AB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 31, 2003 How Now, Brown Cow? June has been designated National Dairy Month since 1937 Long before then, cows were known as weather prognosticators, especially for predicting ram Old-timers expected ram when cows didn’t give milk, when cattle wanted to he down on going out to pasture, and when cows stretched their necks in milk ing stalls or were generally restless For high-quality cheese, cheese makers went by this mle of thumb “If you will have a good cheese and hav'n old, you must turn'n seven times before he is cold.” Successful dairy farmers knew, “Cheese and money should always sleep together one night ” (As in. payment comes before the cheese leaves the larder') The cow knows not what Iter tall is worth until she has lost it. ta For indoor arrangements, tulips fast longest If you har vest them when their color is visible and keep them cool. Sweet and Sour Strawberries 8 ounces cream cheese, > softened (not whipped style) 1 cup sour cresm 4 tablespoons honey 1 quart strawberries, rinsed 1/4 cup granulated sugar just slightly with the sugar, then pour over the sour Mix cream cheese, sour cieam mixtuie Garnish cream, and honey each serving with a whole together and letnger- strawberry ate for 24 hours, either in , Makes 6 servings. Morrison’s Cove Livestock Martinsburg, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Monday, May 26,2003 CATTLE: 103 HEAD. STEERS: CHOICE 79.00-82.25, GOOD 75.00-78.50. HEIFERS: CHOICE 78.00-81.00, GOOD 70.00-75.00. COWS; UTILITY AND COMMER CIAL 38.00-57.00, CANNER AND LOW CUTTER 15.00-35.00. BULLOCKS: GOOD & CHOICE 52.00- BULLS: YG+NI,4B.OO-57.00. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS 45.00- BULLS 40.00-60.00; HEIF ERS 45.00-55.00. as-Bas. individual custard cups or m a glass , serving bowl. When ' ready to serve, set aside six whole straw berries. mash the re maining strawberries CALVES: 72 HEAD. CHOICE AND GOOD 89.00-98.00, GOOD 75.00-85.00, STANDARD 25.00-45.00; HOLSTEIN BULLS 90-130 LBS. 80.00-135.00, HOL STEIN HEIFERS 90-130 LBS. 100.00-250.00. HOGS: 154. US+NI-2, 41.50-43.50; US +N 1-3,39.00-41.00. SOWS: US +NI-3 18.00-31.00. BOARS: 7.50-30.00. FEEDER PIGS; 25 HEAD. US +NI-3 20-50 LBS. 10.00-29.00. SHEEP: 8 HEAD. SPRING LAMBS, NO MKT. TEST, GOOD LAMBS, NO MKT. TEST, SLAUGHTER EWES 25.00-35.00. GOATS: 65.00-80.00. SLAUGHTER CATTLE: COWS, STRONG DEMAND! BREAKERS, BIG MIDDLE 45.00-50.00, BONERS 40.25-45.25, LEAN 34.00-44.00, SHELLY 33.00 AND DOWN; BULLS, HOSLTEIN 1170 LBS. 54.00. FEEDER CATTLE: FEEDER STEERS MED. AND LRGE. +N2 750-1005 LBS. 54.50-68.00, HOLSTEINS, DAIRY TYPES ALL WEIGHTS 54.50- FEEDER HEIFERS MED. AND LRGE. +N2 350-650 LBS. 64.00- FEEDER BULLS 550-950 LBS. 48.00-66.00. CALVES: RETURNING TO THE FARM. ACTIVE! HOLSTEIN BULLS +NI 95-125 LBS. 140.00-170.00, 80-90 LBS. 108.00-140.00, HOLSTEIN HEIF ERS +NI 75-125 LBS. 225.00-320.00. SWINE: HOGS US+NI-3 220-285 LBS. 38.00-41.50, 290-310 