3.76 Ac wooded, zoned Village/ residential, possible 8 lot subdivision, $79,900 4.76 Ac zoned Light industrial/ commercial, $79,900 1-800-618-7433 Ask for Bob FARM FOR SALE ‘ The piopcily is being offued foi sale to those individuals Faim Stivice Agency (FSA) eonsidcis to bt quilificd beginning lanneis and all pievailing tlaimanls m the civil action PuJok! is Van man qualified beginning ianncis who aie pievailing claimants will be given first pnontv considei idon in (he puichasc of (his piopcily If moic (ban one beginning faimei who is a pievailing claimant submits an application pnonty within this group will be dctummed by lottciv Qualified beginning tui meis must he in need of I SA ciedil assistance eithei in the foim of diiccl FSA financing 01 m FSA guaianteed loan Foi othci icqmiemcnls ami infoimahon on how to qualitv as a beginning farmer you mav contact voui local FSA office ' LOCATION: Peach Bottom Township Voik County Pennsylvania at 218 Aubel Road. Della. PA 90 92 acie geneial farm (former dairy faun) no dwelling mobile home m poor condition free stall dairy bani/loafing shed/milkmg pailor/milk house all m poor condition without equipment 76x76 commodity shed m good condition 20\60 concrete silo in fan condition manuie lagoon olhei outbuildings in poor condition Dany would requnc substantial icnovation to bung back into pioduction 60 tillable aucs on gently sloping land good pioductive soils with the balance m pastuie and woodland Farm enrolled in C lean A. Cneen SELLING PRICE AND TFRMS: $290 000 non negotiable The maximum amount ot tinanung that can be provided as an FSA Duecl Faun Ownciship loan is $2OO 000 at 5 0 1 ' ( oi 5 sr/r5 r /r (subject to change! with a tcirn up to 40 years An FSA Guaranteed Farm Ownership loan with higher limits ma> be able thiough youi local lendci Financing is available from FSA toi those who quality and depending on the availability ot funds Buyei is icsponsible lor ill customai} closing tees and must pay the 2 C A nanster taxes Pioperly may not be sued toi any purpose that will conmbute to excessive erosion ot Highly Erodiblc 1 and or to the conveision ot wetlands to produce an agncultural commodity The propcit) will be sold subject to a deed testnction that requnes the puichasei, it thcie is any futuie plans loi land development including construction activity, to have the project reviewed by the State Histone Preservation Officei (SHPO) The Pennsylvania SHPO can be contacted at the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Buieau toi Historic Preservation, Commonwealth Keystone Building 2nd Flooi 400 North Stieet Hamsburg. PA 17120 009$ oi calling 717 78$ 8946 This testnction is due to the high piohahiiity ol aichcological resources on the {arm BEGINNING FARMERS aie detmed as applicants who have not operated a laim toi moic than 10 yeais hut must have paiticipated m the business opciations ol a farm or lanch toi at least three yeais The applicant must quality toi and need at least some FSA assistance through a direct oi guaianteed loan The farmei must operate the farm attei loan closing The applicant must operate a tamily size farm and have sufficient management experience to qualify tor FSA direct or guaianteed financing The applicant must not own more than $O% of the average faim acieage in York County ($8 4 acies) at the lime of application There is other eligibility criteria also OFFERS MUST BE IN WRITING ON Form FmHA 1955-45 “Standard Sales Contract; Sale of Real Property by the United States”, and Form FSA 4)0-1 “Request for Direct Loan Assistance” and received no later that 4:30 pm January 31, 2003 at the following address Faim Service Agency, 120 Pleasant Acres Road, York, PA 17402 8987 Receipt of offers aftei that date will not be given consideration The Government reseives the right to cancel the sale at any lime and the right to reject any or all bids and/or applications INSPECTION OF PROPERTY: The Farm Seivice Agency will hold an open house at the piopeity on January 9, 200$ from 10 00 am to I 00 pm and Januaiy 15, 2003 from 1 00 pm to 3 00 pm FOR MORE INFORMATION: Additional information on loan eligibility criteria and a loan application package are available from the Farm Service Agency (FSA) at 120 Pleasant Acres Road, York, PA 17402-8987 The phone nunibei is (717) 755 2966 x 2 The Federal Equal Credit Opportunity Act prohibits cieditors from discriminating against credit applicants on the basis of race, color, religion, national ongm, sex, marital status, or age (pro vided the applicant has the capacity to enter into a binding contract), because all or part of the applicant's income derives from any public assistance program or because the applicant has in good faith exercised any right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act The Federal agency that administers compliance with this law is the Fedeial Tiade Commission Equal Credit Opportunity, Washington, DC 20580 If you believe that you have been discriminated against for any of the reasons stated above, you may file a complaint with the Director, Office of Civil Rights, United States Department of Agriculture, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue S W , Washington, DC 20250-9410 PRETTY “DAIRY OF DISTINCTION” FARM: The land heie is well-improved, like ev erything else 2SO acres with 240 tillable Many hedgeiows removed to cicate huge fields twin hip tool hams mi hide mam bam with SI ties on 2" pipeline and mats Connected to it is a 40x80 barn with 14 ties and vacuum line IS call stalls plus box stalls Pat/ deaneis, spieadei sheds and mow conveyois m each bam 20x70 Haivestoi plus 20\70 )oi i)M( laimMastei IMR mixei 4Sx9O Motion building with 14x20 doors I xliemel> neat and well-decoialed uica 1870 s home with modem kitchen and ceiamic llooied baths llaidwoocl and plank lloois SAI avail able \I nm \out wile will appieciale 5770 000 MORT WIMPLE ASSOCIATES Real Estate Sales - Management 1-Rl 1 ( \l l O>)UU! oxJ actions, ex Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 21,2002-D5l ; o^oo It is with a deep feeling of gratitude that we greet our friends and pray that the Blessings of the Father’s most precious gift be yours this wondrous holiday. /* •! •*% r-3,“ ‘ /' I/O///' /)af/ i o//(/ac. . //(/// a// f//e m/m/H f/af /oa/v// f/e //o///e am/ t/oif/ss' f/os John Mattiho Home (717) 464-SWd farm Real I slate Saks Professional Knou k du. ■+ Si \\ u e + Ink iil\ - IVitoiin UK k u u p il unis null iml (.mu for full listing