A. 44-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 19, 2003 E-X-P-A-N-D-A-B-L-E Yes, spring to haul livestock wastes. And you can see, this Slurrystore® is full! A nice feature about the Slurrystore is expandability. This livestock operator can add a ring or two for more storage to accommodate present needs. SERVICE DEPOTS: Everett, PA Berlin, PA Neenrille, PA 814-652-2934 800-434-3308 717-776-3397 Frank Samuel, Jr., Mgr. Joe Slmpeon, Mgr. Maynard McCullough, Mgr. Tha raanlta yon may aehlm with your Banaatora* Syatam dapand primarily upon your nanafaaMnt •* nto •»« “J »*7 from ancceiifdl raanlta achiavad by operation raqnlraa tha adrica ot qnaimad axparta and la anbjact to llmltatlona o t good management, weather or other caodfrloea praaant at tha Indlridnel location. Baraaatora la a «•** ( ered Storage Prodaeta Co. Belleville, PA 800-310-9333 'Up we all know how difficult YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT AUTHORIZED HARVESTORE® SYSTEMS DEALER P.O. BOX 7 • NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 • 717-354-4051 • E-MAIL; pennjers@ptd.net '•r.. :*k Think About It! PENN JERSEY PRODUCTS, INC. ,„ i * '■jt ** \<\ * x s v H '-- *' N •*-> *• * \> * \ s it was this winter and V s * * ~s> Coliunbae, NJ 609-298-7136 Cbarlee Van Mater, Mgr. '* > > * In Maryland 800-354-4052