: 8.00-12.00 10 LB. BOX. PEAS: SUGAR 20.00-35.00 10 LBS. ONIONS: 4.00-7.00 Vi BU. RADISHES: 6.00-10.00 BOX. RHUBARB: .50 LB. SPINACH: 8.00-10.00 BU. STRAWBERRIES: 20.00-30.00 8 QT. FLAT. TOMAOTES: 25.00-35.00 25 LB. BOX. ZUCCHINI: 10.00-15.00 Vi BU. Middleburg Hay Middleburg, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, June 3,2003 HAY: 33 LOTS. 52 LOTS TOTAL. ALFALFA: 2 LOTS, 177.50-225.00. MIXED HAY: 15 LOTS, 60.00-200.00. TIMOTHY: 5 LOTS, 107.50-195.00. ROUND BALES: 5.00-45.00. ORCHARDGRASS: 72.50-135.00. STRAW: 13 LOTS, 77.50-95.00, 1.00 STRAW BALE. EAR CORN: 3 LOTS, 110.00-130.00. OATS; 3 LOTS, 2.20-3.00 BU. Wheat and corn bids were weaker again today as fund selling continued. Soybean bids rebounded after Tues day’s declines. Technical buying along with light profit taking offered support. Wheat 3 to 6 cents lower. Com 1 to 2 cents lower. Sorghum 5 cents lower. Soy beans 5 to 9 cents higher. Winter wheat harvest has made some progress, despite the moist conditions re ported in the Southern Plains area. A lack of fresh export orders so far this week is also keeping a lid on bids. Cash com Tcabow Farms - Complcrc Dairy' Facility' - 600 Cow Unit - Walkersville, MD Hetnckdale Farms - Complete Dairy Complex - 1,200 Cow Unit - Bemvllle. PA Dally National Grain Market Summary St Joseph, MO June 4,2003 Report Supplied By USDA trade continued to weaken due to techni cal selling on the Boards and good grow ing weather. Wet weather is still in id west forecasts but the crop is nearly all planted. Export sales were light overnight and have been slow this week. Sharp gains were seen in soybean pits after technical buying and light Profit taking was noted this morning. Delayed planting continued to offer strength to beans. Soybean bids have made some sharp drops oter the past few days and much of the support is due to the techni cal corrections. EXPORT SALES: PURCHASER COMMODITY TONNAGE DELIVERY DATE Israel Com 49,000 Jul 1-20 Israel Sorghum 9,000 Jul 1-20 THESE MAY NOT BE THE ONLY EXPORT SALES THAT HAVE TRAN SPIRED, BUT THEY ARE THE ONLY SALES THAT COULD BE CONFIRM ED BY USDA GRAIN MARKET NEWS. TRUCK BIDS: 06/04/03 06/03/03 06/05/02 Wheat: Kansas City (HRW ORD) 3.25-3.27 dn 6 3.02-3.07 Minneapo lis (DNS) 3.87 V* dn 5 3 A 3.40 Vi Portland (SWW) 3.47-3.50 dn 3 3.50-3.51 St. Louis (SRW) 3.15-3.16 dn 5-6 2.86 Com, US No 2 Yellow: Kansas City 2.39-2.40 dn 2 2.00-2.03 Minneapolis 2.31 'A dn 2 ‘A 2.00 'A So. lowa 2.42 dn 1-2 2.08-2.09 Omaha 2.26-2.27 dn 2 1.94 Soybeans, US No 1 Yellow: Kansas City 6.20 up 7-5 5.09-5.14 Minneapolis 6.02 'A up 9 5.07 3 A So. lowa 6.11 up 9-7 5.19 Cent. II Processor 6.23 /*- 6.27 Vt up 5 5.23 V 4-5.35 'A Minneapolis truck - to arrive 20 days FUTURES: Kansas City (Jul) Wheat 3.17 dn 5 'A 3.02 'A Minneapolis (Jul) Wheat 3.50 3 A dn 5 3 A 3.05 '/: Chicago (Jul) Wheat 3.13 'A dn 6 2.83 'A Chicago (Jul) Com 2.37 'A dn 2 'A 2.10 'A Chicago (Aug) Soybeans 6.14 up 4 3 A 5.13 3 A EX PORT BIDS; Barge bids out of the Port of New Orleans, or Rail out of the North Texas Gulf. Bids per bushel, except sorg hum per cwt. US 1 HRW Wheat, Ord Protein: Rail 3.59-3.67 dn 5 Vi 3.51 '/4-3.54 'A US 2 Soft Red Winter Wheat; Barge 3.34 l A dn 6 3.03 W-3.04 'A US 2 Yellow Com Barge 2.67 '/a-2.68 Vi dn 2 2.34 A US 2 Yellow Sorghum Rail 4.33-4.46 dn 5-9 4.09-4.22 Barge 4.53-4.63 dn 4-5 4.27 US 2 Yellow Soybeans Barge 6.38 '/i-6.41 'A up 6-8 5.46 3 A From Design Give Us A C»US We would be pleased to show you some of our completed facilities.
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