Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 09, 2002, Image 5
National Turkey Market At A Glance Ob Moines, lowa November 6,2002 Report Supplied By USD A DOMESTIC MARKET HIGH LIGHTS; DOMESTIC MARKET HIGH LIGHTS: The market tone on frozen 8-16 lb hens was mixed with lighter weights steady to firm, balance steady to fully steady, toms 16-24 lb fully steady. Trad ing remains on the light side with most sales for prompt deliveries. Demand light. Supplies of both fresh and frozen mixed. Bulk parts and meats trading was light. Demand selective. EXPORT MARKET HIGHLIGHTS: Trading light and centered on light vol umes of thigh meat for export. Demand was slow to moderate from Mexico and centered on tom drums. Eastern Region Whole Young Turkeys Des Moines, lowa November 1,2002 Report Supplied By USD A WHOLE YOUNG TURKEYS, FRO ZEN, Consumer Sizes, Commodity Pack or Equivalent, US Grade A, cents per lb, delivered (minimum of 10,000 lb lots) for Nov. 1: CURRENT SHIPMENTS: Eastern Re gion: HENS, 8-16 lb FROZEN: Offers 64-72; Sales 64-70, wtd. avg. price 67.50; 160.000 lbs. TOMS, 16-24 lb FROZEN: Offers 56-62; Sales 56-60, wtd. avg. 59.38; 520.000 lbs. FRESH TURKEYS, with timers or equivalent, US Grade A delivered first re ceivers, Eastern Region, cents per lb, week of Nov. 4. HENS (8-16 lb): Sales (Promotions In cluded): 74.27; 55,000 lb; Not Included; 74.27, 55,000 lbs. TOMS (16-24 lb): Sales (Promotions Included): 68.04, 28,000 lbs.; Not Included; 68.04,28,000 lbs. Northeast Broiler Fryer Parts Part n ATLANTA, GA. November 6,2002 Report Supplied By USDA ICE PACKED BROILER/FRYER PARTS, DELIVERED TO FIRST RE CEIVERS IN POOL TRUCKLOT AND TRUCKLOT QUANTITIES, CENTS PER POUND CURRENT NEGOTIAT ED WTD VOLUME ITEM TRADING AVG /LBS BREAST - B/S 120 127.24 184,710 TENDERLOINS 105 105.65 50,400 BREAST - WITH RIBS 64-65 73.37 151,160 BREAST - LINE RUN 64 64.08 85,600 LEGS 31-32 34.25 132,040 LEG QUARTERS (BULK) 17-18 17.76 440,113 DRUMSTICKS 21-22 25.75 122,120 THIGHS 20-21 32.73 48,120 B/S THIGHS 62-63 62.64 43,640 WINGS (WHOLE) 40-41 44.71 140,920 BACKS AND NECKS (STRIPPED) 10-12 11.82 49,840 LIVERS (5 POUND TUBS) 30-35 32.78 10,600 GIZZARDS (HEARTS) 55-60 63.1617,520 INCLUDES NEW YORK CITY MET ROPOLITAN AREA, NORTHERN NEW JERSEY, MASSACHUSETTS, CONNECTICUT, RHODE ISLAND, AND PENNSYLVANIA (NORTHEAST OF HARRISBURG). National Egg Market At A Glance Atlanta, Ga. November 6,2002 Report Supplied By USDA In Chicago, prices were slightly higher on mediums and unchanged on the heavy weighted eggs. Elsewhere, prices were un changed. The market tone was steady. Demand was light to good, best where features were present. Supplies were ade quate to fully ade quate. Breaking stock offerings were suffi cient to fully sufficient for the light demand. Light type hens were fully adequate for re duced processing schedules. HAY, STRAW & GRAIN SALE , Every Thursday at 12 NOON Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. (Rt. 30, Paradise, PA) For more information (717) 442-4181 (7t7) 768-8204 Eastern Redon Miscellaneous Poultry Atlanta, GA. November 1,2002 Report Supplied By USDA EASTERN REGION MISCELLANE OUS POULTRY FOR CURRENT DE LIVERY for week of Oct. 28. DUCKLINGS: Prices negotiated by first receivers, US Grade A, 4-5 pounds, delivered in trucklot and pool trucklot quantities: LONG ISLAND—Frozen 140; Fresh 146. MIDWEST—Frozen 122-126; Fresh—l 23-127. ROASTERS; Prices negotiated by first receivers, US Grade A and Plant Grade, 5 pounds and up, delivered: ICE PACKED (12 per box) 49-60 mostly 52-57. VACU UM PACKED (6-9 per box) 60-85 mostly 63-73. SQUABS: New York Wholesale Prices, Frozen, Plant Grade, dollars per dozen, 1 to 10 boxes: 12 oz. 60.48-69.66; 14 oz. 66.96-76.14; 16 oz. 73.44-83.43. The eastern region includes: CT, DE, FL, GA, MA, MD, ME, NC, NH, NJ, NY, PA. Northeast Broiler Fryer Parts Parti ATLANTA, GA. November 6,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Trucklot buying activity was mostly fair during midweek trading as dealers maintained balanced inventories and limited purchases to normally committed product. Offerings of bone-in breasts were at least adequate to available with slight discounting occasionally noted to stimu late sales. Boneless skinless breasts were more than sufficient. Dark meat cuts ranged adequate to fully adequate. Wings were readily available. Movement through retail and distributive channels was most ly fair to no better than moderate. The market tone was no better than steady on bone-in breasts and wings, and about steady on the balance. ICE PACKED BROILER/FRYER PARTS, DELIVERED TO FIRST RE CEIVERS IN POOL TRUCKLOT AND FEEDING INSTRUCTIONS YORK CALCIUM CHIPS improve eggshell quality - fewer cracks - higher hatchability YORK CALCIUM CHIPS are an economical source of high-level cal cium for poultry diets. CHIPS may be used to supplement or replace