B: !34-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 2, 2002 FRI NOV 8- &NOV SPM 2-Day Auction Decoys -Traps- FishmgNOV 9 10AM Outstand ing Gun Sale Located at 938 Lan caster PR , Buck, PA Approx 10 mi S of Lane on rt 272, 1/2 mi N ot the Buck FRI NOV 8 - 5 15PM Large toy auction, comic books, NASCAR, Matchbox, Texaco, Harley David son, etc Bareville Fire Hall, 211 E Main St in Leola, PA 6 mi east of Lancaster along Rt 23 Auc tioneers Randy Stoltzfuz 717- 656-8919 Au 1906 and Richard Harry 717-656-2436 Au-2183 FRI NOV 8- 6PM General Auc tion, Col Kirk’s Auction Gallery, 2267 State Rt 42, Millville, Pa 6 Mi N of Bloomsburg/2 Ml S ot Millville, Col KirkS Williams, AU -002623-L, 570-458-6682 SAT NOV 9 • Reserved for spe cial donation auction for Amic, Bn ardrff Manor. NY SAT NOV 9 - Public Auction Machine Shop Equp, Tractors, tools, Trailers 2906 Grafton Ln, Churchville. Md Blame Rentzel PUBLIC SALE 122+ ACRE FARM SAT., NOV. 9,2002 @ io.ooam REAL ESTATE 11:00 AM • - ■ -gwwj -. ~ ■ ■ ’l 1215 Route 419 Womelsdorf, Berks Co., Pa 19567 DIRECTIONS: 2.7 Miles North of Route 422 or 7 Miles South of Route 78 along Route 419. Marion Township, Berks Co., Pa Watch for Sale signs! REAL ESTATE CONSISTS OF 122 ACRES, ZONED AGRICULTURE 110 ACRES TILLABLE REMAINDER PASTURE WITH POND OPEN HOUSE: by Appointment HOUSE: Beautiful Stone House with 2 Car Garage. Consists of 5 Bedrooms, 2 Full Baths, Large Living Room (21X26) Hardwood Flooring, with a Kerosene Blue Flame Stove; Large Eat In Modem Kitchen (3 Years Old), Tile Floor, Built in Microwave Stove & Dish Washer; Laundry Room; Office; Oil Hot Water Heat; Well and onsite Septic System; Mature Shrubbery; School District Cdnrad Weiser. BARN & OUT BUILDINGS: Bank Barn with 46 Stanchions; Milk House; 2 Silos- (20x70) with Silo Unloader, and (14x50). Modern (40x78) Heifer Bam with drive by feed trough; Com Barn; 2700 bu. Grain Bin. A Must See to be fully appreciated property. TERMS: 10% down day of Sale, balance on or before 60 days w,.*— WK TRACTORS & TRUCKS: IH 1066 w/Cab; IH 756 Narrow Ft. Gas w/3 pt.; MF 1100 w/Loader; Cub 154 Lo Boy w/Belly Mower; 1972 Ford Louisville 800 Truck w/John Blue 1000 gal. Sprayer; 1987 Chevy S-10 (Not Running); 1977 Chevy 3/4 Ton Farm Truck; 1986 Ford F-150 (Not Running); 1967 (50 Series) Chevy Cab & Chassis EQUIPMENT NI 218 Tandem Axle Spreader w/Tailgate; 32’ NH Elevator; IH 35 Hay Rake; White 5100 4 Row Cornplanter Dry & Liquid Fert.; IH 56 4 Row Cornplanter, IH 510 Grain Drill w/Grass Seeder; IH 620 Grain Drill; Hesston 1150 Haybine; JD 3 B Plow; JD 5 B Plow; Athens 11-Tooth Pull Type Chisel; IH 16’ Field Harrow; 16’ Cultipacker (Transport); 16’ MF Flat Fold Disc; JD 16' Tilt 2-axle Farm Trailer; Bin Wagon, 48' PTO Gram Auger, Little Giant 28’ Elevator; Small Silage Wagon; NH 667 Tank Spreader; 11 ’ Snowplow; Post Hole Digger; Concrete Mixer; Hay Feeder Wagons; Two Pull Type Hay Feeders; Round Bale Feeder; 3 pt. 2-row or 4- row Cultivator, Truck Topper w/Tool Boxes, S-Tme harrow, 3 Ton Feed Bin w/Auger, 3 pt. Sprayer: Trash Pump w/Wisc Motor; 3 pt. PTO Generator, Lots of Metal & Alum Siding; Concrete Feed Troughs, Hog Feeders & Waterers, Hog Loading Chute; 3 pt. Hog Carrier; Pig Scales; Suitcase Weights, Wheel Weights, Feeder Head Lock Gate (7 Head); Head Gate. FERTILIZER STORAGE TANKS (1-20,000 gal, 1-30,000 gal.,) Tractor Trailer Tanker for Storage, 1,000 gal Alum. Nurse Trailer HAY & STRAW (ALL BIG SQUARE BALES): Approx. 