SPECIAL 2003 PFGC WINTER NEWSLETTER Virginia Gmzitr hom jSxsssm tsz**&£Z Tk*.«-as« ~rC£P«» *»* ttt^Sfass SIS wwli Onw ffcM H> RMen »d jjj* gonwito «n» Sjr*j owe ojeiefc 10 ttyM««ief*a «o«r»are oewflK of noottoßf*- CL|,|fIHIBWI" »m Mtnil md joukhM until {HUM w* ». _, fjrtjff ttwi l?V** * M nSjfjy i**** **» *g,!sSfa« **«««* ££,, 10 poottoi *>"»**• , to m. v*«h* 2jSs?fl§S »SSS ' ,|S^I ..^ST*****» * «—»*■*•• . «—■*« * •"rg.rtlg j&lftAS -*£,.*,*,**«- PP^arsSss JT.Vrt ’ g3tfS* •sjez.ZSStSST*' •MW*** MW «w*w ”5 * (TitoltolNwW tn«Mo' •>•*'■■*' SttKSSSt ST—— — Drought Year tehigh Hay Hay-Hmdii-g sggSß SsfJlt «fe 55; £3ssS2« ac- r «frf” aisjssar sasar-* ~regn« sa&t»s ““ ' k “ •* ~ ...itortnte Mimthw d* «■■■* . •* A. ——wmiß ■»*» v***r *** *? ** hbihHlHll^^^h *• M(t «c w>fc sq«*^ SwMfewf** _lp4 Im ***** «■> •* **•■* _»tk, j^atiMl ppSBS 'SSSSs p «t--is s?.wss?s (woa **•*» »• gSw» wTto|3>»'w to to* Ttort H«r Stow •• *» -Miin k r«m~T —**'* *%?£%intokototMrk S^wwto^J»g» saSwsstf £rsp;ppi pspppS gSsracs sisnafpc ---•••• si STk •:?<<•»-■ I** 1 * u. i,iw»,fi»w***«fs (fto* to tototoWi 1 *AT?S sarssppw." p —J i&M'wa: 1 S-Ss-SS twh mho'*”*; SBC MtoW«*<»**.tkiw wmmtm .•gfgw wumik, iww ■*'■».*££ SLi,wtw«to.«* SW»#»<«.*» I *~rwSina *■»» jMfffJg w» . —>» t” 1 -* 1 "* *T. w«r «»*« atotot*?* J?TS *dkfc|tow>«*»» , *« , * 1,1- » SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 ISSUE Pennsylvania Forage and Grassland Council FORAGING AROUND ndustry, Farmer, Scientist Working Together Toward a Sounder Grassland Program ’ Tennvl*** **•* and t * mUU ' d * GRACING AROUND Inuslaml Program’ 2I?r®K3HBI Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 8, 2003-C3 • Research Reports on How to Overcome Drought. Project Grass information. Feature on Award- Winning Cattle on Grazing System. Preview of Forage Conference in Grantville (March 5-6). Calendar Meeting items PFGC, AFGC News. ADVERTISER PLAN NOW TO RESERVE YOUR AD SPACE FOR THIS SPECIAL SECTION OF LANCASTER FARMING CALL 717-721-4416 NOW! ADVERTISING DEADLINE: Feb. 13