a part of the other sources of calcium in the feeding program. YORK CALCIUM CHIPS should be mixed in the feed along with York Calcium Flour according to NRC recommendations. (Approximately 1/2 flour and 1/2 chips). For best results contact your Nutritionist. YORK CALCIUM CHIPS lower feed costs by increasing feed effi ciency - improved grinding action in the gizzard. * O O YORK CALCIUM CHIPS have been researched by Penn State & other research institutions. Ask to see our testimonials and research results. TRUCKLOT QUANTITIES, CENTS PER POUND. ITEM CURRENT NE GOTIATED TRADING BREAST - B/S 120 TENDERLOINS 105 BREAST - WITH RIBS 64-65 BREAST - LINE RUN 64 LEGS 31-32 LEG QUARTERS (BULK) 17-18 DRUMSTICKS 21-22 THIGHS 20-21 B/S THIGHS 62-63 WINGS (WHOLE) 40-41 BACKS AND NECKS (STRIPPED) 10-12 LIVERS (5 POUND TUBS) 30-35 GIZZARDS (HEARTS) 55-60 INCLUDES NEW YORK CITY MET ROPOLITAN AREA, NORTHERN NEW JERSEY, MASSACHUSETTS, CONNECTICUT. RHODE ISLAND, AND PENNSYLVANIA (NORTHEAST OF HARRISBURG). National Retail Egg Purchases Atlanta, Ga. November 1,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Cooperators estimate orders for the week ending Nov. 8 will increase by 2 per cent. Present week purchases for the week ending Nov. 1 were 262,077 cases which was 10 percent above the prior week and 5 percent above estimates. CASES PURCHASED: CARTONED: 221,110 up 14%; LOOSE: 40,967 down 6%; TOTAL: 262,077 up 10%. Comparison figures are compiled on a matched plant basis. Purchases and esti mates by 17 cooperators; 30 dozen cases or equivalent. New York Eggs ATLANTA, GA. November 5,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Prices were slightly higher on medium and unchanged on balance of sizes. Trade sentiment was steady to fully steady. Re tail demand ranged light to good, best where featured. Meduim sized eggs were selling at 3 dozen for $1.29. The New York shell egg inventory was 13% less, however the New Jersey shell egg inven tory was 1% more when compared to last week. Supplies were sufficient for current needs. Prices to Retailers, Sales to Volume Buyers, USDA Grade A and Grade A, White Eggs in Cartons, delivered store door, cents per dozen; Extra Large 84-88; Large 82-86; Medium 70-74., Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 9, 2002-A5 Movement of ready-to-cook whole birds was moderate and clearing the market at a reasonable rate. Demand was moderate with buyer interest and trading. Live sup plies was moderate for the market being reported with an estimated slaughter of 1,310,000 compared to 1,320,000 last Tuesday. Weights were desirable. Pro cessing schedules were moderate. Actual slaughter for the week of 10/28-11/1 was 6,398,199 head with an average weight of 5.09. Supply of wings were heavy and above average while demand was moder ate with average buyer interest and trad ing. Negotiated F. 0.8. dock prices, 2 pounds and heavier ice-packed broilers and fryers, trucklot sales of US Grade A or equivalent were steady at .42 -.56 per pound; less than trucklot sales .45 -.64 per pound. Prices were unchanged on large and small, up 1 cent on medium today. Sup plies are moderate for plant needs. Prices to retailers, in small lots, USDA Grade A and Grade A, 30 dozen cases, white eggs in cartons, delivered store door, cents per dozen: Large 98; Medium 85; Small 58. Trucklot, prices to retailers, sales to volume buyers; Large 80-90 mostly 90; Medium 69-79 mostly 79; Small 44-53 mostly S 3. Movement of ready-to-cook whole birds was fair to moderate and sufficient in keeping the bulk of 3.00 and 3.5 pound sizes cleared satisfactorily. 2.5 and 4.0 pound sizes were more than sufficient for immediate needs. Live supplies were moderate; weights were spread in a range of light to heavy, mostly desirable to heavy. Pro cessor schedules were moder- Virginia Broilers And Fryers Harrisonburg, Va. November 5,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Virginia Eggs Harrisonburg, Va. November 5,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Delmarva Broiler/Fryer ATLANTA, GA. November 6,2002 Report Supplied By USDA ate with some operations cur tailed as a result of yesterdays fire. Less than trucklot asking prices were unchanged at 47 to 61 cents. Trade sentiment was steady to fully steady. In the parts complex, all items were adequate. Bone-in breasts were more readily available than other cuts. ESTIMATED SLAUGH TER OF BROILER/FRYERS IN DELMARVA (000) ESTIMATED ACTUAL AVG. WEIGHT ACTUAI AVG. WEIGHT 11/06 11/04 11/04 10/30 10/28 2,273 2,323 5.18 2,378 5.30 BROILER/FRYER CUR RENT NEGOTIATED PRICES FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY INCLUDES MOSTLY MULTIPLE-DROP SHIPMENTS OF BRANDED AND WING TAGGED TO NEW YORK CITY FROM DELMARVA BRANDED U.S. GRADE A RANGE 45-66 WEIGHTED AVERAGE 50.54 NO. OF BOXES 8,425 Lancaster Farming's Classified Ads Get Results!