Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 09, 2002, Image 24

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    A24-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 9, 2002
EMERGENCY ACTION plan on what to do during an ac-
PLAN; DOES YOUR cident or emergency on your
FARM HAVE ONE? farm. Although an emergency ac-
A farm with even the most de
tailed accident prevention pro
gram still faces the risk of an ac
cident, so why not develop a plan You might ask, “Why should I
to become better prepared? An take the time to complete an
emergency action plan is a writ- emergency action plan?” Have
ten, detailed document that you ever considered what you
serves as a basic, yet thorough would do in the case of a bam
Farm Hosts New Jersey Angus Association
Reo t' M t'
(Continued from Page A 23)
disease brochure, publication
#JDI, contact the Division of An
imal Health by calling (609)
The group scheduled its next
meeting Jan. 23 at 7:30 p.m. at
the Hunterdon County extension
Until a slate of new officers is
elected, the central contact for
anyone interested in joining the
association or needing directions
for the January meeting will be
Bob Mickel, Hunterdon County
extension agent. Mickel can be
contacted by e-mail at micke or (908)
All this adds
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tion plan is not required for your
farm, it is something to definitely
consider implementing.
Breeders from New Jersey and Pennsylvania interested
in reactivation of the New Jersey Angus Association gath
ered recently at River Bend Farm near Peapack, N. J.
fire, manure spill or containment
leak, an accident on your farm
involving an employee or your
self, or even a mass animal mor
If you are away from the farm
when an accident occurs, does
your family or employees know
how to properly respond?
To help ease anxiety on deal
ing with these potential issues, a
plan to address the key compo
nents will help provide the
framework for what to do during
an unforeseen emergency. Com
pleting a plan demonstrates your
commitment to minimizing risks
to employees and livestock, the
economic loss to the farm, and
the impact to the environment.
There are four basic compo
nents to consider in your emer
gency action plan. First, you will
need to assess your farm and
identify potential risk factors.
Consider human health, animal
welfare, the environment, build-
li'C *_ 1 ,
1283 Joni Miller Rd.
Oakland, MO 21550
ings, manure containment, ma- name and address, and the 911
nure transportation equipment, location,
machinery, and any other areas A final basic component of
with potential risk. For each po- your plan might include a clean
tential risk factor identified, out- up plan. In the case of a manure
line steps to take to resolve the release, this would include proper
emergency. manure removal, manure appli-
An example of a potential risk cation areas with proper rates/
could be: Your manure storage acre, and possibly filing a report
structure has a manure release, with your local environmental
Items to consider in your plan of regulatory agency. In the case of
action would be: Do you have an animal mortality incident, you
equipment or access to neighbors’ would want to include fire proper
equipment to contain a release? ™ eth °d ° f disposal and business
Is there access to all surrounding t 0 5? nt ? ct P lo *™?-
land to contain a release? Do you , Ha ™8 “ ""STO ac * on
have the contact information of P ,an B worthwhile when
rcgulators tot you* required to iTjT, “
call? Is there a spokesperson to ““P , cnt . K “ “f 511 ""
deal with the media/neiehbors/ P ro P crl >' revlew and educate all
g employees of the farm about the
regulators? pla!i Ld its location. It is also
A second step would be to de- to update the plan as
velop a detailed map of your fac £ ties or ope £ tions ch^ge on
farm This map could be benefi- the farm> lastly , you might
aal to new employees and to the consider providing a copy of your
local fire company or other emer- plan offering a tol £ of J yow
gency response organization to far m to local emergency response
help identify key areas on the personnel to better educate them
farm. Items to include on your of your operation
site map would be a facility ad- For more information, contact
dress and building locations on Penn state’s Dairy and Animal
thefarm, electrical service boxes, Science Department at (814)
wellheads and water mam con- 865-2987 or your county’s emer
nections and shut-off valves, ma- gency coordinator. For Lancaster
nure storage structures and County, contact Randy Gockley
valves or pumps, nearby streams at (717) 664-1200. There are a
and water drainage areas, prop- few Websites that provide in
erty boundaries, first aid kit(s), formation on plans at
and fire extinguisher(s). In addi-
tion to main farm map, it would Lessons/Lessonsso/50
be suggested to include a field Emergency.html or
map of land application areas.
Constructing a list of emergen- cations/PMlBs9.pdf.
cy contact names and numbers to Register today for Pennsylva
call and posting the listing by all nia’s largest Chamber banquet
phones is a third step to include honoring the agriculture indus
in your plan. Contacts might in- try. For sponsorship and rcgistra
clude 911, local physician, tion information, visit wwwJan-
Hazmat, fire department, police, For more
power company, mortality dis- information on emergency action
posal, and the proper environ- plans or the Agriculture Industry
mental regulatory agency. It’s Banquet, contact Brent Landis at
important to include written di- (717) ,397-3531 or e-mail blandis
rections to your farm, the farm Icci.cdm. * ■ *
Beef Breeding Meeting Scheduled
CREAMERY (Montgomery program. There will also be a
Co.) A beef breeding meeting short video on various forms of
will be conducted at the Mont- neat synchronization,
gomery County 4-H Center in There is no charge to attend
Creamery, on Tuesday, Nov. 12 this meeting, however please call
at 7:30 p.m. the Montgomery County Cooper-
Steve Pallis, breeding program ative Extension Office at (610)
specialist for Genex Cooperative, 489-4315 to register prior to the
Inc. will discuss what producers meeting. Walk-ins are welcome
can do to improve their breeding the night of the meeting.
We Salute Our Faming Industry
In Montgomery County