special 2003 PFGC WINTER NEWSLETTER SStfl^tSS^ssasa Srls -Wc.l. £3ESrS Ss 8 * 5 * 3 "SssSSs^BSM. w SSS s^JL?£rs*l^ ,«gg«sf a «££&&&£ argagßj, fe&a 2%HS SSss*. sSSsH®^^ sraSjwns .yetwas s|b“*~;. afagsa.«asaSg •«Sw&»'.*:.rfJr-* fiSSSks esasSSSfatacssag Sn| «KSS ”2^-WBS&*ar *•—-•*■ *T*V, Kws Delivering In Pwigrt V*” - K'-morter «a^_ =Ss-~“ rL Saasawss -sr*3 gbrSatsc ,Mv «r «•» a** ■Bn fifcpfa ■ ‘ r[ll JSSSSSAt SSS.**-**"**’ *wStoSpTStffc 1 * 12S55S^*'***''* **S! il-ili i. MiM tffisSaSlff! JK3MSJSS srisas su;tf«si»3s *-sSsas jam,*.** SSSSt •.srt,2t£ SSJTIS , ?U3«SS» TrS?S5#^!^SS mm <■** *<—* ™*"r* ** ***** ■/ tom ?»««» •*• «■■ !<«*«« • [— 'SSSS —~*ar srjsa4**S SSswS SSwft? — —— SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 ISSUE Pennsylvania Forage and Grassland Council FORAGING AROUND ndustry, Farmer, Scientist - Working Together Toward a Sounder Grassland Program ’ Pennsylvania Forage and Grassland Council mjmtim OR AGING AROUND VW imsbmd Program’ Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 8, 2003-B Research Reports on How to Overcome Drought. Project Grass information. Feature on Award- Winning Cattle on Grazing System. Preview of Forage Conference in Grantville (March 5-6). Calendar Meeting items PFGC, AFGC News. ADVERTISER PLAN NOW TO RESERVE YOUR AD SPACE FOR THIS SPECIAL SECTION OF LANCASTER FARMING CALL 717-721-4416 NOW! ADVERTISING DEADLINE: Feb. 13