15 Bales (Ist Cutting Alfalfa Grass); 33 Bales (2nd Cutting Alfalfa Grass); 15 Bales (4th Cutting Alfalfa Grass); 20 Bales of Wheat Straw. 5 SANDSTONE STEPS (Various Sizes) TERMS: Cash or check with proper I.D. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: This is a rare opportunity for you to purchase a large operational Farm. Loader Tractor will be available to load Farm Equipment. Order of Sale - Small Items, Farm Equipment & Cattle, Not many small items be on Time! Sale For: Paul & Julie Keller Attorney: Paul Blunt WOLGEMUTH AUCTION (#2357) Call Dennis (717) 656-2947 FAX (717) 656-6011 http://www.wolgemuth-auction.coni EMAIL-wolgemuth-auct@juno.com Bob Wolgemuth, John Hess COMING IN DECEMBER AUCTION SALE Retired farmer auction - this equipment is as clean as it gets. John Deere 8400, 3100 hrs.; John Deere 8300, 3252 Hrs; Case IH 2188 MWD Combine, 1906 SST hrs : Case IH 1680 combine, 3098 hrs. Inti 1586; Kinze 2300 12 row planter w/splitter & liquid fert; 1993 Kodiak 10 wheeler L 12,000 miles; 1990 Kodiak 10 wheeler miies; Case Inti 3900 disc, 28’; Case IH 496 Disc; 28’, exc cond; 2 new Unverferthl rolling harrows, 31’ new; View on web @ www. If Yo U Are Thinking About a Nice Tractor or Truck, Planter or Implement, Just Relax Until this Sale, Full Detail Beginning Nov. 12. BKHAmOH « 21674 (jnJJXt (410)546-2425 or 1(800)408-9384 gm.ll - poteMucHon.edmtf.com 15 SIMMENTAL COWS (SOME PUREBRED) 4 YEARLING SIMMENTAL HEIFERS 1 REGISTERED SIMMENTAL BULL 10+ FEEDER STEERS & HEIFERS AU76I-L, DAVE CONLEY AU3269-L, 717-764-6412 Rentzels Auction Service Emigsville gAT NOVTF 8 30 AM - Ri^i ff'a'e. Antiques A Collectibles 5272 Shearer Ln , Spnng Grove Pa, Rt 116 E from Hanover about 5 miles to nghl on Porters Road 2 miles through Porters Sideling, left onto dirt road cross ing creek 1/2 mile to sale, Auct Dennis J Plunked, AU-001102-L 717-359-4489, Robert G* Flickmger, AU-003692-L 717- 624-8036 ictiom SAT NOV 9-9 AM valuable turn- B V Auctioneers, ture, china & glassware, Antiques, „ a<: u eq at 177 Doe Run Rd Manheim, SAT , NOV 9 - 9AM - Real Estate at sq in manheim follow E High I PM Ranch Style DWL - Bam- 3 St Imi to property on left parking car 9 ar on 6 3 acres Personal available John D Stauffer Auc- Properly, antiques, vehicles, tioneers AU-1509-L (717-665- sleigh, horse items 1324 Red 5099 Run Rd, Stevens PA (close to SAT NOV 9 - 9AM Real estate, s®,® Randa' V Kline. usKssstax a&sli&nMSs: Borough 17520, Lane Co Real 7 .1 Z-445-4309 PUBLIC AUCTION Farm Equipment & Personal Property For Mr. Alex H. Miller at Sat., Nov. 9, 2002 Time9:3oA.M. 758 Springtown Rd., Greenwich Township Cumberland County N.J. Model B Fox 12 ga., Knickerbrocker 12 ga. 1955 Super 77 HC. Oliver tractor, 1946 AV Farmall (Ex. Cond)., 1948 Farmall H tractor, Model 70 Oliver tractor, Model 135 Massey Ferguson tractor, Snow plow for AV, 1964 Ford dump truck, Farmall H tractor, new Holland Crop Chopper Model 33, New Ideas manure