Oklahoma Feeder Cattle Weekly Oklahoma City, OK December 11, 2002 Report Supplied By USDA OKI AHOMA NATIONAL STOCK YARDS, Weekly Cattle Summary Steers over 600 lbs and heifers over 500 lbs steady to 2 00 higher; lighter weight calves weak. Demand good for all classes. Demand much improved from feedlot buyers for heavyweight calves as calves become thinner and longer termed weaned. Supply of true yearling feeders remains light. Receipts this week 11,520; last week 9095; last year 13,029. Supply consisted of 52% yearlings and calves over 600 lbs; 45% calves; 3% cows and bulls. Heifers comprised 42% of feeder & calf supply. Prices follow with weighted average weight and price in parenthesis. FEEDER STEERS; Medium and Large 1; CALVES: 300-400 (350 lbs) LIVESTOCK FUTURES MARKET Chicago Mercantile Exchange Wednesday, December 11, 2002 Choice Steers Choice Feeders Today WkAgo Today WkAgo 73 825 75 625 D 02 J 02 F 03 Mr 03 Apo3 77 375 78 600 My 03 77 925 79 325 71 850 72 750 Jno3 Jl 03 Au 03 70 350 71 300 S 03 0 03 N 03 D 03 71 500 72 300 We Specialize in Building f Remodeling f and Automating Dairy Facilities... 2 5 lbs) 158 18-17000, wtdavg price 16030. 18,774 head, 65-75 lbs (avg 72 1 lbs) 157 79-187 02, wtd avg price 163 84, 4,118 head, 75-89 lbs (avg 78 3 lbs) 156 96-169 00, wtd avg price 161 68 1M PORTED. 352 head. 70 71 lbs (avg 70 2 lbs) 164 00 -feWt* 1 Vermeer Manufacturing Co. PUR