LBS. 32.50- HOGS US+N2-4 34.00-38.00; SOWS US + Nl-3 350-550 LBS. 25.50- BOARS OVER 450 LBS. 6.00, 200-285 LBS. 15.00-20.00; FEEDER PIGS BY THE LB. 20-55 LBS. 65.00- AS IS ROASTERS 125-200 LBS. 10.00-42.00. GOATS: BY THE HEAD NANNIES TO 86.00, FANCY KIDS 50.00-72.00, FLESHY KIDS 34.00-49.00, SMALL, THIN 18.00-33.00. LAMBS: GOOD AND CHOICE 35-60 LBS. 122.00-152.00, 60-100 LBS. 107.00- SHEEP AND YEARLINGS: ALL WEIGHTS 24.00-86.00. > OLD FARMER’S WEATHER. PROVERBS Gnats galore, screen the door. If the white chichweed blossoms are open, it will not rain for at least three hours, WEATUHR SB s Hurricane Season's Here! Record storms and other weather events in our full-color Weather Journal ($l4 95+ $4 95 S&H) To order, call 800 895-9265, ext 220, or visit our Web site wmalmanac .com/go/wufo3o6s. SALE EVERY TUBS., 5 P.M. FOR RABBITS, POULTRY, EGGS, 6 P.M. FOR LIVESTOCK, STARTING WITH CALVES; SPECIAL FED CATTLE SALE TUBS., JUNE 3; STATE GRAD ED FEEDER PIG SALE FRI., JUNE 20, RECEIVING 7:30 A.M.-10;30 A.M., SALE 1 P.M.; RED CARPET HORSE AND TACK SALE SAT., JUNE 21. RABBITS AND BUNNIES 1.00-11.75. RABBIT FAMILIES TO 33.00. CHICKENS 1.40-4.75. BANTIES 1.85-2.10 v PIGEONS 3.20-4.50. PHEASANTS 12.00-24.00. QUAIL 9.00. GUINEA PIGS 4.75. TURKEYS 11.00. DUCKS 3.00-7.75. GUINEAS 7.50-8.75. ALL ANIMALS SOLD BY THE HEAD. SALE STARTS 5 P.M. Carlisle Livestock Carlisle, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, May 27,2003 Small Animal Sale May 27,2003 k mm* * wdmw* a twilSlwA Tmjl&l MistlS tfJTKliAittlw HI-MAG [Agriculture Lime Spreading | HI-CAL v- M j£ ■ j* > Cash Discount Savings on Delivery Call Toll Free day and evening 1*800 # 724*3277 Serving PA. MD, Delmarva. NJ, NY & (LI) Dewart Livestock Dewart, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Monday, May 26,2003 STEERS: 60.00-72.50.' HEIFERS: 40.00-73.00. GOOD COWS: 35.00-46.00. CANNERS AND CUTTERS: 25.00-35.00. BULLS: 1 AT 57.50. VEAL: 90-190 LBS. 100.00-490.00; 70-90 LBS. 60.00-100.00. HOGS: 42.00-50.00. SOWS; 25.00-37.00. FEEDER PIGS: 20.00-52.50 PER HEAD. New Holland Dairy Sale New Holland Sales Stables Report Supplied by Auction Wednesday, May 28,2003 123 DAIRY COWS, 165 HEIFERS, 9 BULLS. MARKET STRONGER. LOCAL FRESH COWS 575.00- 2 AT 2000.00 AND 2050.00. LOCAL SPRINGERS 650.00-1475.00. BETTER FRESH COWS 1700.00- LARGE HEIFERS 1385.00-1460.00. SHORT BRED HEIFERS 675.00- OPEN BREDDING AGE HEIFERS 875.00- BULLS 250.00-725.00, PUREBREDS 475.00- HERD ALL STAGES 360.00-1100.00, FEW 1450.00-1550.00. UPSTATE LOADS FRESH 875.00- FRESH HEIFERS 585.00-1500.00, 1 AT 1600.00. SMALL HEIFERS 875.00-1285.00. SMALL OPEN HEIFERS 675.00- SMALLER OPEN HEIFERS 325.00- New Holland Horses New Holland Sales Stables Report Supplied by Auction Monday, May 26,2003 501 HEAD, MARKET STEADY. WORK HORSES 435.00-1150.00,1 AT 1575.00. DRIVING HORSES 485.00-800.00. RIDING HORSES 450.00-1125.00. REGISTERED RIDING 975.00-1650.00,1 AT 2000.00. BETTER RIDING 1325.00-1900.00. PONIES 285.00-610.00. LARGE PONIES 600.00-860.00, 2 AT 900.00 AND 1150.00. COLTS 225.00-500.00. REGISTERED COLTS 300.00-450.00. CATTLE 215...