spreader, J.D. 3 bottom plows, J.D. Hydraulic 10’ cut har row, side delivery rake, Cockshutt mower, 2-sec tion scratch harrow, tractor tires, 3 hay wagons, grain wagon, wooden beam plow. Iron beam plow, hoe harrows, hand cultivator, horse drawn sod cut ter, old wooden grain box, tandem trailer w/dump body, Ig. air compressor, bay lift pump. Craftsman 12.5 HP riding mower. Craftsman riding mower model LTV-10, Simplicity snow blower, Old Jerry sickle bar mower, leaf blowers, sprayer w/25 gal. tank, simplicity roto tiller, high rise sprinklers, connectors for irrigation, some 2” pipe, approx. 17 pcs. galvanized pipe, shop tools, floor jacks, shop wood, burning stove, 5/8 baskets Hampers, pipe vice, chain hoist, 4-head of cattle, 2-steers, 2- heifers, approx. 35 round bales of hay, fence wire, many other misc. items. Admiral refrigerator, Kenmore washer and dryer, maple kit table w/5 chairs, TV bed, bureau, Ig. vanity. Auctioneers Note: This sale represents many years accumulation. Owner, having sold property, many good items to be sold to highest bidder. No buyers premium. Directions: Take Rt. 620 off Rt. 49 in Shilo, N.J., sale approx. 3.8 miles from Rt. 49. Ralph D. Hughes - Auctioneer 1-856-589-6454 Day of Sale 451-5027 Terms: Cash or Good Check Food & Restroom Avail. PUBLIC AUCTION FARM MACHINERY EQUIPMENT • HORSES SAT., NOV. 9TH, 2002 @ 9:00 AM Location: 1099 Fruitville Pike (Next to Bent Creek Country Club) TRACTORS - JOHN DEERE 4020 DIESEL JOHN DEERE 3010 GAS 2 BELGIAN MARES 1 STALLION (GRADES - GREEN BROKE) 275 New Holland kicker baler, Ford New Holland 256 rake, New Holland 489 haybine, 350 New Holland 516 spreader (205 BU), Zimmerman 35’ elevator, John Deere 4 row 494 A corn planter w/fertilizer attachment, Zimmerman 8’ tedder, John Deere rack wagon, Graham 10’ culti mulcher, 8’ 3pt. cultivator, white 28 disc dischar row, 1991 Ford dual wheel Chevy pick up, 8’ Oliver gram drill (steel wheels), Fisher sprayer (tractor or horse drawn), 3 bottom 3PT. #lOl plow, 2 row transplanter, 3 pt. Gosmo 500 fertil izer spreader, John Deere harrow w/ extensions, Lembach 10” post hole digger, cement mixer w/gas engine, trailer frame and hitch, iron wheels, 6 tobacco wagons on steel and rubber, tobacco hoer, 2 Mmnich tobacco presses, 16’ wagon bed, spike harrow, electric crimper, tool boxes, electric water heather, 110 V small electric dryer, propane heater, Surdiac coal heater, 12’ wide rubber mats, table saw, one way glass window, windows, roof jacks, hay forks, desks, used lumber. AN TIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES; sleigh w/shafts and pole (circa 1860 s). Sleigh parts, scalding trough, apple presses, 4 pedal cars (Allis Chalmers-John Deere plus 2 others), potato forks, 2 hole corn sheller, other antique and household items of value. Be early, there are a lot of small items. LOWELL L. LANDIS FOOD BY HEMPFIELD CHURCH OF THE BRETHERN YOUTH GROUP 'THtWtU *)kc. -AU-648-L- Professional Auctioneer, Appraiser and Advisor Our Services Are Not a Sideline (717) 626-2636 Fax (717) 627-6757 Public Auction Valuable Wayne Township 78 acre farm, farm equipment, tractors, household goods, tools, antiques Thursday, November 28,2002 Thanksgiving Day at 9:00 AM Located 5 miles west of Schuylkill Haven, 10 miles east of Pine Grove, on Route 443 at the Route 443 and Route 183 intersection, turn south on to Route 183 travel approx. 