Al4-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 1,2003 Philadelphia Herbs was steady from 75 00-80.00; truck was East fluid Milk Milk from the parts of the Northeast has Wytheville Weekly Philadelphia rcrminal 300 ,ow cr to 5.00 higher from And fream D Pv ipiv 1,6611 and is clearin 8 to Canadian cheese r„ff| p Prices as of February 26,2003 80 00-87.00, Crude Corn Oil was 50 makers. This need for milk began to de- Report Supplied By USD A P oints l,)wcr from 28 00-29 00 cents per V ,1 Vel ° P aft6r the r6C6nt WTO rul,ng a B ainst Richmond, Va. MISC HERBS-ANISE. V. ctns CA 24s P™" d February 26,2003 Canada and its dairy product exporting Febrnary 26,2 12 00 -ARRUGULA: 4/5 buerts bchd FL MILLFEEDS. Northwest was 4.00 Report Supphcd by USDA programs. This milk moving north .s „ * tp " r ' Wvthcville 24s 7.00-8.00 ctns bchd FL 24s 8.00 TX higher to 6.00 lower from 64 00-68.00, ° f6 ' a « 11 ™’ d ° lldrs h6lp,ng at some f“d’ 24s few 13 00 4lb ctns CA Baby type Buffalo 2.00 to 5.00 h.gher from P la " ,s R e P«rts md.cate that Canada's Feb. 25 - FEEDER head. , d aq nn un * Northeast. 1.2180-1.3195 Delivered need or desire for U.S milk will be ongo- Prices per hundredweight, based on in 14 00-BASIL: erts bchd FLISs 12.00 ctns 68.00-75.00 per ton. Equivalent. Atlanta. 1.2180-1.3398 mostly mg weights fe :™ 2 Ti kgCt " S To,6d( ; °, hl ° 1 - 2383 - 1 - 2 * BB ' The condensed sktm market is steady. STEERS; 25 head. Med./Lge. 1. bchd IS 12s 11.00-13.00 -CELERIAC dehydrated was steady at p RICES 0 F CONDENSED SKIM, but some plants did have more than de- 200 300 lb 88-111000- 300-400 lb 104.00; (CELERY ROOT); OFFERINGS IN- 179 00-180.00; meal steady from do „ars per lb. wet solids, F. 0.8. produc- sued. Demand was steady to slower. Re- ™| h 86-93(K) 5()0-600 lb 69-76.00; SUFFICIENT TO QUOTE -CHIVES. 1 182.50-183.50. 15 percent pellets steady , ng p i ants: Northeast: Class 11, includes ports of some distressed loads clearing to «i/i. 7 nn , h 7450. 700-800 lb 70.00. Med./ kg ctns bchd IS 12s 18.00-CILANTRO: from 172.00-180.00 per ton; meal steady monthly formula prices; .9000-.9800; the Midwest were noted. , -1 , uttl mg, as best they can, inventories of fin- DAIRY PRODUCTS PRICES HIGH- dnd M,ddle A,lantlc areas - Sch "°l and ,shed products. Chui ming activity remains Corn Belt Feedstuff " GHTS busmess clos,„gs are common m the heavy at those plants that are producing. uuill dch I ccusiuu ,r-a r» jr urban areas, but travel m outlying areas is -Z'SIMB* St. Joseph, Mo. ' prices receive or hampered by ice and snow covered roads February 25. 2003 p01,,1d Bl «*' d ' 6rdged $ ’ 16 p °!i nd Though not as bad as last week’s storms, StaUlitOU Weekly Report Supplied By USD \ tor the week ending February 15 The p] dnt receipts and farm pick-ups were de- Feeder Cattle Shlg s adm nr 1 t rrmcTi tr rr- 1* if price per pound increased 0 3 cents from r r 1 r ■ C GUN BFIT FFF-DSTUF F Feedstuff \ ' r (f , __ 4k laved in a large portion of the Last. Hot- Richmond, Va. . ~ f . the previous week The price for US 500 prices were steadv to firm for the week as ' ' tied milk sales were good in most areas I ebruarv 24, 2003 supplies tightened in some places after l >oun drrc s a t 0 percent u here forecasts of snow did cause some Report Supplied By USDA the holiday shutdowns Demand wasn’l averaged $1 07 per pound, down retdl , panlc buvlll g WEFKI Y AUCTION at Staunton, all that actiye this week but export sales *" lCn r ' m PrC IOU ' eC Milk production is steady to slightly Peb FEFDFR CATTIF 380 head B| HUTTFR prices received for 2S kilo- . . ' / J:. ... showed some nnpiovcmcnl for soybeans ., 0 , . . ~C IX4 higher in the southern-most areas Flon- Prices per hundred- F gram and 68 pound boxes meeting USDA . , . A . . 1 . C old weather has returned to the Midwest ( , rddc AA s(andards tUera( , c . d $1 ()4 pcr da " "“‘P l * ls increasing slowly and ban- weight, based on m with many areas rccc.vmg up to a toot or d f()r , he wctk endl Fcbrudr , 5 dld ha ' c mu ' e ™ lk ~ut “ f ROOf SYStCITIS/ more of snow This was a blessing in oyei- VhrllS „r„P nrr nn.mrl I 7 tor processing Some handlers in the Mid- FFF D F R IWWI jpiCUIW ly dry areas where weather concerns aa m „ s previous week South wem busy wath the logistics of milk STEERS 300 head Painting* COBting starting to atfcct the futures markets NONFAT MIK nn m l„r movement in the storm- affected areas Med./Lge 1-400-500 1 au,u,l 6 VUCIIUIS SOV BF AN MFAI 48 percent rail was and tanker sa es Let ngUhDA arc r6 P l > rt6d ' hc lb 85-95 50. 