(PDA)..Compared with last week's sale...steers weaker on small small number of Choice steers, cows 1.00 to 3.50 higher. STEERS: Choice 1-3 1000-1475 lbs 78.00-83.50, Select 1-2 65.00-79.50, few Standard 1-2 53.00-65.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-3 1240-1455 lbs 72.75-76.75, few Choice 2-3 1245-1585 lbs 60.25-70.00, few Select 1-2 57.00-58.50, few Standard 1-2 52.75-56.00. HEIFERS: few Choice 1-3 1120-1240 lbs 79.00-82.50, few Select 1-2 70.00- few Standard 1-2 52.00- COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 47.50- Boners 80-85% lean 43.50- Lean 85-90% lean 38.00- Shells 37.50 and down. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1245-2295 lbs 57.00- Yield Grade 2 865-2045 lbs 52.00- FEEDER CATTLE; STEERS: few Large 2 300-475 lbs 53.00-61.00, few Me dium 2 600625 lbs 64.00; HEIFERS: Me dium 1-2 425-525 lbs 63.00-76.00; BULLS: few Medium 1-2 675-900 lbs 49.5063.00, few 400660 lbs 59.00-71.00. CALVES 85...VEALERS: couple Choice 190 & 210 lbs 98.00 & 115.00, Standard and Good 70-110 lbs 30.00- Utility 55-85 lbs 10.00-21.00. FARM CALVES: No 1 Holstein bulls 80-120 lbs 115.00-140.00, No 2 85-110 lbs 60.00- couple No 1 Holstein heifers 95 & 110 lbs 300.00, few No 2 75-125 lbs 100.00- Beef cross bulls and heifers 80-140 lbs 100.00- HOGS 37...8ARR0WS AND GILTS: 49-54% lean 250-270 lbs 48.00-48.50, few 45-50% lean 220-235 lbs 40.50-53.25. SOWS: few 1-3 335-630 lbs 20.00-24.00, couple Medium 345 lbs 19.00 & 23.50. BOARS: few 495-671 lbs 7.00-10.50. FEEDER PIGS 0...N0 MARKET TEST! * SHEEP 10... SLAUGHTER SHEEP: few 26.00-36.00. GOATS 7...(AU goats sold by the head with weights estimated). Kids: Selection 2 few 25-40 lbs 15.00-30.00. Nannies; one 55 lbs 25.00. Metal Roofing & Siding Since 1948 ym A.B. Martin Roofing Supply Why Pay More - For Less BUY DIRECT • WE MANUFACTURE Roofing & siding in the following Aluminum • Galvanized • Gaivalume 18+ Color Painted, #1  Material Low Prices - Fast Delivery, Free Literature Ephrata, PA 1-800-373-3703 Newville, PA 1-800-782-2712 (formerly Zimmerman Roofing) Rogers Community Auction, Inc. mm “where buyer and seller get together” KEN, BILL BAER AUCTIONEERS One half mile west of Rogers, Ohio on St. Rt. 154 330-227-3233 Tri State Area’s Largest Open Air Market open every Friday FREE PARKING • NO ADMISSION FEE CONSIGNMENT AUCTIONS Every Friday Furniture & misc 1 p.m. Produce & Eggs 5 p.-m. Poultry Bam 6 p.m. FIRST TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH FARM EQUIPMENT CONSIGNMENT AUCTION 1 p.m. Miscellaneous auction 4 p.m. Garden tractor auction 5 p.m. Firewood 6 p.m. Farm Machinery EVERY Wednesday 1 p.m. Hay & Grain Auction FAMILY OWNED AND MANAGED SINCE 1955 Mercer Livestock Auction Mercer, Pa. May 27,2003 Report Supplied By PDA
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