1 1/2 miles, turn right on to Schwartz Valley Road, travel approx. 2 miles to farm, Schuylkill Co., Pa. Look for auction sign. Real estate consists of a 78 acre farm, approx. 60 acres tillable, balance wooded and pasture land, 2 1/2 story frame house w/large kitchen, double liv ingroom, open front and side porches, 2nd floor has 4 bedrooms, full bath, full attic, basement, coal h. water ht., well water, large frame bank barn w/numerous outbuildings, stream running thru property, macadam road frontage, Blue Mt. School District. For Inspection to see real estate call 570-386-4586. Terms: 10% down on day of sale in cash or certi fied check. Real estate will be offered at IPM. Sale Ordered By: Ina Luckenbill, Linda Schwartz and Paul Schwartz, 618 Schwartz Valley Road, Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972. Auctioneers: Robert A. Arner AU-000024-L Dean R. Arner AU-003421-L Phone 570-386-4586 PtJBEIC MJCIIdN Dolls, Riding Mowers, Equipment, Tools, Cars, Black Powder Guns SAT., NOV. 9, 2002 10:00 A.M. Directions: From Morgantown, take Rt. 23W 2 1/2 miles to right on California Road. Approx 2 1/2 miles to left on Trego Drive. Sale at end of road. Caernarvon Township, Lancaster County Mowers: Dixon ZTR 5501 Comm, w/684 hrs. John Deere 325 OHV Hydro 48” 17 Hp. w/570 hrs. Craftsman 18 hp. lawn tractor. Craftsman 10 hp. lawn tractor, Servistar rider ‘’as is”. Dolls: Franklin Mint dolls. Madam Alexander dolls, Danbury Mint doll, other collectible dolls, Disney Magic Memories 1984-2001, Snow Birds collection. Miscellaneous: Wash bowl stand, desk, chairs, single beds, bunk bed with double bed on bottom, Kenmore chest and upright freezers, weight sets and benches, bar stools, picnic table, rocking chair, dressers, butter chum, washboard, gas grill, electric heater, pasta maker, ornamental brass pieces, rotisserie, crock pot, and other items. Equipment & Tools: Ready heater, floor jack, bull floats, power trawlers, scaffolding, roll black pipe, mortar box, Coleman generator, Sthl cut-off saw, Little Wonder power blower, 5 hp. Craftsman tiller, Shindaiwa chain saw, MK brick saw, lawn roller, cement mixer, torch set, 5 hp. go-cart (needs tire), weed eater, gas hedge trim mer, engine hoist, feed cart, 3 pt. blade, NH hay bine, approx. 16 cubes of brick and some block, hand tools, stainless steel insulated chimney pipe and other items not listed. Black power Guns and Knives: Armsport .50 cal. Flintlock, Connecticut Valley Arms .45 cal. percussion rifle, 2 black powder pistols, Franklin Mint John Wayne commemorative .45 cal. replica, (replica cannot be fired), Remington 1989 Turkey hunter knife in case. Frost cutlery. Fort Sumter knife, 1984 Schrade L.A. summer games, ltd. ed., Case Johnstown flood knife. Cars: 1988 Subaru-needs head gasket & 1992 Dodge Shadow-needs work. Terms; Cash or PA Check Note; Food available day of sale Terms by: Sharon Trego and others. Tracey L. Jones Auctioneers (610) 286-7834 AU-3607-L
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