Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 31, 2003, Image 1
Vol. 48 N0.,23 5/ Pennsylvania Dairy Princess Raechel Kilgore criss crosses the state promoting the dairy industry. The Kilgores are typical of similar farm families who will be featured in our June Dairy Issue next week. In cluded will be family farm features, breed and asso ciation news and highlights, and other great reading for our dairy families. Turn to page B 2 for more about the Kilgores, who have a long history of in volvement in community and farm leadership activi ties. Monsours Receive First Pa. Business/Agricultural Loan LINDA WILLIAMS Bedford Co. Correspondent BEDFORD (Bedford Co.) Jack and Kathy Monsour, Bed ford, have received the first agri culture-related business loan in Pennsylvania. e Longtime sheep farmers in the rolling-hilled Dutch Comer area, Jack and Kathy have a flock of 1,000 North Country Cheviots. The Monsours purchased their first farm 12 years ago, complete with a turn-of-the century farm house. When buying the land, they agreed to allow the owner to , r emain in the house for 10 years. At the end of the decade, Eithy was ready to move into ac •n, turning the house into a va tion home known as The Sil Conservation Efforts Prove Successful At Diversified Schertel Farm From left: Mark, Marie, and George Schertel host a farm tour highlighting the many conservation measures completed during the past year on their Lynn Township farm. houette. It offers a picturesque view of their sheep dotted fields, a spacious lawn, and a hot tub where one can view the stars and listen to the restful sounds of baaing sheep. Inside, Kathy’s meticulous housekeeping habits have created an elegant but very practical en vironment. Helped in their agricultural ventures by their two sons. Jack son and Burt, the Monsours offer a variety of entertainment for their guests. Since the home is centrally located on the farm, guests can watch not only the sheep but the Border Collie and Great Pyrenees dogs at work. (Turn to Page A3l) Four Sections Pictured is Blair Minnich, Annville, leading yearling “Iron Princess,” one of his racing string. One of Minnich’s mares has been in the spotlight lately as her son, Peace Rules, has gained national recognition. See story page Al 9. Photo by Michelle Kunjappu Wolff Names New Farm Show Team HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) Pennsylvania Agriculture Secretary Dennis Wolff an nounced Wednesday the appoint ment of a new management team to oversee the operations of the Farm Show Complex in Harris burg. Wolff named Bill L. Wehry of Klingerstown, Schuylkill County, as deputy secretary; Edward L. Nielsen of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, as Farm Show director; and Larry R. Weaver of New Holland, Lancaster County, as chief of the Show Management Division. “The addition of these three DEANNA CUNFER Carbon Co. Correspondent NEW TRIPOLI (Lehigh Co.) Members of the fanning com munity recently visited the 100-acre Lynn Township farm of Mark, Marie, and George Scher tel, where they saw firsthand sev eral examples of how producers can benefit from the efforts and cooperation of agencies that pro vide programs to help protect and improve conservation mea sures. Former dairy producers from Montgomery County, the Scher tels purchased their property in 1955 and moved to the farm in 1960, where they raise beef cattle, hogs, com, small grains, and hay. The farm is situated on the rolling hills of western Lehigh County in an area where some of Saturday, May 31,2003 experienced managers to the Farm Show team will strengthen and complement an already strong Bureau of Farm Show,” Wolff said. “Together, we will continue to improve the quality of shows and events hosted by this world-class facility.” As deputy secretary, Wehry will have responsibility for the Bureau of Farm Show and other bureaus within the agriculture department. Wehry is an owner/partner of Meadow Creek Farms, Schuylkill County, where he developed a knowledge of the livestock and crops industries. those rolling hills can be quite steep. The lay of the land is ideal for running a beef cow-calf oper ation utilizing the steeper slopes for pasture for their 70 head of crossbred cattle. The Schertel family also has a farrow-to-finish swine operation, and although the family hopes to incorporate conservation mea sures in the swine operation in the future, they knew their priori ty was to improve and protect the stream that runs through their property and pastureland. Initially the Schertels con tacted the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in 1997 about the Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) but were not selected. They kept trying every year and were finally selected for the pro- $37.00 Per Year Wehry has worked toward the advancement of federal farm pol icy and the implementation of farm programs in Pennsylvania. He has served six years on the USDA Farm Service Agency State Committee, including four years as chairman. He is also a member of the Schuylkill/Carbon County Farm Bureau, Pennsyl vania Farm Bureau, Pennsylva nia Farmer’s Union, the Schuyl kill County Board for Farmland Preservation, and the Pennsylva nia Pork Producers Council. Nielsen brings more than 20 (Turn to Page A3O) gram in 2001. Once they were no tified of their selection, everyone the Schertel family and various agencies worked together to get the project up and going. The Schertels wanted to take (Turn to Page A2l) */ Update on BSE, page A2B. Fair Happenings page A 32. 1/ Pa. Holstein Calendar page A2B. $l.OO Per Copy