SS9UNBI Grower^ A J3^l.£Ur JCCtCKi^wßy Community Supported Agriculture In Full Swing At Fulton Farm DAVE LEFEVER Lancaster Farming Staff CHAMBERSBURG (Franklin Co.) Chambers burg-area residents who want fresh, locally grown food can find it just about all year long at Fulton Farm on the campus of Wilson College. Customers buy seasonal shares in the community sup ported agriculture (CSA) op eration and receive a weekly supply of “certified naturally grown” vegetables in return. “Certified naturally grown” is a relatively new designation, Have A Place For A Pond? Here Are A Few Points To Consider Before Taking The Dive MICHELLE KUNJAPPU Lancaster Farming Staff BRICKERVILLE (Lancas ter Co.) Perhaps it is that comer of the yard that could use a new look. Maybe it is the section of the deck that would lend itself to an added attraction. Possibly it is the appeal of having colorful fish and throaty, croaking frogs on the property. Whatever the reason, home Putting Water To Work Fish Hatchery Finds Opportunity In Niche Market MICHELLE KUNJAPPU Lancaster Farming Staff MERCERSBURG (Frank lin Co.) If any other farm family would see that 300 of their acres are under water, they would call it a disaster. For some operations, how ever, land under water is the necessary element to grow the operation’s cash crop: fish. At Mount Parnell Fisheries, Incorporated, the fish saved by their flashy colors and translucent fins are not headed for