500-600 All TVpeS InteriOf/Extenor Painting & Coating 200 higher from 180 50-181 SO 48 per- l H "T 1 ’"T T ,b BS - 93 ’ 35 ’ 6,, °- 700 SpCCial-zing in - 1 1 Mia suauc 01 UJI n cjiauc n sianuaius poits ol a cheese plant shutting down two 18 70-80 65-700-800 cent truck was steady to 300 higher from aycraged 81 0 cents per pound toi the „r three days this week because of the de- ( b 70-80.75 • Spray Painting ‘Hand Painting 180 50-189 50 per ton week ending February Is The U S price prC ssed price and demand for cheese FFEDFR HFIF- • Water Blasting ‘Water PiOOfing CORN BY-PRODUCTS Gluten Feed per pound decreased 0 1 cents from the pushed increased surplus milk volumes ER s go head • Deck Restoration & Coating l ™;' 7 ' , oo r r r H l>,,,nts Wds , st r ,d , v pr nRY whfx .fr h P I supply,ng pldn,s ° ,h6r plants Med /Lge' 1- 400-500 . stone & Brick Restoration from 62 00-72 00, Chicago was steady to DRY WHE\ prices received for bag, have little or no receipts on some days .u 70,7 c ■><:' sOO-600 DfDf f c r 100 higher from 62 00-73 00 60 percent tote and tanker sales meeting USDA and only moderate amounts on others. |h 72-75 7*s' *KOOt Restoration & Coating Cilutcn Meal, Interior Points was steady Lxtra Grade standards averaged 164 Liquid Applied Roof Systems to 100 higher (rom 230 00-235 00, Cluca- <-cnts per pound for the week ending Fch- | ™ I * Seamless -Cure-m-plaCe - Cold PrOCCSS go steady trom 23500-24200 pci ton uia| > 13 The u s price per pound de- CONESTOGA VALLEY LIME No Flame - Renewable - Leak Prooi Rail Hominy Feed. ( c-ntral Illinois Points ceased 0 1 cents from the previous week. . _ *No Need tO Tear Off Old Roof Systems HI-MAG [[Agriculture Lime Spreading || HI-CAL * Coating to Cool Roof - /SXyjtfQl fiodenl Tfjcks END! .. r *' C ' de , . - 1M ]|_ --r * Metal ' Flat-Asphalt - EPDM - Modified Plli nn For the Control of T We have the right Product & Solution to Solve For The Control Of j, "kT n ‘ Starlings & Blackbirds your Roofing Problems •Starlings • Pigeons Kills Rats & Mice ' Less Diseases ■HBmBBBHHBHHHI Ten year manufacturer Warranties Available •Sparrows ‘Crows 6ib Bucket Saves Feed Cash Discount Savings on Dcliveiy fanifnl Paitifincr S 0 *39.95.56 oo s*H' 33 Lb. Pail Call Toll Fiee day and evening Sy refill llllg 5 lbs. for 299 Rat & Mouse Bait Available f V2^ sftonn 1«800*724‘3277 /W 717«768*0979 +6oo s&h 89.QQ Serving PA. MD, Delmarva, NJ. NY & (LI) These Pesticides have restricted Blain Supply use. MUST HAVE Current RRI, Box 837, Blain, PA 17006 Applicator’s License. 717*536*3861 or 717*536*3933 njgl _ mKm " ' BPeouea* . IMTtNNknONkC urn* ALUMINUM GRAIN BODIES jSmmim ** -cO A u.-,,, 6 ALUMINUM REPAIRS by /I'MSkVJ/ DS>laß „ wn OIL ' en^SL-/ J > KIiNAN HH&&1 ■ 3E special J tosusaz ("BETTER-BILT”) Sae.3o - 15W40 $137.99/ GEHL No Matter IvIR&B X.TsZnL IjSja Where You Are - CORN PLANTERS A&lTe" ffßufrs RllllvO You’re Never P II &GRAIN CARTS l==l ITlffn rou re rxeyer These ultra-light bodies are designed for strength —— Too Far. through engineering, not strength with bulk. For x/iaMlharlo liKSei 0 jiter I Your Parts Arc I example, a 16’ grain body with tailgate and 48” sides H HARL ° weighs only 1490 lbs, complete. We II build you any length or any side height up to 60". Machinery sates Also available: Eg __ RINKLET^HURST • Double swinging hay • Diamond flooring (UpS) re<* x Monday-Friday 7amto s pm hauling tailgate • Pull out panel tailgates BKOSaiilu. Saturday 7am to Noon _ r ~ . . . w After Hours Emeraencies • Barn d°or type tailgate • Any size gram chute Mb TBT um.itsu ernmnaAm • Slide out cattle chutes ___ (717)626-5159 - » • 7*OaO ,< l7U!> Sun. Closed - Lord's Day HEWEY WELDING r We can communicate with you by phone 1-800-414-4705, I I 1045 Wampler Rd. Lebanon, PA 17042 (717)867-5222 fax 717-626-0996 and e-mail