TECHNOLOGY THAT YIELDS ® /$\ dfTjfc YGCB = Contains the YlsldGard' Corn Bnrer gene. ) Pioneer® brand com hybrids with the Yield Gard Corn Borer gene. Dinm™® cllhlM , , ho uB ' Yield Gard and the Yield Gard Corn Borer Design are trademarks used under PIONEER® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of y iiauomama u»uu unuci purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents Pioneer is a brand license from Monsanto Company name, numbers |denl|fy vanet|es and H products SM TM Trademarks and servlce PIfIIUFPD marks, registered or applied for, of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc, Des Moines, ■ IWI si tbl% ® lowa, USA© 2002 PHII 3072 9 A Dup ONT COMPANY Time After Time, Their Success Included Pioneer, brand Hybrids Congratulations to these Winners in the National Corn Growers Association Corn Yield Contest Record-Setting 442.13 Bu/A, Francis Childs, Manchester, IA d Monitor ’O2 a complete look at NCGA results, www. pioneer, com/yield.